Okay, how long?

Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?

Trump did not look serious. He was fielding softballs from a strident Trump supporter and he responded with talking points. Saying that everything is "a disaster" is not statesmanship.
says the guy that probably creamed in his thong panties when hildabitch said republicans were our worst enemies....

Fuck off, freak. Try not deflecting in every fucking post. It is boring.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?
When Trump sounds reasonable, it scares me. The only way Hillary screws it up is if she goes back underground. She needs to be out there countering policy for policy from now until November 8. E-mails be damned.
What scares me is your implication of Hillary support... at the least, you like her more.
I do not like the woman. I will vote for Satan if I must, to keep Trump out of 1600 Pennsylvania.
I would rather trump be in there than hildabitch. She is a KNOWN failure in politics. KNOWN government corruption. KNOWN war mongering.
Trump has spent his long life out and out lying, bullying people and bragging about himself. He has no moral compass and he talks totally out of his ass. At least Hillary knows how to behave herself on the world stage with world leaders. I'm gonna be pissed off at the Republican party for a LONG TIME for making me vote for that power hungry bitch, but Trump is completely untrustworthy and when people call him a loose cannon, they aren't kidding, TN.
It would be much worse than you think.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?

Trump did not look serious. He was fielding softballs from a strident Trump supporter and he responded with talking points. Saying that everything is "a disaster" is not statesmanship.
says the guy that probably creamed in his thong panties when hildabitch said republicans were our worst enemies....

Fuck off, freak. Try not deflecting in every fucking post. It is boring.
calling out your obvious hackery isn't deflecting
You know whats really boring? All of you lefty asswipes reading the same goddamn email every morning.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?

Trump did not look serious. He was fielding softballs from a strident Trump supporter and he responded with talking points. Saying that everything is "a disaster" is not statesmanship.
says the guy that probably creamed in his thong panties when hildabitch said republicans were our worst enemies....

Fuck off, freak. Try not deflecting in every fucking post. It is boring.
calling out your obvious hackery isn't deflecting
You know whats really boring? All of you lefty asswipes reading the same goddamn email every morning.

Another false accusation from you. That's your style. Make shit up and go with it. All day long.
----- has spent --- long life out and out lying, bullying people and bragging about ---self. He has no moral compass and -- talks totally out of --- ass. .
Im sorry. Who were you talking about again? :D
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?

Trump did not look serious. He was fielding softballs from a strident Trump supporter and he responded with talking points. Saying that everything is "a disaster" is not statesmanship.
says the guy that probably creamed in his thong panties when hildabitch said republicans were our worst enemies....

Fuck off, freak. Try not deflecting in every fucking post. It is boring.
calling out your obvious hackery isn't deflecting
You know whats really boring? All of you lefty asswipes reading the same goddamn email every morning.

Another false accusation from you. That's your style. Make shit up and go with it. All day long.
It isn't an accusation. You display your partisan bullshit every day. Stop trying to fool me, boy.
Voting for Hillary as Satan does imply a level of intelligence and competence that she conspicuously lacks.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?
What they both need to do is stop ad hom'ing each other and start getting more specific about what they want to do, especially with respect to a do-nothing Congress.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?
I don't know how Trump could screw up any more than he already has. Unless he was to drop trou and shit on Megyn Kelly's face during a debate.

Actually I heard that option was polling very positive.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?
I don't know how Trump could screw up any more than he already has. Unless he was to drop trou and shit on Megyn Kelly's face during a debate.
I would have thought you might have more respect for women.
Trump did not look serious. He was fielding softballs from a strident Trump supporter and he responded with talking points. Saying that everything is "a disaster" is not statesmanship.
says the guy that probably creamed in his thong panties when hildabitch said republicans were our worst enemies....

Fuck off, freak. Try not deflecting in every fucking post. It is boring.
calling out your obvious hackery isn't deflecting
You know whats really boring? All of you lefty asswipes reading the same goddamn email every morning.

Another false accusation from you. That's your style. Make shit up and go with it. All day long.
It isn't an accusation. You display your partisan bullshit every day. Stop trying to fool me, boy.

You can't back that up. What email are you referring to?

You are so used to being told what to think and say...that you think everyone else does too.
says the guy that probably creamed in his thong panties when hildabitch said republicans were our worst enemies....

Fuck off, freak. Try not deflecting in every fucking post. It is boring.
calling out your obvious hackery isn't deflecting
You know whats really boring? All of you lefty asswipes reading the same goddamn email every morning.

Another false accusation from you. That's your style. Make shit up and go with it. All day long.
It isn't an accusation. You display your partisan bullshit every day. Stop trying to fool me, boy.

You can't back that up. What email are you referring to?

You are so used to being told what to think and say...that you think everyone else does too.
It was a reference to the email of talking points hacks get every day. Its been a joke for years. Don't play coy.
Even You are so used to being told what to think and say...that you think everyone else does too seems right out of a partisan playbook. Get your big ass head outta yer ass :thup:
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?
What they both need to do is stop ad hom'ing each other and start getting more specific about what they want to do, especially with respect to a do-nothing Congress.
Fuck off, freak. Try not deflecting in every fucking post. It is boring.
calling out your obvious hackery isn't deflecting
You know whats really boring? All of you lefty asswipes reading the same goddamn email every morning.

Another false accusation from you. That's your style. Make shit up and go with it. All day long.
It isn't an accusation. You display your partisan bullshit every day. Stop trying to fool me, boy.

You can't back that up. What email are you referring to?

You are so used to being told what to think and say...that you think everyone else does too.
It was a reference to the email of talking points hacks get every day. Its been a joke for years. Don't play coy.
Even You are so used to being told what to think and say...that you think everyone else does too seems right out of a partisan playbook. Get your big ass head outta yer ass :thup:

Yes...been a joke for years because conservatives read the same shit every day and then vomit it up all day. That is a conservative meme. Dumbass.

You simply accuse me of doing what you do. Typical nutbag tactic.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?
What they both need to do is stop ad hom'ing each other and start getting more specific about what they want to do, especially with respect to a do-nothing Congress.

Sorry. Clinton goes into specifics during every stump speech.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?
What they both need to do is stop ad hom'ing each other and start getting more specific about what they want to do, especially with respect to a do-nothing Congress.

Sorry. Clinton goes into specifics during every stump speech.
They're not on the tube enough.
We just spent a three or four day stretch when ALL the media was talking about was Trump's immigration policy. From Clinton? Nothing. She would have made such an impact by coming out with something sane over the long weekend other than listening to endless "What did Trump really mean?" If she was too busy to hold a press conference, she could have at least sent out one of her surrogates to answer the question on the news shows. They would have welcomed it. She's not fighting, she's not getting covered and Trump is still stealing all the oxygen and it's all nonsense.
Last edited:
calling out your obvious hackery isn't deflecting
You know whats really boring? All of you lefty asswipes reading the same goddamn email every morning.

Another false accusation from you. That's your style. Make shit up and go with it. All day long.
It isn't an accusation. You display your partisan bullshit every day. Stop trying to fool me, boy.

You can't back that up. What email are you referring to?

You are so used to being told what to think and say...that you think everyone else does too.
It was a reference to the email of talking points hacks get every day. Its been a joke for years. Don't play coy.
Even You are so used to being told what to think and say...that you think everyone else does too seems right out of a partisan playbook. Get your big ass head outta yer ass :thup:

Yes...been a joke for years because conservatives read the same shit every day and then vomit it up all day. That is a conservative meme. Dumbass.

You simply accuse me of doing what you do. Typical nutbag tactic.
Yep, conservatives do it, too. But I was talking about you, not other people. Why deflect? Its so boring :eek:
I always laugh when people tell me i am a conservative lol.
Watched trump and Hillary do their little campigan rally things and I have to give it to both of them, they both looked like serious candidates for president of the United States. Both came off as reasonable folks who have different visions on acheaving the same goal. Question is, how long before one of them screws it up and who will do it first?
The important question is not who will screw up first but who will screw up last.

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