Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn...

Donald Trump has brought the office of U.S. President into disrepute as many of us predicted.
The man is demented. He is such a narcissist that he cannot tolerate any criticism. He is so thin skinned that news programs on TV which do not act as his mouthpiece like Fox News bother him to no end. He is supposed to be the greatest world leader in living memory if not ever. The media seem so ungrateful that he is running the USA that they are a disgrace in his mind. The man has a sickness and his deplorable following enable him to entertain such grandiose notions about his own skill and ability.
You realize no one is really believing that, he is supposed to be a bull in the china shop… It's good for the country, bad for the federal government. So quit your fucking bitching
I am sorry but the truth hurts.

The truth is Hillary lost, the Republicans won the House and the Senate, the Supreme Court has another conservative on the court and the left is crying about handshakes. This nutter left is more fun to watch than I thought it would be.
BS PAP the hell with handshakes but the pos disrespected our top intelligence agencies And you find no fault with that?
You ask a good question.
For a narcissist like Trump, having blamed the hacking on a boy in his bedroom, it is all about saving face at least and avoiding impeachment or even jail time at most. A team of wild horses could not drag the truth from Trump. He will not go back on his word.

Impeachment? For what? You left wing nut jobs keep providing laughs.
You realize no one is really believing that, he is supposed to be a bull in the china shop… It's good for the country, bad for the federal government. So quit your fucking bitching
I am sorry but the truth hurts.

The truth is Hillary lost, the Republicans won the House and the Senate, the Supreme Court has another conservative on the court and the left is crying about handshakes. This nutter left is more fun to watch than I thought it would be.
BS PAP the hell with handshakes but the pos disrespected our top intelligence agencies And you find no fault with that?
You ask a good question.
For a narcissist like Trump, having blamed the hacking on a boy in his bedroom, it is all about saving face at least and avoiding impeachment or even jail time at most. A team of wild horses could not drag the truth from Trump. He will not go back on his word.

Impeachment? For what? You left wing nut jobs keep providing laughs.
For what??
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com
You realize no one is really believing that, he is supposed to be a bull in the china shop… It's good for the country, bad for the federal government. So quit your fucking bitching
I am sorry but the truth hurts.

The truth is Hillary lost, the Republicans won the House and the Senate, the Supreme Court has another conservative on the court and the left is crying about handshakes. This nutter left is more fun to watch than I thought it would be.
BS PAP the hell with handshakes but the pos disrespected our top intelligence agencies And you find no fault with that?

Go find my quote on that cupcake and quit crying.
Got better things to do with my time

I knew that would be your answer, since you can't find me posting anything close to that. Just more left wing crying and accusing without proof.
I am sorry but the truth hurts.

The truth is Hillary lost, the Republicans won the House and the Senate, the Supreme Court has another conservative on the court and the left is crying about handshakes. This nutter left is more fun to watch than I thought it would be.
BS PAP the hell with handshakes but the pos disrespected our top intelligence agencies And you find no fault with that?
You ask a good question.
For a narcissist like Trump, having blamed the hacking on a boy in his bedroom, it is all about saving face at least and avoiding impeachment or even jail time at most. A team of wild horses could not drag the truth from Trump. He will not go back on his word.

Impeachment? For what? You left wing nut jobs keep providing laughs.
For what??
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, goody an op-ed piece from CNN who hates Trump, no bias there is there?
even i don't think you're that stupid to CONnect those dots pops & try 'n pass it off as truth..

or should i?

Poor little guy, you lefties are really desperate.

You lost bud, take it and live with it.
I knew you were a righty.

How are you winning?

Who said I'm winning? I'm enjoying how all the nutter lefties are going nuts everyday over nothing. It's amusing.
I don't remember you enjoying it when the shoe was on the other foot. That's all I'm saying

You mean Benghazi? Birther stuff, yep I thought it was silly also. This is a little more over the top, this is handshakes and other silly made up stuff. This is much more unhinged than with Obama. I don't recall the right rioting after Obama was elected, do you?
The left didn't riot. Blacks did. Don't forget blacks elected Trump by not showing up for Hillary. Now they are finding out what they had to lose.
The truth is Hillary lost, the Republicans won the House and the Senate, the Supreme Court has another conservative on the court and the left is crying about handshakes. This nutter left is more fun to watch than I thought it would be.
BS PAP the hell with handshakes but the pos disrespected our top intelligence agencies And you find no fault with that?
You ask a good question.
For a narcissist like Trump, having blamed the hacking on a boy in his bedroom, it is all about saving face at least and avoiding impeachment or even jail time at most. A team of wild horses could not drag the truth from Trump. He will not go back on his word.

Impeachment? For what? You left wing nut jobs keep providing laughs.
For what??
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, goody an op-ed piece from CNN who hates Trump, no bias there is there?
Name 3 sources you trust that we will not think is right wing media?

The right have brainwashed you. You don't believe anything bad about Trump. Fake news worked on you
BS PAP the hell with handshakes but the pos disrespected our top intelligence agencies And you find no fault with that?
You ask a good question.
For a narcissist like Trump, having blamed the hacking on a boy in his bedroom, it is all about saving face at least and avoiding impeachment or even jail time at most. A team of wild horses could not drag the truth from Trump. He will not go back on his word.

Impeachment? For what? You left wing nut jobs keep providing laughs.
For what??
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, goody an op-ed piece from CNN who hates Trump, no bias there is there?
Name 3 sources you trust that we will not think is right wing media?

The right have brainwashed you. You don't believe anything bad about Trump. Fake news worked on you
Yeah the 3 firings of those investigating trump and putin was just a coincidence
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

He has felt like a 13 year old since the day he got this erection

That at least was a staged picture directed by the photographer for the shoot as compared to all the times Obama has been seen mauling Malia. They say they only pick one. Looks like its true. Fire with fire and counter punch.

Proof of an erection?



Those are sweet and innocent. The way Ivanka is all looking at him hot and she's so young and Don's looking like he's going to hit it.

What the heck is wrong with you to even be thinking that kind of shit, Dude? Seriously...that's borderline sick! I know you don't like Trump but that kind of an attack is so vile it's hard to understand where someone would get the idea it was something they should say!
Poor little guy, you lefties are really desperate.

You lost bud, take it and live with it.
I knew you were a righty.

How are you winning?

Who said I'm winning? I'm enjoying how all the nutter lefties are going nuts everyday over nothing. It's amusing.
I don't remember you enjoying it when the shoe was on the other foot. That's all I'm saying

You mean Benghazi? Birther stuff, yep I thought it was silly also. This is a little more over the top, this is handshakes and other silly made up stuff. This is much more unhinged than with Obama. I don't recall the right rioting after Obama was elected, do you?
The left didn't riot. Blacks did. Don't forget blacks elected Trump by not showing up for Hillary. Now they are finding out what they had to lose.

First off, as so often pointed out, 90% of all blacks are Democrats, so they are the left.

Secondly, you are wrong. Look at the pic in the linked article, not seeing a lot of blacks. Only 1 Protester Charged Out of More Than 450 Arrested in DTLA Anti-Trump Actions
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

He has felt like a 13 year old since the day he got this erection

That at least was a staged picture directed by the photographer for the shoot as compared to all the times Obama has been seen mauling Malia. They say they only pick one. Looks like its true. Fire with fire and counter punch.

Proof of an erection?



Those are sweet and innocent. The way Ivanka is all looking at him hot and she's so young and Don's looking like he's going to hit it.

What the heck is wrong with you to even be thinking that kind of shit, Dude? Seriously...that's borderline sick! I know you don't like Trump but that kind of an attack is so vile it's hard to understand where someone would get the idea it was something they should say!
did trump say if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her ?? Or was that my lying ears?
BS PAP the hell with handshakes but the pos disrespected our top intelligence agencies And you find no fault with that?
You ask a good question.
For a narcissist like Trump, having blamed the hacking on a boy in his bedroom, it is all about saving face at least and avoiding impeachment or even jail time at most. A team of wild horses could not drag the truth from Trump. He will not go back on his word.

Impeachment? For what? You left wing nut jobs keep providing laughs.
For what??
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Oh, goody an op-ed piece from CNN who hates Trump, no bias there is there?
Name 3 sources you trust that we will not think is right wing media?

The right have brainwashed you. You don't believe anything bad about Trump. Fake news worked on you

I believe a lot is wrong with this administration, however an op-ed piece is not a hard news article, it is an opinion piece. Do you look at all op-ed pieces as fact? Lol!

CNN, NYT, Local news. However op-ed is not hard news and it is extremely biased.
I knew you were a righty.

How are you winning?

Who said I'm winning? I'm enjoying how all the nutter lefties are going nuts everyday over nothing. It's amusing.
I don't remember you enjoying it when the shoe was on the other foot. That's all I'm saying

You mean Benghazi? Birther stuff, yep I thought it was silly also. This is a little more over the top, this is handshakes and other silly made up stuff. This is much more unhinged than with Obama. I don't recall the right rioting after Obama was elected, do you?
The left didn't riot. Blacks did. Don't forget blacks elected Trump by not showing up for Hillary. Now they are finding out what they had to lose.

First off, as so often pointed out, 90% of all blacks are Democrats, so they are the left.

Secondly, you are wrong. Look at the pic in the linked article, not seeing a lot of blacks. Only 1 Protester Charged Out of More Than 450 Arrested in DTLA Anti-Trump Actions
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

He has felt like a 13 year old since the day he got this erection

That at least was a staged picture directed by the photographer for the shoot as compared to all the times Obama has been seen mauling Malia. They say they only pick one. Looks like its true. Fire with fire and counter punch.

Proof of an erection?



Those are sweet and innocent. The way Ivanka is all looking at him hot and she's so young and Don's looking like he's going to hit it.

What the heck is wrong with you to even be thinking that kind of shit, Dude? Seriously...that's borderline sick! I know you don't like Trump but that kind of an attack is so vile it's hard to understand where someone would get the idea it was something they should say!
did trump say if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her ?? Or was that my lying ears?

Think about that statement, Eddie! It's basically Trump saying his daughter is very attractive. It's not him saying he wants to "hit it"! If your reading comprehension wasn't as bad as your writing ability...you might be able to figure that out!
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

He has felt like a 13 year old since the day he got this erection

That at least was a staged picture directed by the photographer for the shoot as compared to all the times Obama has been seen mauling Malia. They say they only pick one. Looks like its true. Fire with fire and counter punch.

Proof of an erection?



Those are sweet and innocent. The way Ivanka is all looking at him hot and she's so young and Don's looking like he's going to hit it.

What the heck is wrong with you to even be thinking that kind of shit, Dude? Seriously...that's borderline sick! I know you don't like Trump but that kind of an attack is so vile it's hard to understand where someone would get the idea it was something they should say!
did trump say if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her ?? Or was that my lying ears?
And isn't he the guy who respects women so little he just grabs their pussies?

That isn't too vile for him to understand
Who said I'm winning? I'm enjoying how all the nutter lefties are going nuts everyday over nothing. It's amusing.
I don't remember you enjoying it when the shoe was on the other foot. That's all I'm saying

You mean Benghazi? Birther stuff, yep I thought it was silly also. This is a little more over the top, this is handshakes and other silly made up stuff. This is much more unhinged than with Obama. I don't recall the right rioting after Obama was elected, do you?
The left didn't riot. Blacks did. Don't forget blacks elected Trump by not showing up for Hillary. Now they are finding out what they had to lose.

First off, as so often pointed out, 90% of all blacks are Democrats, so they are the left.

Secondly, you are wrong. Look at the pic in the linked article, not seeing a lot of blacks. Only 1 Protester Charged Out of More Than 450 Arrested in DTLA Anti-Trump Actions

Yep, white lefty snowflakes. The same scene was repeated in many cities and they weren't black. The left is a violent group as they continue to prove. Hell they shot a guy playing baseball. The left is a very desperate group. They hate losing and are poor losers as we continue to see.
He has felt like a 13 year old since the day he got this erection

That at least was a staged picture directed by the photographer for the shoot as compared to all the times Obama has been seen mauling Malia. They say they only pick one. Looks like its true. Fire with fire and counter punch.

Proof of an erection?



Those are sweet and innocent. The way Ivanka is all looking at him hot and she's so young and Don's looking like he's going to hit it.

What the heck is wrong with you to even be thinking that kind of shit, Dude? Seriously...that's borderline sick! I know you don't like Trump but that kind of an attack is so vile it's hard to understand where someone would get the idea it was something they should say!
did trump say if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her ?? Or was that my lying ears?

Think about that statement, Eddie! It's basically Trump saying his daughter is very attractive. It's not him saying he wants to "hit it"! If your reading comprehension wasn't as bad as your writing ability...you might be able to figure that out!
yes old but coming from a normal person what you say makes sense BUT you forget Trump is a pussy grabber a pervert from way back
He has felt like a 13 year old since the day he got this erection

That at least was a staged picture directed by the photographer for the shoot as compared to all the times Obama has been seen mauling Malia. They say they only pick one. Looks like its true. Fire with fire and counter punch.

Proof of an erection?



Those are sweet and innocent. The way Ivanka is all looking at him hot and she's so young and Don's looking like he's going to hit it.

What the heck is wrong with you to even be thinking that kind of shit, Dude? Seriously...that's borderline sick! I know you don't like Trump but that kind of an attack is so vile it's hard to understand where someone would get the idea it was something they should say!
did trump say if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her ?? Or was that my lying ears?

Think about that statement, Eddie! It's basically Trump saying his daughter is very attractive. It's not him saying he wants to "hit it"! If your reading comprehension wasn't as bad as your writing ability...you might be able to figure that out!
Does Michelle Obama really have a penis? Yet people on the right really pushed that narrative. I know fools who believe it.

At least we are kidding, sort of. He is a horrible human being. Guys like that don't think the rules apply to them.
...ANYONE should be able to admit how unhinged Trump seems in his comments about the female host. He is completely UNFIT for office. The evidence is overwhelming.

Now, if the comment stood on its own - as in Trump never before made such inflammatory, personal remarks - i could say that it would be reasonable to shake it off. But that isn't the case, is it? Trump has a long history of making pathetic, immature remarks on political opponents.

I just don't understand why republicans are so dumb to give Trump a pass on his petty bullshit. Can you imagine the political shitstorm that would occur if Obama, during his presidency, had lobbed a low-brow, personal insult at Sean Hannity in response to his political criticism? Republicans would never let the left forget it. USMB republicans on this board would be making countless threads on it. Their bitching on such a single comment would be a constant reminder.

You conservatives can say whatever you want about Obama's policy decisions. You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office. And for the record, I thought GW Bush was a moron, but even I can admit that he always tried to be professional, mature, and dignified. Trump, in comparison, is an unprecedented embarrassment. He has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.

He has felt like a 13 year old since the day he got this erection

That at least was a staged picture directed by the photographer for the shoot as compared to all the times Obama has been seen mauling Malia. They say they only pick one. Looks like its true. Fire with fire and counter punch.

Proof of an erection?



Those are sweet and innocent. The way Ivanka is all looking at him hot and she's so young and Don's looking like he's going to hit it.

The one picture it looks like Obama is trying to grab his daughter's breasts! The next one, look at the lust in Obama's eyes! It looks like he can't wait to get home and hit it. The third pic shows he is only molesting his oldest daughter.

See how easy it is to make shit up. Sick puppy!
That at least was a staged picture directed by the photographer for the shoot as compared to all the times Obama has been seen mauling Malia. They say they only pick one. Looks like its true. Fire with fire and counter punch.

Proof of an erection?



Those are sweet and innocent. The way Ivanka is all looking at him hot and she's so young and Don's looking like he's going to hit it.

What the heck is wrong with you to even be thinking that kind of shit, Dude? Seriously...that's borderline sick! I know you don't like Trump but that kind of an attack is so vile it's hard to understand where someone would get the idea it was something they should say!
did trump say if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her ?? Or was that my lying ears?

Think about that statement, Eddie! It's basically Trump saying his daughter is very attractive. It's not him saying he wants to "hit it"! If your reading comprehension wasn't as bad as your writing ability...you might be able to figure that out!
Does Michelle Obama really have a penis? Yet people on the right really pushed that narrative. I know fools who believe it.

At least we are kidding, sort of. He is a horrible human being. Guys like that don't think the rules apply to them.
Trump Friendless and awkward
‘Uneasy, lonely, awkward figure’: Brutal Trump take-down

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