Omar violates her oath of citizenship


She took an oath to not support foreign Governments and their leaders when she was made a citizen. She clearly violated that and should be stripped of her citizenship and deported to the Country she supports. Now let the supporters of this traitor complain some more.
You seem to be complaining enough for you and her.

She took an oath to not support foreign Governments and their leaders when she was made a citizen. She clearly violated that and should be stripped of her citizenship and deported to the Country she supports. Now let the supporters of this traitor complain some more.

No she did not. She took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign or domestic, just like you did. In supporting and voting for Donald Trump, you are a far greater traitor to that oath than she will ever be.

That Constitution contains a right to "freedom of speech", which you fought to defend. She has the right to disagree with US foreign policy, just as you do.

The USA is wrong to continue to support Netanyahu's genocide of the Palestinian people, and to provide weapons to the Israeli's to continue to murder innocent civilians.

Now they're shooting doctors and attacking hospitals because "Hamas is hiding as doctors". Nobody is buying it any more. Too many children are being butchered.

She took an oath to not support foreign Governments and their leaders when she was made a citizen. She clearly violated that and should be stripped of her citizenship and deported to the Country she supports. Now let the supporters of this traitor complain some more.
Who needs to? Sounds like you're doing plenty of complaining for everybody. But good luck with it Sad Boy. :itsok:
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The USA is wrong to continue to support Netanyahu's genocide of the Palestinian people, and to provide weapons to the Israeli's to continue to murder innocent civilians.
As an aside, I'm amazed at how unembarrassed the USA is to be enabling suspected genocide and dismissing the ICJ's ruling.

I guess the USA years of bombing and shelling the ME have made atrocities there same ol' same ol'.
Marrying her brother to commit immigration fraud should have been enough to remove that muzzie shitstain from office, but the party that likes to fuck kids has a large tent - from child molesters to terrorists and every kind of filthy, lowlife shit in between...

View attachment 896628

That's a proven lie and a stupid one at that. Her brother automatically qualified for citizenship because of family relationship. He didn't need to marry anyone to get into the country.

This is just how gullible and stupid you are.
That's a proven lie and a stupid one at that. Her brother automatically qualified for citizenship because of family relationship. He didn't need to marry anyone to get into the country.

This is just how gullible and stupid you are.
Anyone that would defend that bitch at this point is as bad as she is.....Hosers not withstanding.
Congress supported Israel when they discovered Hitler had ordered the genocidal murder of 6,000,000 German Jewish citizens with the help of the Mufti of Jerusalem, using WWII as their cover. Most US Congress members do not support those who harm American Allies.
Strange how Israel wasn’t around during WWII.

Christ you’re stupid.
No she did not. She took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign or domestic, just like you did. In supporting and voting for Donald Trump, you are a far greater traitor to that oath than she will ever be.

That Constitution contains a right to "freedom of speech", which you fought to defend. She has the right to disagree with US foreign policy, just as you do.

The USA is wrong to continue to support Netanyahu's genocide of the Palestinian people, and to provide weapons to the Israeli's to continue to murder innocent civilians.

Now they're shooting doctors and attacking hospitals because "Hamas is hiding as doctors". Nobody is buying it any more. Too many children are being butchered.
Trump runs your life, sad.
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
Anyone that would defend that bitch at this point is as bad as she is.....Hosers not withstanding.
And we know who The Hoser is. :D

Another foreign entity with a different worldview, beholden to a different country, just like Omar

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