Omarosa: Pence would be worse than Trump

Hill didn't want tax cuts I do and as long as chuck and nancy stick up for blue states like my NY they can't make my skin crawl What does is the excrement thrown at them by republicans

So you support Trump's tax cuts?
yes businesses do better, hire more, raise salaries, it benefits all America

Well, I'll give you that one then.

However, that's a case of your not being leftist on tax cuts, it's not a case of leftists disagreeing, which was my original point.

Virtually no one on the left agrees with you on that
Think you're wrong Those on the left have no problems with the cuts ,,their problem lies in the fact that the million and billionaires get more than the lions share In essence, those who don't need the help get most

Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
and one more thing As a person I despise trump He's mean rotten to the core Bashes everyone he has a problem with and our foreign friends don't like or trust him
So you support Trump's tax cuts?
yes businesses do better, hire more, raise salaries, it benefits all America

Well, I'll give you that one then.

However, that's a case of your not being leftist on tax cuts, it's not a case of leftists disagreeing, which was my original point.

Virtually no one on the left agrees with you on that
Think you're wrong Those on the left have no problems with the cuts ,,their problem lies in the fact that the million and billionaires get more than the lions share In essence, those who don't need the help get most

Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
Kaz I'm pretty heavy into the market and I believe the cuts were largely responsible for my increases I was speaking about those NOT in the top 1 or 2 percent Those who won't be getting a death tax deal etc etc

If you're heavily into the market, are you aware of this?

US tax policy has harmed US corporations because they are more highly taxed than our main competitors who are largely European.

Trump reduced but did not eliminate that discrepancy.

Now a question. Who hires workers? Poor people?

How do jobs not help anyone but the "top 1 or 2 percent?" Are you saying only the top 1 or 2 percent have jobs?
So you support Trump's tax cuts?
yes businesses do better, hire more, raise salaries, it benefits all America

Well, I'll give you that one then.

However, that's a case of your not being leftist on tax cuts, it's not a case of leftists disagreeing, which was my original point.

Virtually no one on the left agrees with you on that
Think you're wrong Those on the left have no problems with the cuts ,,their problem lies in the fact that the million and billionaires get more than the lions share In essence, those who don't need the help get most

Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
and one more thing As a person I despise trump He's mean rotten to the core Bashes everyone he has a problem with and our foreign friends don't like or trust him

And that's another example of leftists disagreeing? Moonglow says he votes Republican. When I ask why, he just keeps bashing Republicans.

Obama's a self centered dick. Hillary's Leona Helmsley. I don't like many politicians, they all suck. I focus on their policies. Which is why I voted for Gary Johnson even though he's a putz too.

As for our "foreign friends." Name one country that flipped sides under Obama or Trump
yes businesses do better, hire more, raise salaries, it benefits all America

Well, I'll give you that one then.

However, that's a case of your not being leftist on tax cuts, it's not a case of leftists disagreeing, which was my original point.

Virtually no one on the left agrees with you on that
Think you're wrong Those on the left have no problems with the cuts ,,their problem lies in the fact that the million and billionaires get more than the lions share In essence, those who don't need the help get most

Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
Kaz I'm pretty heavy into the market and I believe the cuts were largely responsible for my increases I was speaking about those NOT in the top 1 or 2 percent Those who won't be getting a death tax deal etc etc

If you're heavily into the market, are you aware of this?

US tax policy has harmed US corporations because they are more highly taxed than our main competitors who are largely European.

Trump reduced but did not eliminate that discrepancy.

Now a question. Who hires workers? Poor people?

How do jobs not help anyone but the "top 1 or 2 percent?" Are you saying only the top 1 or 2 percent have jobs?
FAR from saying that,,,,I said the largest % of tax cuts went to those who have no need for them and as far as tax cuts WHAT was the effective rate BEFORE trump lowering them ? 20,,21% ??
yes businesses do better, hire more, raise salaries, it benefits all America

Well, I'll give you that one then.

However, that's a case of your not being leftist on tax cuts, it's not a case of leftists disagreeing, which was my original point.

Virtually no one on the left agrees with you on that
Think you're wrong Those on the left have no problems with the cuts ,,their problem lies in the fact that the million and billionaires get more than the lions share In essence, those who don't need the help get most

Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
and one more thing As a person I despise trump He's mean rotten to the core Bashes everyone he has a problem with and our foreign friends don't like or trust him

And that's another example of leftists disagreeing? Moonglow says he votes Republican. When I ask why, he just keeps bashing Republicans.

Obama's a self centered dick. Hillary's Leona Helmsley. I don't like many politicians, they all suck. I focus on their policies. Which is why I voted for Gary Johnson even though he's a putz too.

As for our "foreign friends." Name one country that flipped sides under Obama or Trump
I just believe trust is an important part of relationships with our friends and trading partners Do you really believe they trust trump?
The Omarosa post-White House leaks continue on "Celebrity Big Brother" ... now she's saying the country would be begging for Donald Trump back if Mike Pence got into office.

Omarosa was dishing some dirt about her former gig on Monday night's episode, and she took the opportunity to slam the Vice President by saying he'd be worse than Trump as POTUS.

She goes on to mock his religious beliefs, saying Pence allegedly thinks Jesus tells him to say certain things.

More: Omarosa Says on 'Celebrity Big Brother,' Mike Pence Would Be Worse Than Trump

OMG, that's a scary thought. Hopefully, 2020 will eliminate both of them - if not before. Assuming we survive until then.

Stop it! It hurts!

Omarosa???? Are you fucking kidding?

Celebrity Big Let me guess...they have decided not to cast
her in the lead of the Gone With the Wind, remake?
the orange moron only has the best by his side lol How many have gone on to greener pastures or been indicted??

He got rid of her. He just picked a bad token is all.
how many bad tokens do you give him before you say he's just an ass?

The next time he hire's a Jaboni.
Well, I'll give you that one then.

However, that's a case of your not being leftist on tax cuts, it's not a case of leftists disagreeing, which was my original point.

Virtually no one on the left agrees with you on that
Think you're wrong Those on the left have no problems with the cuts ,,their problem lies in the fact that the million and billionaires get more than the lions share In essence, those who don't need the help get most

Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
Kaz I'm pretty heavy into the market and I believe the cuts were largely responsible for my increases I was speaking about those NOT in the top 1 or 2 percent Those who won't be getting a death tax deal etc etc

If you're heavily into the market, are you aware of this?

US tax policy has harmed US corporations because they are more highly taxed than our main competitors who are largely European.

Trump reduced but did not eliminate that discrepancy.

Now a question. Who hires workers? Poor people?

How do jobs not help anyone but the "top 1 or 2 percent?" Are you saying only the top 1 or 2 percent have jobs?
FAR from saying that,,,,I said the largest % of tax cuts went to those who have no need for them and as far as tax cuts WHAT was the effective rate BEFORE trump lowering them ? 20,,21% ??

I see, the rich don't need the money, so the poor don't need the jobs they provide. Great argument. Class warfare is idiotic and harms everyone.

Which tax are to asking about? Repatriation of money? Corporate tax rate? Individual tax rate?
Well, I'll give you that one then.

However, that's a case of your not being leftist on tax cuts, it's not a case of leftists disagreeing, which was my original point.

Virtually no one on the left agrees with you on that
Think you're wrong Those on the left have no problems with the cuts ,,their problem lies in the fact that the million and billionaires get more than the lions share In essence, those who don't need the help get most

Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
and one more thing As a person I despise trump He's mean rotten to the core Bashes everyone he has a problem with and our foreign friends don't like or trust him

And that's another example of leftists disagreeing? Moonglow says he votes Republican. When I ask why, he just keeps bashing Republicans.

Obama's a self centered dick. Hillary's Leona Helmsley. I don't like many politicians, they all suck. I focus on their policies. Which is why I voted for Gary Johnson even though he's a putz too.

As for our "foreign friends." Name one country that flipped sides under Obama or Trump
I just believe trust is an important part of relationships with our friends and trading partners Do you really believe they trust trump?

Yes. Trump says what he means. It was Obama you never got a good read on what he would do. Allies want predictability far more than pumping fists. They did like that Obama was weak though.

Generally it's the European weenie countries who dislike Trump more than Obama. Most of the rest of the world likes Trump better though. Eastern Europe, Muslim countries probably the most. South Korea credited Trump with getting the NK nut job to the bargaining table.

But in the end, who gives a shit about an ally popularity poll if it doesn't result in policy changes. Trump got the Euroweenies to increase their defense budgets as part of their NATO commitments. Obama didn't accomplish jack shit
Think you're wrong Those on the left have no problems with the cuts ,,their problem lies in the fact that the million and billionaires get more than the lions share In essence, those who don't need the help get most

Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
Kaz I'm pretty heavy into the market and I believe the cuts were largely responsible for my increases I was speaking about those NOT in the top 1 or 2 percent Those who won't be getting a death tax deal etc etc

If you're heavily into the market, are you aware of this?

US tax policy has harmed US corporations because they are more highly taxed than our main competitors who are largely European.

Trump reduced but did not eliminate that discrepancy.

Now a question. Who hires workers? Poor people?

How do jobs not help anyone but the "top 1 or 2 percent?" Are you saying only the top 1 or 2 percent have jobs?
FAR from saying that,,,,I said the largest % of tax cuts went to those who have no need for them and as far as tax cuts WHAT was the effective rate BEFORE trump lowering them ? 20,,21% ??

I see, the rich don't need the money, so the poor don't need the jobs they provide. Great argument. Class warfare is idiotic and harms everyone.

Which tax are to asking about? Repatriation of money? Corporate tax rate? Individual tax rate?
the corporate tax rate ,,,,, we know repatriation is about 15,16,%
Since over half the country pays no taxes, how do you accomplish that those who need the most "get most" when they already don't pay taxes? I thought you supported the Trump tax cuts. Now it's not so much?
Kaz I'm pretty heavy into the market and I believe the cuts were largely responsible for my increases I was speaking about those NOT in the top 1 or 2 percent Those who won't be getting a death tax deal etc etc

If you're heavily into the market, are you aware of this?

US tax policy has harmed US corporations because they are more highly taxed than our main competitors who are largely European.

Trump reduced but did not eliminate that discrepancy.

Now a question. Who hires workers? Poor people?

How do jobs not help anyone but the "top 1 or 2 percent?" Are you saying only the top 1 or 2 percent have jobs?
FAR from saying that,,,,I said the largest % of tax cuts went to those who have no need for them and as far as tax cuts WHAT was the effective rate BEFORE trump lowering them ? 20,,21% ??

I see, the rich don't need the money, so the poor don't need the jobs they provide. Great argument. Class warfare is idiotic and harms everyone.

Which tax are to asking about? Repatriation of money? Corporate tax rate? Individual tax rate?
the corporate tax rate ,,,,, we know repatriation is about 15,16,%

For other countries, repatriation taxes are 0%. To tax corporations for bringing money home when we want them to bring money home is stupid. Even socialist european countries realized that. Yet we still do it, just less than we did.

On your question, sorry, you answered my last question, but I'm still not clear what is the overall question you're asking me. Can you back up further and restate the question?
Kaz I'm pretty heavy into the market and I believe the cuts were largely responsible for my increases I was speaking about those NOT in the top 1 or 2 percent Those who won't be getting a death tax deal etc etc

If you're heavily into the market, are you aware of this?

US tax policy has harmed US corporations because they are more highly taxed than our main competitors who are largely European.

Trump reduced but did not eliminate that discrepancy.

Now a question. Who hires workers? Poor people?

How do jobs not help anyone but the "top 1 or 2 percent?" Are you saying only the top 1 or 2 percent have jobs?
FAR from saying that,,,,I said the largest % of tax cuts went to those who have no need for them and as far as tax cuts WHAT was the effective rate BEFORE trump lowering them ? 20,,21% ??

I see, the rich don't need the money, so the poor don't need the jobs they provide. Great argument. Class warfare is idiotic and harms everyone.

Which tax are to asking about? Repatriation of money? Corporate tax rate? Individual tax rate?
the corporate tax rate ,,,,, we know repatriation is about 15,16,%

For other countries, repatriation taxes are 0%. To tax corporations for bringing money home when we want them to bring money home is stupid. Even socialist european countries realized that. Yet we still do it, just less than we did.

On your question, sorry, you answered my last question, but I'm still not clear what is the overall question you're asking me. Can you back up further and restate the question?
kaz another time,,,thanks for a pleasant conversation,,,markets closing ,,,, getting ready for dinner,,,,,,
  • Thanks
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Argumentum ad abusrdum. Saying a person can not commit to providing something non-essential, non-timely and easily obtainable elsewhere due to moral conflicts is not ending the contract system as we know it.

And just because you are an unfeeling cocksucker doesn't make moral objections a "bullshit" reason.

Hey, why should someone go look for someone else, after the promise was made by the store's co-owner before she got slapped back into obedience mode?

Sorry, using bronze age superstitions to rationalize your bigotry doesn't fly with me... or the law.
Money. She sees more profit in jumping on the 'Hate Trump' bandwagon. Why do so many people care about this silly stuff? The OP should lay off Democrat Fake News for awhile. It's rotting their brain.
The Omarosa post-White House leaks continue on "Celebrity Big Brother" ... now she's saying the country would be begging for Donald Trump back if Mike Pence got into office.

Omarosa was dishing some dirt about her former gig on Monday night's episode, and she took the opportunity to slam the Vice President by saying he'd be worse than Trump as POTUS.

She goes on to mock his religious beliefs, saying Pence allegedly thinks Jesus tells him to say certain things.

More: Omarosa Says on 'Celebrity Big Brother,' Mike Pence Would Be Worse Than Trump

OMG, that's a scary thought. Hopefully, 2020 will eliminate both of them - if not before. Assuming we survive until then.

Well....if Omarosa said it then.........:lol: Geeze the snowflakes really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Omarosa isn’t someone to be believed? Isn’t trustworthy?

Sure, I think you should base your entire life around Omarosa's words of wisdom. :D
The Omarosa post-White House leaks continue on "Celebrity Big Brother" ... now she's saying the country would be begging for Donald Trump back if Mike Pence got into office.

Omarosa was dishing some dirt about her former gig on Monday night's episode, and she took the opportunity to slam the Vice President by saying he'd be worse than Trump as POTUS.

She goes on to mock his religious beliefs, saying Pence allegedly thinks Jesus tells him to say certain things.

More: Omarosa Says on 'Celebrity Big Brother,' Mike Pence Would Be Worse Than Trump

OMG, that's a scary thought. Hopefully, 2020 will eliminate both of them - if not before. Assuming we survive until then.

Well....if Omarosa said it then.........:lol: Geeze the snowflakes really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Omarosa isn’t someone to be believed? Isn’t trustworthy?

Sure, I think you should base your entire life around Omarosa's words of wisdom. :D
That’s for the lobotomized trumpanzees.

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