OMG! FOUL PLAY in the debates!

Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.
That jerkoff set up Trump with the very first question!!!
That was a chickenshit move.

That was a TOTAL bullshit move and a complete set up. And the first two questions to Trump were "gotcha" questions that played to his weaknesses instead of his strengths and that didn't happen for everyone else.. BUT...Trump did himself no favors either by not preparing. His inexperience in politics showed tonight on two levels:

1) Everyone else (the career politicians) understood that time to answer was short so they made their critical points quick and hammered them hard. Trump started talking and just when he was ready to slam his point home, time ran out so I came away feeling on many questions that he was about to stick a great point that I could see him setting up but he couldn't finish it because he was out of time.

2) I think people were expecting Trump to come out and shoot from the hip and speak plain truth...that's the big attraction to Trump. He is not a politician and he "tell it like it is". I don't think he did enough "telling it like it is" to match expectations

It was his first ever debate and he did what one would expect against a bunch of professional politicians
Now the jebus question! LOL walker , I'm washed in the blood of jebus!! How funking insane is that! What does that have to do with being elected President
The American people want a Christian President.

Fuck Christians! The founding fathers gave us a Godless "secular" government without religious fairy tales. Just imagaine some fucking delusional religious lunatic like Huckabee as president.
Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

He's right. Hillary is the most qualified.

If "qualified" means knowing how to skirt the law, lie, weasel and leave your subordinates to twist in the wind and die at the hands of terrorists.
Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

...Stupid remark which will be repeated by Hillary every chance she gets...

You bet your ass it will, that took him out of the running for both POTUS and VP. If I'm Hillary I would run that ad no matter who the nominee is Rubio hurt all the GOP candidates with that dumb ass statement.
Let her run that Ad. It shows that she is old style and he is the youthful future.
Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.
Being first lady is a qualification? ROFL!
Bwahahaha, Trump still won. Fox definitely tried to get rid of Trump but they didn't succeed. Trump is too good to fall into their trap. He constantly outwits the establishment, that's why I like him.
Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.

Ahahaha no dimwit not job titles, career accomplishments in the jobs. Have you ever seen a written resume? :laugh:
Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.
Being first lady is a qualification? ROFL!

These dimwit libs apparently have never seen or written a resume. Job Title/accomplishments in the job, repeat that's a resume.
Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.

Ahahaha no dimwit not job titles, career accomplishments in the jobs. Have you ever seen a written resume? :laugh:

Quite afraid to list the "accomplishments" of her potential opponents? I get it...must suck to have to talk a strong game then act like a little bitch when you're asked a direct question.
Wow, why is Fox picking on Trump.

Well ya stupid indian,let me tell you like it is.
True conservatives are turning on fox in droves.

Fox News is RINO!


I dont expect you to get it...liberals are always late to the game.

I don't listen to Small Tent Republicans like yourself, angry old man.

And I dont listen to new conservatives.
They tend to be flaming liberals.
I wouldn't even want Fox to hold a debate for Democrats. They have proven to be very unfair to some of the candidates and why should they be treated that way?

Have you ever watched them before? What's changed?
I have never seen bias this bad.

It's easy to not see it if it's against someone you already don't like.
I am not a fan of Trumps except to say that he says what he means and is against illegal amnesty. I like Kasich and Walker. But the bias against Trump was incredible. Not only did Fox ask "gotcha" questions, they tried to goad other candidates to disparage him. It didn't work.
Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.

Ahahaha no dimwit not job titles, career accomplishments in the jobs. Have you ever seen a written resume? :laugh:

Quite afraid to list the "accomplishments" of her potential opponents? I get it...must suck to have to talk a strong game then act like a little bitch when you're asked a direct question.

Run and hide lib, like all the rest do whenever we challenge you to list Hillary's career accomplishments :laugh:

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