OMG! FOUL PLAY in the debates!


Thanks for making this thread!! Good job!

The big debate (not the Kiddy-debate) started at 3 AM my time, so I didn't get to watch it yet, will do that over the weekend. But I watched 7 snippets. Snippets alone don't say enough, but there was one factor that jumped out at me right away: how raucous the audience was. Sure looks to me as if they were far more interested in "bread and circuses" than in hearing a serious debate. We saw this kind of stuff in the GOP debates of 2011 as well.

In the Kiddy-Debate (where there was no audience), Rick Perry quite obviously called Ronald Reagan "Ronald Raven" - it's clear as day to hear. And there's confusion as to whether he characterized his time as TX Gov. as 13 years or 8 years, but I think some on the Left are trying to take his comments about this out of context. That being said, the "Ronald Raven" thing is likely his "oops" moment of 2015, kind of like the moment he had in 2011. Stick a fork in him, he's done.

I did watch the terse exchange between Trump and Megyn Kelly - like him or not, like her or not, gotta credit her for not throwing him a softball question and the question about his words toward women is a valid one. Were Bernie Sanders, for instance, to have tweeted that woman are "pigs" and the like, Righties would be screaming from the rafters that he would be a hater, yadayayada. So, why should Trump get preferential treatment? His non-answer answer, pure pablum, may work for a Trump-friendly GOP audience, but it would have absolutely bombed for a GE debate audience. Also, Trump has this very overbearing way of saying stuff like "you've not been very nice to me", which is rich-man-speak for "once I get into power, I am going to ruin you". Either way, that moment is a made-for-Clinton campaign video and she hardly has to spend a cent making it.

Also, saying stuff like Hillary was forced to come to his wedding doesn't really serve any purpose. That's just Trump puffing his chest up and pounding on it: may work well for a GOP Trump-loving audience but won't help him with a GE audience, should he get that far. And he just may. :D

The concensus I am reading all over the place is that Kasich came off as the most sane person there, but fell under the radar and that both Jeb! and Scott Walker looked weak. Also Rubio's comment that Hillary has the largest resume of anyone out there.

Once I've watched the entire debate, I will add some more points.

Again, good thread, thanks for making it.
Quite afraid to list the "accomplishments" of her potential opponents? I get it...must suck to have to talk a strong game then act like a little bitch when you're asked a direct question.

Run and hide lib, like all the rest do whenever we challenge you to list Hillary's career accomplishments :laugh:

Still running from the question. Can't blame you. I wouldn't want to be saddled with many on that stage tonight and trying to legitimize them
I don't watch a lot of debates or political speeches - why sit there and be lied to? - but I did endure about 20 minutes of this one because of the Trump/potential fireworks factor.

Tell me: All I saw from Fox was "gotcha" questions. Is that normal, or is that just Fox? Did it get more substantive later?

I wouldn't even want Fox to hold a debate for Democrats. They have proven to be very unfair to some of the candidates and why should they be treated that way?

Have you ever watched them before? What's changed?
I have never seen bias this bad.

It's easy to not see it if it's against someone you already don't like.
I am not a fan of Trumps except to say that he says what he means and is against illegal amnesty. I like Kasich and Walker. But the bias against Trump was incredible. Not only did Fox ask "gotcha" questions, they tried to goad other candidates to disparage him. It didn't work.

Does that mean Trump really does hate Women, Mexicans and captured US service personnel? That's a lot of people to hate. He needs to get more than 50% of the vote, more or less, but he's alienated about 70% of the country.
Relax these other fools will take themselves out.

For example, Rubio, "Hillary Clinton wins the resume contest" he's freaking toast, he just told the nation she is more qualified than he is.

Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.
Being first lady is a qualification? ROFL!

These dimwit libs apparently have never seen or written a resume. Job Title/accomplishments in the job, repeat that's a resume.
To democrats, flying around the world is an accomplishment for Hillary. Never mind that every country abided in is in worse shape for it, except our enemies.
I thought Trump would be a fast burning fuse and flame out, but...I'd say he has a very good chance of being the Republican nominee now. He handled the steaming pile of crap Mei Gin Kel Lee and Kris Walrus tried to force feed him quite well and they looked like idiots.

I'm betting his poll numbers go up.
Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.
Being first lady is a qualification? ROFL!

These dimwit libs apparently have never seen or written a resume. Job Title/accomplishments in the job, repeat that's a resume.
To democrats, flying around the world is an accomplishment for Hillary. Never mind that every country abided in is in worse shape for it, except our enemies.

Factually incorrect.
I did not know that Kelly Megan girl had such skinny legs or that Ben Carson had such a good sense of humor.
What surprised me about the questions from Fox is they seemed more intent on putting the Republicans against themselves than against Obama/Hillary

Fellow Republicans got it worse than the Democrats did
From what I'm seeing Kelly is getting hammered over it. I didn't watch the debates. but did read about this
I thought Trump would be a fast burning fuse and flame out, but...I'd say he has a very good chance of being the Republican nominee now. He handled the steaming pile of crap Mei Gin Kel Lee and Kris Walrus tried to force feed him quite well and they looked like idiots.

I'm betting his poll numbers go up.

I fell asleep about 40 minutes into the debate last night. I had it recorded and got home late, so I'm watching it this morning. I think the most humorous thing to come out of The Donald's mouth so far, is that he donated to Hillary so she'd come to his wedding. (giggle)

The first thing that came to mind was...."WRONG ANSWER"!!! :)
I thought Trump would be a fast burning fuse and flame out, but...I'd say he has a very good chance of being the Republican nominee now. He handled the steaming pile of crap Mei Gin Kel Lee and Kris Walrus tried to force feed him quite well and they looked like idiots.

I'm betting his poll numbers go up.

I fell asleep about 40 minutes into the debate last night. I had it recorded and got home late, so I'm watching it this morning. I think the most humorous thing to come out of The Donald's mouth so far, is that he donated to Hillary so she'd come to his wedding. (giggle)

The first thing that came to mind was...."WRONG ANSWER"!!! :)
It actually made Hillary look good. She didn't sell out for a political favor. Got paid for going to a high end wedding reception.
I wonder how much their ratings will go down because of that shitty trick that they did to Trump.

And what's up with C-Span putting on live Canadian debates rather than the GOP debates?
Its true. It's true for the entire field.

Why is it you guys cheer Trump's supposed honesty but when you get an actual honest statement from another guy, "he's toast"?

Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.

Ahahaha no dimwit not job titles, career accomplishments in the jobs. Have you ever seen a written resume? :laugh:

Quite afraid to list the "accomplishments" of her potential opponents? I get it...must suck to have to talk a strong game then act like a little bitch when you're asked a direct question.

Run and hide lib, like all the rest do whenever we challenge you to list Hillary's career accomplishments :laugh:

I've seen many of her qualifications listed for you many times before. If you are too stupid to remember, I suggest you write them if anybody ever bothers to answer you.......yet again.
Its not true, please get a brain. Feel free to post Hillary's career accomplishments, you can't because she doesn't have any. Her resume is shit.

8 years FLOTUS
Member Wal*Mart BOD
6+ Years Senator from NY
4 years as Sos

Feel free to list Rubio's/Paul's/Cruz's record and we'll compare notes.

Ahahaha no dimwit not job titles, career accomplishments in the jobs. Have you ever seen a written resume? :laugh:

Quite afraid to list the "accomplishments" of her potential opponents? I get it...must suck to have to talk a strong game then act like a little bitch when you're asked a direct question.

Run and hide lib, like all the rest do whenever we challenge you to list Hillary's career accomplishments :laugh:

I've seen many of her qualifications listed for you many times before. If you are too stupid to remember, I suggest you write them if anybody ever bothers to answer you.......yet again.

Makes you wonder why all of the GOP Senators who are now running against Clinton voted for her for SoS if she were so under qualified.
Scott Walker is the one I dislike the most. He is just another Kochsucker trying to destroy unions.
Scott Walker also got rid of Planned Parenthood funding in Wiscinsin. That and screwing the mafia run unions makes him a fucking God! Lol

Women will be 52-55% of the electorate. It's good news for the Democrats that Scotty decided to fall on the sword himself.

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