On Hannity....did obama have a warrant to record General Flynn? If not, arrests need to be made....

Eaves dropping on the Russians was not illegal, Flynn knew this was done, he just was stupid or arrogant and slipped up.

Why did Flynn think he should lie to Pence about it right bfore going on all the talk shows? Did President Trump tell him to lie to Pence?

Who authorized Flynn to make this call to the Russian ambassador and discuss the sanctions just laid on them? President Trump?

As long as the intel community doesn't leak the actual classified conversation, they are not in any criminal or legal trouble....unethical, breaking rules or protocol, and can be fired, but not something that can get them prison time....

Got busted for what? Flynn didn't break any laws. But the leakers did. Under the Espionage act.

:) King and others are calling for action because of the criminality of the situation over Flynn. By the way journalists can be charged for accepting leaked material.
Thy didn't release any classified conversations....thy can't be charged under the espionage act.... now if they released the tapes of the actual conversations Flynn had with them and those conversations were at a high level, CLASSIFIED, then they most certainly could be prosecuted for it.....

but so far, no one has leaked the actual conversations....

We will see the conversation at some point though, when they are declassified. Unlike in Russia...we the people OWN those conversations.
Jeff Sessions is on this!
Jeff Sessions, BY LAW is going to have to appoint a special Investigator/special prosecutor....he was part of the Trump campaign, as with Flynn and the law forces him to recuse himself from the whole investigation, if his department does one.
"Now we go nuclear. He will die in jail."
.... pretty much the entire US intel community, concerning Trump

‘He will die in jail’: Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says

Unless a person is absolutely squeaky clean, declaring open war on the entire intel community will end badly for that person. It's going to end very badly for Trump.
"Hillary will win by a landslide" How's that working out for you, boy?
Occam's Razor
Thanks to Obama's DOJ the media can be prosecuted. Oh. This will be so much fun!
It's all part of the plan. Trumps plan to bring out the leaks. You'll see.
Poor Hannity, so much anxiety so little time.

Strange way to characterize someone who has a daily radio broadcast and a daily TV broadcast that pwns the regressive left repeatedly.

Hannity found a niche audience among the idiots in America.

As someone once said, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
Did Trump have a warrant to work with the Russian hackers and wikileaks?

Stop latching onto fake news.

Stop shitting out of the wrong orifice.

Russian hacking is now indisputable. Wikileaks' publications are indisputable. Trump's past praise for the criminal enterprise of Russia/wikileaks is indisputable.

In your dreams maybe.

I'm among the sane. You wouldn't understand.
Did Trump have a warrant to work with the Russian hackers and wikileaks?

Stop latching onto fake news.

Stop shitting out of the wrong orifice.

Russian hacking is now indisputable. Wikileaks' publications are indisputable. Trump's past praise for the criminal enterprise of Russia/wikileaks is indisputable.

In your dreams maybe.

I'm among the sane. You wouldn't understand.

In never never land perhaps.
It is not known if Flynn in any way engaged in inappropriate or illegal discussion with the Russian ambassador.

Obama engaged in illegal wiretapping of a private citizen.

As I said earlier today, the federal bureaucracy is filled with prog Obama loyalists who hate our lawfully elected president.

There is just cause to arrest and detain Obama until all of can be investigated and sorted through.
fake news, all unsubstantiated, don't you know the difference?
I just watched some numb nuts on Chris Mathews show say that there was a conspiracy between Russia and Trump to rig the elections. The same bullshit is being spouted right now on CNN on Erin Burnett's show.

Just so you know, sweetheart, drawing inferences that are consistent but not compelled by the facts means you are creating a false narrative of what happened. Reporting this false narrative is fake news.

Surely you can perform a better analysis than what you have thus far displayed (I.e., retard level).

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