Once the ACA is gone what is the plan?

I guess it's a secret. Or perhaps it's going to be geared for the wealthy?
Cuts to Medicare or Medicaid won't be met without political damage. That is a sure thing.
Just wondering what is in the plan?
There isn't one, never has been. The oft repeated Trump lie of "repeal and replace with something better, probably within an hour" is just one of his many lies. Obamacare is loved by the majority of Americans and hated by Trump for one reason and one reason only, because the great word OBAMA is in the name of the plan.

Trump can't stand that. He is eat up with jealousy of President Obama, knowing that he will never, under any circumstances be held in that high regard. It eats his guts. President Obama fixed Dubya's screwed up economic mess. He got Bin Laden and he was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize. And, to Trump's white nationalist chagrin, President Obama was black. Can you imagine, a black man far greater than Trump could possibly be? It's killing him. Trump is willing to kill many Americans by killing their insurance plan, all because he can never rise to the heights of a man he hates.

And, the icing on the cake will be Trump only having one term while President Obama had two. Trump can never live that down!
This isn't about Obama. Why is the great plan a secret? American voters will not support big cuts to their healthcare.
Well the potus just expressed how the republican plan is going to be great. I'm just wondering what the plan is. So are millions and millions of voters whose eyes are going to be watching what happens.
Hey people. If medical insurance companies, couldn't get away with legally "lobbying" (translation "bribing") state comptrollers to allow them to increase premiums every year for 20+ years, this situation would not be what it is.

Outlawing lobbying is the solution.

In no way was it feasible for medical insurance companies to be able to increase their premiums annually for 20 years +

Legally it was, ethically and responsibly, it was not.

Bribery needs to be made illegal, people, who's with me? Hmm?
I do. I pay for extra insurance which picks up costs my medicare doesn't cover.
Well the potus just expressed how the republican plan is going to be great. I'm just wondering what the plan is. So are millions and millions of voters whose eyes are going to be watching what happens.

So after Trump trashes virtually EVERYONE'S healthcare...we're supposed to believe that he'll do "something" because..ya know

He promised he would

But like any contractor that ever worked for him knows...a "promise" from Donald Trump is worth...well pretty much nothing. Ask the folks that got "promised" fortunes in Trump University
Well the potus just expressed how the republican plan is going to be great. I'm just wondering what the plan is. So are millions and millions of voters whose eyes are going to be watching what happens.

So after Trump trashes virtually EVERYONE'S healthcare...we're supposed to believe that he'll do "something" because..ya know

He promised he would

But like any contractor that ever worked for him knows...a "promise" from Donald Trump is worth...well pretty much nothing. Ask the folks that got "promised" fortunes in Trump University

Wtf? STFU, you TDS afflicted idiot. This thing has been 30 years plus in the making, but Orange Man Bad, so all his fault?

Get real you fucking moron! How about putting blame where blame is due? The Senate, Congress that allowed legal bribery, and corrupt state comptrollers, dumbass?

The companies being dirty is a gimme, the government backing them up is not. We're supposed to be able to change that. 'Sup bitch! You hearing me, or are you mudpuddle deep like I think you are?

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