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One man brought more fear to the country than the entire GOP in the last 40 years

I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Post the evidence that the FBI looked the other way, and the nature of the crime you allege she committed. Or, be proven a liar, a member of the echo chamber and a violator of at least one of the Ten Commandments!

Thanks in advance for a comprehensive answer to each of these demands.

Over 30,000 emails deleted by her lawyers, who did not security clearances, and the emails could not be traced.
She sent and received classified information. Who were the recipients of the emails and did they have security clearances. FBI did not investigate.
FBI does not know if her email server was hacked or not.
Hillary lied before congress and Comey verified she did, but they did not investigate.
Hillary said she turned over all her emails, and Comey verified she did not; lie.
Hillary said her private server, located in the basement of her home, was approved; lie.

The FBI Stated there is no evidence of a crime. What part of that do you fail to comprehend? Obviously you are convinced she was guilty of a crime, and that puts the question on the table: Are a real American?

Real American's believe every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty; clearly you believe some people are guilty until proven innocent. You'd make a great trier of fact in Soviet Russian or Castro's Cuba.

She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Over 30,000 emails deleted by her lawyers, who did not security clearances, and the emails could not be traced.
She sent and received classified information. Who were the recipients of the emails and did they have security clearances. FBI did not investigate.
FBI does not know if her email server was hacked or not.
Hillary lied before congress and Comey verified she did, but they did not investigate.
Hillary said she turned over all her emails, and Comey verified she did not; lie.
Hillary said her private server, located in the basement of her home, was approved; lie.

The FBI Stated there is no evidence of a crime. What part of that do you fail to comprehend? Obviously you are convinced she was guilty of a crime, and that puts the question on the table: Are a real American?

Real American's believe every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty; clearly you believe some people are guilty until proven innocent. You'd make a great trier of fact in Soviet Russian or Castro's Cuba.

She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

I think you've mistaken me for a Dump supporter, NOT! I watched the whole speech and knew exactly what he was talking about. Maybe you should get rid of the partisan ear plugs and blinders.
Obama has supported, financed, armed, trained, protected, and even used our military in unsanctioned wars to HELP Mexican Drug Cartels, The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida - the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans, ISIS, and Islamic extremists.

500 civilians, 5 Americans, are dead because of his fast-and-furious.

THOUSANDS of innocent people have been slaughtered by his 'allies', ISIS

Hundreds of people / Christians were attacked / murdered because he helped The Muslim Brotherhood who persecuted / killed christians after they took over.

Many were killed, including 4 Americans, after Obama and Hillary joined forces with Al Qaeida in an unsanctioned war to take over libya and give it to Al Qaeida as a safe haven.

12 Americans were killed in Ca after Barry brought a terrorist into the US.

Many Americans have been killed, taped, and robbed by the violent illegals Barry has brought into the US while refusing to protect citizens and allowing illegal sanctuary to be given to the illegals.

His racial division has escalated racism in this nationto the point where there is open WAR. Blacks are ambushing and murdering policemen. BLM, who Barry has praised twice at the WH and encouraged not to let the murder of cops stop them, has called for the murder of all whites and policemen. They have perpetrated the crime of Sedition by vowing to overthrow the US. They have danced in celebration after policemen were murdered and taunted cops after their assassinations.

Obama has the blood of Americans and many others around tbe world on his hands. He has aided our enemies and has betrayed Americans.

He has brought more death and fear here, aided more of our enemies, and xaused more death by helping terrorists than any.

And Hillary has sworn to continue as 'Barry 2.0'...
Just a few notes: Isis started in 2003 and gained power when Bush and the GOP disbanded the Iraqi military leaving 250,000 armed men unemployed and angry. There is no doubt of that. Even Bush said disbanding the Iraqi military was a mistake.

We know about how Christians died in the Middle East. Here is a video I made back in 2008:

Now, about Fast and Furious, that is one of the most ridiculous conspiracies. Obama has never been in the southwest except when campaigning. Neither has Holder. Add in fact the law enforcement in that area is right wing, worked for Bush and hate Obama is why it's ridiculous to think he could put something like Fast and Furious together in the center of right wing power in the area. It's outright laughable.
In watching the political news this year, I have learned that Cruz's father was up to no good with Oswald, that Illegals were taking my job of picking grapes, that muslims are going to behead me, that Obama is a sleeper agent from Kenya, and that Hillary is going to come in the middle of the night to takes my guns away.

No wonder I order my groceries online and have them left outside my front door!
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.


Same shit...different day.....I remember Rome by was the worst person ever!!!!! He was a .......oh the talking points then a ......plutocrat.. ...
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.

LOL..typical liberal BS. Ask Europe how letting all the mooslims in is working for them. We will fix it here. President Trump will see to that.
ISIS explode onto the world scene as a major terrorist threat after Obama's embarassing Red Line disaster, after Obama tried to blame 'the world'.

Obama then allied himself (again) wuth terrorists / ISIS, financing, supporting, arming, training, & protecting in exchange for their promise to help against Assad.

They played Obama, and he cpuld not control them. He betrayed our military by allowing ISIS to freely flow into Iraq to begin taking over much of the country our military had liberated already at great cost...WHILE he defended them, minimzing them as a threat by declaring they are a 'JVTeam'. They are gighting and dying again there because Obama gave them carte blanch to do so.

If they are a JV Team Obama got played and his ass kicked by a JV Team. This JV Team killed thousands of people who otherwise would not have died if he had taken any military mile-long ISIS convoys as they entered into Iraq.

ISIS embarassed Obama again in France. The next day after Obama moronically declared HE had ISIS contained they affected the largest attack on France since WWII.

When France and Russia launched bombing attacks against ISOS oil facilities (that funded 50% of their terrorist attacks - including the one on France - the one Obama had been defending) Obama treasonously dropped pamphletts warning his terrorist allies that the attack was coming.

That is TREASON!

Obama is a damn terrorist ally, always has been. He is an Islamic Extremist sympathizer, friends with domestic terrorists, the arms supplier / dealer for Mexican Drug Cartels, The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS!

These are all DOCUMENTED FACTS, the links for which have been repeatedly posted on this board NUMEROUS times.

Add in the fact that this 'enemy of the state' has viokated both the Constitution and laws, has refused to obey abd enforce existing immigration and criminal law, has and continues to violate court orders, has been found in contempt numerous times, has aided and protected human trafficjers, has engaged in human trafficking, has and continues to protect federal kaw-violating cities and cabinet / administration mmbers such as AG Holder, Castro, Head of the IRS, and even Hillary Clinton...

Obama has been the most corrupt, treasonous, law breaking, criminal, law breaker-protecting, terrorist-aiding President in US history. He doesn't even try to hide it anymore because he knows his brainwashed party-1st sheep will follow and defend him no matter what.
I think he spoke a lot of hard truths. However i guess those opposing him will call that 'fear.' But sometimes fear isn't an all bad thing.

Reality is sometimes frightening. Especially if your world view is based on a fantasy.
Freedom is messy, chaotic and risky. But it's better than the alternative.

How much Freedom do you believe is in the phrase, Law and Order?

Let's be honest here, Wry...it's hard to feel "free" when you're afraid to leave your house! Just saying...

I suppose it is hard to feel afraid. I'm not afraid to leave my house, are you?

I'm not but then again I have a concealed weapons permit and don't leave the house without a gun. If I DIDN'T have that? Yeah, I'd be nervous. You'd have to be an idiot not to be!
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Over 30,000 emails deleted by her lawyers, who did not security clearances, and the emails could not be traced.
She sent and received classified information. Who were the recipients of the emails and did they have security clearances. FBI did not investigate.
FBI does not know if her email server was hacked or not.
Hillary lied before congress and Comey verified she did, but they did not investigate.
Hillary said she turned over all her emails, and Comey verified she did not; lie.
Hillary said her private server, located in the basement of her home, was approved; lie.

The FBI Stated there is no evidence of a crime. What part of that do you fail to comprehend? Obviously you are convinced she was guilty of a crime, and that puts the question on the table: Are a real American?

Real American's believe every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty; clearly you believe some people are guilty until proven innocent. You'd make a great trier of fact in Soviet Russian or Castro's Cuba.

She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.
That's probably the worst insult you can possibly use against today's politicians, considering she's done nothing but lie during the entirety of this election, and her time in politics in general. You'd have to be delusional to think she's less of a liar than... well, anyone, really.
ISIS explode onto the world scene as a major terrorist threat after Obama's embarassing Red Line disaster, after Obama tried to blame 'the world'.

Obama then allied himself (again) wuth terrorists / ISIS, financing, supporting, arming, training, & protecting in exchange for their promise to help against Assad.

They played Obama, and he cpuld not control them. He betrayed our military by allowing ISIS to freely flow into Iraq to begin taking over much of the country our military had liberated already at great cost...WHILE he defended them, minimzing them as a threat by declaring they are a 'JVTeam'. They are gighting and dying again there because Obama gave them carte blanch to do so.

If they are a JV Team Obama got played and his ass kicked by a JV Team. This JV Team killed thousands of people who otherwise would not have died if he had taken any military mile-long ISIS convoys as they entered into Iraq.

ISIS embarassed Obama again in France. The next day after Obama moronically declared HE had ISIS contained they affected the largest attack on France since WWII.

When France and Russia launched bombing attacks against ISOS oil facilities (that funded 50% of their terrorist attacks - including the one on France - the one Obama had been defending) Obama treasonously dropped pamphletts warning his terrorist allies that the attack was coming.

That is TREASON!

Obama is a damn terrorist ally, always has been. He is an Islamic Extremist sympathizer, friends with domestic terrorists, the arms supplier / dealer for Mexican Drug Cartels, The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS!

These are all DOCUMENTED FACTS, the links for which have been repeatedly posted on this board NUMEROUS times.

Add in the fact that this 'enemy of the state' has viokated both the Constitution and laws, has refused to obey abd enforce existing immigration and criminal law, has and continues to violate court orders, has been found in contempt numerous times, has aided and protected human trafficjers, has engaged in human trafficking, has and continues to protect federal kaw-violating cities and cabinet / administration mmbers such as AG Holder, Castro, Head of the IRS, and even Hillary Clinton...

Obama has been the most corrupt, treasonous, law breaking, criminal, law breaker-protecting, terrorist-aiding President in US history. He doesn't even try to hide it anymore because he knows his brainwashed party-1st sheep will follow and defend him no matter what.

Well, you've convinced ME! I'll never vote for Obama again!
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Over 30,000 emails deleted by her lawyers, who did not security clearances, and the emails could not be traced.
She sent and received classified information. Who were the recipients of the emails and did they have security clearances. FBI did not investigate.
FBI does not know if her email server was hacked or not.
Hillary lied before congress and Comey verified she did, but they did not investigate.
Hillary said she turned over all her emails, and Comey verified she did not; lie.
Hillary said her private server, located in the basement of her home, was approved; lie.

The FBI Stated there is no evidence of a crime. What part of that do you fail to comprehend? Obviously you are convinced she was guilty of a crime, and that puts the question on the table: Are a real American?

Real American's believe every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty; clearly you believe some people are guilty until proven innocent. You'd make a great trier of fact in Soviet Russian or Castro's Cuba.

She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

Yes... you are repeating a lie over and over, and no, it's not true. I understand it is the only hope Hillary has of being elected and that many absolutely brainless voters will believe it, but again that does not make it true. Hillary as compared only to her husband is only more honest depending on how you define "is". Beyond that, Hillary makes Nixon look like George Washington.

15 of the Biggest Liars in History - Page 8 of 12 - Mamiverse

Number 9 on that list is..... unsurprising. They should keep the 10th spot open for a future addition.
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Over 30,000 emails deleted by her lawyers, who did not security clearances, and the emails could not be traced.
She sent and received classified information. Who were the recipients of the emails and did they have security clearances. FBI did not investigate.
FBI does not know if her email server was hacked or not.
Hillary lied before congress and Comey verified she did, but they did not investigate.
Hillary said she turned over all her emails, and Comey verified she did not; lie.
Hillary said her private server, located in the basement of her home, was approved; lie.

The FBI Stated there is no evidence of a crime. What part of that do you fail to comprehend? Obviously you are convinced she was guilty of a crime, and that puts the question on the table: Are a real American?

Real American's believe every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty; clearly you believe some people are guilty until proven innocent. You'd make a great trier of fact in Soviet Russian or Castro's Cuba.

She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

Now this is hilarious. Yes, I am replying to your post again....

I just right now, after finishing that prior post, popped on the TV, and SkyNews is doing a promo, called "The Hillary Clinton Problem" with the background music American Woman.

Moreover, they interviewed a dozen people, and what was the number one thing they nearly all mentioned over and over? Trust issues. Not trustworthy. Even those who said they would likely vote for her "Not ideal. Not trustworthy".

So funny to see nearly everyone agreeing she is a liar, but you. It looks like most people have left your delusional world, and now most agree she is a liar. Your allies grows thin.
Regressive spin, who'd a thunk? BTW near 3500 people have been shot and killed, 10 of thousand injured in Chicago since the maobama regime took office, so tell the folks on the south side how safe it is.
Yeah,meanwhile the libtards slam on vigilance and defense as if it were the fear itself.

If we were living in the London Blitz of WW2, the Democrats would be blaming Churchill for their fear of being bombed instead of Hitler.

That is how these retards roll.
Thanks armchair psychologist....

It doesn't require a degree to understand that hate and fear is unhealthy, and what we have seen this week (and for years) from the conservative fringe of the GOP is that in spades. Those of us with advanced degrees who have watched the progression from a home of the brave into a nation dominated by the NRA ideology and fascist rhetoric - which we heard last evening from Trump - is at best disturbing.

"Law and Order!" is mindful of the Nixon Agnew ticket it, the Reichstag Fire and the 'strong men' who ruled in other nations at other times in world history. Don't be fooled, those who fail to study history are doomed to relive it.
You are afraid of your own shadow, aren't you?

Nope. I can go to the grocery store, to a ball game and to a movie unarmed (well I always have my wits) and never once feel concerned. Now, if I went to Pete's for coffee, and some clown(s) decided since they can to come and have coffee armed to the teeth, I would walk out, not out of fear, out of disgust.
Yet you are terrified of a real estate mogul....

Not all all. Trump is both a demagogue and a charlatan.

Law and Order is mindful of Spiro Agnew, another conservative who went down in a cloud of criminal indictments. He (obviously) told you what you wanted to hear, he did it well that I admit, but so have demagogues and despots over the years.

Keep this in mind, it's best to watch the feet rather than the lips, it's not what someone says what they will do, it is what they have done and will do. Given Trumps rhetoric, I am reminded of Nixon's campaign in 1968. HIs message was "I have a plan", to end the Vietnam War - it took he and his administration two years to decide on the shape of the table for the Paris Peach Talks to begin, and the war didn't end with honor, it ended with the panic seen on national TV at the US Embassy in Saigon SIX years and tens of thousands of our soldiers and sailors deaths later.
"Demagogue" is a meaningless term.

BTW John Kerry's presidential campaign message was "I have a plan", dipshit.
Are you afraid, rdean?

Gawd, I hope so. I hope you people are terrified.

Actually I hope then know they have nothing to worry about. As they predicted with the nomination Trump can't possibly win. They might as well stay home.
I am still hoping against hope that the GOP will at least retain control of the Senate.

But I fear that they (the GOP) have blown it so bad now with this Casino Pirate that they (the GOP) will lose everything in November.

Then divided government goes out the window.


Do you really want to reward the kind of savotage that the GOP have been doing for over a decade now...

Trump is the conclusion to the No compromise policy enacted in 2008... Rem Obama actually tried to deal with them at first but anyone caught was branded a RINO and cacused by the TP...

Trump isn't even a consevative, he is a facist by most definations...

Too funny.

But then, taken to the extreme, better fascism then the Democrats' Communism. At least the fascists kept the trains running.
With China and Russia both voting for Trump, that should be everybody's clue that he is a madman.

I hate to disabuse you of your delusions, but China and Russia don't get a vote in our election.

Do you really want to reward the kind of savotage that the GOP have been doing for over a decade now...

Trump is the conclusion to the No compromise policy enacted in 2008... Rem Obama actually tried to deal with them at first but anyone caught was branded a RINO and cacused by the TP...

Trump isn't even a consevative, he is a facist by most definations...
I want the GOP to keep control of the Senate so that Hillary cannot appoint any SCOTUS justices.

I can live with anything else Hillary does.

I really do not want Hillary to have complete control of the US Federal Government.

The House Of Reps is completely worthless and has been ever since Boner took it over. So Nancy can have it back -- fine with me.

And Trump is a madman so Hillary can have The White House -- also fine with me. She has Billy Boy with her there and he can help her if Putin attacks.

But I just pray the Senate stays GOP. Then the SCOTUS will be safe.

So we should have a court with only 5 or six justices? You actually believe it would be OK for a Republican led Senate to do that?
I pray that with the Senate in Mitch McConnell's hands the SCOTUS will shrink to 7 with the old age senile death or retirement of Ginsberg, who is without a doubt the worst SCOTUS justice in the history of the Earth including Paleolithic times. Then and only then will we be back to a fairly divided court with Kennedy as the swing voter.

But it will take a miracle from God to keep the Senate that way.

You think the same Senate that approved Kagan and Sotomayor isn't going to approve Hillary's nominations? Really?
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.

Are you afraid, rdean?

Gawd, I hope so. I hope you people are terrified.
Our fear is for our nation... putting an arrogant, boastful, ignorant, ungodly, bombastic, narcissistic, lawless, dictator... wanna be god, tweeting perpetual liar in to the office of the President is concerning...and should be for any breathing American!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
The FBI Stated there is no evidence of a crime. What part of that do you fail to comprehend? Obviously you are convinced she was guilty of a crime, and that puts the question on the table: Are a real American?

Real American's believe every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty; clearly you believe some people are guilty until proven innocent. You'd make a great trier of fact in Soviet Russian or Castro's Cuba.

She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.
That's probably the worst insult you can possibly use against today's politicians, considering she's done nothing but lie during the entirety of this election, and her time in politics in general. You'd have to be delusional to think she's less of a liar than... well, anyone, really.
No, only if you listen to Republican attack dogs. They've been after her for at least 20 years so there's plenty of bull shit to read.

For decades she’s been portrayed as a Lady Macbeth involved in nefarious plots, branded as “a congenital liar” and accused of covering up her husband’s misconduct, from Arkansas to Monica Lewinsky. Some of this is sexist caricature. Some is stoked by the “Hillary is a liar” videos that flood Facebook feeds. Some of it she brings on herself by insisting on a perimeter or “zone of privacy” that she protects too fiercely. It’s a natural impulse, given the level of scrutiny she’s attracted, more than any male politician I can think of.

When I say she is honest, it's relative. In the eyes of the public there are no honest politicians. If a politicians promises to vote for a bill and he doesn't he's a liar. If he votes for the bill and it doesn't do what he promised, he's a liar. He says he's for the tax and changes his mind, he's a liar. If he say's he didn't send a classified email because he doesn't recall doing so but actually did, he's a liar. What Hillary does is tell the absolute truth as she understands it without offering any additional information which may allow the listener to come up with the wrong conclusions. It's not lie. It's just not the whole truth.
Last edited:
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.
That's probably the worst insult you can possibly use against today's politicians, considering she's done nothing but lie during the entirety of this election, and her time in politics in general. You'd have to be delusional to think she's less of a liar than... well, anyone, really.
No, only if you listen to Republican attack dogs. They been after her for at least 20 years so there's plenty bull shit read.
You mean the .5% of the media that is Republican that has much more to do than follow around Hillary every day?
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.
That's probably the worst insult you can possibly use against today's politicians, considering she's done nothing but lie during the entirety of this election, and her time in politics in general. You'd have to be delusional to think she's less of a liar than... well, anyone, really.
No, only if you listen to Republican attack dogs. They been after her for at least 20 years so there's plenty bull shit read.
Nobody needs to be after her, she intentionally lies, and it's plain for all to see.

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