One of the best political adds I've ever seen.

Hillary has no choice but to run full negative ads
Bullshit. She has a choice. She's made her choice.
Donald Trump has handed Hillary Clinton's campaign the biggest, deepest and broadest amount of material in the history of historical histories, all wrapped up with a nice little bow.

For them to not use his own words against him would be political malpractice.

He has said what he has said, and he has to live with it. In fact, he doesn't even seem to care.
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Best ad ever. This one makes me get misty eyed. We must vote Trump and make America Great Again!

Or is it make America “hate again”…..

“America is a hell hole”—Donald Trump

ISIS Slaughtering Christians "In Their Beds"
Everybody let's sing the fuzzy headed Democrat theme song..."It's a world of laughter and a world of tears, it's a world of hopes and a world of fears, EVERYONE now sing's a small world after all, it's a small world after all...ok now hug and kiss that Islamic terrorist, reach out to that cop killer, it's societies fault he's a worthless piece of shit...come on sing along..."
Her team has come up with ads that are devastating for Trump. I can’t wait to see what is coming out later if these are the prelims.
She losing because she is phony and a liar. Trump has barely ran ads and he is kicking her ass. Laughable.

Her leads in nationwide polls have never mattered much. She is leading in most swing states and soon she and her surrogates (those are people who campaign for you—you may not know that because your messiah has none) will put him away in the states they deem necessary.

HRC Is cruising!
This pleases me very much.

Best ad ever. This one makes me get misty eyed. We must vote Trump and make America Great Again!

Or is it make America “hate again”…..

“America is a hell hole”—Donald Trump

ISIS Slaughtering Christians "In Their Beds"
Everybody let's sing the fuzzy headed Democrat theme song..."It's a world of laughter and a world of tears, it's a world of hopes and a world of fears, EVERYONE now sing's a small world after all, it's a small world after all...ok now hug and kiss that Islamic terrorist, reach out to that cop killer, it's societies fault he's a worthless piece of shit...come on sing along..."

And someone hasn’t taken their medication….

And NO, I'm not a Hillary supporter. That is simply a brilliant add.

First political add I've seen this year that actually caught my attention.

"Ad" not ADD! Come on something so simple makes me question your attention span!

You need a comma or a period after "on" and the second exclamation point makes you seem like a crazed nutcase.

To me, anyone that votes for someone who could do this publicly is scum. It only reinforces what I thought about the right wing.

And you know every time they see Trump do this, they laugh hysterically.

To me, anyone that votes for someone who could do this publicly is scum. It only reinforces what I thought about the right wing.

And you know every time they see Trump do this, they laugh hysterically.

Hey any parent that would use this to a political advantage are actually worse then Trump's action.

This is precisely the image the media wanted in people’s minds. They wanted this to be the story: that Donald Trump knowingly and intentionally mocked the flailing arm motions of someone who can’t control his muscles. They knew this would naturally trigger a visceral reaction of disgust from viewers and outrage amongst the disabled and all decent Americans, many of whom, to this day, think this is exactly what happened. Is it?

What the media did not choose to show you was video of Serge Kovaleski. Notice how the media only showed and still shows photos of him. This was done for a reason. As it turns out, Kovaleski’s disability is a congenital condition called arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis causes restricted movement in the joints but does not cause spasms or uncontrolled moving of the limbs like cerebral palsy does.To show the depths of the deceit, one CNN reporter explained, while displaying a still photo of him, that Kovaleski, “suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms.” Again, the implication is that Kovaleski can’t control his arms from moving. To the contrary, Kovaleski appears perfectly calm when giving interviews. Thus, if Trump truly wanted to mock Kovaleski’s disability, he would have had to stand perfectly still with a flexed right hand and not flail his arms. don’t believe me? Watch the video: Meet Serge Kovaleski... in real life!
The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

But once again jumping to conclusions based on a true phony...i.e. Serge Kovaleski!!!

And NO, I'm not a Hillary supporter. That is simply a brilliant add.

First political add I've seen this year that actually caught my attention.

It's a good ad in and of itself. However, Clinton's ad strategy is tiresome. She's running full negative, recycling footage that has already received wide coverage. She's all but sold her soul to the "I'm not Trump" platform. At this point every ad of hers I see just makes me want to smack her in the face.

This is a weird freaking election. Normally the "I'm not that guy!" strategy backfires spectacularly, as Kerry recently demonstrated. But this election, any time that Hillary or Trump has taken the spotlight they've seen their numbers plummet. If you're Hillary, you want the focus squarely on Trump, and if you're Trump you want the focus squarely on Hillary.

I am so ready for this election to end so we can get on with the Impeachment talk that inevitably follows.
Her team has come up with ads that are devastating for Trump. I can’t wait to see what is coming out later if these are the prelims.
She losing because she is phony and a liar. Trump has barely ran ads and he is kicking her ass. Laughable.
He's still losing, despite the race tightening. Now imagine if an actually good candidate had become the GOP nominee. We'd be talking landslide. As it is, Trump can win, but it'll likely be an Electoral College win where he loses the popular vote.
Which, is still losing. What's changed is that Trump has a chance now. But he is still losing.
Revived RCP sverae now .7%!!!!!

Perhaps Trump's statement about the NYC Muslim terrorist attack compared to the Hildebeast is really starting to resonate with citizens that care about their children and lives...seems Trump cares and all she worries about is her Muslim vote!
Which, is still losing. What's changed is that Trump has a chance now. But he is still losing.
Revived RCP sverae now .7%!!!!!

Perhaps Trump's statement about the NYC Muslim terrorist attack compared to the Hildebeast is really starting to resonate with citizens that care about their children and lives...seems Trump cares and all she worries about is her Muslim vote!
Which is still losing. And by the way, you left off the Electoral Map result from RCP: Clinton 293 in the no Toss up maps, up by 36 in the regular electoral map. For "kicking her ass" he's really under-performing.

Could Trump win? Sure. Maybe next week he's leading, maybe not. But if he does win he's going to win by the same margins that Hillary wins by if she wins: 2-3% points at most, probably less. At the end of the day, both candidates absolutely suck, neither strongly motivates their party outside their fringe base, and both have serious issues still hanging in the wind to trip up their campaign.
Which, is still losing. What's changed is that Trump has a chance now. But he is still losing.
Revived RCP sverae now .7%!!!!!

Perhaps Trump's statement about the NYC Muslim terrorist attack compared to the Hildebeast is really starting to resonate with citizens that care about their children and lives...seems Trump cares and all she worries about is her Muslim vote!
Which is still losing. And by the way, you left off the Electoral Map result from RCP: Clinton 293 in the no Toss up maps, up by 36 in the regular electoral map. For "kicking her ass" he's really under-performing.

Could Trump win? Sure. Maybe next week he's leading, maybe not. But if he does win he's going to win by the same margins that Hillary wins by if she wins: 2-3% points at most, probably less. At the end of the day, both candidates absolutely suck, neither strongly motivates their party outside their fringe base, and both have serious issues still hanging in the wind to trip up their campaign.
I disagree map I saw had 243 to 243 Trump... Unfortunately can't post it from my phone but will tonight...I also disagree about motivation, even the RNC has now told other candidates to get aboard or lose funding for their next run, Trump latest polls of blacks has 20% and a decent rise in Hispanic voters... You can only fool the public for so long.

To me, anyone that votes for someone who could do this publicly is scum. It only reinforces what I thought about the right wing.

And you know every time they see Trump do this, they laugh hysterically.

Hey any parent that would use this to a political advantage are actually worse then Trump's action.

This is precisely the image the media wanted in people’s minds. They wanted this to be the story: that Donald Trump knowingly and intentionally mocked the flailing arm motions of someone who can’t control his muscles. They knew this would naturally trigger a visceral reaction of disgust from viewers and outrage amongst the disabled and all decent Americans, many of whom, to this day, think this is exactly what happened. Is it?

What the media did not choose to show you was video of Serge Kovaleski. Notice how the media only showed and still shows photos of him. This was done for a reason. As it turns out, Kovaleski’s disability is a congenital condition called arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis causes restricted movement in the joints but does not cause spasms or uncontrolled moving of the limbs like cerebral palsy does.To show the depths of the deceit, one CNN reporter explained, while displaying a still photo of him, that Kovaleski, “suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms.” Again, the implication is that Kovaleski can’t control his arms from moving. To the contrary, Kovaleski appears perfectly calm when giving interviews. Thus, if Trump truly wanted to mock Kovaleski’s disability, he would have had to stand perfectly still with a flexed right hand and not flail his arms. don’t believe me? Watch the video: Meet Serge Kovaleski... in real life!
The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

But once again jumping to conclusions based on a true phony...i.e. Serge Kovaleski!!!

Parents defending their disabled daughter is worse than Trump making fun of disabled people.? Really?

Donald Trump’s revisionist history of mocking a disabled reporter

How you could defend such disgusting behavior and tell lies doing it makes you swine.

Just the idea that Trump was acting like he was disabled and at the same time there was a disabled reporter strains coincidence beyond belief. When has he ever acted like that before or after.


Swine I say, Swine!

And NO, I'm not a Hillary supporter. That is simply a brilliant add.

First political add I've seen this year that actually caught my attention.

Pretty shameful in light of the fact she never served and her husband was a draft dodger. I'm a combat vet and I'm 100% for Trump. The last guy in the wheelchair looks like a former Democratic U.S. Senator from Georgia who was beaten by Zell Miller.

So, you are supporters a draft dodger rather than support the wife of a draft dodger :cuckoo:

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