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One of the following MUST be true about God

That's not what I said is it. People who only "believe" in god are weak and gullible or subject to peer pressure. People who claim to have had a variety of "experiences" AKA hallucinations regarding a personal one on one meeting of some kind with a god are lying or crazy.

What you are actually saying is that anyone who does not believe in your utterly unsupported belief must have something wrong with them. Until such time as you have more than just "it's true because I say so" to offer, I think I'll believe what I please.

I supported my claim that people who have hallucinations leading to them seeing and hearing "god" are inflicted with mental disease. Most Christians came to that belief through a bombardment of propaganda from a young age. Socumbing to such peer pressure shows a weakness. Most people go along to get along. It's fairly comon human behavior.

You can believe anything you want.

Yeah, cuz all the Christians since the beginning of time are big mentally ill dummies.

Sorry Huggy, your argument fails.

But if having a diagnosis of mental illness imparts upon one the ability to diagnose it in OTHERS, then you're set!
1) God doesn't exist
2) God is incompetent
3) God doesn't give a shit

One of the three above statements must be true. Take a scenario that seems unexplainable when it comes to "Why would God do ____________?" Or 'Why would God allow _______"?

Children dying of cancer
Women being raped
Mass Genocide
The Holocaust

None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occurring. The answer is one of the above three options.

So which do you think is correct? 1, 2, 3?

Bait post/troll thread.

The answer is not one of the above three options.

If this was a troll thread it would have been moved already.

Carry on.

What you are actually saying is that anyone who does not believe in your utterly unsupported belief must have something wrong with them. Until such time as you have more than just "it's true because I say so" to offer, I think I'll believe what I please.

I supported my claim that people who have hallucinations leading to them seeing and hearing "god" are inflicted with mental disease. Most Christians came to that belief through a bombardment of propaganda from a young age. Socumbing to such peer pressure shows a weakness. Most people go along to get along. It's fairly comon human behavior.

You can believe anything you want.

Yeah, cuz all the Christians since the beginning of time are big mentally ill dummies.

Sorry Huggy, your argument fails.

But if having a diagnosis of mental illness imparts upon one the ability to diagnose it in OTHERS, then you're set!

Some on this MB have said they have had "visions"..etc.. and other not of this world experiences they claim are personal communications with god. Yes..I will have to refer to the mental health professionals that view such hallucinations as symptoms of mental disorder.

I never claimed all Christians are crazy. I have given thorough explainations of some of the pressures that make people like you cling to the hope of an afterlife as laid out in most christian communities. Fear is the primary engine that keeps you a christian. Of course you would be reluctant to give up hope of all of the rediculous promises your religion fraudulently offers. I offer you nothing. In fact I can only gaurantee you nothing after death. The only benefit to being an atheist is that you can live your life without pretense. I find that enough. If pretending suits you I wouldn't want to take away your crutch.
1) God doesn't exist
2) God is incompetent
3) God doesn't give a shit

One of the three above statements must be true. Take a scenario that seems unexplainable when it comes to "Why would God do ____________?" Or 'Why would God allow _______"?

Children dying of cancer
Women being raped
Mass Genocide
The Holocaust

None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occurring. The answer is one of the above three options.

So which do you think is correct? 1, 2, 3?

Bait post/troll thread.

The answer is not one of the above three options.

Of course those are the only options. That's been proven by the fact that you can't tell us what a 4th option would be.
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1) God doesn't exist
2) God is incompetent
3) God doesn't give a shit

One of the three above statements must be true. Take a scenario that seems unexplainable when it comes to "Why would God do ____________?" Or 'Why would God allow _______"?

Children dying of cancer
Women being raped
Mass Genocide
The Holocaust

None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occurring. The answer is one of the above three options.

So which do you think is correct? 1, 2, 3?

Bait post/troll thread.

The answer is not one of the above three options.

If this was a troll thread it would have been moved already.

Carry on.


Yeah, because starting a thread with an inflammatory logical fallacy argument, with nothing to support it at all, is obviously not trolling.
Bait post/troll thread.

The answer is not one of the above three options.

If this was a troll thread it would have been moved already.

Carry on.


Yeah, because starting a thread with an inflammatory logical fallacy argument, with nothing to support it at all, is obviously not trolling.

Not all dopey threads consisting of a highly irrational, illogical fallacies are necessarily troll threads.

Sometimes, it's just an idiot proving that he's an idiot; like, the author of this dopey irrational illogical fallacy-driven thread.
If this was a troll thread it would have been moved already.

Carry on.


Yeah, because starting a thread with an inflammatory logical fallacy argument, with nothing to support it at all, is obviously not trolling.

Not all dopey threads consisting of a highly irrational, illogical fallacies are necessarily troll threads.

Sometimes, it's just an idiot proving that he's an idiot; like, the author of this dopey irrational illogical fallacy-driven thread.

Which belongs in the trash talking forum.

Sometimes idiots shine a light on the idiots who don't understand the basic principles of discussion, or the rules as they're written.
Yeah, because starting a thread with an inflammatory logical fallacy argument, with nothing to support it at all, is obviously not trolling.

Not all dopey threads consisting of a highly irrational, illogical fallacies are necessarily troll threads.

Sometimes, it's just an idiot proving that he's an idiot; like, the author of this dopey irrational illogical fallacy-driven thread.

Which belongs in the trash talking forum.

Sometimes idiots shine a light on the idiots who don't understand the basic principles of discussion, or the rules as they're written.

If it's such a troll thread you'll have no problem explaining why God allows infants to suffer and die from cancer.

My only question is, will you ignore this question again


will you insist that you've already answered it.

What I do know is that you will not give an answer...because you don't have one. Thus proving my thread is very much valid and you're very much a brainwashed lunatic.
* * * *

If it's such a troll thread you'll have no problem explaining why God allows infants to suffer and die from cancer.

OR, maybe it's not so much a troll thread as just one that is riddled with your ignorance and illogicality.

If we do not answer for God or cannot answer for God, that does NOT actually mean that your question has any logical validity.

I personally don't know why God (assuming God exists and created all of everything and is omniscient and loving) tolerates cancer in babies.

But it is certainly possible that the fact that I don't know the answer has NO bearing at all on whether God exists with all of those attributes.

My inability to "answer" for God does not in ANY way establish that your question has validity. It simply does not.

If you can't explain exactly how and why gravity works, that means there is no gravity.

Prove me wrong.
Ecclesiastes 8:11 ...the minds of men are fully capable in them to do evil. Jeremiah 17:9 The mind is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Ecclesiastes 9:3 ...the minds of men are full of evil, and madness is in their mind while they live, and after that they go to the dead. Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his mind was only evil continually. Genesis 8:21 ... for the imagination of man's mind is evil from his youth...Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the mind of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders...
Too bad the MEN who wrote the Bible never knew Plato, Buddha, Laozi, Albert Einstein, Kurt Gödel or even Johann Sebastian Bach.

Jeremiah 17:9 "The mind is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked"....
I have always liked that line from Jeremiah.

I imagine it being uttered by some prune-faced, Calvinist family-tyrant, while he is being mean to his children.
1) God doesn't exist
2) God is incompetent
3) God doesn't give a shit

One of the three above statements must be true. Take a scenario that seems unexplainable when it comes to "Why would God do ____________?" Or 'Why would God allow _______"?

Children dying of cancer
Women being raped
Mass Genocide
The Holocaust

None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occurring. The answer is one of the above three options.

So which do you think is correct? 1, 2, 3?

None of the above. You answered the question yourself. None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occuring. You answered it! ( Are you sane? )

He doesn't!

Had you read your bible you'd know Satan is the one who causes sickness, murder, death, disease, not God! God is a healer! I am the LORD that healeth thee! - Exodus

Satan is the one who requested permission from God to touch Jobs body - Job had a hedge of protection around him. God allowed Satan to test his servant but not kill him. In the end Job was rewarded double fold for his trouble and affliction.

Your problem here is that you are blaming the wrong one. Blame Satan. He is the one who has come to steal ( your health ) Kill ( murder ) destroy ( chaos ) in your life. Understand? Read your bible.

- Jeremiah

Deuteronomy 32
39: "`See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
Not all dopey threads consisting of a highly irrational, illogical fallacies are necessarily troll threads.

Sometimes, it's just an idiot proving that he's an idiot; like, the author of this dopey irrational illogical fallacy-driven thread.

Which belongs in the trash talking forum.

Sometimes idiots shine a light on the idiots who don't understand the basic principles of discussion, or the rules as they're written.

If it's such a troll thread you'll have no problem explaining why God allows infants to suffer and die from cancer.

My only question is, will you ignore this question again


will you insist that you've already answered it.

What I do know is that you will not give an answer...because you don't have one. Thus proving my thread is very much valid and you're very much a brainwashed lunatic.

No, I don't treat troll posts seriously. You present a false dichotomy, deliberately presenting three options as if they are the only options. It is not meant to be taken seriously and I don't take it seriously.

Nobody with any formal education or a scintilla of class will take it seriously, either. The fact it isn't in the trash tells us something about the intellectual level of this board. Apparently we've bumped up against it, and this thread is how we know that this place isn't for anyone of serious intellect, or a place that any person of intellect will take seriously. We have maxed out the capabilities of this community, and can go no higher.

It's like a sounding board for homeless degenerates.
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Which belongs in the trash talking forum.

Sometimes idiots shine a light on the idiots who don't understand the basic principles of discussion, or the rules as they're written.

If it's such a troll thread you'll have no problem explaining why God allows infants to suffer and die from cancer.

My only question is, will you ignore this question again


will you insist that you've already answered it.

What I do know is that you will not give an answer...because you don't have one. Thus proving my thread is very much valid and you're very much a brainwashed lunatic.

No, I don't treat troll posts seriously. You present a false dichotomy, deliberately presenting three options as if they are the only options. It is not meant to be taken seriously and I don't take it seriously.

Nobody with any formal education or a scintilla of class will take it seriously, either. The fact it isn't in the trash tells us something about the intellectual level of this board. Apparently we've bumped up against it, and this thread is how we know that this place isn't for anyone of serious intellect, or a place that any person of intellect will take seriously. We have maxed out the capabilities of this community, and can go no higher.

It's like a sounding board for homeless degenerates.

As I thought. So you have no answer as to why God permits children to suffer from terrible diseases. No answer, nothing, no response.

Instead you have name calling and a "I'm smarter than you" attitude even though you have literally NOTHING to support such an attitude.
False Dilemma

When you reason from an either-or position and you haven't considered all relevant possibilities you commit the fallacy of false dilemma.
  1. America: Love it or leave it.
  2. Death is nothing to fear. It is either annihilation or migration.
  3. Be my friend or be my enemy.
  4. Are you a Republican or a Democrat?
  5. If you're not going to heaven, you must be going to you-know-where.
  6. Good students will study and learn without the threat of an exam, and bad students won't study and learn even with the threat of an exam. So, exams serve no purpose
  7. Since there is nothing good on TV tonight, I will just have to get drunk.
  8. Obviously great mathematicians are born, and not made. John had all the best opportunities and is only mediocre at math. But Kara was good at math from the beginning.
  9. On the quad, I see the jocks in one corner, the rebels in another, and the intellectual set in yet another. Which one of these groups do you hang out with?
  10. You ask how I can know that you're struggling financially? It's simple: in a capitalist economy, you either win big or you lose big, and I know you're not one of the big winners."
False Dilemma : Department of Philosophy : Texas State University
I've recieved a witness of the Holy Spirit. Sure you did Sparky! :lol: You people are certifiabled insane. Anywhere but in your church that passes for a trip to the padded room in a state mental institution.

True story.

People who believe in God are certifiably insane? Can you show me that in the DSM-IV?

That's not what I said is it. People who only "believe" in god are weak and gullible or subject to peer pressure. People who claim to have had a variety of "experiences" AKA hallucinations regarding a personal one on one meeting of some kind with a god are lying or crazy.

You did say that, look at the quote. Instead of manning up you you tried to pretend you didn't say what you said.
I've recieved a witness of the Holy Spirit. Sure you did Sparky! :lol: You people are certifiabled insane. Anywhere but in your church that passes for a trip to the padded room in a state mental institution.

True story.

People who believe in God are certifiably insane? Can you show me that in the DSM-IV?

That's not what I said is it. People who only "believe" in god are weak and gullible or subject to peer pressure. People who claim to have had a variety of "experiences" AKA hallucinations regarding a personal one on one meeting of some kind with a god are lying or crazy.

You'd probably call the men in whites coats, then, if you ever saw me one Sunday morning at my Church of God.
Deuteronomy 32
39: "`See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

Interesting Isaiah verse.
I opened the entire chapter and it's not out of context.
Gonna have to talk this one over with the Pastor

Nobody with any formal education or a scintilla of class will take it seriously, either. The fact it isn't in the trash tells us something about the intellectual level of this board.

As I thought. So you have no answer as to why God permits children to suffer from terrible diseases. No answer, nothing, no response.

Instead you have name calling and a "I'm smarter than you" attitude even though you have literally NOTHING to support such an attitude.

I would respectfully note to everyone that since the Second Century CE, virtually every significant Christian theologian has written on the Three Great Problems of Theology:
1, The problem of death.
2. The problem of suffering.
3. The problem of evil.

It seems to me that the second is clearly before us, and the alternative to name-calling and childish behavior would be to address it with argument. As my contribution to start the ball rolling, I give you German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz's 1710 work, "Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil". This work coined the term "theodicy" which is any argument to explain the existence of evil and suffering with a Abrahamic God.
Leibniz's Théodicée was a response to skeptical Protestant philosopher Pierre Bayle, who wrote in his work Dictionnaire Historique et Critique that, after rejecting three attempts to solve it, he saw no rational solution to the problem of evil. Bayle argued that, because the Bible asserts the coexistence of God and evil, this state of affairs must simply be accepted.

French philosopher Voltaire criticised Leibniz's concept of theodicy in his Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne (Poem on the Lisbon disaster), suggesting that the massive destruction of innocent lives caused by the Lisbon earthquake demonstrated that God was not providing the "best of all possible worlds".

In The Catholic Encyclopedia (1914), Constantine Kempf argued that, following Leibniz's work, philosophers called their works on the problem of evil "theodicies", and philosophy about God was brought under the discipline of theodicy. He argued that theodicy began to include all of natural theology, meaning that theodicy came to consist of the human knowledge of God through the systematic use of reason.

In 1966, British philosopher John Hick published Evil and the God of Love, in which he surveyed various Christian responses to the problem of evil, before developing his own. In his work, Hick identified and distinguished between two types of philosophy: Augustinian, which had dominated Western Christianity for many centuries, and Irenaean, which was developed by the Eastern Church Father Irenaeus, a version of which Hick subscribed to himself.

Since I do not believe in a personified deity, the question is moot to me. But who among you are Augustinians and who Irenaeans?

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