One quarter of voters dislike both candidates.

It would be great if they would actually vote and not for either of the two main candidates.

Sadly many will likely just stay home. I don't think Kennedy can get people excited. Manchin at one point maybe could have but he also has the age issue to drag him down.

A quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both President Biden and former President Trump — the highest share of "double haters" at this stage in any of the last 10 elections, according to new Pew Research data.
What would really be great if they would realize this is about either keeping or rejecting a lawless Democratic Regime. Fence sitters need to open their eyes.
It would be great if they would actually vote and not for either of the two main candidates.

Sadly many will likely just stay home. I don't think Kennedy can get people excited. Manchin at one point maybe could have but he also has the age issue to drag him down.

A quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both President Biden and former President Trump — the highest share of "double haters" at this stage in any of the last 10 elections, according to new Pew Research data.

It's a binary system.
100%. You didn't know that? They can even ask the delegates to nominate whoever finished last.

Yes, it's their one job: find suitable candidates and support them.

Looks like you learned something today.

Of course they were correct in 2016. Hillary had a chance of beating Trump. Bernie had no chance and will never win a national election.
Okay. Why allow voters to vote in the primary? Just let party bigwigs pick the candidate.

Bernie had it won in 2016 and the party and the Bitch took it from him. Then pussy Bernie did nothing. Then they took it from him again in 2020 and he did nothing. What a cuck!
Hunter is still facing a trial over the tax issue.
Not the Burisma bribes that implicate Joe Biden, Weiss let those expire.
The September trial is about a different set of tax crimes.

My theory, when you get into Burisma, you get to the White House. I mean it’s one thing to charge Hunter Biden on a gun charge in Delaware, that doesn’t involve Joe Biden," Jordan said.

Not the Burisma bribes that implicate Joe Biden, Weiss let those expire.
The September trial is about a different set of tax crimes.

My theory, when you get into Burisma, you get to the White House. I mean it’s one thing to charge Hunter Biden on a gun charge in Delaware, that doesn’t involve Joe Biden," Jordan said.

Yeah Trump dropped the ball there.
If, if, if, if....Platutides and truisms aren't any arguments....Spending causes deficits, not lack of taxation.

Billionaires already don't pay much in income taxes; those are primarily on wages, salaries, and tips.
You can't cut your way to a balanced budget. You need to pay "mandatory spending" including $1T interest on the DEBT.

The top 10% of incomes already pay 71% of income taxes.
  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.8 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.2 percent).
You can't cut your way to a balanced budget.
The fuck you can't.
You need to pay "mandatory spending" including $1T interest on the DEBT.
A lot of that debt is to China, who unleashed a bioweapon on us....There's also a significant of that debt held by the Fed, for bailing out Wall Street banksters and monetizing the feds.....Fuck both of them.

The top 10% of incomes already pay 71% of income taxes.
  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.8 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.2 percent).
Don't GAF....Taxation is theft.
The fuck you can't.
A lot of that debt is to China, who unleashed a bioweapon on us....There's also a significant of that debt held by the Fed, for bailing out Wall Street banksters and monetizing the feds.....Fuck both of them. Don't GAF....Taxation is theft.
So you're a "default" guy. Thanks for playing.
This must be the 25% upper crust smart bunch like GaterMacBlack&CheesedicPeeKnobsonit. Those so smart they would rather be burned alive by street vermin than vote for a successful Outsider Businessman who is 1000X better for the country than the Obiden Kkkabal.

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