Oooops!! 300 scientists say NOAA rigging temperature data!!

I saw this name about 5 down on this list.....and did not bother reading any further:

"BELL, Larry: Launched the research and education program in space architecture at the University of Houston and author of Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax."

You think there ISN'T power and politics behind the Global Warming Circus??? You know those UN climate conferences? Think they are run for SCIENTISTS? Hell no --- run for the beggar/whiner DELEGATES and the 2/3s of the IPCC which is filled with policy wonks and economists and sociologists.

THIS PROBLEM with NOAA is particularly disturbing. When a SINGLE "mini-paper" can change the entire way that NOAA calculates sea temperatures. And INSIDE that "mini-paper" --- they actually average their highly accurate -- state of the art sonobuoy data with "ship intake temperature reports".. Which is the 19th century way of collecting ocean temp data. ANY PROCESS they can abuse to find another 0.1deg.

Whilst all the time ignoring BOTH satellite records which USED TO AGREE with all the thermometer data BEFORE FUCKING GOVT started to screw with it.. Seems they needed to end the "pause" in temperature increases SOOOO badly -- alll that integrity went out the winder..

So what numbers coming out of Washington ARE NOT fudged or lied about lately??

I know. Such an evil international conspiracy! I think that CHAOS is behind it! However, it is best not to talk about it without:

Just can't believe that you censor your own reading that way. You must really think ALL the science is settled and EVERYONE knows what the temperature anomaly will be in 2060 to fractions of a degree.. You must think that the Earth is so fragile --- that according to GW theory, a temperature forcing of just 2 degrees, will IRREPARABLY destroy the climate. You NEED that "cone of silence" .. Yes you do....


The cone of silence....
I saw this name about 5 down on this list.....and did not bother reading any further:

"BELL, Larry: Launched the research and education program in space architecture at the University of Houston and author of Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax."

You think there ISN'T power and politics behind the Global Warming Circus??? You know those UN climate conferences? Think they are run for SCIENTISTS? Hell no --- run for the beggar/whiner DELEGATES and the 2/3s of the IPCC which is filled with policy wonks and economists and sociologists.

THIS PROBLEM with NOAA is particularly disturbing. When a SINGLE "mini-paper" can change the entire way that NOAA calculates sea temperatures. And INSIDE that "mini-paper" --- they actually average their highly accurate -- state of the art sonobuoy data with "ship intake temperature reports".. Which is the 19th century way of collecting ocean temp data. ANY PROCESS they can abuse to find another 0.1deg.

Whilst all the time ignoring BOTH satellite records which USED TO AGREE with all the thermometer data BEFORE FUCKING GOVT started to screw with it.. Seems they needed to end the "pause" in temperature increases SOOOO badly -- alll that integrity went out the winder..

So what numbers coming out of Washington ARE NOT fudged or lied about lately??

But, but it's a worldwide conspiracy! United States conservatives are the only ones in the entire world, that aren't sucked in by this conspiracy! :eek-52:

That's not true.. Same percentage of skeptics in most places. MORE in Russia. Even Australia went thru the last 6 or 8 years doing MAJOR back-ups on GW policy. Heck the Aussie GeoSciences professional group even revolted over that "political" statement the AGeoUnion had been putting out...

Surveys OF climate scientists BY climate scientists show MUCH LESS of a consensus than the crappy skepticalscience survey that didn't even ASK any questions of climate scientists. Go look up von Storch surveys of opinion.. You'll see what REAL ISSUES in Global Warming are still undecided...

NASA/NOAA climate groups are led by ACTIVISTS hiding in labcoats. Put there to get favorable results for predetermined policy.. Ain't no different than packing the IRS with political hacks that can deliver the right results..

They have a sinister plan! It is all tied in to fluoridated water and vaccinations! Whatever floats your boat, FlaCal....)
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I don't really need the weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows. I noticed the climate changes 20 years ago, warming summers and less precipitation, what can I say? It's real as death.
out of curiosity where is it you live?
And how old are you? Please, I have seen all the cycles, economic, fashion, whatever zeitgist. The weather is independent of popular opinion. Yes, global warming is real as death and taxes.
do you even know what global warming is?

And why are you opposed to warming? Do you have a deathwish for a cold death? I'm just saying, the arctic is nowhere I wish to be to feel good about my life.
And how old are you? Please, I have seen all the cycles, economic, fashion, whatever zeitgist. The weather is independent of popular opinion. Yes, global warming is real as death and taxes.

Mary, Billy bob will argue with a thermometer. He doesn't care that 2015 was the second warmest year in recorded history. Thermometers are in on Al Gore's conspiracy to something or other!
how warm was it?
And how old are you? Please, I have seen all the cycles, economic, fashion, whatever zeitgist. The weather is independent of popular opinion. Yes, global warming is real as death and taxes.

I will be 51 in May and you are smoking crack, no difference today then it was 40 years ago.
no difference for 50 years for me. St.Louis and Chicago
And how old are you? Please, I have seen all the cycles, economic, fashion, whatever zeitgist. The weather is independent of popular opinion. Yes, global warming is real as death and taxes.
do you even know what global warming is?

And why are you opposed to warming? Do you have a deathwish for a cold death? I'm just saying, the arctic is nowhere I wish to be to feel good about my life.

Those types just cant connect the dots......the whole pigeon shitting on a chessboard and flying away thing..........:2up:
Sorry kids, we could have had good data, but greedy scientists and politicians led stupid people astray.
I don't really need the weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows. I noticed the climate changes 20 years ago, warming summers and less precipitation, what can I say? It's real as death.
out of curiosity where is it you live?
Midwestern continental US. Please, I am not pandering to political correctness, nor trying to annoy anyone, sorry you are offended. But yes, the climate is visibly changing here since the mid seventies, and not in a beneficial way. We have had more forest fires, less precipitation that decreases the watershed, and summer and winter average temps have risen. FACT. I can't answer for your experiences, this is a global phenomena. I can't nor will I try to account for your contrary experiences, because it won't make a difference. Facts are facts.
I don't really need the weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows. I noticed the climate changes 20 years ago, warming summers and less precipitation, what can I say? It's real as death.
out of curiosity where is it you live?
Midwestern continental US. Please, I am not pandering to political correctness, nor trying to annoy anyone, sorry you are offended. But yes, the climate is visibly changing here since the mid seventies, and not in a beneficial way. We have had more forest fires, less precipitation that decreases the watershed, and summer and winter average temps have risen. FACT. I can't answer for your experiences, this is a global phenomena. I can't nor will I try to account for your contrary experiences, because it won't make a difference. Facts are facts.

Yeah but the only important thing is very few care. They see it as weather, dear!! Also fact.............

Poll: 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming

And in the end, that's the only thing that matters........the "science" stands on its own. Impacts nothing in the real world.:funnyface:

The old "whistling past the graveyard" adage fits here..........
I don't really need the weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows. I noticed the climate changes 20 years ago, warming summers and less precipitation, what can I say? It's real as death.
out of curiosity where is it you live?
Midwestern continental US. Please, I am not pandering to political correctness, nor trying to annoy anyone, sorry you are offended. But yes, the climate is visibly changing here since the mid seventies, and not in a beneficial way. We have had more forest fires, less precipitation that decreases the watershed, and summer and winter average temps have risen. FACT. I can't answer for your experiences, this is a global phenomena. I can't nor will I try to account for your contrary experiences, because it won't make a difference. Facts are facts.
well how can it be global if it isn't happening here in Chicago, the midwest and the Northeast?
I don't really need the weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows. I noticed the climate changes 20 years ago, warming summers and less precipitation, what can I say? It's real as death.
out of curiosity where is it you live?
Midwestern continental US. Please, I am not pandering to political correctness, nor trying to annoy anyone, sorry you are offended. But yes, the climate is visibly changing here since the mid seventies, and not in a beneficial way. We have had more forest fires, less precipitation that decreases the watershed, and summer and winter average temps have risen. FACT. I can't answer for your experiences, this is a global phenomena. I can't nor will I try to account for your contrary experiences, because it won't make a difference. Facts are facts.

Yeah but the only important thing is very few care. They see it as weather, dear!! Also fact.............

Poll: 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming

And in the end, that's the only thing that matters........the "science" stands on its own. Impacts nothing in the real world.:funnyface:

The old "whistling past the graveyard" adage fits here..........
Indeed. You don't care, and 90% of the cherry picked facts you dredged up don't disprove a bloody thing, bucko.
I don't really need the weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows. I noticed the climate changes 20 years ago, warming summers and less precipitation, what can I say? It's real as death.
out of curiosity where is it you live?
Midwestern continental US. Please, I am not pandering to political correctness, nor trying to annoy anyone, sorry you are offended. But yes, the climate is visibly changing here since the mid seventies, and not in a beneficial way. We have had more forest fires, less precipitation that decreases the watershed, and summer and winter average temps have risen. FACT. I can't answer for your experiences, this is a global phenomena. I can't nor will I try to account for your contrary experiences, because it won't make a difference. Facts are facts.

Yeah but the only important thing is very few care. They see it as weather, dear!! Also fact.............

Poll: 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming

And in the end, that's the only thing that matters........the "science" stands on its own. Impacts nothing in the real world.:funnyface:

The old "whistling past the graveyard" adage fits here..........
Indeed. You don't care, and 90% of the cherry picked facts you dredged up don't disprove a bloody thing, bucko.

Show us where the science is mattering in the real world sweets..........links please!!!:coffee:
Seriously skook, you couldn't find a more recent fraud to push than this one? It's just the same old "A list of paid political hacks and people who have jack to do with climate science are making shit up again" scam.

Pickins' in denierstan have grown very thin indeed, if recycled frauds like this are the best that the acolytes can put forth. Long ago, deniers sometimes tried science. They don't try any more, because every bit of evidence always contradicts them. Hence, they now just weepily keep repeating the same conspiracy theories.

So, keep on losing, skook. It's all you can do now, cry about losing, and nobody wants you to change. After all, you're sort of monument, the Old Faithful of kook losing.

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