Oopsies: If MAGA Republicans Are So Bad, Why Are Dems Funding Them?

I have to wonder now, whether it was the media who boosted Trump in the first place during the 2016 primary. For all of their current whining about what has happened to the once more cooperative with Democrats GOP, they obsessively covered Trump from the day he descended on the escalator.

100%. Their obsession with Trump put him in the White House. The US media and Mark Burnett are the reason Trump was POTUS.
I hate it. It stopped Palin, who was definitely ahead. No one can explain to my understanding how Palin, well ahead, ended up DEFEATED, but I do think Alaska needs to get rid of that crooked system of voting immediately.

It is not crooked and the people voted for it, it is not your place to tell them to get rid of it unless you live there
100%. Their obsession with Trump put him in the White House. The US media and Mark Burnett are the reason Trump was POTUS.
But did they do it deliberately, miscalculating that he was so obnoxious that he would be a prank candidate and lose to Hillary by 48 states to 2?
Since Trump doesn't care, the DNC and their allies in the media and the entrenched security bureaucracy go after his supporters also. That is different from how other Republican presidents have been treated. The media/DNC/government Junta has always gone after GOP presidents, but this time its the voters also. That pathetic Nuremberg Lite speech was only noteworthy because of the Nazi motif, not because Biden attacked Trump voters, which is nothing new.

So when the DOJ/FBI/DNC get frustrated that Trump voters also do not care about them, what will their attempt to make us care be? Some on here have suggested that the goal is to get a reaction from Trump supporters that will justify a crackdown on us. Maybe. But I find it more likely that they don't really understand that they are juggling tiki torches in a gunpowder warehouse.
Well said. There certainly was a Nazi motif, with the blood red lighting (which CNN diddled to make Pepto Bismol pink, there were articles about it!) and the soldiers standing at attention behind him. Jeepers, straight back to Nuremberg. Pretty good visual style, really, if you like Naziism. They were the best, though, at style. That's why they are on the History Channel all the time.

But I don't like Biden's Naziism, and Biden said that I and 74 million other voters are a threat to the nation, thus threatening us: with what? WHAT?? What is he threatening to DO to us? When Hitler did it, he put his enemies he demonized into concentration camps, or they fled to Paris, or he killed them, lots of them. I want to know what Biden plans to do to all these people who are a threat to the nation, which is everybody on my country road, be sure. Kill us? Send out the Marines? Stop us from voting? Administer a loyalty oath, like Hitler did? Concentration camps? WHAT?
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But did they do it deliberately, miscalculating that he was so obnoxious that he would be a prank candidate and lose to Hillary by 48 states to 2?

I do not think it was deliberate, he is just too easy of a target.
So neither you nor I would sink this low. Okay, but some people would, we have seen claimed in the news. I haven't heard people SAYING they reregistered from Dem to GOP in Maryland to vote for Dan Cox (Hooray, Dan Cox for Governor!! Down with RINO Hogan!!!) so I don't know if there's a word of truth in this claim that Dems actually put Trump-supported Dan Cox over the top in Maryland, in the Republican primary.

Actually, I don't believe it. It's a lot of trouble to reregister party and I doubt many did it. I reregistered twice from GOP to Independent (during all the lousy GOP prez candidates during Obama) and then back again, so I know. I think Dan Cox won because Republicans are sick of that awful, short, bald, virtue-signalling excuse for a RINO Hogan, and we all voted for Dan Cox instead of the stupid Hogan proxy.

If you mean Dem money-men are giving big campaign contributions to Trump candidates, probably true. But these are Dem pols, and we already know they are immoral. This is not a big surprise.

I think it's okay, in the sense that they are likely to get hoist on their own petard. Real people vote for the Trump candidates and Dems give them money, and they win, and they may very well take over. Hey, money is good. I'd rather Dem money go to my guys than to those awful Dem commies.

Ah yes, petards and hoistings.

Or something about "Make your enemy live up to their own rules"
So we get this in response to another poster. To me, premenstrual screeching and pulling out of hair, which other posters have called you on.

The other poster was calm and polite, thus I responded accordingly.

Look at his post and then yours and see if you have enough self-awareness left to see the difference between them
The other poster was calm and polite, thus I responded accordingly.

Look at his post and then yours and see if you have enough self-awareness left to see the difference between them

Go back and read your first posts to me in this thread and ask what you deserve from me.
FWIW I don't mind in it normal times. Politics is a high-stakes game.

But you can't do what Biden did on Thurs night and then mess around with their games like that. Not without either looking like you don't believe what he said, or you have no conscience at all.

They know it too, which leads to all the sidestepping and grousing in this thread.
I'm so worried about this. I was so distressed by that speech, with the Nazi visuals and painting half the nation as national internal enemies who need to be destroyed, that I backed off for awhile. I can't tell if it was a sort of major incompetence or if indeed Biden IS doing a Hitler.

I don't know when I've been so shocked by something political.
Well said. There certainly was a Nazi motif, with the blood red lighting (which CNN diddled to make Pepto Bismol pink, there were articles about it!) and the soldiers standing at attention behind him. Jeepers, straight back to Nuremberg. Pretty good visual style, really, if you like Naziism. They were the best, though, at style. That's why they are on the History Channel all the time.
And also one reason why so many movies are made about them and almost none about the Soviet Union, who outpaced them in genocide by a wide margin.
B ut I don't like Biden's Naziism, and Biden said that I and 74 million other voters are a threat to the nation, thus threatening us: with what? WHAT?? What is he threatening to DO to us? When Hitler did it, he put his enemies he demonized into concentration camps, or they fled to Paris, or he killed them, lots of them. I want to know what Biden plans to do to all these people who are a threat to the nation, which is everybody on my country road, be sure. Kill us? Send out the Marines? Stop us from voting? Administer a loyalty oath, like Hitler did? Concentration camps? WHAT?
That's what they dream of doing to us.

But they'll be happy with locking you up for protesting, or breaking into your house and stealing your underwear.
It's wrong, though. I get why they're doing it and they might succeed in the short run, but they're just feeding into the toxic cynicism that voters have toward the system. There are going to be national emergencies in the not-too-distant future, and when a democracy is confronted with an emergency, cynicism is dangerous.

Yeah, yeah, I know...about 30-40% of the country's already there. Again, I get it, but Biden's approach coming into office was the right one: let's calmly walk all this back. He and the Dems now are, in some cases, getting into the same quicksand.
Well, the motivations for the politicians and MAGA media pundits is clear: Professional advancement. I don't know if they've convinced themselves that it won't go too far, or maybe they don't care.

That's craven. That's selling your soul.
So we get this in response to another poster. To me, premenstrual screeching and pulling out of hair, which other posters have called you on.
He is trying to impress the “ big boys” on the left. He’s not exactly an alpha dog ya know.

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