Oopsies: If MAGA Republicans Are So Bad, Why Are Dems Funding Them?

It's terrible -- and I'm pretty partisan left these days, but it's mind-bogglingly dangerous. It would be like Jewish political activists supporting the Nazis before the 1932 election.
Good example. Because Hindenburg, the president, DID support Hitler coming into the government after that, because, famously, he thought he could control Hitler. And that would co-opt his supporters. One of the worst mistakes in history.
Canadians probably know more about America than most Americans.
Yeah, well, maybe they should pay attention to all the mass shootings and killings they have in Canada and try to do something about that and their other problems rather than mess around in our forums where they have no business being.
And the ones on this board are mostly trolls and a waste of time to read.
ShockedCanadian is okay, IMO. Rightwing. But jeepers, Dragonlady is just an insult machine. I take the posters off if all they have is personal insults, and these days, that's a whole lot of the leftist posters!
I'm so worried about this. I was so distressed by that speech, with the Nazi visuals and painting half the nation as national internal enemies who need to be destroyed, that I backed off for awhile. I can't tell if it was a sort of major incompetence or if indeed Biden IS doing a Hitler.

I don't know when I've been so shocked by something political.


But we have a lot of citizens who understand what this is


We have the 2nd amendment, and a military that I'm not so sure would go along with Biden's plans to sic F15s on us
And also one reason why so many movies are made about them and almost none about the Soviet Union, who outpaced them in genocide by a wide margin.

That's what they dream of doing to us.

But they'll be happy with locking you up for protesting, or breaking into your house and stealing your underwear.

Yes. And the Leftists like Golfing Gator laugh
Yeah, well, maybe they should pay attention to all the mass shootings and killings they have in Canada and try to do something about that and their other problems rather than mess around in our forums where they have no business being.
Most of the ones I ignore are antagonist aholes that are here to mostly troll. I guess living in an authoritarian hell hole is boring so they take out their frustrations on Americans. 🤫
I have to wonder now, whether it was the media who boosted Trump in the first place during the 2016 primary. For all of their current whining about what has happened to the once more cooperative with Democrats GOP, they obsessively covered Trump from the day he descended on the escalator.
Sure. I've read articles about that ---- they know their craving to feed their 24/7 starving media appetites with a highly colorful, popular, TV and business personality publicized him broadly. They are still doing it, though now it seems mostly Dems, even Biden in his speech vilifying us all! who are focusing on Trump obsessively.
ShockedCanadian is okay, IMO. Rightwing. But jeepers, Dragonlady is just an insult machine. I take the posters off if all they have is personal insults, and these days, that's a whole lot of the leftist posters!
I like reading ShockedCanadians posts.
I like reading ShockedCanadians posts.

Agree and I do not mind foreigners who come to chat. I do mind foreigners who come to a forum called US Message Board only to feel superior and lecture us about how America Sucks.

It's just basic bad manners. You don't go into someone's living room, prop your feet on the table and then insult the decor, the snacks and the hosts. Well, if you do, you can be expected to be thrown out.

But foreigners love to do this to Americans.
Lol um pretty funny ya can't figure it out. They have been pretty up front about that strategy.

I have figured out the strategy of course.

But since your Party Leader identified these folks as fascists extremists who threated democracy, is it that:

1. the DNC does not really believe that, so can support MAGAs with no problem OR

2. Does not care as long as it advances their power, in which case they have no conscience?
Lol um pretty funny ya can't figure it out. They have been pretty up front about that strategy.
Yes, they have been. They are giving money to Trump-approved GOP candidates they HOPE will lose in the general elections, because somehow, magically, Trump will unexpectedly become unpopular, I guess. Sweet Sue is saying it's immoral, which I suppose it is --- I wouldn't do such a thing myself, but I am not surprised; there is a lot of Soros and other leftwing money floating around these days and they are taking a gamble with it.

I think they are making a mistake and will end up helping elect these candidates.
I have figured out the strategy of course.

But since your Party Leader identified these folks as fascists extremists who threated democracy, is it that:

1. the DNC does not really believe that, so can support MAGAs with no problem OR

2. Does not care as long as it advances their power, in which case they have no conscience?
They helped support people who can not win in November. To get Democrats in office instead.
Yes, they have been. They are giving money to Trump-approved GOP candidates they HOPE will lose in the general elections, because somehow, magically, Trump will unexpectedly become unpopular,

Trump has always been generally unpopular. The percent of those that support him did not grow during his time in office.

But now the GOP has to deal with Trump-approved candidates like Walker and Oz. Both these states should have been pretty easy for the GOP to take, but now they will probably lose them both.
They helped support people who can not win in November. To get Democrats in office instead.

So is your answer that:

1. The DNC does not believe Biden when he says these MAGA candidates are fascist extremist threateners of democracy OR

2. That they do not care, and thus have no conscience?

One more dodge means I accept your concession
Yes. And the Leftists like Golfing Gator laugh
I don't know what happened to Golfing Gator. He used to be fun. Now he's just another personal insult machine. I'm noticing this deterioration with several of the ones I used to keep up, even though they are Left.

I guess it's because they are losing so bad! You can always tell who is losing by who is most angry. We are worried about Biden labeling us enemies of the State, worried about a lot of things in this deteriorating America, but since we are winning, we aren't angry; but the Left is FURIOUS. People are using the word "meltdown"; it is a meltdown.
So is your answer that:

1. The DNC does not believe Biden when he says these MAGA candidates are fascist extremist threateners of democracy OR

2. That they do not care, and thus have no conscience?

One more dodge means I accept your concession
Lol. Evidently some reading comprehension issues.

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