Oopsies: If MAGA Republicans Are So Bad, Why Are Dems Funding Them?

You asshats want to parade around with this faux moral argument that all your enemies are dangerous fascists…

… and then you fund the supposed “dangerous fascists.”

Which means you’re lying on at least one level, most likely that you know they’re not actually dangerous fascists. The other more insane possibility is that you are secretly dangerous fascists yourselves and you hope that these people you lie about or hallucinate about are actually dangerous fascists.
I was with you right up until "real smart strategy".

It's not that smart. You see in this thread the corner it's painted them in.
They don't have a choice, Sue. They can't run on open borders, defund the Police, tax and spend, general "wokeness" and the Green New Deal! People can already SEE how bad those policies make things! If they run on their agenda...then they go down in flames.
You asshats want to parade around with this faux moral argument that all your enemies are dangerous fascists…

… and then you fund the supposed “dangerous fascists.”

Which means you’re lying on at least one level, most likely that you know they’re not actually dangerous fascists. The other more insane possibility is that you are secretly dangerous fascists yourselves and you hope that these people you lie about or hallucinate about are actually dangerous fascists.


And this thread is full of them attempting to dance around it
Agree and I do not mind foreigners who come to chat. I do mind foreigners who come to a forum called US Message Board only to feel superior and lecture us about how America Sucks.

It's just basic bad manners. You don't go into someone's living room, prop your feet on the table and then insult the decor, the snacks and the hosts. Well, if you do, you can be expected to be thrown out.

But foreigners love to do this to Americans.
Yep. I have been posting on and off on this board for many years. The majority of foreign posters (not all obviously) are here to antagonize. I work pretty long hours and come here to catch up on political opinions. I don’t have the time or the patience to weed through a bunch of propaganda,spam or antagonizing troll posts. Once I’ve had enough of a posters nonsense off to the trash bin they go never yo be heard from again. Unless of course USMB makes one of them a mod. 😀
You asshats want to parade around with this faux moral argument that all your enemies are dangerous fascists…

… and then you fund the supposed “dangerous fascists.”

Which means you’re lying on at least one level, most likely that you know they’re not actually dangerous fascists. The other more insane possibility is that you are secretly dangerous fascists yourselves and you hope that these people you lie about or hallucinate about are actually dangerous fascists.
The answer to Sue's question seems simple to me: they are immoral, supporting people they disapprove of in hopes that will help them continue in power, by a convoluted reasoning likely to backfire.
Yep. I have been posting on and off on this board for many years. The majority of foreign posters (not all obviously) are here to antagonize. I work pretty long hours and come here to catch up on political opinions. I don’t have the time or the patience to weed through a bunch of propaganda,spam or antagonizing troll posts. Once I’ve had enough of a posters nonsense off to the trash bin they go never yo be heard from again. Unless of course USMB makes one of them a mod. 😀
THAT would explain a great deal ----- :mad:
I don't know what happened to Golfing Gator. He used to be fun. Now he's just another personal insult machine. I'm noticing this deterioration with several of the ones I used to keep up, even though they are Left.

I guess it's because they are losing so bad! You can always tell who is losing by who is most angry. We are worried about Biden labeling us enemies of the State, worried about a lot of things in this deteriorating America, but since we are winning, we aren't angry; but the Left is FURIOUS. People are using the word "meltdown"; it is a meltdown.
That’s exactly it. The more they spam talking points,insult the other side and generally become unhinged …you know they think they are losing the narrative.
The answer to Sue's question seems simple to me: they are immoral, supporting people they disapprove of in hopes that will help them continue in power, by a convoluted reasoning likely to backfire.
As has been noted on this very thread...this kind of thing is not new. Both parties have done it.

Huge fail here hypocrites.

Personally I think it's a mistake that will not be repeated but save us the moral indignation..
I have to wonder now, whether it was the media who boosted Trump in the first place during the 2016 primary. For all of their current whining about what has happened to the once more cooperative with Democrats GOP, they obsessively covered Trump from the day he descended on the escalator.
Of course they did, Seymour and if you go back and look at the coverage given Trump by media outlets like CNN before the Republican primaries it was largely positive in tone. Why? Well it's quite obvious what they were up to because as soon as Trump was the nominee the tone of their coverage turned negative and in a big way! I think part of the reason MSNBC and CNN had SUCH a hatred of Trump as President is that they knew they'd helped him get there! They pushed Trump thinking Hillary would beat him handily but then Hillary's myriad scandals caught up with her.
I don't know what happened to Golfing Gator. He used to be fun. Now he's just another personal insult machine. I'm noticing this deterioration with several of the ones I used to keep up, even though they are Left.

I respond to a post in the manner it ask for. I can have a good, civil, discussion with most people on this forum. Even in this thread those that respond to me in a civil way, get a civil response. But when people wish to roll in the mud, I am more than happy to roll in it with them. I do not mind getting muddy at all.

I guess it's because they are losing so bad! You can always tell who is losing by who is most angry. We are worried about Biden labeling us enemies of the State, worried about a lot of things in this deteriorating America, but since we are winning, we aren't angry; but the Left is FURIOUS. People are using the word "meltdown"; it is a meltdown.

What am I losing? And what are you winning?

Right now you and I share the same thing in that neither of our chosen parties control any part of the Govt. In Nov your chosen party will probably gain control of the House while mine will still not have any power.

Maybe you call that "winning" or "losing" but I have lost nothing. I have voted for the people I feel deserve my vote, and since 1996 that has not been a D nor an R on the national level.

Yet somehow I am doing great. Odd how that happens.
As has been noted on this very thread...this kind of thing is not new. Both parties have done it.

Huge fail here hypocrites.

Personally I think it's a mistake that will not be repeated but save us the moral indignation..
Ah, Lesh? It's the Left that's going Def Con 5 with their moral indignation...not the Right! I'm sorry but the GOP is not made up of Nazis. Fiscal conservatism does not equate to gas chambers and the Final Solution yet time after time Democrats keep trying to go there.
The rebuttal writes itself:

If MAGA Republicans are that horrific, why would you vote for them (or support them) for any reason, even to win? I would never vote for a true Nazi, ever, just on the thought that maybe I'd win something. My conscience would forbid it.

So...is it that Democrats don't REALLY believe "MAGA Republicans" are that bad, or that they have no conscience other than "win at any cost"?
[Democrats] have no conscience other than "win at any cost." Party leadership has endorsed this abuse of America's democracy.
That’s exactly it. The more they spam talking points,insult the other side and generally become unhinged …you know they think they are losing the narrative.
You and Sweet Sue are more patient about engaging with the insult machines than I am. I have a basic belief that no one can be convinced of anything ("a woman convinced against her will/Is of the same opinion still." Pope?) and so I read the leftists mainly to keep abreast of what they are actually thinking (and right now they are desperate!).

I knew this country would go right up in the air as soon as the Midterms are over, a serious mud fight until the 2024 elections, but I didn't expect it to start BEFORE the Midterms. But yeah, Biden calling us all a menace to our country is definitely the mud fight starting, and I hope it isn't one waged on Hitler's terms.

Because I don't think anyone can be convinced of anything, I mainly talk to Fellow Travellers, other Republicans or conservatives. Valuing loyalty.
Yes, "gender" applies to language. "Sex," does not, sex is about biology. In Spanish, the male or female gender is applied to nearly every noun, rather than nouns labeling non-living things being nearly always neuter as they are in English. In German, the neuter gender is often applied to living things, such as "Das Madchen" (girl), being neuter. So a German sentence literally translated as "the girl is not my daughter. It is my niece," would be correct.

Where do trannies come in, then?

They have co-opted the word "gender," as if it means "one's imagined sex" or "my choice of sex that I wish I were," or whatever they mean. If that had happened naturally, fine. Language changes gradually with use. Last century's slang is this century's correct English.

What I object to is the insisting on changes dreamt up week by week, and being lectured in a tone as if this is the norm and we should already know it before we heard that, for example, "-ette" is an offensive diminutive, or that "no can do," is a neo-colonialist appropriation of Spanish grammar, or that Spanish grammar itself is transphobic.
[Democrats] have no conscience other than "win at any cost." Party leadership has endorsed this abuse of America's democracy.
They admittedly fund it. Then pretend to be appalled when they are accused of rigging elections ( which they clearly do). Democrats have routinely screwed over their primary candidates with fraud. See Hillary and Bernie.
Yes, "gender" applies to language. "Sex," does not, sex is about biology.

I agree 100%. Sex and gender were never meant to be used interchangeably.

Where do trannies come in, then?

They have co-opted the word "gender," as if it means "his imagined sex" or "my choice of sex that I wish I were," or whatever they mean. If that had happened naturally, fine.

It happened before the "trannies" came about. The shift to start using the word "gender" instead of "sex" was a result of the moral majority pushing for it because they did not like to use the word "sex" because that word also meant humans having intercourse. Because the verb form of the word meant that, they were the force behind the change in the noun form of the word.

Not sure how old you are, but in grade school in the late 60 and early 70s nobody used the word "gender".
Ah, Lesh? It's the Left that's going Def Con 5 with their moral indignation...not the Right! I'm sorry but the GOP is not made up of Nazis. Fiscal conservatism does not equate to gas chambers and the Final Solution yet time after time Democrats keep trying to go there.
Nice posting generally, Oldestyle, IMO. Have you EVER seen so much talk about Hitler so freely? I jumped right into it because I study the lead-up to WWII a lot, and wow, are we ever there, right up to the "Nuremberg Lite" high style with the red background and Marines lined up in back.

But I'm cheered to see that a whole lot of people here and elsewhere on the Internet also got it ---- all that History Channel material, maybe. Scary, since Biden is clearly targeting ---- me. And you, God forbid. So bazillions of people are instantly writing about the parallels between Biden's speech and Hitler, which is something we've never seen people do. But they are right, we are right: he really said that, we're really there.

I'm trying to analyze it, but maybe there's no point: here we are, it is what it is, Hitler time again.
Of course they did, Seymour and if you go back and look at the coverage given Trump by media outlets like CNN before the Republican primaries it was largely positive in tone. Why? Well it's quite obvious what they were up to because as soon as Trump was the nominee the tone of their coverage turned negative and in a big way! I think part of the reason MSNBC and CNN had SUCH a hatred of Trump as President is that they knew they'd helped him get there! They pushed Trump thinking Hillary would beat him handily but then Hillary's myriad scandals caught up with her.
It’s true.

They wanted Trump to win the primary because Hillary wanted Trump to win the primary and they were entirely in the tank for Hillary.

I’d like to say that they got what they fucking deserved, but they didn’t, they were rewarded by relatively high ratings from angry leftists who wanted all negative Trump reporting all the time. They have lost so much money from Biden winning.

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