Oopsies: If MAGA Republicans Are So Bad, Why Are Dems Funding Them?

I agree 100%. Sex and gender were never meant to be used interchangeably.

It happened before the "trannies" came about. The shift to start using the word "gender" instead of "sex" was a result of the moral majority pushing for it because they did not like to use the word "sex" because that word also meant humans having intercourse. Because the verb form of the word meant that, they were the force behind the change in the noun form of the word.
Well there is no verb form of the word "sex." We don't say, "I'd like to sex that babe!" I guess there is the profession "chicken sexer" whose job is to "sex" chicks but I don't think it is a correct term.

That's an interesting "fact" about the Moral Majority. I'd have to see some evidence of it to buy it, but it does fit in well with a certain narrative. Perhaps it is another one of those "it could have happened, though" stories?
Not sure how old you are, but in grade school in the late 60 and early 70s nobody used the word "gender".
I'm the same age. 1972, Ten year old sixth grader in Miz Melton's class at Will Rogers Elementary. She was a black woman who gave us hell if we din' use no good grammar. I believe now that her target audience was the black kids because she corrected them for things she would let the honky redneck kids get away with.

"Gender" wasn't babbled over and over, certainly. But I remember that they explained about pronouns having "gender." "Pronoun" wasn't babbled over and over, either. It was part of our grammar lessons.
John Money, a "sexologist," first used the term “gender” as a human characteristic. Money introduced the terms gender identity, gender role and sexual orientation.

Money established the first clinic in the United States to perform sexual reassignment surgeries on both infants and adults.

David Reimer was Money's most famous case and it was fundamentally flawed. In 1966, a botched circumcision left eight-month-old Reimer without a penis. Money persuaded the baby's parents that sex reassignment surgery would be in Reimer's best interest. At the age of 22 months, Reimer's testicles were surgically removed. He was reassigned to be raised as female and his name changed from Bruce to Brenda. Money further recommended hormone treatment. Money published a number of papers reporting the reassignment as successful.

According to David Reimer's biography, starting when Reimer and his twin Brian were six years old, Money showed the brothers pornography and forced the two to rehearse sexual acts, with David playing the bottom role as Brian "[pressed] his crotch against" David's buttocks. Money also forced the two children to strip for "genital inspections" and would even photograph the twins doing these acts.

For several years, Money reported on Reimer's progress as the "John/Joan case", describing apparently "successful" female gender development and using this case to support the feasibility of sex reassignment and surgical reconstruction. His claim was not true. Money continued to misrepresent the results as a success for decades. By the time this was discovered, the idea of a purely socially constructed gender identity and infant Intersex medical interventions had become accepted theory in some circles.

At 14 years old and in extreme psychological agony, Reimer was finally told the truth by his parents. He chose to begin calling himself David, and he underwent surgical procedures to revert the female bodily modifications to normal.

David Reimer's case came to international attention in 1997 when he told his story to Milton Diamond, an academic sexologist, who persuaded Reimer to allow him to report the outcome in order to dissuade physicians from treating other infants similarly. Soon after, Reimer went public with his story, and John Colapinto published a widely disseminated and influential account in Rolling Stone magazine in December 1997. This was later expanded into The New York Times best-selling biography As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl (2000), in which Colapinto described how—contrary to Money's reports—when living as Brenda, Reimer did not identify as a girl. He was ostracised and bullied by peers (who dubbed him "cavewoman"), and neither frilly dresses nor female hormones made him feel female.

On July 1, 2002, Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles, David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.

Money's unreported failure led to the surgical reassignment of thousands of infants as a matter of policy.
I have read and watched show about that tragic case.

Somehow, in ways we don't fully understand, our sex is hard-wired in both our bodies and our brains (which are part of our bodies, of course). Or maybe our hard wired sexual identity produces a "software," in our brains that matches our biological sex.

I'm willing to accept the possibility that, in an extremely tiny number of cases, a person may be born with a different sex wired into their brain. For those people who are identified after years of therapy to help them accept themselves as they are, I have no objection to them pursuing sex reassignment as adults. At least not enough objection to want to restrict their freedom to do it.

But wanting to get in touch with one's feminine side, or being a boy who likes to cook, is not a reason to start hormones and castration on a ten year old.

Sex is a function of nature, not nurture as Dr. Money's tragic experiment showed.
Nazis killed more people than Stalin (or Soviet Union)...

Please educate yourself...

You could have gone for Chairman Mao and the Red Book, that was the biggest killer.. But too late now..
The thing to remember about Stalin and Mao is that the majority of the people they killed were citizens of their own countries. The majority of deaths Hitler was responsible for were foreigners.

With Stalin and with Mao...their political agendas were more important than the very lives of the people.
Really, Lesh? What specifically makes the current GOP so "extreme"?
Are you kidding?

Your stance on abortion

Your attack on democracy

Your attacks on gays and trans folksl

Your violent rhetoric towards election workers, teachers, judges, the FBI

Your attack on the Capitol

Your support for pardoning those people

Your claims that anyone who doesn't support Trump is a marxist, commie,socialist,nazi pedophile

Need more?
Oh Gawd, concentration camps.

"First they came for Steve Doocey" lol
They believe this stuff. I had one of them bravely tell me she'd never get into a cattle car. Twice.

This is what their media is pouring into them, 24/7/365. This is why they're so terrified. They really believe it. They really think they're fighting Satan, and that they'll have to kill other Americans to avoid concentration camps and gas chambers.

What do you do with this?
They believe this stuff. I had one of them bravely tell me she'd never get into a cattle car. Twice.

This is what their media is pouring into them, 24/7/365. This is why they're so terrified. They really believe it. They really think they're fighting Satan, and that they'll have to kill other Americans to avoid concentration camps and gas chambers.

What do you do with this?
And Democrats keep telling black people that they will end up back in chains if they vote for Republicans. You nitwits have plenty of your own rhetoric spewing forth on any given day.
And Democrats keep telling black people that they will end up back in chains if they vote for Republicans. You nitwits have plenty of your own rhetoric spewing forth on any given day.
If you want to deflect, perhaps you should bring that kind of thing up to an actual Democrat. I have, many times.

You are ignorant of my politics, Trumpster.
Not just the news networks. Several streaming services are dumping woke programming. It’s a loser.
Well, look at all the bad reviews people are TRYING to post about the Woke Amazon Rings thing! The great majority negative. The company has put out a narrative that these are somehow organized trolls doing something called "review bombing," but I don't believe that for a minute. People just aren't that organized: these are tens of thousands of people, and they don't like ugly black elves. They've made the hobbits black, too. Sheeeeeeeeesh. Plainly Amazon didn't "get" the Rings thing. England as Romans, the Elves as ancient and now surpassed Greeks, (Americans were the eagles, of course, twice flying in and rescuing them and then flying off again, WWI and WWII-style). The Hobbits were English peasants, the "real" people as opposed to the ruling class and military that Gondor represented.

The only blacks in Tolkiens work were orcs. They represented the much-disfavored natives from Britain's extensive colonies at the time Tolkien wrote. Not an attractive lot.

I think the problem is that these movie companies need a two-year lead time, and in that time Woke has gone DIRELY out of fashion. I would never watch one and I turn them off if I get into a Woke thing. I'm okay with blacks and what-not in there if it's plausible. For instance, the new movie with Tilda Swinton --- The Genie in the Nightingale's Eye. They hunted through stories they could plausibly stick a black into, and I agree, the genie IS at least Moorish in the wonderful Byatt story (well worth reading), if not the pitch black they've cast him as, implausibly: Djinns are not sub-Saharan, after all. However, it's plausible that a black is cast as the djinn, so I'll get it to watch. And this new movie "Nope" about blacks in Hollywood who train horses for movies seeing a flying saucer: it's going to be weird, but it's not ABOUT race, it just features race -- blacks -- like the director. I'll see that as soon as the streaming price comes down.
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Are you kidding?

Your stance on abortion

Your attack on democracy

Your attacks on gays and trans folksl

Your violent rhetoric towards election workers, teachers, judges, the FBI

Your attack on the Capitol

Your support for pardoning those people

Your claims that anyone who doesn't support Trump is a marxist, commie,socialist,nazi pedophile

Need more?
Abortion has been given back to the States which means it's up to the people once again. (By the way...I'm pro choice so it's not my stance!) I respect the choice of others and think they should have the right to vote for that choice.

Claiming vague attacks on Democracy doesn't prove your point.

Common sense policies regarding gays and trans folk isn't an "attack".

Are conservatives more guilty of "violent rhetoric" than liberals? Are you really claiming that?

The Jan 6th riot was unfortunate. People were upset. Security was sorely lacking. Things got way out of hand. I don't support violent protest. Most conservatives feel the same way I do.

I don't support pardons for the Jan 6th protesters but I would like to see an equal application of justice for them and the thousands of protesters at liberal riots that went on for the months. They are still holding Jan. 6th protesters in jail as I write this while liberal protesters were let out of jail in a matter of hours.

I've actually never made sweeping generalizations about the political opposition, Lesh. I think the Progressive agenda is naive and has been shown to fail when it's confronted by real life and human nature but I think liberals are foolish...not evil.
CNN used to try to be mostly objective and neutral, they left partisan commentary to pundits that were guests or just had the show Crossfire where pundits would argue with each other.

I think it is smart for them to take a middle of the road approach and to let MSNBC and FOX do the primetime punditry. They could just hire hosts who have guests on but do not opine themselves.

It will take years for them to develop any kind of reputation for fairness and objectivity. And they could well fail to do so. But it would be good for them long term.
Yes, I agree it may take a long time for CNN to recover their reputation. It would be good for us all if news reporting became honest again. Remember when so many movies had a segment where a character rushes in and says, "Quick! Turn on CNN!!" Boy, we sure don't see that anymore. Because they don't report important news anymore, just anti-Trump diatribes.

The Hill news site on the Internet is sort of trying (and failing) to do that, running pieces that sometimes are reassuringly rightwing among the detritus from the far Left. I am thinking there just ARE so many more leftwing writers, they are having a hard time achieving balance.
If you want to deflect, perhaps you should bring that kind of thing up to an actual Democrat. I have, many times.

You are ignorant of my politics, Trumpster.
No I’m not …you just posted your hate of country in the Labor Day thread. All Left leaning.

If your not a leftard maybe you shouldn’t post like one. Just a thought.
Well there is no verb form of the word "sex." We don't say, "I'd like to sex that babe!" I guess there is the profession "chicken sexer" whose job is to "sex" chicks but I don't think it is a correct term.
Oh, yeah, sex can be a verb, in just the way you said, second example. I used to be able to sex ducklings, but not chicks, except of course for the Sex Links breeds, which have color differentiation (black is male, striped female).

I bring this up because sexing people is getting to be the first challenge with so many "news" articles about trannies, which are written as confusingly as possible. Is the person whose crime they are describing really, actually, a male or a female? First I sex the protag, then I see what he or she did.
The Jan 6th riot was unfortunate. People were upset. Security was sorely lacking. Things got way out of hand. I don't support violent protest. Most conservatives feel the same way I do.
You don't know that. I was delighted: I watched it on TV the whole time. What a party!! Wild party. Looked like lots of fun to me. I particularly liked the Ezio-style wall-climbing because I play video games. I try not to say "most conservatives feel the same way I do" because I have no idea what most of anything think about anything. And polls are just lies, lies, lies, IMO.
Are you kidding?

Your stance on abortion

Your attack on democracy

Your attacks on gays and trans folksl

Your violent rhetoric towards election workers, teachers, judges, the FBI

Your attack on the Capitol

Your support for pardoning those people

Your claims that anyone who doesn't support Trump is a marxist, commie,socialist,nazi pedophile

Need more?
You are quite irrational.
Abortion has been given back to the States which means it's up to the people once again. (By the way...I'm pro choice so it's not my stance!) I respect the choice of others and think they should have the right to vote for that choice.

Claiming vague attacks on Democracy doesn't prove your point.

Common sense policies regarding gays and trans folk isn't an "attack".

Are conservatives more guilty of "violent rhetoric" than liberals? Are you really claiming that?

The Jan 6th riot was unfortunate. People were upset. Security was sorely lacking. Things got way out of hand. I don't support violent protest. Most conservatives feel the same way I do.

I don't support pardons for the Jan 6th protesters but I would like to see an equal application of justice for them and the thousands of protesters at liberal riots that went on for the months. They are still holding Jan. 6th protesters in jail as I write this while liberal protesters were let out of jail in a matter of hours.

I've actually never made sweeping generalizations about the political opposition, Lesh. I think the Progressive agenda is naive and has been shown to fail when it's confronted by real life and human nature but I think liberals are foolish...not evil.
You, like elected Republicans try to sound moderate when faced with the reality of what your party has become… but continue to support that reality nonetheless
You, like elected Republicans try to sound moderate when faced with the reality of what your party has become… but continue to support that reality nonetheless
I, unlike you, Lesh...actually am a moderate. I'm also a registered Republican who's insulted when someone attempts to label me a "Facist" simply because I'm fully behind the notion of Making America Great Again! I'm behind that notion because I believe that America NEEDS to be strong to counter nations like China and Russia and that a weak America is dangerous for World peace!
I, unlike you, Lesh...actually am a moderate. I'm also a registered Republican who's insulted when someone attempts to label me a "Facist" simply because I'm fully behind the notion of Making America Great Again! I'm behind that notion because I believe that America NEEDS to be strong to counter nations like China and Russia and that a weak America is dangerous for World peace!
Horse shit.

Your posts DRIP of MAGArat

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