Opinion: Nato boots on the ground?

Well you sound like a Nazi,

And you sound like Sir Nearly Headless Nick. One wrong move and your head will be finally lost.

you don't know what happens in Gaza,

Exactly. I know not nothing but I am not really interested in this theme. I think Egypt, Israel and the rest of the world will find a good solution there. The Palestinians on their own seem not to like to help to fight the Hamas. But many people care - so why should I do?

And that tragedies happen shows for example very well that a parachute did not open so a ... damn ... I have no English word for "Hilfsflieferung" ... verbally: a delivery on reason to help people ... crashed down full speed and killed 5 Palestinians. But I have also a problem with such news. I have no idea whether this is true or not true. It is war there. Truth is the first what dies in times of war. But Palestinians asked the USA for a compensation for this crime.

what planet are you on?

Third planet solar system, alien.

well bombing was closer to you when Nato bombed Serbia,

This is a very complex story. I rememebr this days how the economic existence of a Serb in Frankfurt was totally destroyed although he had absolutrelly nothing to do with all this nonsense. He just simple offered Serbian food in Frankfurt since long years before this disaster had happened. The world is mad. Also an "unimportant" detail - but it is said the devil lives in the details.

The very most strange thing for me in this context had been by the way an old man - a former soldier of world war 2 in this area - who told me when I was a very little child what will happen in Yugoslavia when Tioto will die. And this really had happened decades later. I was totally surprised. Still I ask myselve why all the superintelligent superbest superleaders in all deciding positions of our societies are not able to know what a simple front soldier of world war 2 was able to know.

bet you thought that was ok, and your Luftwaffe took part again,

Nice name "Luftwaffe" isn't it?

Russia doesn't want to bomb your Country

Russia likes in a first step to overtake about 50% of Europe and to restore the former Soviet Block. The rest of Europe will have to fall later.

unless you get out of line again like Hitler did,

By the way: Such sentences show to me only that you are a man who is not able to notice what is spirituality. The world is full of wonders and you notice nothing of all this wonders, isn't it?

some of your politicians and military are already looking back on the good old days with nostalgia,

Which nostalgia? Only in the part of the former GdR exists a form of "Ostalgia"= "East"-algia because some people think life in the former GDR was not bad. I saw it. It was bad. What doesn't mean human beings are bad. The people there helped each other in many ways because the times were bad.

most Germans are not like that i know some of them.

Makes this sentence now any sense, Mr. Absurde?
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First of all, any nation (including Donbass people) has right to declare independence

You infiltrated since 2008 this region with combatants (=soldiers in civil clothing) and tried to start a kind of racist civil war there. The most victims had been Ukrainian civilists and not Russian combatants. Forget the absurde nonsense which you try to tell me here. The UNO has to decide such questions.

and/or join another state. Yes, France can send their soldiers in Ukraine.

Not only France - everyone in the world has the right to help the Ukraine to be free. No one has any right to help Russia to suppress others. And by the way: Your war on the Ukraine which you started without any reason to have to do so (except reasons of the inner politics of Russia) is really a very perverted war also in Russian categories because you fight in the Ukraine against your own roots and soul.

The problem is,

There is no problem any longer. Russia has to lose, that's all.

that Russia also have right to send missiles in France in return.

:lol: You have absolutelly not any right to attack anyone who supports the Ukrainians to defend their own country. You have also not any right to do war in the Ukraine at all. You are a perverted criminal nation - the biggest country of the world - under a tyrant with the name Putin and his criminal gang. Even patriarch Kirill - a former KGB member and oligarch from Putins "grace" - tries to kill your conscience.

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Let this be a lesson to all.

I give no lessons.

Once NATO puts boots on the ground in the Ukraine, WWIII "officially" begins.

The NATO is a defence alliance. The nations of the NATO are able to act together - and they are also able to act as single nations. Whether to send weapons to the Ukraine or soldiers who like to fight for the freedom of the Ukriane - what is the difference? Only Russia is illegally on Ukrainian territory. Anyone else is a guest of the Ukraine.

Putin has warned of the consequences.

Putin should first and foremost warn against Putin if he loved his country.

Stock up on potassium iodide tablets and 5 Million SPF sunscreen.

When Russia will use nukes then this will mean the end of all Russians.
I give no lessons.

The NATO is a defence alliance. The nations of the NATO are able to act together - and they are also able to act as single nations. Whether to send weapons to the Ukraine or soldiers who like to fight for the freedom of the Ukriane - what is the difference? Only Russia is illegally on Ukrainian territory. Anyone else is a guest of the Ukraine.

Putin should first and foremost warn against Putin if he loved his country.

When Russia will use nukes then this will mean the end of all Russians.

Do you reàlly think I listen to anything what Putin says? All Russian coldiers, combatants and other Russians war criminals have to leave the Ukraine.
Any other dreams before you make a fool of yourself with your counsellor ?

One word from me and Uncle P will march into Germ Land and find you .
What did your f.... Putin through the last two years? Murdered more as 1m of Russians and Ukrainians, transformed Russia to a world's laughing stock and now practically invited NATO to attack Russia.
Only cretins can't grasp Putin, Zelensky, Biden,Macron and Co are members of one team and do anything to kill as much goyim as possible..
It will be no nuclear responce from Russia because the Putin's boss Schwab isn't fine with this
Sure, what else could it be...
And you sound like Sir Nearly Headless Nick. One wrong move and your head will be finally lost.

Exactly. I know not nothing but I am not really interested in this theme. I think Egypt, Israel and the rest of the world will find a good solution there. The Palestinians on their own seem not to like to help to fight the Hamas. But many people care - so why should I do?

And that tragedies happen shows for example very well that a parachute did not open so a ... damn ... I have no English word for "Hilfsflieferung" ... verbally: a delivery on reason to help people ... crashed down full speed and killed 5 Palestinians. But I have also a problem with such news. I have no idea whether this is true or not true. It is war there. Truth is the first what dies in times of war. But Palestinians asked the USA for a compensation for this crime.

Third planet solar system, alien.

This is a very complex story. I rememebr this days how the economic existence of a Serb in Frankfurt was totally destroyed although he had absolutrelly nothing to do with all this nonsense. He just simple offered Serbian food in Frankfurt since long years before this disaster had happened. The world is mad. Also an "unimportant" detail - but it is said the devil lives in the details.

The very most strange thing for me in this context had been by the way an old man - a former soldier of world war 2 in this area - who told me when I was a very little child what will happen in Yugoslavia when Tioto will die. And this really had happened decades later. I was totally surprised. Still I ask myselve why all the superintelligent superbest superleaders in all deciding positions of our societies are not able to know what a simple front soldier of world war 2 was able to know.

Nice name "Luftwaffe" isn't it?

Russia likes in a first step to overtake about 50% of Europe and to restore the former Soviet Block. The rest of Europe will have to fall later.

By the way: Such sentences show to me only that you are a man who is not able to notice what is spirituality. The world is full of wonders and you notice nothing of all this wonders, isn't it?

Which nostalgia? Only in the part of the former GdR exists a form of "Ostalgia"= "East"-algia because some people think life in the former GDR was not bad. I saw it. It was bad. What doesn't mean human beings are bad. The people there helped each other in many ways because the times were bad,

Makes this sentence now any sense, Mr. Absurde?
We know what the war in Yugoslavia was about, it was about destroying the Country and breaking it up, at the time the Germans were most enthusiastic, they recognized the breakaway Croatia which had been a Nazi puppet state in WW2, and some of the crimes the Ustashi carried out against the Serbs even made the Germans sick, and that's saying something, that's why the Serbs resisted it because they were not going through that again at the hands of Croats and also Bosnian Muslims,and what on earth gives you the idea that Russia wants to attack Europe? it's total nonsense with no evidence to back it up.
I give no lessons.

The NATO is a defence alliance. The nations of the NATO are able to act together - and they are also able to act as single nations. Whether to send weapons to the Ukraine or soldiers who like to fight for the freedom of the Ukriane - what is the difference? Only Russia is illegally on Ukrainian territory. Anyone else is a guest of the Ukraine.

Putin should first and foremost warn against Putin if he loved his country.

When Russia will use nukes then this will mean the end of all Russians.
Tell me once when Nato has acted in self defence?
Any other dreams before you make a fool of yourself with your counsellor ?

One word from me and Uncle P will march into Germ Land and find you .

Tyrant Putin will be arrested in Germany because the international court is looking for him with a warrant of arrest, slave of Putin.
We know what the war in Yugoslavia was about, it was about destroying the Country and breaking it up, at the time the Germans were most enthusiastic,

What a nonsense. Germany and Yugoslavia had had very good relations.

they recognized the breakaway Croatia which had been a Nazi puppet state in WW2, and some of the crimes the Ustashi carried out against the Serbs even made the Germans sick, and that's saying something, that's why the Serbs resisted it because they were not going through that again at the hands of Croats and also Bosnian Muslims,and what on earth gives you the idea that Russia wants to attack Europe? it's total nonsense with no evidence to back it up.

Or with other words: All "solutions" of the allies and winners of world war 1 exploded. Also Yugoslavia - decades later.
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Do you reàlly think I listen to anything what Putin says? All Russian coldiers, combatants and other Russians war criminals have to leave the Ukraine.
Is English your second language?
What a nonsense. Germany and Yugoslavia had had very good relations.

Or with other words: All "solutions" of the allies and winners of world war 1 exploded. Also Yugoslavia - decades later.
The Soviet Union had gone Russia was very weak with that drunken clown Yeltsin in power so the US Empire/Nato thought it was the time to take Yugoslavia down, i remember reading many years ago in a British newspaper asking how long will it be after Tito is gone before Russian tanks are in Belgrade? well they never arrived but Nato did with their brutal illegal attack.
What a nonsense. Germany and Yugoslavia had had very good relations.

Or with other words: All "solutions" of the allies and winners of world war 1 exploded. Also Yugoslavia - decades later.
Do you find this sickening because i do, it would be like the Luftwaffe bombing London , Manchester or Coventry again, by the way my Mum lived in Manchester when those Nazi bombs were dropped on the City.

For the first time since the end of World War II, German fighter jets have gone to war, taking part in the attack on Yugoslavia as part of a NATO force and marking this country's definitive emancipation from post-war pacifism.

Rudolf Scharping, the German Defense Minister, said four Tornado jets took off from their Piacenza base in northern Italy late Wednesday and participated in the NATO mission, before returning safely. The German Parliament has authorized up to 15 military aircraft to take part in the air strikes.

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