Oprah shows her racism

Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.
Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?
and you stay ignorant by saying pretty much whatever you're going to say next.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?

I have just explained why it is irrelevant to the issue and damaging to civilized society. You are all about protecting your own particular little group regardless of the crimes its members commit and trying to profile other people, lumping in all of those who are innocent with the guilty. I actually do pity your ignorance.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?
and you stay ignorant by saying pretty much whatever you're going to say next.
My fan bois all talk about me rather than the thread topic. Welcome to the club.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?
and you stay ignorant by saying pretty much whatever you're going to say next.
I am not the ignorant one here. You are doing a pretty good job of displaying your own ignorance.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?

I have just explained why it is irrelevant to the issue and damaging to civilized society. You are all about protecting your own particular little group regardless of the crimes its members commit and trying to profile other people, lumping in all of those who are innocent with the guilty. I actually do pity your ignorance.
Knowledge is power. Ignorance is defeat. I would rather know who is committing crimes than not know.
You can tell that the RW trumpanzees are terrified that Oprah might run in 2020....they are in full attack mode even tho she's not said a thing about running and her speech had nothing about tiny hands trump.

Oprah pimping some young girl to Harvey. He pinches the merchandise to test it out.

Terrified of Oprah.
How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?
and you stay ignorant by saying pretty much whatever you're going to say next.
I am not the ignorant one here. You are doing a pretty good job of displaying your own ignorance.
you may want to see who i was quoting there before popping off.
How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything? Harassment and rape are highly individual crimes, and, as I say, they have been vastly under-reported. It doesn't solve anything to blame one demographic group as opposed to another, when the goal is to eliminate this sort of behavior in all groups. What would this "breaking it down" accomplish? All it would lead to is suspicion being cast on innocent men who have never done anything wrong in their lives, which would be humiliating and totally unfair. Would you like this to happen to an innocent person in your family? Since these crimes are being committed by all groups, should we walk up and warn every person that s/he better not rape or harass?
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?

I have just explained why it is irrelevant to the issue and damaging to civilized society. You are all about protecting your own particular little group regardless of the crimes its members commit and trying to profile other people, lumping in all of those who are innocent with the guilty. I actually do pity your ignorance.
Knowledge is power. Ignorance is defeat. I would rather know who is committing crimes than not know.
So would I. This is why I support "Me, Too" and any efforts to report crimes. Even if, hypothetically speaking, one race commits 25% of a certain crime, targeting this one race in a concentrated effort would not aid in apprehending the other 75% of the perps. It most likely would only serve to take the heat off of them.
OK, let's stay ignorant. Don;t break it down to discover who is doing this raping. Let' just say people rape, then smile.
What's this bit about staying ignorant? I, for one, am glad that the authorities are investigating Weinstein and Spacey, both here and in the UK, and that they got the likes of Andrew Luster, the U.S. Gymnastics Team doctor, and Jerry Sandusky, not the mention the many unknowns whom the various police departments catch every day by sheer good police work.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
You stay ignorant by saying things like..

How is "breaking it down" among various demographic groups mean anything?

I have just explained why it is irrelevant to the issue and damaging to civilized society. You are all about protecting your own particular little group regardless of the crimes its members commit and trying to profile other people, lumping in all of those who are innocent with the guilty. I actually do pity your ignorance.
Knowledge is power. Ignorance is defeat. I would rather know who is committing crimes than not know.
So would I. This is why I support "Me, Too" and any efforts to report crimes. Even if, hypothetically speaking, one race commits 25% of a certain crime, targeting this one race in a concentrated effort would not aid in apprehending the other 75% of the perps. It most likely would only serve to take the heat off of them.
Yes, sound logic. There is no reason to know who is committing these crimes because then we won't arrest them or the others.

Let's not take statistics on anything at all lest we become aware.
Funny she had to go back to 1944 to find an example. Black women aren't attractive to white men. If They are, they have white features.
people who viciously rape women do NOT do it because the women are pretty and sexy, ya dummy!

they do it because they are evil and because of power, the power they feel by doing it.

the reason she brought it up was because this woman just passed away, this week....
but anything Trump says is sexist and racist
let's be fair
Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.
Why don't you look at crime statistics for my State of Maine....

We have only 1% of our population that is Black, and rape is one of the most crimes committed here, by men that are white as snow....

So if you are implying that Black men commit the most rapes and white men do not, then you are sorely mistaken....up here.

Also, most rape crimes committed by white men, are unreported...the "Me too" movement is mostly about that....
Winfrey highlights story of black woman raped by white men talks of a 1944 case of a black being raped.....<snip>

How the hell does this prove Oprah is racist????

`"Oprah Winfrey's barnstormer of a speech at the Golden Globes highlighted the story of a black Alabama woman who was raped by six white men in 1944. Winfrey, in speaking of the victims of sexual assault whose voices might never be heard, told the audience that Recy Taylor was a name they should know.
Taylor was 24 when she was abducted and raped as she walked home from church in Abbeville. The NAACP assigned Rosa Parks to investigate the case and she rallied for justice for Taylor.

Two all-white, all-male grand juries decline to indict the men who admitted they assaulted her. She died in December , just before her 98th birthday. Winfrey says Recy Taylor "lived as we all have lived, too many years in a culture broken by brutally powerful men." She added: "Their time is up."
but--anything Trump/whites/etc say is racist
jesus christ you hypocrites don't get it--do you??
whites can say the word vanilla--RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how come she didn't bring up all the times blacks rape?
Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.
Ah, OK. Women are the problem. Let's not break it down so we know who these people are. We might not like the results.
Why don't you look at crime statistics for my State of Maine....

We have only 1% of our population that is Black, and rape is one of the most crimes committed here, by men that are white as snow....

So if you are implying that Black men commit the most rapes and white men do not, then you are sorely mistaken....up here.

Also, most rape crimes committed by white men, are unreported...the "Me too" movement is mostly about that....
it's right there in the OP--blacks commit more sexual violence per capita
you are denying this??
you are another one afraid of the per capita monster
do you even know and realize what those numbers mean??

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