Oprah shows her racism

Winfrey highlights story of black woman raped by white men
talks of a 1944 case of a black being raped

but blacks commit sexual violence at over twice the rate of whites
Typical RACIST Right-wing "Fuzzy Math." 27% is twice the rate of 57%. NOT!
For whites to commit rape in the same numbers as blacks, they'd have to commit around 125% of the rapes.
Whenever the Right get caught lying, they move the goalposts.
Thank you.
Winfrey highlights story of black woman raped by white men
talks of a 1944 case of a black being raped

but blacks commit sexual violence at over twice the rate of whites
Typical RACIST Right-wing "Fuzzy Math." 27% is twice the rate of 57%. NOT!
For whites to commit rape in the same numbers as blacks, they'd have to commit around 125% of the rapes.
Whenever the Right get caught lying, they move the goalposts.
Thank you.
That whole maff thing is confusing, eh. Black men make up 6% of the population yet commit 27% of the rapes. Over 4 times their number.

Now you do it for whitey.
Winfrey highlights story of black woman raped by white men
talks of a 1944 case of a black being raped

but blacks commit sexual violence at over twice the rate of whites
Typical RACIST Right-wing "Fuzzy Math." 27% is twice the rate of 57%. NOT!
For whites to commit rape in the same numbers as blacks, they'd have to commit around 125% of the rapes.
Whenever the Right get caught lying, they move the goalposts.
Thank you.
That whole maff thing is confusing, eh. Black men make up 6% of the population yet commit 27% of the rapes. Over 4 times their number.

Now you do it for whitey.
"Whitey" gets away with rape more than any other race, so your stats are Flake News.
Winfrey highlights story of black woman raped by white men
talks of a 1944 case of a black being raped

but blacks commit sexual violence at over twice the rate of whites
Typical RACIST Right-wing "Fuzzy Math." 27% is twice the rate of 57%. NOT!
For whites to commit rape in the same numbers as blacks, they'd have to commit around 125% of the rapes.
Whenever the Right get caught lying, they move the goalposts.
Thank you.
That whole maff thing is confusing, eh. Black men make up 6% of the population yet commit 27% of the rapes. Over 4 times their number.

Now you do it for whitey.
"Whitey" gets away with rape more than any other race, so your stats are Flake News.
It's OK if you can't do maff. I know it's difficult for some people.

Whitey is stronger than darkie. It's the way of the world. Accept it or be mad, either way it doesn't change anything.
Typical RACIST Right-wing "Fuzzy Math." 27% is twice the rate of 57%. NOT!
For whites to commit rape in the same numbers as blacks, they'd have to commit around 125% of the rapes.
Whenever the Right get caught lying, they move the goalposts.
Thank you.
That whole maff thing is confusing, eh. Black men make up 6% of the population yet commit 27% of the rapes. Over 4 times their number.

Now you do it for whitey.
"Whitey" gets away with rape more than any other race, so your stats are Flake News.
It's OK if you can't do maff. I know it's difficult for some people.

Whitey is stronger than darkie. It's the way of the world. Accept it or be mad, either way it doesn't change anything.
"Whitey" is better connected than people of color, but that is not necessarily stronger. I wonder if you will have the same cavalier attitude when whites are the minority and that is the way of the world?
For whites to commit rape in the same numbers as blacks, they'd have to commit around 125% of the rapes.
Whenever the Right get caught lying, they move the goalposts.
Thank you.
That whole maff thing is confusing, eh. Black men make up 6% of the population yet commit 27% of the rapes. Over 4 times their number.

Now you do it for whitey.
"Whitey" gets away with rape more than any other race, so your stats are Flake News.
It's OK if you can't do maff. I know it's difficult for some people.

Whitey is stronger than darkie. It's the way of the world. Accept it or be mad, either way it doesn't change anything.
"Whitey" is better connected than people of color, but that is not necessarily stronger. I wonder if you will have the same cavalier attitude when whites are the minority and that is the way of the world?
Historically speaking, whites are stronger. Since you can't do the math, name one successful black nation. Go.
Funny she had to go back to 1944 to find an example. Black women aren't attractive to white men. If They are, they have white features.
people who viciously rape women do NOT do it because the women are pretty and sexy, ya dummy!

they do it because they are evil and because of power, the power they feel by doing it.

the reason she brought it up was because this woman just passed away, this week....
my jury is out on oprah. i've "heard" racist stories in the past but nothing seemed to have "stuck". something about having an entourage and just generally rude to white people but again, i have zero specifics and the person saying it could have been full of shit. she's never come across that way to me so i filed it and let it go.

could she be president? dunno. it bugs me people would call her c*nt and other hateful words right off the bat and not even see what her platform would be. if she would be running because trump did and she wants to be the anti trump, i'm against it at this point. we've gone on too long with this "revenge" elections. obama as revenge against old white people, trump as revenge against anyone on obamas side and all this has really put 1 side against the other in a very harmful way. hell, we've got assholes with guns shooting *and* killing people of "unlike thought" simply because they *hate* them that bad. where does that hate come from?

the top. obama, to me, was very divisive. he blamed police instantly for about everything that happened, i never heard him say a black "victim" was actually in the wrong but always "the victim". to be sure i saw some stupid shit when police shoot those who are clearly trying to comply but that's what happens when you put such a heightened focus on this. people don't know what to do because social justice is fickle indeed.

so would oprah be an answer to bringing people together or just the left getting back at the right for putting trump in office?

all that aside, i simply couldn't tell you today. if she chooses to run her name will carry her quite a distance to be sure. but if she has no platform or agenda of what to do that will focus on ALL OF US AS A COUNTRY and not divide us out into sub categories, i'll listen. i'd love to hear what her focuses would be and how she'd accomplish them.

unfortunately we have mindsets out there on either side that will just rail on her because she's the other side. unfortunately that is to be expected also simply because of the climate we've collectively created in this country over the last 10+ years.
It was a QUESTION, :asshole:
So was mine when I questioned someone about liking little boys (it was in context).
.if the mods are honest, youll get a week ban for implying im a rapist

Care to take that back? Or take your shit to the FZ
The post I replied to doesn't look like a question to me! Are you a liar?
Rapists don't rape "ugly" women.
You're getting worried now about your accusation.

Good. Think twice before posting.
Funny she had to go back to 1944 to find an example. Black women aren't attractive to white men. If They are, they have white features.
people who viciously rape women do NOT do it because the women are pretty and sexy, ya dummy!

they do it because they are evil and because of power, the power they feel by doing it.

the reason she brought it up was because this woman just passed away, this week....

Speaking of that did they ever find that missing college football reporter women?

yep. at a chic filet i believe or under a bridge. i've heard both but she was found, exact location last night not really stated. or why or where she was taken.
Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Funny she had to go back to 1944 to find an example. Black women aren't attractive to white men. If They are, they have white features.
people who viciously rape women do NOT do it because the women are pretty and sexy, ya dummy!

they do it because they are evil and because of power, the power they feel by doing it.

the reason she brought it up was because this woman just passed away, this week....

Speaking of that did they ever find that missing college football reporter women?

yep. at a chic filet i believe or under a bridge. i've heard both but she was found, exact location last night not really stated. or why or where she was taken.

I forgot to report back, weird story claim a guy following her, they found her purse keys and phone, I thought she was a goner
Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Funny she had to go back to 1944 to find an example. Black women aren't attractive to white men. If They are, they have white features.

Because you know what every white man is attracted to.

BTW rape has nothing to do with attraction. It's about power.
Funny she had to go back to 1944 to find an example. Black women aren't attractive to white men. If They are, they have white features.
people who viciously rape women do NOT do it because the women are pretty and sexy, ya dummy!

they do it because they are evil and because of power, the power they feel by doing it.

the reason she brought it up was because this woman just passed away, this week....
Maybe both? Why rape an ugly fat chick? Surely he would want to at least orgasm?
Why all of the discussion about which "race" rapes more? The most important issue is eliminating rape in the first place, whoever commits it and against whatever victim. Moreover, any "statistical" evidence ignores the facts that rape is one of the most under-reported crimes and that it is a crime that many of the perps deny committing even though they actually are guilty of it.
This is why the "Me, Too" movement is so important. No more sweeping this criminality under the rug and letting the perps walk away scot-free.
Then you will have to know who these people are. To lump them all into the "men" category is sexist and bigoted.
Yes, we do have to know who these people are. I didn't mention "men" at all. There are plenty of female teachers who have been bagged for their assaults on male students recently. I support this wholeheartedly. I remember reading about one actor who commented a few years ago (I will not mention his name because I have not heard that he has spoken out recently and it would be unfair to drag him into this mess unless he chooses) that he, as a very young actor years ago who had the good fortune/misfortune of being total eye-candy, was harassed and he clearly stated that both sexes were implicated. I'm glad that the "Me, Too" movement has outed so many people, both here and abroad, for their attacks on vulnerable others. If more women are implicated, so be it.
The issue is stopping harassment and rape, whoever commits it. This conduct has been hidden for far too long.

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