O’Reilly: Biden is Toast

Biden is Toast​

I disagree. Impeaching that POS was the last thing Pelosi wanted. Why make him a martyr? Trumps corrupt act was an attack on half of the two party system using the whole country's foreign aid money as leverage. The other was an attack on the transfer of power. The GOP own the leverage corruption and the violent assault on Congress, forever.
They started talking impeachment in November of 2016 and everyone knew it was going to happen long before anything was cooked up. Also, we all knew going in that it was a waste of time because the Senate was never going to convict. If the House goes Republican you will see another made up impeachment that won't go through. The Dems brought the BS on and now we have a low bar for impeaching.
I love toast with butter and strawberry preserves.

But the only way any Republican is getting into the White House is on the public tour.
Bank it.

I am happy to place a wager against that
Thank you! hTat proves the impeachment was fake because they started talking aout it before he was even in office! He hadn't even had a chance to do anything yet!
Democratic didn't have the power to impeach anyone before or after the 2016 election. Not until 2019 did they have the majority in the House.

More revisionist history. Stupid revisionist history at that.
Talk is cheap. The Democrats lost control of the House in 2014 and did not regain it in 2016.
Yep, and the left right after the 2016 election were already talking of impeachment, even in April of 2016 the talk was about impeaching Trump and he wasn't even the Republican nominee yet.

It was a forgone conclusion that the Democrats were going to impeach Trump before he stepped into office, so they just kept making up charges. The two parties are just stupid idiots that don't think anything through. But hey, you need to defend the crooks and thieves.
Democratic didn't have the power to impeach anyone before or after the 2016 election. Not until 2019 did they have the majority in the House.

More revisionist history. Stupid revisionist history at that.
And that is exactly what they did do in 2019? Went right for what they said they'd do in 2016. Honest people saw this coming, yet partisans were all surprised? LOL!! Thanks for the laugh.
And that is exactly what they did do in 2019? Went right for what they said they'd do in 2016. Honest people saw this coming, yet partisans were all surprised? LOL!! Thanks for the laugh.

Sure they went right after him, immediately, a year later, after winning the House in 2018. Why did they wait almost a full year? He was impeached for his actions in 2019. Not playing footsy with Russia in 2016.
Sure they went right after him, immediately, a year later, after winning the House in 2018. Why did they wait almost a full year? He was impeached for his actions in 2019. Not playing footsy with Russia in 2016.
The House wasn't controlled by Democrats, so the Democrats couldn't impeach but with in the first month of taking control in 2019 they impeached, we all knew it was coming, so have said nothing that changes these facts. April 2016 Democratic talk of impeaching Trump Could Trump Be Impeached Shortly After He Takes Office? Then in November, Trump, stupidly talked about impeaching Clinton, which after the election turned into Democrats wanting to impeach Trump but couldn't because of not enough votes but as soon as they could in 2019, they did what they said they would do in 2016. It was another partisan game.
so the Democrats couldn't impeach but with in the first month of taking control in 2019 they impeached,

Contrary to known reality. Trump's Ukraine leverage attempt didn't occur until July. He wasn't impeached until December.
Contrary to known reality. Trump's Ukraine leverage attempt didn't occur until July. He wasn't impeached until December.
We all knew in 2016 that the Democrats would be impeaching Trump, and they did, not sure what your point is.

They said they'd do it as early as April 2016 and the did what they said they'd do. That is what happened.
We all knew in 2016 that the Democrats would be impeaching Trump, and they did, not sure what your point is.

They said they'd do it as early as April 2016 and the did what they said they'd do. That is what happened.

And...? I don't understand your point.

Mine is easy, the Democrats pushed for impeachment back in 2016 and then when they felt the time was right, they impeached, just like they had promised. Pelosi was just one Dem and she took great delight in the impeachment, that was easy to see, all her word games aside.
Why the fuck would I care what a useless, old fart thinks about another useless old fart.
Hell...you are probably a useless, old fart as well.
They started talking impeachment in November of 2016 and everyone knew it was going to happen long before anything was cooked up. Also, we all knew going in that it was a waste of time because the Senate was never going to convict. If the House goes Republican you will see another made up impeachment that won't go through. The Dems brought the BS on and now we have a low bar for impeaching.
At least you see the last impeachments for what they were.

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