O'Reilly vindicated.

You have a vivid imagination if nothing else.

In the video, anchor Dan Rather describes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”}

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite


Look, everyone knows that David Corn is a lying guttersnipe. Everyone knows that Mother Jones lies on a regular basis and is just a partisan rag.

You know this as well as anyone.
I just think that if MSNBC isn't satisfied with destroying states' beloved governors and is now after O'Reilly's head, they could be biting off more than they might want to chew.
But didn't Bill say he saw combat .... on the street of Buenos Aires?

Nope, you're lying like a good leftist.

Bill said he was in a war zone, which is also how reports described Ferguson. Oh, and Dan Rather backs O'Reilly up - he didn't mean to, but he did.
You have a vivid imagination if nothing else.

In the video, anchor Dan Rather describes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”}

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite


Look, everyone knows that David Corn is a lying guttersnipe. Everyone knows that Mother Jones lies on a regular basis and is just a partisan rag.

You know this as well as anyone.

Where is the "war zone"? And why is this about Argentina when BillO said he was in the Falklands thousands of miles away from Argentina?
Williams has already been replaced and the new guy is getting great ratings. So, who will FOX pick to replace O'Reilly? Will they be able to find a replacement that will keep their viewers?

FOX is not going to fire Bill. They will give him a gold plated Forked Tongue....
Williams has already been replaced and the new guy is getting great ratings. So, who will FOX pick to replace O'Reilly? Will they be able to find a replacement that will keep their viewers?

FOX is not going to fire Bill. They will give him a gold plated Forked Tongue....
and a raise for uping the ratings during sweeps!
Fk you asshole...Rachel Maddow is not Brian Williams....

She is the voice of NBC though, you drooling crank head.
So fucking what right wing retard ...I am a leftist ../..do I give a flying fuck about Brian Williams ...hell no...that is a 1 percent of earnings dude...Can you link to anyone [other than you who I consider to be a floating turd] who says "Rachel Maddow is the voice of NBC"...once again Fk you asshole
You have a vivid imagination if nothing else.

In the video, anchor Dan Rather describes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”}

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite


Look, everyone knows that David Corn is a lying guttersnipe. Everyone knows that Mother Jones lies on a regular basis and is just a partisan rag.

You know this as well as anyone.
can you highlight the part in this account where the Army is shooting ammo at streets of protesters....I did not see that part ...
can you highlight the part in this account where the Army is shooting ammo at streets of protesters....I did not see that part ...

Why would I want to highlight the part where a gnat stuck his toe in the ear of a walrus?

I warned you about the meth use, but NO, you wouldn't listen.....
Fk you asshole...Rachel Maddow is not Brian Williams....

She is the voice of NBC though, you drooling crank head.
So fucking what right wing retard ...I am a leftist ../..do I give a flying fuck about Brian Williams ...hell no...that is a 1 percent of earnings dude...Can you link to anyone [other than you who I consider to be a floating turd] who says "Rachel Maddow is the voice of NBC"...once again Fk you asshole

You mad? :)
Note to conservatives: Challenging the narrative is NOT PERSECUTION

Note to you:

Trying to take someone down by falsely accusing him of lying is. Quite uncanny the timing of this 'scandal' as soon as Brian Williams made an idiot of himself, the Mother Jones decides to run a hit piece on Bill O'Reilly.
Well, if O'Reilly had lied, that must mean that the NBC NETWORK "News'" Anchor and Editor in Chief consistent LYING is just fine and peachy.

These modern American libs may be wooden in their "thinking" and transparent in their motivation (and fallacy-driven in their efforts to persuade) but at least they are pathetic and laughable.
Except the NBC guy doesn't know that CBS sent O'Lielly packing before the riots he is commenting on began.

Oh, I'm sure he does. As close knit as the Liberal media is, I highly doubt such a thing goes unnoticed.
It doesn't matter...

The liberal MSNBC anchor (Brian Williams) engaged in egregious act(s) of Stolen Valor, in connection with US military operations...

Even if O'Reilly did bullshit about Argentina and the Falklands...

It didn't involve despicable claims of Stolen Valor, connected to our own country's military operations...

It will be seen as unimaginative copy-catting...
Here is some stolen valor for you domesticated pets

What are you trying to say here?
"Corn and Engberg Claims About O’Reilly Both Politically, Personally Motivated"

Corn and Engberg Claims About O Reilly Both Politically Personally Motivated Mediaite
Did you notice on the video CBS released that O' Reilly showed on his show last night part of it was narrated by Engberg the same guy who is saying O'Reilly lied and was downplaying the situation in Buenos Aires at that time on facebook and CNN?
Except he was describing two different days. The riots on the video occurred on the night of the 15th, clearly marked on the video. The events O'Lielly made up about his cameraman he said occurred on the night of the surrender, which would have made it the night before, the 14th, when there were no riots. The next day, the 15th, CBS sent O'Lielly home, the riots were THAT night with O'Lielly long gone.

Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online
All you have to do is get the video from CBS about what happened the night that they surrendered. The Argentinians, in Buenos Aires - it certainly was a war zone where bullets were being shot, people were going down.

Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online
This confrontation led the next day to O'Reilly being ordered out of Argentina by the CBS bosses. Doyle had told them O'Reilly was a 'disruptive force' who threatened his bureau's morale and cohesion.
Your just using a different source to repeat the same stuff that has already been debunked but hey live the lie if it makes you happy.
It was O'Lielly himself who said the event with his cameraman happened on the night of the surrender and the surrender was 2 PM the 14th. If that has been "rebutted" then that in itself makes O'Lielly a liar.

He was shit canned the very next DAY, the 15th, by CBS and the riots didn't happen until the night of the 15th with O'Lielly long gone.

As far as I can tell, night is part of a day. Strange sense of timing you have.

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