
Odds and probabilities are just statistical predictors. They have no affect on what happens whatsoever. Even if probability of something happening is 10 to the 100th power, it could still happen the very first time.

Uh, no. That's called "chance".
I would really appreciate the product of the three mathematical probabilities and then hear your own comments concerning each outcome.

face it the chances of life out there are greater then your determination that we are alone

Refuse to do the calculations? It's not my OP but the questions remain open for anyone willing to do the calculations and comment on their findings.

shutup troll

You answered my post. I didn't answer yours. Now when I press you to back up your own claim, you start whining like a little kid.

of course you answered my post you piss ant

i gave you the calculations necessary to predict the possibilities of life out there

Deflection again. I asked for your calculations.
Just do the mathematical calculation on the odds of the earth being placed exactly where it is with all the necessities for life being present as we know it.

Now do the mathematical calculation on the odds of even a single cell lifeform crawling out of that cesspool and surviving.

Now do the mathematical calculation on the odds of that single cell lifeform mutating into even a two cell lifeform.

Do these mathematical probability calculations and then tell us what you think.

Well, out of all the hundreds of billions galaxies, all the hundreds of billions of stars in those galaxies with planetary systems, and all the planets in those systems... Odds are at least 1 planet had the right conditions for life to develop on it, survive, and evolve.
Just do the mathematical calculation on the odds of the earth being placed exactly where it is with all the necessities for life being present as we know it.

Now do the mathematical calculation on the odds of even a single cell lifeform crawling out of that cesspool and surviving.

Now do the mathematical calculation on the odds of that single cell lifeform mutating into even a two cell lifeform.

Do these mathematical probability calculations and then tell us what you think.

Well, out of all the hundreds of billions galaxies, all the hundreds of billions of stars in those galaxies with planetary systems, and all the planets in those systems... Odds are at least 1 planet had the right conditions for life to develop on it, survive, and evolve.

All I asked was for someone to actually do the math.
All I asked was for someone to actually do the math.
You imply that if the Earth was somehow placed somewhere else life as we know it would be impossible. And you're right of course. However there is no reason to believe life would not have evolved into very different forms. I think we may ultimately find life to be quite common in the universe.
All I asked was for someone to actually do the math.
You imply that if the Earth was somehow placed somewhere else life as we know it would be impossible. And you're right of course. However there is no reason to believe life would not have evolved into very different forms. I think we may ultimately find life to be quite common in the universe.

Actually I implied nothing at all. I simply proposed that someone do the math. I made no comment one way or another.
All I asked was for someone to actually do the math.
You imply that if the Earth was somehow placed somewhere else life as we know it would be impossible. And you're right of course. However there is no reason to believe life would not have evolved into very different forms. I think we may ultimately find life to be quite common in the universe.

Actually I implied nothing at all. I simply proposed that someone do the math. I made no comment one way or another.
My bad. Then why does the question deserve an answer? What does it matter?
All I asked was for someone to actually do the math.
You imply that if the Earth was somehow placed somewhere else life as we know it would be impossible. And you're right of course. However there is no reason to believe life would not have evolved into very different forms. I think we may ultimately find life to be quite common in the universe.

Actually I implied nothing at all. I simply proposed that someone do the math. I made no comment one way or another.
My bad. Then why does the question deserve an answer? What does it matter?

It would actually add something to the discussion.
We may very well be the first civilization to reach out to the stars.

Which ones? George Clooney? Will Smith?
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