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Oscar winning movie about Islam

We're getting there. What fun coming up with Seal.

wrong there, chief. there may not be a rule against calling vets "baby killers" but families are off limits and that sort of really empties out your arsenal now, doesn't it.

besides, why would you caall me those names anyway. i am irish. i haven't responded to the ethnic slurs against the irish that you call me, why would you think i would mind being called ethnic slurs directed at other groups.
Gee you really are off your rocker aren't you? That's the forth person you accused of calling you that. There was only one person that called you a baby killer and I believe it was Milt, who is currently not on this board, and that was to expose your own hypocrisy of accusing Israeli soldiers of things you had admitted to doing yourself.

So what is it with you, why does a so called veteran who considers himself Irish, spend all his available time on Israel related boards? Regardless of where you go, here or the previous board, you're always spewing non-stop obsessive Jew hate, day in and day out.

Do you really think we are falling for your baloney, you Nazi / IslamoNazi imbecile?
Ya right, you just "happen" to squirm your way here everyday like a fucking useless worm that you are, because you are "concerned". Stick it up your Mohammad! Ha ha ha!

i was in county antrim in 1981...

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network » 1981 Solidarity Message from Palestinian Prisoners to Irish Hunger Strikers

back in america, later, i happened to publically thank a young palesstinian woman for her people's support of mine and immediately encountered jews like you who could not understand my gratefulness and appreciation to this woman's people in a time that was very hard for me, and all of ireland. they attacked the young woman too.

the irish are pretty notorious for supporting other peoples struggles for freedom and autonomy. it is what we do. it is us. mise eire....and the irish never forget the kindnesses shown to us by so many, many people. we never forget to express our gratitude, each in our own way. every year, i send a cash envelope to the choctaw people for their generosity to the irish, even during their great time of need.

interestingly, the only people in ireland who support the state of israel are the same ones who throw bags of piss at the elementary school girls as they walk to holy cross school. one of their leaders, now exiled by his mates i think, was a fellah named johnny "mad dog' adair...i think he was in the shankill road bde UFF, a loyalist para military group. he would regularly take his english bulldog for a walk in west belfast with an israeli flag proudly draped around the dogs shoulders. the dog's name was hitler.

you want me to look the other way. too many people looked the other way and millions died in hitler's camps. i almost actually said "six million jews", it becomes so ingrained to forget the others. when you say "never again" it is exclusive to only jews. when i say never again it is incusive and my heart breaks for all victims of oppression and injustice, no matter who or where. in your attempts to exclude palestinians from compassion, you imagine the compassion felt for them excludes the innocent israeli victims and it doesn't one single bit, but it does direct the tone of the discussion.

i have answered you respectfully.
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You are so right Seal...the more time I spend on these boards, the clearer it becomes that the Israeli supporters on these boards use hate a weapon of war to help Israel at all costs...I just can't seperate that 100 Jewish donors not investors put up 5 million dollars for a film purely to incite Muslims which kills Americans purely to help Israel.

I tell you when the Muslims get it together or get nukes Israel will pay the piper, defeating their purpose of trying to save the Israeli State.

You reap what you sow.
Douchebag, The film was made by Egyptian copts who have just about had enough of Islamist animals and their murder and oppression. If I knew about this film I would have donated to it as well. About time somebody spoke out and told the truth about Islam and Musim behavior. You think you Jew hating pigs even remotely represent American public opinion on Islam and Muslim behavior? YOU DON'T.

lolol...i imagine there are people right now, equals in your intellectual capacity, sitting around right now saying the same thing about "the protocols about the learned elders of zion"...and they would be about as right as you are.

say, maybe you two groups should get together for a face to face, i am sure the permanent silence to emerge from such a confrontation would be welcomed by many.

kapo fool, ya care more about trashing muslims than american lives. what a sorry life you must lead. try this bottom line...what the hell would we lose if we dumped that "shitty little state". lord knows they have given us plenty of reason to do so. i mean, if sticking up for her were the right thing to do, i would be all for sticking up for her...

No you wouldn't you Nazi fuck. There is nothing which would ever cause you to stick up for Israel because the place is full of Joooos.
Go fuck yourself, NaziBoy.
We're getting there. What fun coming up with Seal.

Now this is the Seal I remember. Those old "****" and "jewboy" posts can't be far behind now.

wrong there, chief. there may not be a rule against calling vets "baby killers" but families are off limits and that sort of really empties out your arsenal now, doesn't it.

besides, why would you caall me those names anyway. i am irish. i haven't responded to the ethnic slurs against the irish that you call me, why would you think i would mind being called ethnic slurs directed at other groups.

Of course, I've never called anyone "baby killer" nor have I impugned your Irish nationality. The only thing I have attacked is your Nazi character because, well, because I just don't like you Nazi scumbags.
Oh, and fuck you, too, Princess.
lolol...i imagine there are people right now, equals in your intellectual capacity, sitting around right now saying the same thing about "the protocols about the learned elders of zion"...and they would be about as right as you are.

say, maybe you two groups should get together for a face to face, i am sure the permanent silence to emerge from such a confrontation would be welcomed by many.

kapo fool, ya care more about trashing muslims than american lives. what a sorry life you must lead. try this bottom line...what the hell would we lose if we dumped that "shitty little state". lord knows they have given us plenty of reason to do so. i mean, if sticking up for her were the right thing to do, i would be all for sticking up for her, but i see absolutely nothing right about that state or it being in any kind of interest to us whatsoever. indeed, it hinders us in trying to bring democracy to those "third world shitholes" as you like to call them.

also, we probably wouldn't have to send our soldiers, i believe you call them "baby killers", to these far flung places. personally, and putting any of the BS conspiracy theories aside, i think it was because of our underhanded and dishonest dealing with with the arab and muslim countries for decades that led to planes crashing into our buildings, and that in no way exonerates the tyrants who did 9/11 but it is a fact hard to ignore. how many times has our vote been the lone veto that has allowed israel to continue with their oppressive treatment fo the indigenous palestinian people, or indigenous arab people if you prefer.

we should dump israel as a failed cause andd a bad mistake and start acting as an HONEST broker and the moralo state that has made us great instead of allowing ourselves to be dragged down into the murky waters of depravity stirred up by the seelf interest of a very small minority of a people who really do seem to put america second, as evidenced by your lack of concern for dead americans as long as you can use it to promote your hatred for muslims, and including the many fine patriotic muslims in this country which was founded upon a freedom ofe religion more than any other freedom. you betray that with your hatred.

you should be ashamed.
Blah blah blah...Jew this and Jew that, Jew Jew Jew...whine whine whine. Pathetic.


only jew mentioned above was you, ya stupid fuck. sort of proves my point though that you excuse your social abrasiveness by whining anti-semitism.

i don't like zionists. zionists aren't all jews and all jews aren't zionists.

quit whining.

You must think that nobody remembers your "****" and "jewboy" posts, Princess, but you're only fooling yourself.
Oh, and go fuck yourself.
Douchebag, The film was made by Egyptian copts who have just about had enough of Islamist animals and their murder and oppression. If I knew about this film I would have donated to it as well. About time somebody spoke out and told the truth about Islam and Musim behavior. You think you Jew hating pigs even remotely represent American public opinion on Islam and Muslim behavior? YOU DON'T.

lolol...i imagine there are people right now, equals in your intellectual capacity, sitting around right now saying the same thing about "the protocols about the learned elders of zion"...and they would be about as right as you are.

say, maybe you two groups should get together for a face to face, i am sure the permanent silence to emerge from such a confrontation would be welcomed by many.

kapo fool, ya care more about trashing muslims than american lives. what a sorry life you must lead. try this bottom line...what the hell would we lose if we dumped that "shitty little state". lord knows they have given us plenty of reason to do so. i mean, if sticking up for her were the right thing to do, i would be all for sticking up for her...

No you wouldn't you Nazi fuck. There is nothing which would ever cause you to stick up for Israel because the place is full of Joooos.
Go fuck yourself, NaziBoy.

i have said numerous times that, were israel to work towards and achieve a bona fide peace agreement that provided for a viable palestinian homeland that i would support that and oppose vehemently anyone who broke such treaty.

israel has had plenty of opportunity to enter into such negotiations but there is always some "reason" not to. anybody with half a brain can see that the problem is how their government work. parliaments are notorious for not getting anything done. the two major players are controlled, at least in the peace portion of the game, by a bunch of gun toting hooligans who want the west bank and who knows what beyond that and these hooligans are funded by money from american jews in large part. obviously it is more complex than that, but that is the meat and potatoes. meanwhile, the arab peace initiative lanquishes and is close to death.

israel has a chance and they should take it because, when and if the tide turns, any goodwill towards a peaceful agreement will be pushed into the sea with a lot of jews who want no more part of this ridiculous struggle than the palestinians, and all your "go fuck yourself. Naziboy" and the plaintive "Joooooooos" in the world from your mouth won't make a damn bit of difference...but don't worry or feel you have to take any responsibility for yourself or your part in it. you can always blame it on me and others. it won't bring any of the dead back, either jewish or arab, but it will help you sleep better at night i hope. leave the nightmares to us "baby killers". i'm learning i can live with the nightmares of the past couple of days...lol...no bigs really...i got a friend. i may never sleep again but i bet my kitchen floor is cleaner than any other single man's in these whole united states.

peace out.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0V_xf3OQgM&feature=related]Hitler Speaks About the Jews - YouTube[/ame]
lolol...i imagine there are people right now, equals in your intellectual capacity, sitting around right now saying the same thing about "the protocols about the learned elders of zion"...and they would be about as right as you are.

say, maybe you two groups should get together for a face to face, i am sure the permanent silence to emerge from such a confrontation would be welcomed by many.

kapo fool, ya care more about trashing muslims than american lives. what a sorry life you must lead. try this bottom line...what the hell would we lose if we dumped that "shitty little state". lord knows they have given us plenty of reason to do so. i mean, if sticking up for her were the right thing to do, i would be all for sticking up for her...

No you wouldn't you Nazi fuck. There is nothing which would ever cause you to stick up for Israel because the place is full of Joooos.
Go fuck yourself, NaziBoy.

i have said numerous times that, were israel to work towards and achieve a bona fide peace agreement that provided for a viable palestinian homeland that i would support that and oppose vehemently anyone who broke such treaty.

israel has had plenty of opportunity to enter into such negotiations but there is always some "reason" not to. anybody with half a brain can see that the problem is how their government work. parliaments are notorious for not getting anything done. the two major players are controlled, at least in the peace portion of the game, by a bunch of gun toting hooligans who want the west bank and who knows what beyond that and these hooligans are funded by money from american jews in large part. obviously it is more complex than that, but that is the meat and potatoes. meanwhile, the arab peace initiative lanquishes and is close to death.

israel has a chance and they should take it because, when and if the tide turns, any goodwill towards a peaceful agreement will be pushed into the sea with a lot of jews who want no more part of this ridiculous struggle than the palestinians, and all your "go fuck yourself. Naziboy" and the plaintive "Joooooooos" in the world from your mouth won't make a damn bit of difference...but don't worry or feel you have to take any responsibility for yourself or your part in it. you can always blame it on me and others. it won't bring any of the dead back, either jewish or arab, but it will help you sleep better at night i hope. leave the nightmares to us "baby killers". i'm learning i can live with the nightmares of the past couple of days...lol...no bigs really...i got a friend. i may never sleep again but i bet my kitchen floor is cleaner than any other single man's in these whole united states.

peace out.

If the Palestinian Arabs had wanted a viable state in the disputed territories living in peace with the Jewish state of Israel, they were offered one by Barak in 2000 and again by Clinton with Barak's support later that year. They were offered all of Gaza, nearly all of the West Bank, shared sovereignty over East Jerusalem and an elevated highway connecting the West Bank and Gaza. Their response was the second intifada. In 2008 Olmert offered all the same things plus large swaths of agricultural land already in production that were nearly equal is size to all the land the Israeli West Bank communities occupied. Abbas' response was to break off negotiations without responding to the offer and refuse to come back to the table. The only thing that would have prevented either of these offers from leading to a viable state is the incompetence of the Palestinian Arab leadership.

Today, of course, it is silly to talk about a two state solution because there is no unified Palestinian Arab government that can credibly speak of both the West Bank and Gaza and there seems to be no possibility of one anytime in the foreseeable future.

Even so, Abbas' decision not to return to the negotiating table was a catastrophic error. While negotiations were going on polls showed enormous support for a two state solutions among the Israeli public even after Hamas took over Gaza, but since Abbas has refused to negotiate, the support has dissipated and it is now mostly the voices of those opposed to a Palestinian state are still active. Had he stayed at the table, it would have kept Israeli support for a Palestinian Arab state strong and it would have kept the possibility of establishing such a state alive despite the split between leaderships in Gaza and the West Bank.
We're getting there. What fun coming up with Seal.

wrong there, chief. there may not be a rule against calling vets "baby killers" but families are off limits and that sort of really empties out your arsenal now, doesn't it.

besides, why would you caall me those names anyway. i am irish. i haven't responded to the ethnic slurs against the irish that you call me, why would you think i would mind being called ethnic slurs directed at other groups.
Gee you really are off your rocker aren't you? That's the forth person you accused of calling you that. There was only one person that called you a baby killer and I believe it was Milt, who is currently not on this board, and that was to expose your own hypocrisy of accusing Israeli soldiers of things you had admitted to doing yourself.

So what is it with you, why does a so called veteran who considers himself Irish, spend all his available time on Israel related boards? Regardless of where you go, here or the previous board, you're always spewing non-stop obsessive Jew hate, day in and day out.

Do you really think we are falling for your baloney, you Nazi / IslamoNazi imbecile?
Ya right, you just "happen" to squirm your way here everyday like a fucking useless worm that you are, because you are "concerned". Stick it up your Mohammad! Ha ha ha!

Roudy you are a liar. I was only on that board for 1 year and I know of at least 3 people who called Seal that name. Milt, MJB, and Baytsem/Sayit, maybe also Camels. Try to take a greater effort to take your memory pills from now on, Oh wait how are you going to do that since your memory is already shot.
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Blah blah blah...Jew this and Jew that, Jew Jew Jew...whine whine whine. Pathetic.


only jew mentioned above was you, ya stupid fuck. sort of proves my point though that you excuse your social abrasiveness by whining anti-semitism.

i don't like zionists. zionists aren't all jews and all jews aren't zionists.

quit whining.

You must think that nobody remembers your "****" and "jewboy" posts, Princess, but you're only fooling yourself.
Oh, and go fuck yourself.

what is clear to me that what people do not remember is the months of taunting using ethnic slurs and calling a young lady who was dead but had been gang raped a "drunk paddy slut" and had those doing the taunting for those many months been of any other ethnicity other than jewish, i may have chosen another name to call them. i just did not feel comfortable calling jewish posters "hunky" or "limey" or "taffy" or whatever term you would have me use to divert from the fact that it was exclusively jewish posters, with the exception of skit, who were throwing this corpse at me, as seems to be the wont recently.
would that "free speech" thing be in the first amendment of thee constitution which i took an oath to protect and defend so that sorry, shit cocked, pussy boy kapos like you and yours and those of your ilk, domestic enemies to the core, could lay around in the safety of the dumpster in the alley and call those of us who served in the military "baby killers."

by golly, i think it is, you stupid fart. bite me.

Now this is the Seal I remember. Those old "****" and "jewboy" can't be far behind now.
He's not even making any sense whatsoever now. I don't think he's taking the permanent removal of his rep meter well. Let's all pitch in and buy him a suicide vest.


i asked to have it, my rep, removed. i hope that doesn't throw off your regular scheddule or deprive you of too much fun. if so, you may want to get yourself some of those ED pills and take up a hobby of self abuse. i bet say it will even send you his pic.

it really is a liberating experience for those who choose to do it. all anyone has to do is PM an administrator and ask. i think you can even a moderator can help you. i will check to see if i can forward the pertinent PMs to hoss for verification, if you would like and it ndoesn't break any rules.

i would kind of like people to oin me, in solidarity. i was told to have fun with it and i really appreciate all those nice, great people who positively repped me. they know who they are, but that "have fun with it" just really wasn't working out. i do miss being able to pos rep people but ya know, it really was/is weighted way too much in favour of old timers.

i asked immediately after i went to the military board because i was so pissed about the "baby killer" post and figured maybe the peeps there might understand but i was immediately neg repped by some lame fuck tough guy vet named WARRIOR 102, (he was the last guy i repped by the way...a positive rep of course. i don't neg.) who i tried to offer a polite PM to but the guy was so chickenshite he had me blocked...lot of balls, that...LOL.

onliest thing i could figure was he was in the navy, but who knows anymore. navy really isn't so bad, my son joined, but those sailors always thought they were better than us grunts for some reason...a lot of them anyway. that's OK. i love my kid.

there will probably be no "kikes" or "jewboys" from me. you have to push me pretty hard for months on end to get to that point and attack my family and this board has rules about that sort of thing...but feel ffree to try. i won't report it...lol...i learned my lesson, i hope, after reporting "baby killer."

hey, you may want to try that "baby killer" one now, but you better hurry. i am still weak on it but am getting stronger and stronger. that might work...but i doubt it.

you're a lily livered coward.
You Tube weasels out of another film. Of course they keep their Jew Hate films.

"Spam, scams and commercially deceptive content." What a coup out!

don't really like the ADL at all but i think they are trying to turn a corner and i have never been reluctatnt to give credit where credit is due...

they still have a long way to go, in my opinion, but you would have to be really stupid to miss the hate in that film, "top."

YouTube Taps ADL As Partner In Fight Against Hate

YouTube has reached out to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for its expertise in dealing with hate on the Internet. In one outgrowth of that partnership, the League is now a contributor to YouTube's newly launched Abuse & Safety Center, where users are empowered to identify and confront hate, and to report abuses.

The YouTube Abuse & Safety Center features information and links to resources developed by ADL to help Internet users respond to and report offensive material and extremist content that violates YouTube's Community Guidelines on hate speech.
wrong there, chief. there may not be a rule against calling vets "baby killers" but families are off limits and that sort of really empties out your arsenal now, doesn't it.

besides, why would you caall me those names anyway. i am irish. i haven't responded to the ethnic slurs against the irish that you call me, why would you think i would mind being called ethnic slurs directed at other groups.
Gee you really are off your rocker aren't you? That's the forth person you accused of calling you that. There was only one person that called you a baby killer and I believe it was Milt, who is currently not on this board, and that was to expose your own hypocrisy of accusing Israeli soldiers of things you had admitted to doing yourself.

So what is it with you, why does a so called veteran who considers himself Irish, spend all his available time on Israel related boards? Regardless of where you go, here or the previous board, you're always spewing non-stop obsessive Jew hate, day in and day out.

Do you really think we are falling for your baloney, you Nazi / IslamoNazi imbecile?
Ya right, you just "happen" to squirm your way here everyday like a fucking useless worm that you are, because you are "concerned". Stick it up your Mohammad! Ha ha ha!

i was in county antrim in 1981...

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network » 1981 Solidarity Message from Palestinian Prisoners to Irish Hunger Strikers

back in america, later, i happened to publically thank a young palesstinian woman for her people's support of mine and immediately encountered jews like you who could not understand my gratefulness and appreciation to this woman's people in a time that was very hard for me, and all of ireland. they attacked the young woman too.

the irish are pretty notorious for supporting other peoples struggles for freedom and autonomy. it is what we do. it is us. mise eire....and the irish never forget the kindnesses shown to us by so many, many people. we never forget to express our gratitude, each in our own way. every year, i send a cash envelope to the choctaw people for their generosity to the irish, even during their great time of need.

interestingly, the only people in ireland who support the state of israel are the same ones who throw bags of piss at the elementary school girls as they walk to holy cross school. one of their leaders, now exiled by his mates i think, was a fellah named johnny "mad dog' adair...i think he was in the shankill road bde UFF, a loyalist para military group. he would regularly take his english bulldog for a walk in west belfast with an israeli flag proudly draped around the dogs shoulders. the dog's name was hitler.

you want me to look the other way. too many people looked the other way and millions died in hitler's camps. i almost actually said "six million jews", it becomes so ingrained to forget the others. when you say "never again" it is exclusive to only jews. when i say never again it is incusive and my heart breaks for all victims of oppression and injustice, no matter who or where. in your attempts to exclude palestinians from compassion, you imagine the compassion felt for them excludes the innocent israeli victims and it doesn't one single bit, but it does direct the tone of the discussion.

i have answered you respectfully.
Seriously? You want everybody to believe that because you're "Irish" and Irish fight for causes, your reason for life the last decade (at least) has been posting Jew hate on politics of Israel boards across the Internet? Ya right. What makes you think your explanation was even plausible? Of all the causes it's the bogus Palestinian cause! Sure. Do you really think people are as stupid as you are, and don't realize you obviously have some type of affiliations or ties to Jew hating Muslims like yourself?

I respectfully say to all that...BULLSHIT
Now this is the Seal I remember. Those old "****" and "jewboy" can't be far behind now.
He's not even making any sense whatsoever now. I don't think he's taking the permanent removal of his rep meter well. Let's all pitch in and buy him a suicide vest.


i asked to have it, my rep, removed. i hope that doesn't throw off your regular scheddule or deprive you of too much fun. if so, you may want to get yourself some of those ED pills and take up a hobby of self abuse. i bet say it will even send you his pic.

it really is a liberating experience for those who choose to do it. all anyone has to do is PM an administrator and ask. i think you can even a moderator can help you. i will check to see if i can forward the pertinent PMs to hoss for verification, if you would like and it ndoesn't break any rules.

i would kind of like people to oin me, in solidarity. i was told to have fun with it and i really appreciate all those nice, great people who positively repped me. they know who they are, but that "have fun with it" just really wasn't working out. i do miss being able to pos rep people but ya know, it really was/is weighted way too much in favour of old timers.

i asked immediately after i went to the military board because i was so pissed about the "baby killer" post and figured maybe the peeps there might understand but i was immediately neg repped by some lame fuck tough guy vet named WARRIOR 102, (he was the last guy i repped by the way...a positive rep of course. i don't neg.) who i tried to offer a polite PM to but the guy was so chickenshite he had me blocked...lot of balls, that...LOL.

onliest thing i could figure was he was in the navy, but who knows anymore. navy really isn't so bad, my son joined, but those sailors always thought they were better than us grunts for some reason...a lot of them anyway. that's OK. i love my kid.

there will probably be no "kikes" or "jewboys" from me. you have to push me pretty hard for months on end to get to that point and attack my family and this board has rules about that sort of thing...but feel ffree to try. i won't report it...lol...i learned my lesson, i hope, after reporting "baby killer."

hey, you may want to try that "baby killer" one now, but you better hurry. i am still weak on it but am getting stronger and stronger. that might work...but i doubt it.

you're a lily livered coward.
LOL. Maybe if I were a psychologist I would be able to translate what you just said. It's obvious from your posts that you have severe mental problems. Speaking of cowards have you preyed on any lonely Jewish women or widows on Jewish recipe boards, you sick fuck?
only jew mentioned above was you, ya stupid fuck. sort of proves my point though that you excuse your social abrasiveness by whining anti-semitism.

i don't like zionists. zionists aren't all jews and all jews aren't zionists.

quit whining.

You must think that nobody remembers your "****" and "jewboy" posts, Princess, but you're only fooling yourself.
Oh, and go fuck yourself.

what is clear to me that what people do not remember is the months of taunting using ethnic slurs and calling a young lady who was dead but had been gang raped a "drunk paddy slut" and had those doing the taunting for those many months been of any other ethnicity other than jewish, i may have chosen another name to call them. i just did not feel comfortable calling jewish posters "hunky" or "limey" or "taffy" or whatever term you would have me use to divert from the fact that it was exclusively jewish posters, with the exception of skit, who were throwing this corpse at me, as seems to be the wont recently.

Wah, wah, waaaaaaaah. :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Frankly, Bubba, your recent bogus claim that I had called you a "baby killer" or ever denigrated your Irish heritage or the Irish in general has rendered your words less than credible and your failure to repost anything of mine which supports that claim exposes you for the lying Nazi filth we both know you to be.
Twisting the meaning of Hoss's words to suit your purpose was as low a shot as one self-professed vet could do to a fellow Christian vet and I will cut you no slack until you apologize to him.
Oh, and have a nice day waxing your kitchen floor, NaziBoy.
Gee you really are off your rocker aren't you? That's the forth person you accused of calling you that. There was only one person that called you a baby killer and I believe it was Milt, who is currently not on this board, and that was to expose your own hypocrisy of accusing Israeli soldiers of things you had admitted to doing yourself.

So what is it with you, why does a so called veteran who considers himself Irish, spend all his available time on Israel related boards? Regardless of where you go, here or the previous board, you're always spewing non-stop obsessive Jew hate, day in and day out.

Do you really think we are falling for your baloney, you Nazi / IslamoNazi imbecile?
Ya right, you just "happen" to squirm your way here everyday like a fucking useless worm that you are, because you are "concerned". Stick it up your Mohammad! Ha ha ha!

i was in county antrim in 1981...

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network » 1981 Solidarity Message from Palestinian Prisoners to Irish Hunger Strikers

back in america, later, i happened to publically thank a young palesstinian woman for her people's support of mine and immediately encountered jews like you who could not understand my gratefulness and appreciation to this woman's people in a time that was very hard for me, and all of ireland. they attacked the young woman too.

the irish are pretty notorious for supporting other peoples struggles for freedom and autonomy. it is what we do. it is us. mise eire....and the irish never forget the kindnesses shown to us by so many, many people. we never forget to express our gratitude, each in our own way. every year, i send a cash envelope to the choctaw people for their generosity to the irish, even during their great time of need.

interestingly, the only people in ireland who support the state of israel are the same ones who throw bags of piss at the elementary school girls as they walk to holy cross school. one of their leaders, now exiled by his mates i think, was a fellah named johnny "mad dog' adair...i think he was in the shankill road bde UFF, a loyalist para military group. he would regularly take his english bulldog for a walk in west belfast with an israeli flag proudly draped around the dogs shoulders. the dog's name was hitler.

you want me to look the other way. too many people looked the other way and millions died in hitler's camps. i almost actually said "six million jews", it becomes so ingrained to forget the others. when you say "never again" it is exclusive to only jews. when i say never again it is incusive and my heart breaks for all victims of oppression and injustice, no matter who or where. in your attempts to exclude palestinians from compassion, you imagine the compassion felt for them excludes the innocent israeli victims and it doesn't one single bit, but it does direct the tone of the discussion.

i have answered you respectfully.
Seriously? You want everybody to believe that because you're "Irish" and Irish fight for causes, your reason for life the last decade (at least) has been posting Jew hate on politics of Israel boards across the Internet? Ya right. What makes you think your explanation was even plausible? Of all the causes it's the bogus Palestinian cause! Sure. Do you really think people are as stupid as you are, and don't realize you obviously have some type of affiliations or ties to Jew hating Muslims like yourself?

I respectfully say to all that...BULLSHIT

i merely answered a question that you asked. those who believe it may do so. it is the truth. it does not matter to me whether you believe it or not because you mean nothing to me other than you are a human being.

i do not hate jews because they are jews, nor do i like jews because they are jews...and i am not a jew hating muslim.

your entire post consists of, not disagreeing with me, but calling me a liar. you obviously do not know what "respectully" means. perhaps you are ill bred.
Now this is the Seal I remember. Those old "****" and "jewboy" can't be far behind now.
He's not even making any sense whatsoever now. I don't think he's taking the permanent removal of his rep meter well. Let's all pitch in and buy him a suicide vest.


i asked to have it, my rep, removed. i hope that doesn't throw off your regular scheddule or deprive you of too much fun. if so, you may want to get yourself some of those ED pills and take up a hobby of self abuse. i bet say it will even send you his pic.

it really is a liberating experience for those who choose to do it. all anyone has to do is PM an administrator and ask. i think you can even a moderator can help you. i will check to see if i can forward the pertinent PMs to hoss for verification, if you would like and it ndoesn't break any rules.

i would kind of like people to oin me, in solidarity. i was told to have fun with it and i really appreciate all those nice, great people who positively repped me. they know who they are, but that "have fun with it" just really wasn't working out. i do miss being able to pos rep people but ya know, it really was/is weighted way too much in favour of old timers.

i asked immediately after i went to the military board because i was so pissed about the "baby killer" post and figured maybe the peeps there might understand but i was immediately neg repped by some lame fuck tough guy vet named WARRIOR 102, (he was the last guy i repped by the way...a positive rep of course. i don't neg.) who i tried to offer a polite PM to but the guy was so chickenshite he had me blocked...lot of balls, that...LOL.

onliest thing i could figure was he was in the navy, but who knows anymore. navy really isn't so bad, my son joined, but those sailors always thought they were better than us grunts for some reason...a lot of them anyway. that's OK. i love my kid.

there will probably be no "kikes" or "jewboys" from me. you have to push me pretty hard for months on end to get to that point and attack my family and this board has rules about that sort of thing...but feel ffree to try. i won't report it...lol...i learned my lesson, i hope, after reporting "baby killer."

hey, you may want to try that "baby killer" one now, but you better hurry. i am still weak on it but am getting stronger and stronger. that might work...but i doubt it.

you're a lily livered coward.

I will not attack you as a "baby killer" because I do not and never have posted things I don't believe to be true (with the exception of my respose to your hateful, ignorant post about black people hating Jews).
I will continue to attack you for the lies and distortions you post. Believe me, there's always been plenty of that from you for me to work with.
I do find your REP rating stance to be honorable. PBrain, who has disabled his, nonetheless slinks around giving neg reps to others. So here's your kudos, NaziBoy:
Gee you really are off your rocker aren't you? That's the forth person you accused of calling you that. There was only one person that called you a baby killer and I believe it was Milt, who is currently not on this board, and that was to expose your own hypocrisy of accusing Israeli soldiers of things you had admitted to doing yourself.

So what is it with you, why does a so called veteran who considers himself Irish, spend all his available time on Israel related boards? Regardless of where you go, here or the previous board, you're always spewing non-stop obsessive Jew hate, day in and day out.

Do you really think we are falling for your baloney, you Nazi / IslamoNazi imbecile?
Ya right, you just "happen" to squirm your way here everyday like a fucking useless worm that you are, because you are "concerned". Stick it up your Mohammad! Ha ha ha!

i was in county antrim in 1981...

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network » 1981 Solidarity Message from Palestinian Prisoners to Irish Hunger Strikers

back in america, later, i happened to publically thank a young palesstinian woman for her people's support of mine and immediately encountered jews like you who could not understand my gratefulness and appreciation to this woman's people in a time that was very hard for me, and all of ireland. they attacked the young woman too.

the irish are pretty notorious for supporting other peoples struggles for freedom and autonomy. it is what we do. it is us. mise eire....and the irish never forget the kindnesses shown to us by so many, many people. we never forget to express our gratitude, each in our own way. every year, i send a cash envelope to the choctaw people for their generosity to the irish, even during their great time of need.

interestingly, the only people in ireland who support the state of israel are the same ones who throw bags of piss at the elementary school girls as they walk to holy cross school. one of their leaders, now exiled by his mates i think, was a fellah named johnny "mad dog' adair...i think he was in the shankill road bde UFF, a loyalist para military group. he would regularly take his english bulldog for a walk in west belfast with an israeli flag proudly draped around the dogs shoulders. the dog's name was hitler.

you want me to look the other way. too many people looked the other way and millions died in hitler's camps. i almost actually said "six million jews", it becomes so ingrained to forget the others. when you say "never again" it is exclusive to only jews. when i say never again it is incusive and my heart breaks for all victims of oppression and injustice, no matter who or where. in your attempts to exclude palestinians from compassion, you imagine the compassion felt for them excludes the innocent israeli victims and it doesn't one single bit, but it does direct the tone of the discussion.

i have answered you respectfully.
Seriously? You want everybody to believe that because you're "Irish" and Irish fight for causes, your reason for life the last decade (at least) has been posting Jew hate on politics of Israel boards across the Internet? Ya right. What makes you think your explanation was even plausible? Of all the causes it's the bogus Palestinian cause! Sure. Do you really think people are as stupid as you are, and don't realize you obviously have some type of affiliations or ties to Jew hating Muslims like yourself?

I respectfully say to all that...BULLSHIT

There are so many Jew-haters on these boards who hide behind the "Palestinian" cause that it is hardly worth singling out one individual. Suffice to say they know little - other than what they learn at ElectronicIntifada, RadioIslam, and StormFront - and care far less about those hapless "Palestinians." They are all well versed, however, in their reasons to hate Joooos.

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