OUCH. Glenn Beck exposed as phony on HealthCare Debate

Obama is failing and all his faithful followers can do is attack a talk show host.

I guess that's all they can do since they can't defend anything Obama has said or done.
Obama is failing and all his faithful followers can do is attack a talk show host.

I guess that's all they can do since they can't defend anything Obama has said or done.
I don't give a rat's ass about Obama.

In fact, I deteste politics and think picking "sides" is for fucking babies. It also lessens your integrity when trying to evaluate a situation honestly, and not with your biased views in the back of your mind. (biased from the "other side's" views).

But no, this is simply calling a rat tailed liar a liar. Do you deny?
Beck has a job to do and he does it. I'm sure he has lied before and will lie again. I'm sure he will "think" about killing someone again and get everyone's panties in a bunch. That's his job. and apparently he's doing an outstanding job.

I'm not really interested in his motives, I just think he's scum for what he does. He's a liar, a cerial misleader, and if this were a perfect world where I get to meet ALL cheaters face to face, and it were within the law, I'd make him swallow his teeth.

Real tough guy huh?


Tough guys like you are a dime a dozen.
Beck has a job to do and he does it. I'm sure he has lied before and will lie again. I'm sure he will "think" about killing someone again and get everyone's panties in a bunch. That's his job. and apparently he's doing an outstanding job.

I'm not really interested in his motives, I just think he's scum for what he does. He's a liar, a cerial misleader, and if this were a perfect world where I get to meet ALL cheaters face to face, and it were within the law, I'd make him swallow his teeth.

Real tough guy huh?


Tough guys like you are a dime a dozen.

Well, to be fair, you could say the same thing about Beck being a "radio thug" saying he's thinking about killing Michael Moore.
Obama is failing and all his faithful followers can do is attack a talk show host.

I guess that's all they can do since they can't defend anything Obama has said or done.
I don't give a rat's ass about Obama.

In fact, I deteste politics and think picking "sides" is for fucking babies. It also lessens your integrity when trying to evaluate a situation honestly, and not with your biased views in the back of your mind. (biased from the "other side's" views).

But no, this is simply calling a rat tailed liar a liar. Do you deny?

I don't deny you're a classic punk that think himself a tough guy. As far as lying, I think everyone has the right to change their opinion. In full disclosure didn't watch you silly clip. I don't take much stock in information that comes from a comedy show, I would rather get my news from a reputable news source.

Here's your darling Jon getting pwned.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF4pV27_7PI]YouTube - Jon Stewart calls Truman a War Criminal for Dropping nuclear bombs on Japan - Torture?[/ame]
Here's The One Thing... Regardless of your opinion of Glenn Beck, he has very high ratings on tv and although a bit overdone on drama, his comments are more factual than anything you will see on MSNBC or hear out of that dumb ass guy named Gibbs who spews the Obama's crap everyday on the tube. It's pretty hard for you liberals to accept the fact that guys like Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and O'Reilly have pegged the administration for what it really is... fucked up.

too bad they were ass lickers during the bush administration, maybe we wouldn't be in the dire economic straights we are in now.....

pointing out the ''enemies'' faults is easy play, easy riling, easy to do and make a hit out of it....doing it when your own people are in power, is noteworthy and has worth....doing the crap they do for the sake of partisanship is the Devil's work imo, and nothing less....same with those on the left that also spin lies....


You refer to the likes of Beck and Levin as ass kissers of the Bush administration?

Either you are naive, or you simply never listen to/wtach those people.

My guess is you are too naive to have ever listened to/ watch those poeple.

They have convictions and made it quite clear that Bush was not a true conservative in their eyes...and they were correct.....and they made their feelings about the man quite clear...to those that listened/ watched.

Next time, post something based on fact...not just based on assumption.
I'm not really interested in his motives, I just think he's scum for what he does. He's a liar, a cerial misleader, and if this were a perfect world where I get to meet ALL cheaters face to face, and it were within the law, I'd make him swallow his teeth.

Real tough guy huh?


Tough guys like you are a dime a dozen.

Well, to be fair, you could say the same thing about Beck being a "radio thug" saying he's thinking about killing Michael Moore.

The difference is Beck's not hiding behind a screen name and a cartoon avatar.
I don't deny you're a classic punk that think himself a tough guy. As far as lying, I think everyone has the right to change their opinion. In full disclosure didn't watch you silly clip. I don't take much stock in information that comes from a comedy show, I would rather get my news from a reputable news source.

Here's your darling Jon getting pwned.

YouTube - Jon Stewart calls Truman a War Criminal for Dropping nuclear bombs on Japan - Torture?

You're the one who lacks intelligence and calls me a "punk?"

Let me break this down for ya paatna! (hee haw).

#1. Jon Stewart is not my darling. I don't even watch his show. I do come across clips, however. Fail.

#2. "Because" I posted a Stewart link, your logic told you that he IS, indeed, my DARLING. I don't know where you developed this complex, ground-breaking train of thought but you might consider how asinine it is for a second and re-visit the drawing board. Comments like that only serve to make you sound like you're a dickhead.

#3. You're commenting on a thread in which you admit you did not examine the source material. Should I go into detail about how awful of a Student you'd be, in making opinion pieces or research papers without actually opening a book? At least watching a good documentary?

Face it dude, you're an ass hole.
The difference is Beck's not hiding behind a screen name and a cartoon avatar.

Are you saying that posting on message boards is a means "to hide?"

:clap2: Well, I must say, your knowledge on the world and how it works is quite impressive dude.
Oh, and Obama isn't a bold faced liar. Got it. Funny how the other jackass said exactly the same thing I did, but you're too partisan to call him on it. disappointing.

I'm just not big into dickheads, is all. Beck straight up lied here. Deny?

Beck has a job to do and he does it. I'm sure he has lied before and will lie again. I'm sure he will "think" about killing someone again and get everyone's panties in a bunch. That's his job. and apparently he's doing an outstanding job.

Oh yeah he is doing a GREAT job........A GREAT job of losing sponsors.
I'm just not big into dickheads, is all. Beck straight up lied here. Deny?

Beck has a job to do and he does it. I'm sure he has lied before and will lie again. I'm sure he will "think" about killing someone again and get everyone's panties in a bunch. That's his job. and apparently he's doing an outstanding job.

Oh yeah he is doing a GREAT job........A GREAT job of losing sponsors.

Give me a man or woman that is willing to speak his or her mind without the concern of ones personal well being...and you are giving me a great American....A true patriot.
Give me a man or woman that is willing to speak his or her mind without the concern of ones personal well being...and you are giving me a great American....A true patriot.

But not Beck. He is a shill.
He is a man that is willing to sacrifice his own well being to say what he feels.

He is not a shill...he is a patriot.

Um no. Shill.

Last year, on CNN, he said our healthcare system was an abomination.

This year, in mirroring what "his side's" saying in the debate, and now on FOX, he calls it the best in the world.

He is also a loony fuck, can't forget about that.

Sorry man, a patriot he is not. He is a shill.
He is a man that is willing to sacrifice his own well being to say what he feels.

He is not a shill...he is a patriot.

Um no. Shill.

Last year, on CNN, he said our healthcare system was an abomination.

This year, in mirroring what "his side's" saying in the debate, and now on FOX, he calls it the best in the world.

He is also a loony fuck, can't forget about that.

Sorry man, a patriot he is not. He is a shill.

Whatever he is, more people watch him on Fox, than watch CNN, MSNBC, or any other cable news at his time slot.
I don't deny you're a classic punk that think himself a tough guy. As far as lying, I think everyone has the right to change their opinion. In full disclosure didn't watch you silly clip. I don't take much stock in information that comes from a comedy show, I would rather get my news from a reputable news source.

Here's your darling Jon getting pwned.

YouTube - Jon Stewart calls Truman a War Criminal for Dropping nuclear bombs on Japan - Torture?

You're the one who lacks intelligence and calls me a "punk?"

Let me break this down for ya paatna! (hee haw).

#1. Jon Stewart is not my darling. I don't even watch his show. I do come across clips, however. Fail.

#2. "Because" I posted a Stewart link, your logic told you that he IS, indeed, my DARLING. I don't know where you developed this complex, ground-breaking train of thought but you might consider how asinine it is for a second and re-visit the drawing board. Comments like that only serve to make you sound like you're a dickhead.

#3. You're commenting on a thread in which you admit you did not examine the source material. Should I go into detail about how awful of a Student you'd be, in making opinion pieces or research papers without actually opening a book? At least watching a good documentary?

Face it dude, you're an ass hole.

Spoken like a true loser.

Whenever you grow a pair, you can find me here.

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