Our American Justice system allows Defense to bring up Corruption charges. Trump was Denied this


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024

This is a very interesting article (have not seen video yet)

This attorney is saying what I and others have been saying for some time, that ANYONE can be prosecuted unjustly for "crimes" if a prosecutor really wants to do that. And if your politics "aint right"

And you have an unethical prosecutor

Too bad for you! :oops:


In my 25-plus year career as an attorney in the criminal justice system, I’ve witnessed our broken criminal justice system get it wrong. Indeed, even when all parties check their biases and fulfill their roles in good faith as prosecutor, judge and jury, a verdict of guilty does not always mean the convicted is a criminal.

Post-conviction exonerations tell us greater than 4-10% of convictions were wrongful


Site (emphasis mine)

[It is] standard practice of almost all judges [to] afford defendants wide latitude to attack the prosecution, expose abuse and corruption, and fully present exonerating evidence.

Yay, America

(we miss you) :(
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This attorney is saying what I and others have been saying for some time, that ANYONE can be prosecuted unjustly for "crimes" if a prosecutor really wants to do that. And if your politics "aint right"
Unjust prosecution is the cornerstone of Stalinism. No Real American should support the Democrat Regime.

This is a very interesting article (have not seen video yet)

This attorney is saying what I and others have been saying for some time, that ANYONE can be prosecuted unjustly for "crimes" if a prosecutor really wants to do that. And if your politics "aint right"

And you have an unethical prosecutor

Too bad for you! :oops:


In my 25-plus year career as an attorney in the criminal justice system, I’ve witnessed our broken criminal justice system get it wrong. Indeed, even when all parties check their biases and fulfill their roles in good faith as prosecutor, judge and jury, a verdict of guilty does not always mean the convicted is a criminal.

Post-conviction exonerations tell us greater than 4-10% of convictions were wrongful


Site (emphasis mine)

[It is] standard practice of almost all judges [to] afford defendants wide latitude to attack the prosecution, expose abuse and corruption, and fully present exonerating evidence.

Yay, America

(we miss you) :(
What do you have to hide from prosecutors?

Sound like you have something to hide.

This is a very interesting article (have not seen video yet)

This attorney is saying what I and others have been saying for some time, that ANYONE can be prosecuted unjustly for "crimes" if a prosecutor really wants to do that. And if your politics "aint right"

And you have an unethical prosecutor

Too bad for you! :oops:


In my 25-plus year career as an attorney in the criminal justice system, I’ve witnessed our broken criminal justice system get it wrong. Indeed, even when all parties check their biases and fulfill their roles in good faith as prosecutor, judge and jury, a verdict of guilty does not always mean the convicted is a criminal.

Post-conviction exonerations tell us greater than 4-10% of convictions were wrongful


Site (emphasis mine)

[It is] standard practice of almost all judges [to] afford defendants wide latitude to attack the prosecution, expose abuse and corruption, and fully present exonerating evidence.

Yay, America

(we miss you) :(
There was a time when if you were abused by a prosecutor and or a judge and it was as obvious as this case... lawyers would be breaking down your door to take your case for appeal... but today they don't dare... not with this tyrannical government we have today... they don't want to lose their practice or worse.... this sadly will have to rise to the supreme court level before justice can be done...
There was a time when if you were abused by a prosecutor and or a judge and it was as obvious as this case... lawyers would be breaking down your door to take your case for appeal... but today they don't dare... not with this tyrannical government we have today... they don't want to lose their practice or worse.... this sadly will have to rise to the supreme court level before justice can be done...
looks like it. On the other hand, maybe those appellate courts in NY don't want to

well.... Give Trump any more donation money... LOL
Trumps biggest problem is that he did what he was charged with and offered no defense claiming he didn’t

Made up charges of a criminal conspiracy against him will go nowhere
so you're taking the word of a pro prosecution, deny- Constitutional - Rights "judge"

to decide someone is guilty?

Wow... I guess you won't care when they come for you, will you?
There was a time when if you were abused by a prosecutor and or a judge and it was as obvious as this case... lawyers would be breaking down your door to take your case for appeal... but today they don't dare... not with this tyrannical government we have today... they don't want to lose their practice or worse.... this sadly will have to rise to the supreme court level before justice can be done...
Trumps lawyers sucked Bigly
The offered a weak defense and failed to refute the charges

The appeal will fail because mostly…..Trump was guilty
Trumps lawyers sucked Bigly
The offered a weak defense and failed to refute the charges

The appeal will fail because mostly…..Trump was guilty
There are numerous irregularities and violations of rights in this case

reversible error

But you don't know anything about that because you are too busy watching fake news instead of real news
so you're taking the word of a pro prosecution, deny- Constitutional - Rights "judge"

to decide someone is guilty?

Wow... I guess you won't care when they come for you, will you?

The judge was more than tolerant of Trumps antics and allowed him to get away with behavior that would not be tolerated in others
Trumps lawyers sucked Bigly
The offered a weak defense and failed to refute the charges

The appeal will fail because mostly…..Trump was guilty
They were dealing with a corrupt judge who had to push folks out of his way to get the case... the lawyers saw this from the start and knew they would have to win on appeal... and they will...
The judge was more than tolerant of Trumps antics and allowed him to get away with behavior that would not be tolerated in others

You sound like a freaking LIAR

Oh, that's right... You are one... you're a dim

They were dealing with a corrupt judge who had to push folks out of his way to get the case... the lawyers saw this from the start and knew they would have to win on appeal... and they will...

If that is the basis of Trumps appeal, he will lose Bigly
If that is the basis of Trumps appeal, he will lose Bigly
There are so many reasons for appeal that every American should be ashamed of the NY court system....
Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell and he will be the next president... and I can't wait to rub your mug in it....

no change of venue even though 90% of New York City voted against Trump. So How is NYC.. Trump's "peers"?

So no, he was NOT judged by a jury of his peers. His peers would have been people in Sioux Falls, SD (yes, a little too far to move the trial (?)... How about South Carolina? How about anywhere but NY?

Then there is the fact he never knew what the "underlying crime" was until the Closing arguments, when defense couldn't produce evidence..

Or how about Bragg didn't have proper jurisdiction? He tried a federal case in a state court.
so you're taking the word of a pro prosecution, deny- Constitutional - Rights "judge"

to decide someone is guilty?

Wow... I guess you won't care when they come for you, will you?
he believes his side has absolute control over the judicial system ... he believes good little fascists like himself have nothing to fear ..

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