Our Corrupt DOJ Thinks These People Are A Threat To Overthrow The Government?

Nope. The US Departmen t of Justice deals in Fact and in The Law. You fools were suckered-in by an expert-level con-man. Sux to be you.
Expert level con man, Merrick Garland?

The Garland memo looks like an effort to use the FBI to threaten and silence parents who are outspoken opponents of critical race theory in schools. That alone would be a stunning partisan abuse of power. What Garland has done, however, is even more disgraceful.

To understand what Garland is doing with this memo, you’ll need a short primer on the background facts and government legalese.

Starting with the facts: What is this “rise in criminal conduct” against school officials? You won’t find any evidence cited in Garland’s memo. You won’t find any evidence in the FBI’s crime data either.

This claim is parroted from a letter sent to President Joe Biden by the National School Boards Association—a powerful leftist group representing many of the school boards around the country pushing critical race theory curricula. That letter made vague claims about “threats and acts of violence” against school board members from parents who oppose critical race theory.

The letter complained about “disruptions” by angry parents but managed to find only one example of violence against a school official (likely a security guard), which was handled by local law enforcement.

There is no clearer example of political influence seeping into the DOJ than a demand letter to the president from a leftist advocacy group turning into a DOJ memorandum in less than a week.

But Garland’s weaponization of the DOJ has a problem: There is no conceivable basis for federal law enforcement action against these parents.

And here enters the government legalese. Garland’s memo fails to cite any basis for law enforcement action by the DOJ or the FBI, but it hides that with a morass of official language that says nothing more than that federal law enforcement will provide some advice to local school boards.
Attorney General Garland Abuses Power He Doesn’t Have to Threaten Parents

School board group backtracks on letter for security help from DOJ​

NSBA WALKS IT BACK: The National School Boards Association has apologized for a letter that called on President Joe Biden to use the Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, its National Threat Assessment Center and other federal agencies to stop “threats and acts of violence” on school officials during school board meetings.
School board group backtracks on letter for security help from DOJ
It just demonstrates that the whole "insurrection" scam was a cooked up orchestrated trap
Biggest carload of manure I've heard all week... you clowns get more desperate to blame somebody other than yourselves with each passing week.
set to snare Trump and end his career for once and all.
Need to find the culprits? Look in the (collective) mirror.
It is Wiley Coyote trying to get the Roadrunner, writ large, after nothing else has trapped Trump.
Poor persecuted Cadet Bone Spurs.
If you review video of Epps on video, encouraging others to invade the Capitol do damage to it.
Now all you have to do is to prove Epps was a plant and you've got a point-of-departure...
you can make a good case for entrapment, ...
If you ever DO obtain such a point-of-departure then all you need do is to prove that he was the primary driving force for the invasion of the building...

Good luck with that... ;)

IF the FBI can somehow locate this man who magically dropped off their most wanted lists just recently.
If... maybe... yeah... sure... your side's $hit is really-and-truly in-the-wind on this one, isn't it, troop?
The people who weren't provocateurs who did damage and battled cops can be prosecuted on
those charges once the suspected criminals are detained.
Already underway...
Maybe Kamala Harris can arrange to bail them all out of jail.
Well... you've got a point there... but it impacts Congress Crittes, so she'll make an exception and revert back to being a hard-nosed prosecutor...
That doesn't make her a candidate for murder, IF our system of justice still exists.
1. she was not murdered

2. she is dead because she stupidly participated in an assault upon the US Capitol Building and died when law enforcement fired into the crowed

Had she not drunk the Orange Kool-Aid and stupidly joined in the assault she would not now be lying six feet under, food for worms.

Wow, Gramps! Put down your six shooter!
Don't own one... but I DO carry a FOID card and am considering a Sig Sauer P320...
Did you also wish for George Floyd rioters to be summarily murdered in the streets?
Not summarily murdered... but I would have zero problem with the National Guard using live ammo on some of those mobs...
That makes you one sick fuck, as much as I detested the rioting, looting and arson of the lawless Floyd-ites.
Yep... me and a very large percentage of Rump followers... not to mention a fair number of Indies and others favoring the use of force against hyper-rioting.

Yep... me and every Republican (and even Democratic) governor or mayor that has ever issued shoot-to-kill orders against rioters and looters. :cool:
1. she was not murdered
Pelosi Mall Cop Michael Byrd, without warming, shot an unarmed woman at point blank range through the neck, instantly killing her .
You can be a gutless liar and claim Ashli Babbitt was not murdered but the facts say otherwise.

The shooting is on video tape. Your lies give you zero moral authority.
2. she is dead because she stupidly participated in an assault upon the US Capitol Building and died when law enforcement fired into the crowed

Had she not drunk the Orange Kool-Aid and stupidly joined in the assault she would not now be lying six feet under, food for worms.
This is not Tienanmen Square where people who dared to stand in the public square were rolled over and crushed by CCP tanks. Tank Man - Wikipedia

Merely being in the Capitol, whether legally or not, should not be cause for a death sentence by federal
butchers. Thanks however for identifying yourself as someone who appreciates the Chinese way of dealing
with dissent.
It makes you look like such an authoritarian prick so thanks for having the guts to stake out your
claim as a fan of the CCP way of treating dissidents.

We appreciate knowing exactly where you stand.
1. she was not murdered

2. she is dead because she stupidly participated in an assault upon the US Capitol Building and died when law enforcement fired into the crowed

Had she not drunk the Orange Kool-Aid and stupidly joined in the assault she would not now be lying six feet under, food for worms.

2. she is dead because she stupidly participated in an assault upon the US Capitol Building and died when law enforcement fired into the crowed
Lots of people entered the US Capitol building. Only Babbitt died due to an illegal action under the color of authority of law and robbed a military veteran of her civil rights.
I look forward to seeing this matter in court.

'Yep... me and a very large percentage of Rump followers... not to mention a fair number of Indies and others favoring the use of force against hyper-rioting.

Yep... me and every Republican (and even Democratic) governor or mayor that has ever issued shoot-to-kill orders against rioters and looters. "


When have people ever been slaughtered on the streets of America for rioting in a destructive
and dangerous way? Do ahead and list all the times police have ordered to shoot to kill.
Not in Portland. Not in the George Floyd riots.

Go ahead and cite your claims. I look forward to seeing them. Even from a waste of human skin
like yourself.
You can't find them saying "fight" a dozen times in the same speech. Nor do they specify a target.

That's a BIG difference.
Not only that...but in speech which was something like five pages of verbage...he only mentioned peaceful once I believe. One time.
Not only that...but in speech which was something like five pages of verbage...he only mentioned peaceful once I believe. One time.
And he mentioned these ZERO times:

  • riot
  • insurrection
  • sedition
  • invade the Capital

Should I go on?
And he mentioned these ZERO times:

  • riot
  • insurrection
  • sedition
  • invade the Capital

Should I go on?

Please do. We know when an angry mob of cultists, fired up after months of being told they were cheated and the election was "stolen" from their beloved leader, listen attentively for every word of a 5 page long rambling speech.

Yup....I can hear it now:

"Crystal, did you catch that? Did he say "sedition"?"
"Uh...no, check that one off, no sedition...uh what does sedition mean honey?"

"Did he say "invade"....?
"nah...mark that one off the list, now shut up, he's still talking"

"How about "riot"....
"...no, didn't hear that now shut up, I'm trying to follow what he's saying"

"Honey, I've got a list of important words to check off - we gotta get this right!"

"Umh...hon? What did he say?"
"He said the goddamn election was STOLEN by those thieving cheating democrats and we got march down to the capital and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! He said Mike Pence failed to do his job and now it's up to us to save the country! President Trump is counting on us! STOP THE STEAL!"
Please do. We know when an angry mob of cultists, fired up after months of being told they were cheated and the election was "stolen" from their beloved leader, listen attentively for every word of a 5 page long rambling speech.

Yup....I can hear it now:

"Crystal, did you catch that? Did he say "sedition"?"
"Uh...no, check that one off, no sedition...uh what does sedition mean honey?"

"Did he say "invade"....?
"nah...mark that one off the list, now shut up, he's still talking"

"How about "riot"....
"...no, didn't hear that now shut up, I'm trying to follow what he's saying"

"Honey, I've got a list of important words to check off - we gotta get this right!"

"Umh...hon? What did he say?"
"He said the goddamn election was STOLEN by those thieving cheating democrats and we got march down to the capital and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! He said Mike Pence failed to do his job and now it's up to us to save the country! President Trump is counting on us! STOP THE STEAL!"
You are really unhinged.
Pelosi Mall Cop Michael Byrd, without warming, shot an unarmed woman at point blank range through the neck, instantly killing her .
Capitol Hill Police Officer Michael Byrd fired into a riotous violent crowd that was penetrating deeper into the Capitol Building and threatening Congress.

Your dumba$$ Martyr-to-Insurrection was the one who drew the short straw and got hit.

Her best defense would have been to (a) refrain from drinking the Orange Kool-Aid and swallowing The Big Lie, and (b) participating in that violent rioting.

You can be a gutless liar
I do not lie. I am sometimes in-error but I do not lie. I'm far too lazy to bother keeping track of who I lied to. And I am neither lying nor in-error on this one.
and claim Ashli Babbitt was not murdered
Law enforcement authorities have reviewed the incident in detail and found that she was NOT murdered. I'll take their word over yours any day.
but the facts say otherwise.
No, they don't.

The shooting is on video tape.
Correct. Authorities have reviewed it. And cleared Byrd. Good enough for anyone not heavily vested in your Orange Alternate Universe.
Your lies give you zero moral authority.
1. stating that Byrd was cleared and that your Martyr-to-Insurrection was in-the-wrong... none of that was a lie... just the opposite, in fact... Truth
2. the law gives loyal Americans all the moral authority they need in this narrow context
3. you are on the wrong side of the law and you are on the wrong side of history on this one
4. your problem is that you(r side, collective) are too stupid and too gullible in buying the Orange Con-Man's Big Lie to be able to see it

This is not Tienanmen Square where people who dared to stand in the public square were rolled over and crushed by CCP tanks. Tank Man - Wikipedia
No. This is not Tienanmen Square. This is America. Where traitorous scum involved in actively assaulting the Congress and the VP risk winning a toe-tag.
Merely being in the Capitol, whether legally or not, should not be cause for a death sentence by federal butchers.
There were no Federal "butchers"... merely good, righteous, loyal American law-enforcement officials, executing their sworn duty to defend the Republic against Domestic Enemies... the traitorous Oath-Breaking Scum of the January 6, 2021 insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States.
Thanks however for identifying yourself as someone who appreciates the Chinese way of dealing with dissent.
This wasn't merely "dissent"... this was Insurrection... this was an attempt to halt the Peaceful Transfer of Presidential Power... a vile, traitorous act.
It makes you look like such an authoritarian prick so thanks for having the guts to stake out your claim as a fan of the CCP way of treating dissidents.
You rubes are SUCH easy take-downs that it makes me laugh... truly... to watch you Amateur-Hour Joseph Goebbels types flopping-around trying to deflect.

But we - the rest of America - aren't going to let you weasel-out of this one... assault Congress and threaten the VP and try to overturn an election by force?

You aren't going to get away with it THIS time... to borrow a line from the Sixties... "Up against the wall, motherphukkers!" ...your sorry a$$e$ are busted.

The list of Indictments and potential serious jail time keeps growing by the day now... buckle-up, buttercup... Uncle Sam is just gettin' warmed up...

We appreciate knowing exactly where you stand.
There's never been any mystery about that... I stand with The People... and their Republic... and its Constitution... not some power-mad Orange POS con-man.
,,,Only Babbitt died due to an illegal action under the color of authority of law and robbed a military veteran of her civil rights. I look forward to seeing this matter in court.
Good luck with that... but don't hold your breath... :badgrin:
When have people ever been slaughtered on the streets of America for rioting in a destructive and dangerous way? Do ahead and list all the times police have ordered to shoot to kill. Not in Portland. Not in the George Floyd riots.
Doesn't matter in the slightest... none of those riotous scum were in the process of assaulting Congress while it was certifying a Presidential election.

Apples and Oranges... you might as well stop trying to compare them... noboy outside of the Orange Baboon-God's temple-cult are buying into that.

Go ahead and cite your claims. I look forward to seeing them. Even from a waste of human skin like yourself.
There are no more claims to be made... the Federal government is taking care of all of that just fine, thank you very much.

As to the personal invective... well... it's what you re-tards do when you run out of steam... and logic... and law.
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It's the act, you dipshit.


A rising or rebellion of citizens against their government, usually manifested by acts of violence.

Under federal law, it is a crime to incite, assist, or engage in such conduct against the United States.

Yeah, what about them?
And still nobody charged with insurrection you dodging asshole. There was no insurrection. Noting your dismissal of your side’s much worse acts of violence and actual insurrection. Cry more.
There is merit in that analogy... why didn't the Rump Administration prosecute in Federal Court?

Not at all... it counts every time a Federal Administration presses such charges. Why didn't Rump's?

Was the justice system "illegitimate" during the Rump Administration as well or only after Dems won?

Not necessary... Sedition, Assault on Federal Officials, Aggravated Assault, Conspiracy, etc., will do.

Many. Charged with the other really cool and righteous charges I summarized above.

Doesn't matter... just as long as the Feds find legitimate and serious charges to prosecute.

For some they figure they can likely make the charge stick and for others lesser charges will do?

Nahhhhhh... not worth my time... just so long as the ringleaders and head inciters and conspirators pay.

Doesn't matter.

Doesn't matter. Otherwise, the charges wouldn't have been executed.

But that's not the legal definition of Insurrection, nor Sedition.

I really DO understand the strain of fighting an uphill battle like you losers are fighting...

My condolences... :badgrin:
What a large pile of shit. A normal human would be embarrassed to spout such blatant bullshit. Oh wait, it’s you.....
Capitol Hill Police Officer Michael Byrd fired into a riotous violent crowd that was penetrating deeper into the Capitol Building and threatening Congress.

Your dumba$$ Martyr-to-Insurrection was the one who drew the short straw and got hit.

Her best defense would have been to (a) refrain from drinking the Orange Kool-Aid and swallowing The Big Lie, and (b) participating in that violent rioting.

I do not lie. I am sometimes in-error but I do not lie. I'm far too lazy to bother keeping track of who I lied to. And I am neither lying nor in-error on this one.

Law enforcement authorities have reviewed the incident in detail and found that she was NOT murdered. I'll take their word over yours any day.

No, they don't.

Correct. Authorities have reviewed it. And cleared Byrd. Good enough for anyone not heavily vested in your Orange Alternate Universe.

1. stating that Byrd was cleared and that your Martyr-to-Insurrection was in-the-wrong... none of that was a lie... just the opposite, in fact... Truth
2. the law gives loyal Americans all the moral authority they need in this narrow context
3. you are on the wrong side of the law and you are on the wrong side of history on this one
4. your problem is that you(r side, collective) are too stupid and too gullible in buying the Orange Con-Man's Big Lie to be able to see it

No. This is not Tienanmen Square. This is America. Where traitorous scum involved in actively assaulting the Congress and the VP risk winning a toe-tag.

There were no Federal "butchers"... merely good, righteous, loyal American law-enforcement officials, executing their sworn duty to defend the Republic against Domestic Enemies... the traitorous Oath-Breaking Scum of the January 6, 2021 insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States.

This wasn't merely "dissent"... this was Insurrection... this was an attempt to halt the Peaceful Transfer of Presidential Power... a vile, traitorous act.

You rubes are SUCH easy take-downs that it makes me laugh... truly... to watch you Amateur-Hour Joseph Goebbels types flopping-around trying to deflect.

But we - the rest of America - aren't going to let you weasel-out of this one... assault Congress and threaten the VP and try to overturn an election by force?

You aren't going to get away with it THIS time... to borrow a line from the Sixties... "Up against the wall, motherphukkers!" ...your sorry a$$e$ are busted.

The list of Indictments and potential serious jail time keeps growing by the day now... buckle-up, buttercup... Uncle Sam is just gettin' warmed up...

There's never been any mystery about that... I stand with The People... and their Republic... and its Constitution... not some power-mad Orange POS con-man.

Good luck with that... but don't hold your breath... :badgrin:

Doesn't matter in the slightest... none of those riotous scum were in the process of assaulting Congress while it was certifying a Presidential election.

Apples and Oranges... you might as well stop trying to compare them... noboy outside of the Orange Baboon-God's temple-cult are buying into that.

There are no more claims to be made... the Federal government is taking care of all of that just fine, thank you very much.

As to the personal invective... well... it's what you re-tards do when you run out of steam... and logic... and law.
Get the hip waders out Kon-liar is piling it deep today. You’ve swallowed the crap and asked for seconds.
Please do. We know when an angry mob of cultists, fired up after months of being told they were cheated and the election was "stolen" from their beloved leader, listen attentively for every word of a 5 page long rambling speech.

Yup....I can hear it now:

"Crystal, did you catch that? Did he say "sedition"?"
"Uh...no, check that one off, no sedition...uh what does sedition mean honey?"

"Did he say "invade"....?
"nah...mark that one off the list, now shut up, he's still talking"

"How about "riot"....
"...no, didn't hear that now shut up, I'm trying to follow what he's saying"

"Honey, I've got a list of important words to check off - we gotta get this right!"

"Umh...hon? What did he say?"
"He said the goddamn election was STOLEN by those thieving cheating democrats and we got march down to the capital and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! He said Mike Pence failed to do his job and now it's up to us to save the country! President Trump is counting on us! STOP THE STEAL!"
You are an illiterate idiot. Mad because your bullshit gets constantly debunked so you run to every thread to funny my posts (breaking your own rules). Your pathetic what ifs just make you look like the desperate libtard you are. Enjoy your failure to get any insurrection charges or any charges against Trump, despite being caught twice fabricating evidence.
You are an illiterate idiot. Mad because your bullshit gets constantly debunked so you run to every thread to funny my posts (breaking your own rules). Your pathetic what ifs just make you look like the desperate libtard you are. Enjoy your failure to get any insurrection charges or any charges against Trump, despite being caught twice fabricating evidence.
News Flash.

You have no leg stand on when you funny/ dislike something like 8 posts in a row in thread you weren’t even participating in, so suck it up. If you can’t take what you dish out, don’t dish it out.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.


Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.
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Capitol Hill Police Officer Michael Byrd fired into a riotous violent crowd that was penetrating deeper into the Capitol Building and threatening Congress.
Let's just dispense with this idiotic claim. I won't call it a lie because you legitimately know so little, though it is.
Cops had escorted members of Congress out before anyone entered the Capitol.
That's why AOC's lie was so ridiculous when she claimed MAGA-ites were banging on her office door.
It was Capitol police there to escort her out of the building.

I do not lie. I am sometimes in-error but I do not lie. I'm far too lazy to bother keeping track of who I lied to. And I am neither lying nor in-error on this one.
Like I said, you are so stupid you believe what you say so I will say, knowing a lie is a conscious
misstatement of facts, you believe the shit that's collected in your repository of idiocy.
And that's very sad and telling.
Law enforcement authorities have reviewed the incident in detail and found that she was NOT murdered. I'll take their word over yours any day.
You don't have to take anyone's word for the death of Ashli Babbitt at the hands of Michael Byrd.
It was cruel and heinous murder, deliberately shooting an unarmed woman who threatened the
scum bag cop not one bit!

The big bad cop with the service pistol and two back ups didn't need to shoot Babbitt.
But he did anyway. It was an assassination, an execution, a felony homicide no matter how much
whitewash the gutless lying DOJ lackeys pour over it all and we will see this revisited in court
before not too long, hopefully.
No. This is not Tienanmen Square. This is America. Where traitorous scum involved in actively assaulting the Congress and the VP risk winning a toe-tag.
I'm sure that just how Xi jinping justifies running people over with CCP tanks.
The same way you can justify shooting an unarmed woman.
You call it insurrection but not even the Justice Department will do that. Go fuck yourself.
In fact let Ray Epps fuck you as Merrick Garland holds you down, while you spew out your hateful nonsense.
You stand with the people who manufactured this mess. You stand with the American Krystill Nacht.

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