Our country was formed by....immigrants!


Our country was formed by settlers not immigrants.
they were immigrants and colonists!!!

I've been doing my ancestry tree and during the process have come across various books and records about what was going on at the time....the early 1600's in Virginia and later the 13 colonies.... and the promise of land ownership was what brought the immigrants over, many came on bond....because they could not afford to pay the fare for the trip. They were promised 50 acres, if they served the Master for 7 years, and some were never given the 50 acres, but they were given to the bond holder who paid their way, served 7 years, and then got nothing, but a chance to buy 50 acres for a reasonable amount of money, but still took them a decade more to accumulate it.... rich plantation owners were promised 50 acres for every person they brought here to work the land and turn it in to tobacco farm.....

the problem was that there was no restriction on who they brought here, so instead of paying for an indentured servant for 7 years work, they got greedy and bought an entire boat full of slaves from Africa for pennies on the pound of the cost of European indentured servants...

And the government paid them for each slave toiling the soil, with 50 acres a slave given to the owner.... :(

the common wealth also raised it from giving those willing to toil the soil 50 acres, they later raised it to 100 acres for 7 years working it, given to them.... land ownership, which these commoners never had the opportunity in England etc....
Didn't know that....if it's true the govt encouraged and paid people to get slaves......that makes me want an even smaller govt....that's unbelievable......
it was the British Government, but yeah... :(
yeah, and monarchy is big govt in action...I don't want that.....that's why I want a small govt with very specific things

military/border control
currency and trade policy
emergency services

I don't want much more than that.....
They were not immigrating......they came here because no civilization existed......

That's not true at all.
Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced
America is beyond the forming stage...today we have security to think about...the left is fishing for future voters so they are blind to national security issues...that should frighten every American...they were just like this leading up to 9-11....
Our country was formed by settlers not immigrants.

Stupid bitch never heard of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty or understands what it represents.

The type of person Tipsy Rat Lover is:

Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did.

Tipsycatlover: [Columbus] was a wonderful man better than any black guy that has ever been born or ever will be born

Tipsycatlover:[Speaking of lesbians mom's who killed their kids] It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end.
Apparently you don't know what it means. Learn about how the country was founded and then post....

Hint: the statue of liberty or any poems within have nothing to do with the founding.
They were not immigrating......they came here because no civilization existed......

That's not true at all.
Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced

This happened to a distant relative of mine by the "advanced" Indian tribe... in 1786

On a pleasant morning, Betsy Dragoo decided to return home one mile away with her son and clear out what was left of the family garden.
When they arrived, they stumbled on a small Shawnee war party that had seen the garden and had the same idea.
Making prisoners of mother and child, the Shawnees headed back to the Ohio River and their homeland beyond it.
On the third day of their captivity, Betsy Dragoo’s horse stumbled and threw her to the ground.
Having broken her hip, she could travel no further and was promptly killed and scalped in front of her son.

'Indian' Billy Dragoo lived two lives on the frontier

So much for advanced civilized Indians...
They were not immigrating......they came here because no civilization existed......

That's not true at all.
Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced

This happened to a distant relative of mine by the "advanced" Indian tribe... in 1786

On a pleasant morning, Betsy Dragoo decided to return home one mile away with her son and clear out what was left of the family garden.
When they arrived, they stumbled on a small Shawnee war party that had seen the garden and had the same idea.
Making prisoners of mother and child, the Shawnees headed back to the Ohio River and their homeland beyond it.
On the third day of their captivity, Betsy Dragoo’s horse stumbled and threw her to the ground.
Having broken her hip, she could travel no further and was promptly killed and scalped in front of her son.

'Indian' Billy Dragoo lived two lives on the frontier

So much for advanced civilized Indians...
there is a reason people called them savages....even whitey didn't scalp people (until the Indians did it to them)
They were not immigrating......they came here because no civilization existed......

That's not true at all.
Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced

What I think is that anyone ascribing some cultural/social/whatever value to the body of "Indians", as if all Indians can be neatly stuffed into the same box and have no diversity, is a fucking moron with nary a historical clue.

You not only did just that, you compared "Indians" (the monolith) to yet another fake-monolith, "West Virginia". And you launched that out of A THIRD fallacious monolith, to wit "you lefties", using a strawman as your verb.

You just squeezed four gigantic blatant fallacies into a single sentence, and that's not even counting the passive-aggressive denigration of demoting "indians" [sic] to the lower case.
They were not immigrating......they came here because no civilization existed......

That's not true at all.
Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced

What I think is that anyone ascribing some cultural/social/whatever value to the body of "Indians", as if all Indians can be neatly stuffed into the same box and have no diversity, is a fucking moron with nary a historical clue.

You not only did just that, you compared "Indians" (the monolith) to yet another fake-monolith, "West Virginia". And you launched that out of A THIRD fallacious monolith, to wit "you lefties", using a strawman as your verb.

You just squeezed four gigantic blatant fallacies into a single sentence, and that's not even counting the passive-aggressive denigration of demoting "indians" [sic] to the lower case.

And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting
That's not true at all.
Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced

What I think is that anyone ascribing some cultural/social/whatever value to the body of "Indians", as if all Indians can be neatly stuffed into the same box and have no diversity, is a fucking moron with nary a historical clue.

You not only did just that, you compared "Indians" (the monolith) to yet another fake-monolith, "West Virginia". And you launched that out of A THIRD fallacious monolith, to wit "you lefties", using a strawman as your verb.

You just squeezed four gigantic blatant fallacies into a single sentence, and that's not even counting the passive-aggressive denigration of demoting "indians" [sic] to the lower case.

And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

And now you just dug yourself even deeper into the same hole.

You must be Irish. Your last name is O'blivious.
That's not true at all.
Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced

This happened to a distant relative of mine by the "advanced" Indian tribe... in 1786

On a pleasant morning, Betsy Dragoo decided to return home one mile away with her son and clear out what was left of the family garden.
When they arrived, they stumbled on a small Shawnee war party that had seen the garden and had the same idea.
Making prisoners of mother and child, the Shawnees headed back to the Ohio River and their homeland beyond it.
On the third day of their captivity, Betsy Dragoo’s horse stumbled and threw her to the ground.
Having broken her hip, she could travel no further and was promptly killed and scalped in front of her son.

'Indian' Billy Dragoo lived two lives on the frontier

So much for advanced civilized Indians...
there is a reason people called them savages....even whitey didn't scalp people (until the Indians did it to them)

Oh yeah, the sophisticated Europeans just stuck their enemies severed heads on pikes for decoration.
And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet

Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced

This happened to a distant relative of mine by the "advanced" Indian tribe... in 1786

On a pleasant morning, Betsy Dragoo decided to return home one mile away with her son and clear out what was left of the family garden.
When they arrived, they stumbled on a small Shawnee war party that had seen the garden and had the same idea.
Making prisoners of mother and child, the Shawnees headed back to the Ohio River and their homeland beyond it.
On the third day of their captivity, Betsy Dragoo’s horse stumbled and threw her to the ground.
Having broken her hip, she could travel no further and was promptly killed and scalped in front of her son.

'Indian' Billy Dragoo lived two lives on the frontier

So much for advanced civilized Indians...
there is a reason people called them savages....even whitey didn't scalp people (until the Indians did it to them)

Oh yeah, the sophisticated Europeans just stuck their enemies severed heads on pikes for decoration.
Hey That was Vlad, he had to send a message...

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