Our country was formed by....immigrants!

And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet


I never disputed that.....but we had help. The indian tribes were killing each other and got us involved......so we took over....it happens everywhere, it's not like we are the only ones who did that.
H*ll no Buck

There's a lot of dark history , nobody really is proud of

But it all boils down to the same inherent human nature you'll find anywhere on this rock

I've come to terms with the strong survive, the weak don't

Our entire capitalistic society is modeled as such

I'm not ok with sorts who continually need to make excuses for it

own up

And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet

Well I ddint dispute that....but we had help......and you still didn't answer the question.....because you know I'm right...

There is not one single indian tribe more advanced or civilized than modern day West Virginia.
H*ll no Buck

There's a lot of dark history , nobody really is proud of

But it all boils down to the same inherent human nature you'll find anywhere on this rock

I've come to terms with the strong survive, the weak don't

Our entire capitalistic society is modeled as such

I'm not ok with sorts who continually need to make excuses for it

own up

I don't make excuses, I embrace it.
the Indians were killing each other.....we removed them and founded the best country on Earth. Now show me one part of the world that didn't remove others from their territory.
H*ll no Buck

There's a lot of dark history , nobody really is proud of

But it all boils down to the same inherent human nature you'll find anywhere on this rock

I've come to terms with the strong survive, the weak don't

Our entire capitalistic society is modeled as such

I'm not ok with sorts who continually need to make excuses for it

own up

I don't make excuses, I embrace it.
the Indians were killing each other.....we removed them and founded the best country on Earth. Now show me one part of the world that didn't remove others from their territory.

If we weren't such an amnesic race there would probably be a long list of occupants for even patch of dirt on this rock Buck

You know, something I don't understand is why "This nation was made by immigrants" is supposed to be a meaningful argument to justify lax immigration laws that liberals support, when those same liberals seem to throw that out the window when it comes to gun rights. This nation was also formed by ordinary citizens keeping personally owned military grade weapons, and using them against their government. If the argument is relevant to immigration policy, then it must also be relevant to gun policy.
America is beyond the forming stage...today we have security to think about...the left is fishing for future voters so they are blind to national security issues...that should frighten every American...they were just like this leading up to 9-11....
----------------------------------------- its not that they are blind , the goal of the dems and the 'repubs' as i name the 'bush family' and those that are said to be Conservatives is to change the demography / the makeup , the laws , traditions , Constitution and God Given RIGHTS of the USA and its American people and population Ram . While i detest these goals it is my thinking that changes will come about and will primarily hurt future generations in the USA . After all , many on this board look at the USA Constitution and its RIGHTS and Laws and say , hey , its only a piece of paper anyway Ram . ------------- imo !!
They were not immigrating......they came here because no civilization existed......

That's not true at all.
Sure it is....hell you lefties call West Virgina backwards....and they are far more advanced than indian tribes in 1600

Uh, really. "indian [sic] tribes" huh? ALL of them?

Because these "indian [sic] tribes" didn't have opioids?
are you really arguing this? you think Indians were more advanced than any population today? hell even Indians today are more advanced

What I think is that anyone ascribing some cultural/social/whatever value to the body of "Indians", as if all Indians can be neatly stuffed into the same box and have no diversity, is a fucking moron with nary a historical clue.

You not only did just that, you compared "Indians" (the monolith) to yet another fake-monolith, "West Virginia". And you launched that out of A THIRD fallacious monolith, to wit "you lefties", using a strawman as your verb.

You just squeezed four gigantic blatant fallacies into a single sentence, and that's not even counting the passive-aggressive denigration of demoting "indians" [sic] to the lower case.
----------------------------- yer pretty good at speaking 'gobbledegook' eh POGO ??
And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet

------------------------------------------ Somewhat agree , America was formed by Protestant Colonists or invaders that wanted the lumber , codfish , elk , deer , beaver , bear and other stuff Sparky .
And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet


Don't disagree with you about a nation formed by conquerors.
It's just that there isn't any nation on earth that more people want to come to and that's quite a feat for a nation made up of conquerors.
Oh and by the way I'm proving that statement with a link... where is your proof of YOUR statement?
Number of Potential Migrants Worldwide Tops 700 Million
and then the 'queen' wanted it all back so then there was the American Revolution and the American Colonists won so they got to keep all the Stuff . [So to speak]
View attachment 194281
And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet


Don't disagree with you about a nation formed by conquerors.
It's just that there isn't any nation on earth that more people want to come to and that's quite a feat for a nation made up of conquerors.
Oh and by the way I'm proving that statement with a link... where is your proof of YOUR statement?
---------------------------- OFF TOPIC -- and thats quite interesting story on the Lady Dragoo HMyths .
That was then, this is now. Immigrants of today are not patriots seeking a better life. They're parasites seeking a handout.

Come on dude..... they are not all parasites. I know many that are hard working people.

That said, the fix is simply to eliminate the programs that allow parasites, whether they are citizens or not.
a lot of legals/illegals/green cards/etc suck $$$$$$$ out of the US
this is NOT including European/etc
These annual "remittances" — as analysts — topped $69 billion in 2016, according to central bank data compiled in a new report by the Inter-American Dialogue
Mexicans In The U.S. Are Sending Home More Money Than Ever
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Immigrants built this country.
--------------------------- imported LABOR built this country after it was planned out and formed . Course if they didn't want to build Railroads or cut trees they coulda stayed in China and Ireland and starved i guess MWhistle .
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Immigrants built this country.

Again I don't disagree. My relatives were legal immigrants...before there were Immigration laws in the late 1800s.
Check out the facts.
Early American Immigration Policies

And by the way did you know President Trump is married to an immigrant?

And that his daughter became Jewish after marrying a Jew?
Did Donald Trump Receive an Ellis Island Award in 1986?
It might seem unbelievable to some that Donald Trump could have been considered for an award in celebration of 'patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity.'
So not all of us are "anti-immigrant"!
View attachment 194281
And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet


Don't disagree with you about a nation formed by conquerors.
It's just that there isn't any nation on earth that more people want to come to and that's quite a feat for a nation made up of conquerors.
Oh and by the way I'm proving that statement with a link... where is your proof of YOUR statement?
---------------------------- OFF TOPIC -- and thats quite interesting story on the Lady Dragoo HMyths .
Excuse me but how was the story of my relative seeing his Mother's scalp waved around by Indians off topic?
We were discussing the "civilized" nature of the American Indian as exemplified by the Billy Dragoo saga.
How was that OFF TOPIC...?
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Immigrants built this country.

Again I don't disagree. My relatives were legal immigrants...before there were Immigration laws in the late 1800s.
Check out the facts.
Early American Immigration Policies

And by the way did you know President Trump is married to an immigrant?

And that his daughter became Jewish after marrying a Jew?
Did Donald Trump Receive an Ellis Island Award in 1986?
It might seem unbelievable to some that Donald Trump could have been considered for an award in celebration of 'patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity.'
FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Receive an Ellis Island Award in 1986?
So not all of us are "anti-immigrant"!
---------------------------------------------------- its not 1970 as the USA and America disappear and i don't worry about it anymore . I figger that America is gone but i am 68 years old and figure that the next generations and their kids will get what they deserve HMyths .
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View attachment 194281
And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet


Don't disagree with you about a nation formed by conquerors.
It's just that there isn't any nation on earth that more people want to come to and that's quite a feat for a nation made up of conquerors.
Oh and by the way I'm proving that statement with a link... where is your proof of YOUR statement?
---------------------------- OFF TOPIC -- and thats quite interesting story on the Lady Dragoo HMyths .
Excuse me but how was the story of my relative seeing his Mother's scalp waved around by Indians off topic?
We were discussing the "civilized" nature of the American Indian as exemplified by the Billy Dragoo saga.
How was that OFF TOPIC...?
-------------------------------- only thing i was saying was that my somewhat personal message or comment to YOU about Lady Dragoo might be OFF TOPIC , that is all HMyths .

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