Our country was formed by....immigrants!

The country was formed by European white male immigrants, not immigrants from 3rd world shitholes.

Yes, we could immigrate more European white immigrants, I have no problem with that. I bet the OP does...
Our country was formed by settlers not immigrants.
they were immigrants and colonists!!!

I've been doing my ancestry tree and during the process have come across various books and records about what was going on at the time....the early 1600's in Virginia and later the 13 colonies.... and the promise of land ownership was what brought the immigrants over, many came on bond....because they could not afford to pay the fare for the trip. They were promised 50 acres, if they served the Master for 7 years, and some were never given the 50 acres, but they were given to the bond holder who paid their way, served 7 years, and then got nothing, but a chance to buy 50 acres for a reasonable amount of money, but still took them a decade more to accumulate it.... rich plantation owners were promised 50 acres for every person they brought here to work the land and turn it in to tobacco farm.....

the problem was that there was no restriction on who they brought here, so instead of paying for an indentured servant for 7 years work, they got greedy and bought an entire boat full of slaves from Africa for pennies on the pound of the cost of European indentured servants...

And the government paid them for each slave toiling the soil, with 50 acres a slave given to the owner.... :(

the common wealth also raised it from giving those willing to toil the soil 50 acres, they later raised it to 100 acres for 7 years working it, given to them.... land ownership, which these commoners never had the opportunity in England etc....
Didn't know that....if it's true the govt encouraged and paid people to get slaves......that makes me want an even smaller govt....that's unbelievable......
it was the British Government, but yeah... :(
I just read this last night and I thought I saved the document pages but can't find it.....i'm gonna keep searching though...

the plantation owners getting bigger and bigger by them being given acres and acres of land to farm tobacco by each person they brought here, slave or indentured servant...

was called a ''HEAD STEAD'' system of being given property per head brought here... later when we became the United States, the State governments made it a ''Home Stead'' system of giving away land and getting more immigrants to come here.

And also, the US gvt gave many acres to those who served in the Revolutionary war as a payment reward!

All, very very very interesting and I have learned so so so many things about our history in this Ancestry search and quest of mine!!! It's even kept me away from USMB! :D

And sadly, I have a segment of my family tree, that was a part of that ''Head Steading''.....sigh.... :(
I was wrong on HEAD STEAD system, it was called a HEAD RIGHT system....

here is the link which clarifies my mumbo jumbo:

Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Our country also made it legal to own slaves back then...what's your point?

You mean, you don't see the inherent contradiction of liberals using the "this is how our country was made" argument to support immigration policy, while also saying "Nobody needs an AR-15"?
That was then, this is now. Immigrants of today are not patriots seeking a better life. They're parasites seeking a handout.

Come on dude..... they are not all parasites. I know many that are hard working people.

That said, the fix is simply to eliminate the programs that allow parasites, whether they are citizens or not.
I know some who are hard working people too but not the majority. And even the ones who DO work hard usually vote Democrat because they think Democrats actually CARE about them. They don't.

That's fine. Just let's not be like the Democrats that paint everyone who disagrees with them as terrible immoral people. That's what the judgemental intolerant left does. Lets not be like them.
I don't think everyone who votes Democrat are terrible immoral people, just misguided. Democrat politicians, however, ARE (for the most part) terrible immoral people. Hope that clarifies things.
That was then, this is now. Immigrants of today are not patriots seeking a better life. They're parasites seeking a handout.

Come on dude..... they are not all parasites. I know many that are hard working people.

That said, the fix is simply to eliminate the programs that allow parasites, whether they are citizens or not.
I know some who are hard working people too but not the majority. And even the ones who DO work hard usually vote Democrat because they think Democrats actually CARE about them. They don't.

That's fine. Just let's not be like the Democrats that paint everyone who disagrees with them as terrible immoral people. That's what the judgemental intolerant left does. Lets not be like them.

I think you Repub Christian Fundies do a fine job showing your inner cruelty as you cheer at FIlthy Don's Rah Rah Parties. :113:

I guess praying in a white hood is protocol and a fine tradition for you people.
Hey moron, it was DEMOCRATS who gave us the KKK. Learn some history.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
Our country was not formed by immigrants as there was no country to migrate to.
The colonists came , they were as white bread as can be, and after a while other Europeans came over and forged a nation one could migrate to. Very little Africa. Mexico, Central or South America involvement in the building of the USA but lots of demands to reap the rewards.
So the typical liberal feelings ladled illiteracy is “we’ve always been a nation of immigrants founded by immigrants”

So Good Its Worth Repeating
The North Pole was formed by immigrants....and ice....and those poor polar bears
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Every piece of dirt on this rock was won by the conquerors of it , with history written by them back to when the Cro-Magnons ousted the Neanderthals

You people just want to feel GOOD about the dirty details

Our country was formed by settlers not immigrants.

Stupid bitch never heard of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty or understands what it represents.

The type of person Tipsy Rat Lover is:

Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did.

Tipsycatlover: [Columbus] was a wonderful man better than any black guy that has ever been born or ever will be born

Tipsycatlover:[Speaking of lesbians mom's who killed their kids] It's a tragedy, but the best way this could end.
The country was formed by European white male immigrants, not immigrants from 3rd world shitholes.

Yes, we could immigrate more European white immigrants, I have no problem with that. I bet the OP does...

I disagree with that.

You may not mean to imply this, but you are actually taking a big-government view on this issue. You are acting like we can have government simply choose who we want to come.

This is the same line of thinking, that we can get more women into STEM degrees, when the over whelming evidence is women don't (on average) want to go into STEM fields.

Years and years ago, I was listening to Glenn Beck, and some racists called in, and said he could prove Beck was racists, and asked how many Blacks worked for Beck. Beck said zero, and then said 'ask me how many black people applied to work for me'. The racists then said it was Beck's job to go find blacks, and convince them to work for him, so he wouldn't be racists anymore. (as if the number of blacks working for you, determines how racists you are, or that it was Beck's job is to make a black person work for him).

Back to the topic at hand:

No, we can't just have more white Europeans immigrate to the US. This is what was truly ridiculous about the Trump comment about crappy countries.

Trump asked "why are we taking more people from these crappy countries?".

Because that is who is coming. People in good countries, do not immigrate. People in bad countries do.

You want to know why we had a massive Irish invasion in the early 1800s? Because Ireland was a crappy country. You want to know why we haven't had many immigrants from Ireland in the 1900s? Because Ireland isn't a crappy country anymore.

This idea that you are going to convince educated people who are doing well in their own countries, to come to the US, is ridiculous.

The number one reason people immigrate to a different country.... number one top reason, is because they are in a crappy country.

This is also why I laughed and mocked the left-wingers, who were running around screaming about Trump saying there are crappy countries, and many of these morons were saying "There are no crappy countries!"....

Umm.... uhhh... Yeah there are. Just ask the people who are immigrating, why they are immigrating. It's because their country is crappy. That's the whole reason they are coming here.

Again, back to you. If you think you are going to get more White Europeans, that are not in crap countries, to come here in greater numbers than those who are in crappy countries... you are crazy. It's never going to happen.

You can't convince people who are educated and doing well in good countries, to come here, more than people who are in war zones, famine, corruption, economically dead, poverty stricken disaster areas. Sorry. Just, no.

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