Our country was formed by....immigrants!

If a 'country' is an 'area of land' who defined that 'area of land?'

Such areas could be poorly defined and open to interpretation, which would sometimes lead to conflict between neighboring states over control of portions of the countryside. The most critical factor historically has been the ethno-cultural identities of the peoples who occupied the lands. For example, the ancient Greeks shared a common cultural identity and thus the country of Greece (that is, Hellas) was recognized to exist long before the nation-state The Hellenic Republic ever came into existence.

Moreover, if a country is an area of land, then why don't we call the whole Earth a country?

You are missing the additional factor of the land being occupied by a common ethno-cultural identity. Without that, your suggestion makes as much sense as saying that homo sapiens should all be called one single ethnic group.

A country certainly is a polity because without organization there can be no country.

That is circular.

Like I said, you display ignorance.

Feel free to provide a reference to an academic source that supports your position. So far you are operating on a grade school educational level.

Ah...an *academic* source.

Duly reviewed and supported by *academia*.

"About 18 percent of social scientists in the United States self-identify as Marxists, compared to only about 5 percent who identify as conservatives, Dunn and Shields reported."

Self-Identifying Marxist Professors Outnumber Conservatives as College Professors

So where did you get your education from? Or do you not have one?

I do have an education, bless you.

I was an English/Lit major...which is why I got a lot more history, and a lot less ideology, than the imbeciles who today function as *educators*.

I just said no to sociology and the social (fake) sciences.
I just said no to psychology and social services credits..because I recognized them as what they are.

I guess it just comes down to genetics. I am genetically predisposed to reject any construct that promotes stupidity and limits freedom. I also have a gift for language, and for rhetoric, that means I have superior comprehension when it comes to gleaning content..and intent.
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Well close. It was formed by settlers, explorers and colonists armed with military grade weapons.
Young men, most born poor in the US, who lived out in the sticks.

Leftists hate those guys..it doesn't matter where they are, what century they're in, or what continent holds them.

They're pure trouble for tyrants, sociopathic despots, and encroaching commie armies.
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?

Both my GF's were immigrants who ,shortly after exiting the boat 'on over', we're fitted for uniform via uncle sam

methinks their first english words might have been 'duck' , or 'incoming'

If a 'country' is an 'area of land' who defined that 'area of land?'

Such areas could be poorly defined and open to interpretation, which would sometimes lead to conflict between neighboring states over control of portions of the countryside. The most critical factor historically has been the ethno-cultural identities of the peoples who occupied the lands. For example, the ancient Greeks shared a common cultural identity and thus the country of Greece (that is, Hellas) was recognized to exist long before the nation-state The Hellenic Republic ever came into existence.

Moreover, if a country is an area of land, then why don't we call the whole Earth a country?

You are missing the additional factor of the land being occupied by a common ethno-cultural identity. Without that, your suggestion makes as much sense as saying that homo sapiens should all be called one single ethnic group.

A country certainly is a polity because without organization there can be no country.

That is circular.

Like I said, you display ignorance.

Feel free to provide a reference to an academic source that supports your position. So far you are operating on a grade school educational level.

Obviously you can't answer with any cohesive comments so you try to denigrate. Typical Neo-Marxsist tactic. Your 'ethno-cultural' blabber is liberal-leftist babble....It gave you away.
Our country was, indeed, formed by immigrants.

But we are no longer a Nation of Immigrants.

We are now a Nation of the Descendants of Immigrants.

Back then, we had a very small population and an entire continent to conquer.

Now, that continent has been conquered, the land has all been parceled out, we are a nation of a Third-of-a-Billion, and we are now full-up.

We can no longer feed nor house nor clothe nor employ nor educate all of our own, never mind taking-in more.

All good things come to an end.

Which is exactly what now needs to happen with respect to large-scale immigration into the United States.

We just don't need the warm bodies any longer.

We have enough of our own.

well let's look at the bright side KGirl, at least she greets dignataries @ the WH in english.....:banana:~S~:banana:
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Well close. It was formed by settlers, explorers and colonists armed with military grade weapons.
Young men, most born poor in the US, who lived out in the sticks.

Leftists hate those guys..it doesn't matter where they are, what century they're in, or what continent holds them.

They're pure trouble for tyrants, sociopathic despots, and encroaching commie armies.
In short the left can’t survive with individuals living their own lives. It screws their collective ideals.
Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Well close. It was formed by settlers, explorers and colonists armed with military grade weapons.
Young men, most born poor in the US, who lived out in the sticks.

Leftists hate those guys..it doesn't matter where they are, what century they're in, or what continent holds them.

They're pure trouble for tyrants, sociopathic despots, and encroaching commie armies.
In short the left can’t survive with individuals living their own lives. It screws their collective ideals.
People who are self sufficient aren't interested in the lower quality of life that the left holds dear.
They weren’t immigrants, they were colonists. They were second class citizens denied God given rights.

There is no god that hands out rights. That's just dumb.

Yes, they were immigrants and yes, they were looking for a better life. That's why they stole the land of others and set off a holocaust that would kill more than hundred million people who were here first.

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