Our country was formed by....immigrants!

Or was that by common citizens owning and bearing military grade guns?

What do you think?
Immigrants built this country.

Again I don't disagree. My relatives were legal immigrants...before there were Immigration laws in the late 1800s.
Check out the facts.
Early American Immigration Policies

And by the way did you know President Trump is married to an immigrant?

And that his daughter became Jewish after marrying a Jew?
Did Donald Trump Receive an Ellis Island Award in 1986?
It might seem unbelievable to some that Donald Trump could have been considered for an award in celebration of 'patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity.'
So not all of us are "anti-immigrant"!
---------------------------------------------------- its not 1970 as the USA and America disappear and i don't worry about it anymore . I figger that America is gone and figure that the next generations and their kids will get what the deserve HMyths .

Thanks in part to immigrants, America will still be the greatest country on earth long after your bones have crumbled to bitter dust. Our traditional strengths are still making us strong and will continue to do so regardless of the mopey moaning of professional pessimists.
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View attachment 194281
And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet


Don't disagree with you about a nation formed by conquerors.
It's just that there isn't any nation on earth that more people want to come to and that's quite a feat for a nation made up of conquerors.
Oh and by the way I'm proving that statement with a link... where is your proof of YOUR statement?
---------------------------- OFF TOPIC -- and thats quite interesting story on the Lady Dragoo HMyths .
Excuse me but how was the story of my relative seeing his Mother's scalp waved around by Indians off topic?
We were discussing the "civilized" nature of the American Indian as exemplified by the Billy Dragoo saga.
How was that OFF TOPIC...?
-------------------------------- only thing i was saying was that my somewhat personal message or comment to YOU about Lady Dragoo might be OFF TOPIC , that is all HMyths .

Sorry I took it the wrong way... out of context...kind of like "all immigrants are animals"...! Appreciate your comment about Billy Dragoo story.
View attachment 194281
why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet


Don't disagree with you about a nation formed by conquerors.
It's just that there isn't any nation on earth that more people want to come to and that's quite a feat for a nation made up of conquerors.
Oh and by the way I'm proving that statement with a link... where is your proof of YOUR statement?
---------------------------- OFF TOPIC -- and thats quite interesting story on the Lady Dragoo HMyths .
Excuse me but how was the story of my relative seeing his Mother's scalp waved around by Indians off topic?
We were discussing the "civilized" nature of the American Indian as exemplified by the Billy Dragoo saga.
How was that OFF TOPIC...?
-------------------------------- only thing i was saying was that my somewhat personal message or comment to YOU about Lady Dragoo might be OFF TOPIC , that is all HMyths .

Sorry I took it the wrong way... out of context...kind of like "all immigrants are animals"...! Appreciate your comment about Billy Dragoo story.
------------------------------ naw , there are some decent ones but they are changing the USA in unwanted ways imo . See poster 'isis' posts , he just got off the Boat , now has the vote and wants gun control in the USA so he has power to change the USA but could never build anything of worth in his homeland . And then , i remember 1970 with USA population of about 210 million . 2010 census was 310 million i think not counting illegals . Whats the reason for wanting MORE imported third worlders with non Western thinking and as one example their loyalty to 'shariah' law ?? Doesn't make sense to me so the only thing i hope is that immigration supporters and especially their kids get what i think i see coming HealthyMyths .
And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet


Don't disagree with you about a nation formed by conquerors.
It's just that there isn't any nation on earth that more people want to come to and that's quite a feat for a nation made up of conquerors.
Oh and by the way I'm proving that statement with a link... where is your proof of YOUR statement?
Number of Potential Migrants Worldwide Tops 700 Million View attachment 194281

Your link is current HMyths, and most likely accurate.

However, the 'new world' wasn't quite the mecca back in the 15-1600's , it took an industrial revolution to lure immigration

And you still didn't address the question.
Which Indian tribe from 1600 was more advanced than present day west Virginia..........I'm waiting

why do i (et all) need to care Buck?

does any one race having the moral high ground 'rate' some sort of salvation?

maybe some of you folks can be honest for once , we're a nation formed by conquerors

and.....we're NOT done yet

------------------------------------------ Somewhat agree , America was formed by Protestant Colonists or invaders that wanted the lumber , codfish , elk , deer , beaver , bear and other stuff Sparky .

No it was founded by people wanting religious freedom....where do you come up with your bullshit, you really have no idea of history. The pilgrims were in violation of the law and had to move around Europe before coming here..and some were criminals sent here by their government. Jesus man, if you're gonna post please get it right.

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