Our President is clueless

Trump: Why didn't marchers vote?

2.5 million come out in protest and rather than offer a hand and promise to work with them.....Trump chooses to mock them

Half the USA was mocking the mental midgets.

They marched....what did they accomplish?

Answer: Not a damn thing other than looking like a bunch of deranged jackasses
Welcome to Trumps America

Pit one half against the other

^^^^^this from an Obama supporter who once had a sig line that said "the next republican president has not yet been born".

zero credibility winger, zero.
Half the USA was mocking the mental midgets.

They marched....what did they accomplish?

Answer: Not a damn thing other than looking like a bunch of deranged jackasses
A small minority were mocking the marchers, while the marchers and America were mocking Trump and the Alt Right.

Yeah right....take your musings and BS and try to snow someone else, toad
You can't handle the facts whenever they discount your feelings.

Yesterday was a great march and victory for the women of America.

Instead of coming to terms with reality, the WH spokesman came out and talked stupid.

Your "fact" is simply your own opinion....learn the difference and you won't be mocked time after time after time
You are writing out of your emotions not facts again. The numbers across the country were in the many millions, Trump has chosen to mock it, and you folks operating on your feelings are going to end up in misery. Mocking the American woman's movement is a rejection of reality. You live in your fantasy world.

You can run around shouting "we are number two" all you want, but the fact remains HRC won the PV. America was lucky and dodged that bullet. The next one is Trump to lose if he does not wise up. You people need to stop talking stupid.

it was not a "women's" movement. It was a movement of lesbians, and promoters of infanticide. Real women watched and laughed.
A small minority were mocking the marchers, while the marchers and America were mocking Trump and the Alt Right.

Yeah right....take your musings and BS and try to snow someone else, toad
You can't handle the facts whenever they discount your feelings.

Yesterday was a great march and victory for the women of America.

Instead of coming to terms with reality, the WH spokesman came out and talked stupid.

Your "fact" is simply your own opinion....learn the difference and you won't be mocked time after time after time
You are writing out of your emotions not facts again. The numbers across the country were in the many millions, Trump has chosen to mock it, and you folks operating on your feelings are going to end up in misery. Mocking the American woman's movement is a rejection of reality. You live in your fantasy world.

You can run around shouting "we are number two" all you want, but the fact remains HRC won the PV. America was lucky and dodged that bullet. The next one is Trump to lose if he does not wise up. You people need to stop talking stupid.

it was not a "women's" movement. It was a movement of lesbians, and promoters of infanticide. Real women watched and laughed.

Yes they did.
EVERY SINGLE THING that the left has said about Trump has been wrong. But that doesn't stop idiots like the OP from continuing on. You can't fix stupid.

true, and this shit will continue for the next 8 years, even after Trump's policies have improved the lives of these left wing clowns.
A small minority were mocking the marchers, while the marchers and America were mocking Trump and the Alt Right.

Yeah right....take your musings and BS and try to snow someone else, toad
You can't handle the facts whenever they discount your feelings.

Yesterday was a great march and victory for the women of America.

Instead of coming to terms with reality, the WH spokesman came out and talked stupid.

Your "fact" is simply your own opinion....learn the difference and you won't be mocked time after time after time
You are writing out of your emotions not facts again. The numbers across the country were in the many millions, Trump has chosen to mock it, and you folks operating on your feelings are going to end up in misery. Mocking the American woman's movement is a rejection of reality. You live in your fantasy world.

You can run around shouting "we are number two" all you want, but the fact remains HRC won the PV. America was lucky and dodged that bullet. The next one is Trump to lose if he does not wise up. You people need to stop talking stupid.

it was not a "women's" movement. It was a movement of lesbians, and promoters of infanticide. Real women watched and laughed.

Dregs of society
Dividing and inflaming was Obama's calling card for 8 years.
Black against White, Successful against not, Immigrant against citizen.

Trump is the polar opposite of Obama. You won't get soaring 'Rainbows and Unicorns' speeches that are totally insincere. You will get positive action and positive results as we have already seen before Trump even spent a day in office.

Oh this is getting deep. Thank God for wellies.

stand by NY, Trump will even improve your life.
What did the protesters want? I heard very few give a coherent response to what they were protesting for most but not all were simply there to make a scene and cause trouble.

Attention....like every petulant child desires
Dividing and inflaming was Obama's calling card for 8 years.
Black against White, Successful against not, Immigrant against citizen.

Trump is the polar opposite of Obama. You won't get soaring 'Rainbows and Unicorns' speeches that are totally insincere. You will get positive action and positive results as we have already seen before Trump even spent a day in office.

Oh this is getting deep. Thank God for wellies.

stand by NY, Trump will even improve your life.
I think he's going to try to help the black community by dealing with the crime, specifically gangs
Our President has record low approval rates for an incoming President. Yesterday's demonstrations showed why

He needs to start acknowledging that there are a shitload of people out there that do not support him and start mending fences. otherwise, it will be a painful four years
What did the protesters want? I heard very few give a coherent response to what they were protesting for most but not all were simply there to make a scene and cause trouble.

They will say they are concerned about "Women's reproductive rights" which is a totally made up thing.

FACT: no one has a right to an abortion. No one has a right to birth control. Row v Wade did not give women the right to an abortion. It only told the government that it could not prevent abortions.
Last edited:
Yeah right....take your musings and BS and try to snow someone else, toad
You can't handle the facts whenever they discount your feelings.

Yesterday was a great march and victory for the women of America.

Instead of coming to terms with reality, the WH spokesman came out and talked stupid.

Your "fact" is simply your own opinion....learn the difference and you won't be mocked time after time after time
You are writing out of your emotions not facts again. The numbers across the country were in the many millions, Trump has chosen to mock it, and you folks operating on your feelings are going to end up in misery. Mocking the American woman's movement is a rejection of reality. You live in your fantasy world.

You can run around shouting "we are number two" all you want, but the fact remains HRC won the PV. America was lucky and dodged that bullet. The next one is Trump to lose if he does not wise up. You people need to stop talking stupid.

it was not a "women's" movement. It was a movement of lesbians, and promoters of infanticide. Real women watched and laughed.

Dregs of society
That is exactly what is the Far and Alt Right.
Our President has record low approval rates for an incoming President. Yesterday's demonstrations showed why

He needs to start acknowledging that there are a shitload of people out there that do not support him and start mending fences. otherwise, it will be a painful four years

Yeah...record low according to who? CNN and WAPO?

You're still not getting it and have no clue why Trump stole Cankle's thunder
What did the protesters want? I heard very few give a coherent response to what they were protesting for most but not all were simply there to make a scene and cause trouble.

They will say they are concerned about "Women's reproductive rights" which is a totally made up thing.

FACT: no one has a right to an abortion. No one has a right to both control. Row v Wade did not give women the right to an abortion. It only told the government that it could not prevent abortions.
FACT: your opinion has no weight on anyone else. Stop being intimidated. You won.

FACT: Trump has all time lows going into inauguration, and defiance of objective fact is nothing more than Alt Right fake nonsense.
You can't handle the facts whenever they discount your feelings.

Yesterday was a great march and victory for the women of America.

Instead of coming to terms with reality, the WH spokesman came out and talked stupid.

Your "fact" is simply your own opinion....learn the difference and you won't be mocked time after time after time
You are writing out of your emotions not facts again. The numbers across the country were in the many millions, Trump has chosen to mock it, and you folks operating on your feelings are going to end up in misery. Mocking the American woman's movement is a rejection of reality. You live in your fantasy world.

You can run around shouting "we are number two" all you want, but the fact remains HRC won the PV. America was lucky and dodged that bullet. The next one is Trump to lose if he does not wise up. You people need to stop talking stupid.

it was not a "women's" movement. It was a movement of lesbians, and promoters of infanticide. Real women watched and laughed.

Dregs of society
That is exactly what is the Far and Alt Right.

Stop with that ALT right garbage...it didn't work for Cankles and it's not working with you
Our President has record low approval rates for an incoming President. Yesterday's demonstrations showed why

He needs to start acknowledging that there are a shitload of people out there that do not support him and start mending fences. otherwise, it will be a painful four years

He needs to do no such thing. You idiots cannot keep it up for 4 years and you are welcome to try. The more you do stupid stunts like that, the less chance any of your politicians have to get power back. If you think you can bully America into giving you what you want, go ahead and try.

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