Over 200 Cubans Arrested for Obama's Visit

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.
If the Manson family kidnapped the entire Florida Keys and imprisoned, tortured and murdered its residents and then obama came along and gave the Manson family a bunch of US money to garner favor with the Mansons and allow US mainland residents access to isolated areas of the Florida Keys, you'd think that is progress?
Then you need to explain your inconsistency.
I shouldn't need to explain the difference between your ridiculous Manson analogy and Cuba. We've cut them off for years and made our objection to their regime clear. That doesn't really do anything for their people. Opening up discussions and diplomatic relationship is not a sign of support for the dictatorship, but rather the first step to having some influence and the potential to make a difference with how they treat their people.
My Manson analogy is spot-on. Deal with it and your inconsistency. Cuba will do nothing to improve things for their people. This will only enrich and embolden Castro and the regime.
The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.
If the Manson family kidnapped the entire Florida Keys and imprisoned, tortured and murdered its residents and then obama came along and gave the Manson family a bunch of US money to garner favor with the Mansons and allow US mainland residents access to isolated areas of the Florida Keys, you'd think that is progress?
I think any influence we can have with them through diplomatic relations will help their people more than giving them the cold shoulder. I understand why we did it in the past but in the now I think it would be a great thing if we could help influence some change. Obama is the best suited to do this. Way better than trump or Clinton would do
Just got back from Nassau. It is a dump. Who would have thought that a ghetto could be a marketing tool? Atlantis is an isolated, insulated, enclosed amusement attraction for tourists allowing them to bring their isolation to Nassau without having to deal with its ghetto. That is exactly what Cuba will become for Americans. The rest of the country will remain an oppressed ghetto and lefties will remain oblivious.
So whats your point? I've been to Nassau as well and had a great time.
My point was very clear. Nassau is a dump. Cuba will resemble it at best thanks to your surrenderer-in-chief.
Haha, thanks for the laugh

You have a weird sense of humor if you think that is funny.
I think its funny to realistically think that the President did this solely for personal gain and a free vacation. The blinders that the Anti-Obama clan has never ceases to amaze me.

You are an expert on blinders since you never take yours off. Obama took his wife, daughters and granny on a 3 day sight seeing vacation. That has nothing to do with diplomacy.
Whatever man, think what you want to think... but know that you are an idiot

Insults usually come when a fool can no longer make a point in a discussion.
Real points were never a part of this discussion which is why it is at a dead end. You have no facts behind your ridiculous statements so why bother playing the back and forth game. You saw that Obama brought his family and interpret it as a free vacation for all with no useful purpose. Fine, think that way, I don't really care... I think most people are pretty proud of what he is doing.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.
If the Manson family kidnapped the entire Florida Keys and imprisoned, tortured and murdered its residents and then obama came along and gave the Manson family a bunch of US money to garner favor with the Mansons and allow US mainland residents access to isolated areas of the Florida Keys, you'd think that is progress?
Then you need to explain your inconsistency.
I shouldn't need to explain the difference between your ridiculous Manson analogy and Cuba. We've cut them off for years and made our objection to their regime clear. That doesn't really do anything for their people. Opening up discussions and diplomatic relationship is not a sign of support for the dictatorship, but rather the first step to having some influence and the potential to make a difference with how they treat their people.
My Manson analogy is spot-on. Deal with it and your inconsistency. Cuba will do nothing to improve things for their people. This will only enrich and embolden Castro and the regime.
There is nothing to deal with... Just because YOU SAY that Castro will do nothing for his people and the result of Obamas visit will be negative doesn't make it true. Your arguments have no weight or basis behind them to sway opinion, you just wreck of anti-Obama rhetoric. We shall see how things play out. In my opinion I think this will historically be a positive move and the perception for most sensible Americans is a positive one.
Obama uses Cubans as pawns to feed his ego. I hope he gets food poisoning and croaks.

More than 200 dissidents rounded up and arrested in Cuba one day before Obama’s arrival | Babalú Blog

Think about it. Obama can't stop people being arrested. These people might have been arrested anyway at some point.

What he can do is go there, open things up, help Cuba become richer, and give the Cuba people the chance to run their own country.

The US talking about other countries locking people up is like an obese person telling others not to eat too much.

???? He does not have the intention or the power to allow the Cuban people to run their country. There is no need to make the rich Cubans richer. Talk about income inequality!

I've no real problem with lifting sanctions, but I doubt I would put forth the effort Pres Obama has after the first snub. Why bother when Castro (the ones benefitting) seems to barely tolerate our gesture and doesn't care one way or the other about the embargo to begin with?

This could have been done from home, without the embarassing dog and pony show. The Castros hate us. They hated us long before the embargo. They hate us so much they conspired to nuke us and took steps towards that goal. They would do so again tomorrow if possible. Why do we have to emulate an insecure adolescent begging to be loved by the bad boy? If the time has come to open up relations, fine, but Cuba is NOT our ally.
The goals were to enhance Obama's legacy, and get a tax paid vacation for his family, period
Haha, thanks for the laugh

You have a weird sense of humor if you think that is funny.
I think its funny to realistically think that the President did this solely for personal gain and a free vacation. The blinders that the Anti-Obama clan has never ceases to amaze me.

You are an expert on blinders since you never take yours off. Obama took his wife, daughters and granny on a 3 day sight seeing vacation. That has nothing to do with diplomacy.
Whatever man, think what you want to think... but know that you are an idiot

That's something you need to know.
You have a weird sense of humor if you think that is funny.
I think its funny to realistically think that the President did this solely for personal gain and a free vacation. The blinders that the Anti-Obama clan has never ceases to amaze me.

You are an expert on blinders since you never take yours off. Obama took his wife, daughters and granny on a 3 day sight seeing vacation. That has nothing to do with diplomacy.
Whatever man, think what you want to think... but know that you are an idiot

Insults usually come when a fool can no longer make a point in a discussion.
Real points were never a part of this discussion which is why it is at a dead end. You have no facts behind your ridiculous statements so why bother playing the back and forth game. You saw that Obama brought his family and interpret it as a free vacation for all with no useful purpose. Fine, think that way, I don't really care... I think most people are pretty proud of what he is doing.
Ignorant and misinformed people are proud of him.
I think its funny to realistically think that the President did this solely for personal gain and a free vacation. The blinders that the Anti-Obama clan has never ceases to amaze me.

You are an expert on blinders since you never take yours off. Obama took his wife, daughters and granny on a 3 day sight seeing vacation. That has nothing to do with diplomacy.
Whatever man, think what you want to think... but know that you are an idiot

Insults usually come when a fool can no longer make a point in a discussion.
Real points were never a part of this discussion which is why it is at a dead end. You have no facts behind your ridiculous statements so why bother playing the back and forth game. You saw that Obama brought his family and interpret it as a free vacation for all with no useful purpose. Fine, think that way, I don't really care... I think most people are pretty proud of what he is doing.
Ignorant and misinformed people are proud of him.
Perhaps... or the opposite of that.
You are an expert on blinders since you never take yours off. Obama took his wife, daughters and granny on a 3 day sight seeing vacation. That has nothing to do with diplomacy.
Whatever man, think what you want to think... but know that you are an idiot

Insults usually come when a fool can no longer make a point in a discussion.
Real points were never a part of this discussion which is why it is at a dead end. You have no facts behind your ridiculous statements so why bother playing the back and forth game. You saw that Obama brought his family and interpret it as a free vacation for all with no useful purpose. Fine, think that way, I don't really care... I think most people are pretty proud of what he is doing.
Ignorant and misinformed people are proud of him.
Perhaps... or the opposite of that.
Perhaps both but certainly those who are proud of him are ignorant
Whatever man, think what you want to think... but know that you are an idiot

Insults usually come when a fool can no longer make a point in a discussion.
Real points were never a part of this discussion which is why it is at a dead end. You have no facts behind your ridiculous statements so why bother playing the back and forth game. You saw that Obama brought his family and interpret it as a free vacation for all with no useful purpose. Fine, think that way, I don't really care... I think most people are pretty proud of what he is doing.
Ignorant and misinformed people are proud of him.
Perhaps... or the opposite of that.
Perhaps both but certainly those who are proud of him are ignorant
That's certainly not true, the ones that think a president is operating in full selfishness with no concern or progression for our country is pretty out of touch of you ask me. You can disagree with some policy stuff but so many of you right wingers take EVERYTHING that he says and does and makes it a sin. It's kinda pathetic
The one alright democrat president is rolling in his grave.

Nothing has changed in Cuba for over 50 years. Now they have played Obama, there is a legacy at stake.
He's rolling in his grave because of not getting enough cigars out before the embargo. Of course the "embargo" only affected you and poor Cuban farmers. It was a good show to keep your ignorant asses in fear of "Kommiez" while the fascists in charge overthrew your country.


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