Over 200 Cubans Arrested for Obama's Visit

Obama uses Cubans as pawns to feed his ego. I hope he gets food poisoning and croaks.

More than 200 dissidents rounded up and arrested in Cuba one day before Obama’s arrival | Babalú Blog
Look, both North Vietnam and China are communist dictatorships. Both lock up dissidents at the drop of the hat. We have diplomatic relations with both China and North Vietnam. There is no reason to not have diplomatic relations with Cuba if we are going to have them with other communist countries.

Get a brain.
A. There is no such thing as North Vietnam.
B. Both China and Vietnam have moved their economies towards capitalism.
C. Both China and Vietnam have greatly reduced their human rights abuses.

The only reason to open Cuba is so Obama's crony big business pals can move American jobs there and take advantage of the $20 a month labor.
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.

The goals were to enhance Obama's legacy, and get a tax paid vacation for his family, period
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.

Hillary's RESET button with Russia was diplomacy. A helluva lot of good came of that.
Having diplomatic relations is one thing. Having tea with a dictator who personally ordered the execution of thousands of innocent people is another.

We already have diplomatic relations with Cuba.
What an idiot. You think when the leader of China or North Vietnam come to visit our president or he visits them there is no sitting down to 'tea'? How ludicrous. And, no, we did not have diplomatic relations with Cuba before this. Nope. Our embassy was only recently opened, because of Obama. You're an ill-informed idiot.

Who says I'm OK with the president meeting with them? Be that as it may, the current leaders of China have not personally signed the orders to execute thousands of political prisoners as Castro has.

As I said, maintaining diplomatic relations is one thing. Having tea with mass murderers is another.
If you are not okay with our having diplomatic relations with China or North Vietnam, why aren't you having a hissy fit over that? And, BTW, it isn't Obama who instigated those relations. They've been going on for a long time...your Republican presidents had no problem with it; in fact, it was Nixon who opened up China to us. God, you are dumber than a box of rocks.

What part of "Having diplomatic relations is one thing. Having tea with a dictator who personally ordered the execution of thousands of innocent people is another." didn't you understand?
It appears you are the one who doesn't understand, and I'm not going to explain it to you again. Cuba is a communist country. So is China. They both have dictatorships and treat their people like shit. China executes more people than any other country on Earth. Get a grip.

China has more people than any other country on Earth.
The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.

Diplomacy is not and end in itself. It doesn't accomplish anything positive, then what good is it? What did Obama accomplish? Not a thing, as far as I can tell.
If he did I'm pretty sure you still wouldn't see it

You should be able to tell us what he accomplished.

Why didn't Obama try diplomacy with Libya?
It appears you are the one who doesn't understand, and I'm not going to explain it to you again. Cuba is a communist country. So is China. They both have dictatorships and treat their people like shit. China executes more people than any other country on Earth. Get a grip.

See my other post on this subject, douche bag.
You are just such a blockhead. You refuse to accept the point, or you are just too stupid.
I refuse to accept pure idiocy, dishonesty and general douche baggery.
Then you refuse to accept yourself, which wouldn't be surprising. See a therapist.
That must be your conception of wit.
She pretty much just bent you over and had her way with you dude... You'll be limping for a bit.
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.

The goals were to enhance Obama's legacy, and get a tax paid vacation for his family, period
Haha, thanks for the laugh
See my other post on this subject, douche bag.
You are just such a blockhead. You refuse to accept the point, or you are just too stupid.
I refuse to accept pure idiocy, dishonesty and general douche baggery.
Then you refuse to accept yourself, which wouldn't be surprising. See a therapist.
That must be your conception of wit.
She pretty much just bent you over and had her way with you dude... You'll be limping for a bit.

Bullshit. She got frustrated when she got her ass kicked, so she resorted to personal attacks. She's a douche bag, and she always has been one.
You are just such a blockhead. You refuse to accept the point, or you are just too stupid.
I refuse to accept pure idiocy, dishonesty and general douche baggery.
Then you refuse to accept yourself, which wouldn't be surprising. See a therapist.
That must be your conception of wit.
She pretty much just bent you over and had her way with you dude... You'll be limping for a bit.

Bullshit. She got frustrated when she got her ass kicked, so she resorted to personal attacks. She's a douche bag, and she always has been one.
Keep telling yourself that buddy... YOU WERE OWNED! :banana::banana::banana:
I refuse to accept pure idiocy, dishonesty and general douche baggery.
Then you refuse to accept yourself, which wouldn't be surprising. See a therapist.
That must be your conception of wit.
She pretty much just bent you over and had her way with you dude... You'll be limping for a bit.

Bullshit. She got frustrated when she got her ass kicked, so she resorted to personal attacks. She's a douche bag, and she always has been one.
Keep telling yourself that buddy... YOU WERE OWNED! :banana::banana::banana:
If that were true, it would be the first thing you were right about.
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.

The goals were to enhance Obama's legacy, and get a tax paid vacation for his family, period
Haha, thanks for the laugh

You have a weird sense of humor if you think that is funny.
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.

The goals were to enhance Obama's legacy, and get a tax paid vacation for his family, period
Haha, thanks for the laugh

You have a weird sense of humor if you think that is funny.
I think its funny that you realistically think the President did this solely for personal gain and a free vacation. The blinders that the Anti-Obama clan has never ceases to amaze me.
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.
If the Manson family kidnapped the entire Florida Keys and imprisoned, tortured and murdered its residents and then obama came along and gave the Manson family a bunch of US money to garner favor with the Mansons and allow US mainland residents access to isolated areas of the Florida Keys, you'd think that is progress?
Then you need to explain your inconsistency.
The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.

The goals were to enhance Obama's legacy, and get a tax paid vacation for his family, period
Haha, thanks for the laugh

You have a weird sense of humor if you think that is funny.
I think its funny to realistically think that the President did this solely for personal gain and a free vacation. The blinders that the Anti-Obama clan has never ceases to amaze me.

You are an expert on blinders since you never take yours off. Obama took his wife, daughters and granny on a 3 day sight seeing vacation. That has nothing to do with diplomacy.
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.
If the Manson family kidnapped the entire Florida Keys and imprisoned, tortured and murdered its residents and then obama came along and gave the Manson family a bunch of US money to garner favor with the Mansons and allow US mainland residents access to isolated areas of the Florida Keys, you'd think that is progress?
I think any influence we can have with them through diplomatic relations will help their people more than giving them the cold shoulder. I understand why we did it in the past but in the now I think it would be a great thing if we could help influence some change. Obama is the best suited to do this. Way better than trump or Clinton would do
Just got back from Nassau. It is a dump. Who would have thought that a ghetto could be a marketing tool? Atlantis is an isolated, insulated, enclosed amusement attraction for tourists allowing them to bring their isolation to Nassau without having to deal with its ghetto. That is exactly what Cuba will become for Americans. The rest of the country will remain an oppressed ghetto and lefties will remain oblivious.
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.
If the Manson family kidnapped the entire Florida Keys and imprisoned, tortured and murdered its residents and then obama came along and gave the Manson family a bunch of US money to garner favor with the Mansons and allow US mainland residents access to isolated areas of the Florida Keys, you'd think that is progress?
I think any influence we can have with them through diplomatic relations will help their people more than giving them the cold shoulder. I understand why we did it but think it would be a great thing if we could help influence some change

Your belief that diplomatic relations always have a positive outcome isn't supported by the historical evidence. Just consider Neville Chamberlain and the Munich agreement.
Consider Jimmy Carter and his SALT agreement and the subsequent Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.
If the Manson family kidnapped the entire Florida Keys and imprisoned, tortured and murdered its residents and then obama came along and gave the Manson family a bunch of US money to garner favor with the Mansons and allow US mainland residents access to isolated areas of the Florida Keys, you'd think that is progress?
Then you need to explain your inconsistency.
I shouldn't need to explain the difference between your ridiculous Manson analogy and Cuba. We've cut them off for years and made our objection to their regime clear. That doesn't really do anything for their people. Opening up discussions and diplomatic relationship is not a sign of support for the dictatorship, but rather the first step to having some influence and the potential to make a difference with how they treat their people.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.

The goals were to enhance Obama's legacy, and get a tax paid vacation for his family, period
Haha, thanks for the laugh

You have a weird sense of humor if you think that is funny.
I think its funny to realistically think that the President did this solely for personal gain and a free vacation. The blinders that the Anti-Obama clan has never ceases to amaze me.

You are an expert on blinders since you never take yours off. Obama took his wife, daughters and granny on a 3 day sight seeing vacation. That has nothing to do with diplomacy.
Whatever man, think what you want to think... but know that you are an idiot
You gotta take a few steps to get from A to Z. This is the step the Prez thought was the best to take at this time. We shall see if he was right. In my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

The deal that Obama made was interesting to say the least. Any American company that opens a business in Cuba will be a minority partner with the Cuban government. That means Castro gets more than half of any profits. I find that a rather large negative.

Name a positive.
Don't think the goal was to open US businesses there... Diplomacy is the positives. Baby steps people.
If the Manson family kidnapped the entire Florida Keys and imprisoned, tortured and murdered its residents and then obama came along and gave the Manson family a bunch of US money to garner favor with the Mansons and allow US mainland residents access to isolated areas of the Florida Keys, you'd think that is progress?
I think any influence we can have with them through diplomatic relations will help their people more than giving them the cold shoulder. I understand why we did it in the past but in the now I think it would be a great thing if we could help influence some change. Obama is the best suited to do this. Way better than trump or Clinton would do
Just got back from Nassau. It is a dump. Who would have thought that a ghetto could be a marketing tool? Atlantis is an isolated, insulated, enclosed amusement attraction for tourists allowing them to bring their isolation to Nassau without having to deal with its ghetto. That is exactly what Cuba will become for Americans. The rest of the country will remain an oppressed ghetto and lefties will remain oblivious.
So whats your point? I've been to Nassau as well and had a great time.
The goals were to enhance Obama's legacy, and get a tax paid vacation for his family, period
Haha, thanks for the laugh

You have a weird sense of humor if you think that is funny.
I think its funny to realistically think that the President did this solely for personal gain and a free vacation. The blinders that the Anti-Obama clan has never ceases to amaze me.

You are an expert on blinders since you never take yours off. Obama took his wife, daughters and granny on a 3 day sight seeing vacation. That has nothing to do with diplomacy.
Whatever man, think what you want to think... but know that you are an idiot

Insults usually come when a fool can no longer make a point in a discussion.

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