Palestine Today

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Another fascinating spin on reality and facts in order to create some sort of "narrative". I'm not entirely sure what this new narrative is, but since I've also heard Ali Abunimah spout something similar, I'm assuming it is the new trend in Palestinian Mentality.

I found what I believe to be the source of the meme, although the source is also rather long on emotional appeal and very short on facts. The problem with this apparent source is that they seem to be playing rather fast and loose with the definitions of common words, like "destroyed", "villages" and "built over".

The intent of the meme and the new concept seems to be that "return is possible" because the villages are just "empty ground" waiting for their owners to return. But that is far from the truth. One village that was "destroyed" now has nearly twice the number of residents that it had when it was supposedly destroyed. The village is still there (not destroyed) and holds twice the population that it did. So of course it hasn't been "built over".
Nidal, 20, and Heba, 22, are Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, who started their own project "Antica Home" for handmade antiques and crafts.



Not much focus on skills needed for the modern job market at the Hitler Youth Camps.

But yeah, jumping through burning hoops will get you hired in a competitive technology field.

Baladi Palestine – a celebration of food from land and sea by Joudie Kalla Palestine on a Plate

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