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A new series of children's books on behalf of the Fatah movement praises terrorists such as Abu Jihad and Dalal al-Mughrabi.

On October 10, 2008, the Fatah Movement's ideological indoctrination committee in the Gaza Strip announced the publication of a series of new booklets for children called "Story of the Country", which included stories praising the armed struggle of the Fatah movement in Israel prior to the Oslo Accords, Responsible for attacks against Israel, such as Abu Jihad, head of Fatah's military wing and Yasser Arafat's deputy, who was responsible for the murder of dozens of Israeli civilians in the 1970s and 1980s, and Dalal al-Mughrabi, deputy commander of the attack on the coastal road on March 11, 35 Israelis and 71 injured. [1]

Dr. Husam Abu Ajwa, the ideological indoctrination commissioner in the West Gaza district, who conceived and oversaw the book project, stressed in his online newspaper Donya Al-Watan that stories are an important part of the Palestinian national heritage that " On the political map, by perpetuating many of the heroic and sacrificial acts of the Palestinian people against the false Zionist narrative that seeks to destroy and erase the Palestinian identity and essence. "He said that this is" the first initiative of its kind, The largest of the PLO factions. "[2]
According to the report in Dunya Al-Watan, the series includes four books.


The first book, "The Beginning," deals with "the tragedy of the Palestinian people, its Nakba and its expulsion to the refugee camps in the homeland and the diaspora, and tells about the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution and the details of the heroic action of Eilabun." [3] The second book, "The Mermaid," deals with "Dalila al-Mughrabi, the daughter of Jaffa, the beautiful city on the seashore, and her education in the diaspora, for she carried out the qualitative operation on the Palestinian coast and established the Republic of Palestine by raising the flag." The third book, "Loving Fingers," tells the story of a boy from the Western Sector who lost his fingers and that the Fatah movement acted to help him. It turns out that he is one of the heroes of the [RPG] unit, who stood against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, and also mentions the heroic war of the Beaufort fortress, some of whose heroes still live. "The fourth book," The Death of General Abu Jihad "Presents the" most significant stations in the life of the Palestinian leader, the engineer of the stone intifada, the martyr Khalil al-Wazir Abu Jihad, his famous Dimona operation.


Schooled for Jihad - A new series of Palestinian children's books.
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