Palin has children. Children fuck up. Ok lets talk everybodys children.

Let's drag it back again.

And I'm on the money. The woman is a good woman. Politics aside. Her husband Todd is solid.

She's got a lot of kids. Kids are going to screw up. But now the media think fair game. Well ditto. Game on media.
I'm dying with a new flu here but if the left continues this shit with the Palin's then every ones kid is fair game. I prefer to be honorable and take the high road but all that happens is the left thinks it weakness and goes for the throat.

So off the top ropes. Smack down! I'm bringing the furniture. ECW political style.

Chelsea's father in law is a crook. BIG TIME CROOK.
Who cares about her father in law?

That close to the White House?

American media is where?

Welcome to the family: Chelsea Clinton's future father-in-law revealed as 'one man crime wave' just days before £3.2m wedding

Chelsea Clinton’s future father-in-law revealed as a 'one man crime wave' just days before £3.2m wedding
Wow....what a great comparison. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Bod I have no problem whatsoever with dysfunctional family members. You've known me on the boards for years. First off I'm Ukrainian Irish. Whoa geeze you're not an angel when your name is Boone.

My rock adventures would have most parents hair standing on end. So please I am not judging others because I think I'm the Virgin Mary. But I did promise that if I was going to see this shit fly again.

Crusader Frank watched me make this promise. Pretty sure it was CF that night. I promised I would in my 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating ON DIAL UP nonetheless compile dossiers on all media and their families.

Can you write down a list of all the medications you're taking, so I can make sure to never take any of what's on your list?
no. probably having a liberal arts degree makes you understand that you don't want to live in the wild west....

I don't think I've ever said i'm opposed to guns.

I simply want them away from criminals and crazies, along with over 90% of the population of this country.

but then again, i'm not a shill for gun manufacturers or the NRA.

i don't have a problem with guns, but every idiot owning a gun doesn't make us safer

No, We Won't Be Safer If We All Go Buy Guns. Here's The Data.

Having a liberal arts degree makes you think someone owes you something because the degree you have is worthless as tits on a boar hog.

You're not opposed to guns yet you want them taken from over 90% of the population.

If you put me in that 90%, when should I expect you to show up and try to take them counselor?

are 90% of people criminals or mentally ill? I don't think so. if that's the case, feel free to provide evidence that we are such a criminal and mentally ill society.

this could be amusing.

According to what you say about conservative, seems to me you would say all of us are mentally ill.


just the really crazy ones.

actual conservatives never bothered me. they're generally rational, if staid people.

the problem is that the so-called "conservatives" now are radicals.

Like I said on a different post, what you and I consider crazy isn't the same thing. I think anyone who would enable their son to be on their insurance until 26 is crazy. You don't think so. I think that handing a person money someone else earned is crazy. You don't. See what I mean.

I bet what one would call radical wouldn't be the same for us either. See how that works. Your problem is you would consider someone crazy and demand the rest of us agree with you. Not how it works. Or you could get the moron as President to make an executive order and bypass everyone else. He seems to do that a lot and it shows a sign of poor leadership.

see, I've found that a true conservative generally believes the same things are nuts that I do. we would just disagree on what an appropriate response to issues is.

I find looks who start threads blaming all of the world's ills on this president, or on blacks or on muslims or jews or liberals or whatever are generally pretty uneducated and hate people who are, all the while telling those same educated people that they're somehow stupid.

I saw a poster on another board refuse to go on his parents health coverage even though he was sick and couldn't afford treatment and had to walk miles to work.... why? not because he was getting anything for free, but because rightwingnuttalk radio told him it was somehow a bad thing. I think that's insane. i'm sorry. this kid was sick and needed a doctor. it wasn't like his family hadn't paid for the insurance (and was probably being overcharged by the insurance company).

to me that's insane.

having a difference of opinion on issues is nothing new. the founding fathers didn't agree on very much. and, as aaron burr and alexander Hamilton proved, it could get heated.

so it's not like anything changed.

that doesn't make sarah palin any less unhinged.

or make bigotry any less unacceptable to normal people.
Is this another example of liberal do as I say not as I do double standards hypocrisy? Their hatred of Palin is reaching new heights.

what are you blathering about?

I'm mocking liberals and their double standards and dishonesty.

is that what you're doing.

I thought you were just subliterate. because you clearly don't have a clue about how people think unless they're wingnuts like you.

It's easy to tell how you think. You show it daily.

except it isn't,. and he didn't.

it's not like you've been right yet.
I suppose that's true in rightwingnuthackwowrld. the rest of us love him.
So did Lewnisky. Is it blow-job love?

well, she was an adult who went to D.C. to get her "presidential knee pads" (her words). she never complained. linda tripp the cow did.

is there a point in there somewhere? or are you truly a meathead -- dead from the neck up?
Maybe, but is the Oval Office a sanction? His wife and daughter were in the next room, or at least on the same floor.

The left really doesn't get it. Affairs happen. Always have. But this wasn't an affair.

This was a guy called President Clinton getting a cheapie while his daughter was upstairs. His wife and his daughter were upstairs.

I've toured the WH. My dad was big into taking tours of historical places Other kids got to go to Disneyland my pop thought I should witness the battlefields of Gettysburg.

I don't want to sound over dramatic here. And it's not the politics in question.

The White House is the peoples house. He desecrated it for a blow job.

Maybe you're suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Sarah Delusions)

No dear heart.

I'm pointing out that it is wrong to go for anyone outside the radar screen. But if you want to do it I'm loaded for bear. Because over the past few years as promised if the media wants to pull this shit again I'm ready. You would not believe what I have found.

So did Lewnisky. Is it blow-job love?

well, she was an adult who went to D.C. to get her "presidential knee pads" (her words). she never complained. linda tripp the cow did.

is there a point in there somewhere? or are you truly a meathead -- dead from the neck up?
Maybe, but is the Oval Office a sanction? His wife and daughter were in the next room, or at least on the same floor.

The left really doesn't get it. Affairs happen. Always have. But this wasn't an affair.

This was a guy called President Clinton getting a cheapie while his daughter was upstairs. His wife and his daughter were upstairs.

I've toured the WH. My dad was big into taking tours of historical places Other kids got to go to Disneyland my pop thought I should witness the battlefields of Gettysburg.

I don't want to sound over dramatic here. And it's not the politics in question.

The White House is the peoples house. He desecrated it for a blow job.

Maybe you're suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Sarah Delusions)

No dear heart.

I'm pointing out that it is wrong to go for anyone outside the radar screen. But if you want to do it I'm loaded for bear. Because over the past few years as promised if the media wants to pull this shit again I'm ready. You would not believe what I have found.


how dare the media tell the truth about her. :rofl:
Is this another example of liberal do as I say not as I do double standards hypocrisy? Their hatred of Palin is reaching new heights.

what are you blathering about?

I'm mocking liberals and their double standards and dishonesty.

is that what you're doing.

I thought you were just subliterate. because you clearly don't have a clue about how people think unless they're wingnuts like you.

It's easy to tell how you think. You show it daily.

except it isn't,. and he didn't.

it's not like you've been right yet.

When it comes to knowing what you are, it doesn't take a lot to figure you out.
what are you blathering about?

I'm mocking liberals and their double standards and dishonesty.

is that what you're doing.

I thought you were just subliterate. because you clearly don't have a clue about how people think unless they're wingnuts like you.

It's easy to tell how you think. You show it daily.

except it isn't,. and he didn't.

it's not like you've been right yet.

When it comes to knowing what you are, it doesn't take a lot to figure you out.

they you wouldn't be consistently wrong. *shrug*

like I said.... I was far more polite than you deserved... and far more polite than you've been to me.

and I have no less disregard for your views than you do mine.
Having a liberal arts degree makes you think someone owes you something because the degree you have is worthless as tits on a boar hog.

You're not opposed to guns yet you want them taken from over 90% of the population.

If you put me in that 90%, when should I expect you to show up and try to take them counselor?

are 90% of people criminals or mentally ill? I don't think so. if that's the case, feel free to provide evidence that we are such a criminal and mentally ill society.

this could be amusing.

According to what you say about conservative, seems to me you would say all of us are mentally ill.


just the really crazy ones.

actual conservatives never bothered me. they're generally rational, if staid people.

the problem is that the so-called "conservatives" now are radicals.

Like I said on a different post, what you and I consider crazy isn't the same thing. I think anyone who would enable their son to be on their insurance until 26 is crazy. You don't think so. I think that handing a person money someone else earned is crazy. You don't. See what I mean.

I bet what one would call radical wouldn't be the same for us either. See how that works. Your problem is you would consider someone crazy and demand the rest of us agree with you. Not how it works. Or you could get the moron as President to make an executive order and bypass everyone else. He seems to do that a lot and it shows a sign of poor leadership.

see, I've found that a true conservative generally believes the same things are nuts that I do. we would just disagree on what an appropriate response to issues is.

I find looks who start threads blaming all of the world's ills on this president, or on blacks or on muslims or jews or liberals or whatever are generally pretty uneducated and hate people who are, all the while telling those same educated people that they're somehow stupid.

I saw a poster on another board refuse to go on his parents health coverage even though he was sick and couldn't afford treatment and had to walk miles to work.... why? not because he was getting anything for free, but because rightwingnuttalk radio told him it was somehow a bad thing. I think that's insane. i'm sorry. this kid was sick and needed a doctor. it wasn't like his family hadn't paid for the insurance (and was probably being overcharged by the insurance company).

to me that's insane.

having a difference of opinion on issues is nothing new. the founding fathers didn't agree on very much. and, as aaron burr and alexander Hamilton proved, it could get heated.

so it's not like anything changed.

that doesn't make sarah palin any less unhinged.

or make bigotry any less unacceptable to normal people.

I don't want to derail my own thread but how is she unhinged.

When we use words like that? How is Palin unhinged just because she disagrees with you?
Now don't get me wrong. I think we have left or right to ask who will live in the White House. Sigh. One pic. Poor dad looking at his girls horrified at the Turkey pardoning. Shit man he shouldn't have asked his girls to do that promo shot. I dont blame the girls at all.

Maybe what it boils down to is we are expecting perfection out of those that can never be perfect.
Having a liberal arts degree makes you think someone owes you something because the degree you have is worthless as tits on a boar hog.

You're not opposed to guns yet you want them taken from over 90% of the population.

If you put me in that 90%, when should I expect you to show up and try to take them counselor?

are 90% of people criminals or mentally ill? I don't think so. if that's the case, feel free to provide evidence that we are such a criminal and mentally ill society.

this could be amusing.

According to what you say about conservative, seems to me you would say all of us are mentally ill.


just the really crazy ones.

actual conservatives never bothered me. they're generally rational, if staid people.

the problem is that the so-called "conservatives" now are radicals.

Like I said on a different post, what you and I consider crazy isn't the same thing. I think anyone who would enable their son to be on their insurance until 26 is crazy. You don't think so. I think that handing a person money someone else earned is crazy. You don't. See what I mean.

I bet what one would call radical wouldn't be the same for us either. See how that works. Your problem is you would consider someone crazy and demand the rest of us agree with you. Not how it works. Or you could get the moron as President to make an executive order and bypass everyone else. He seems to do that a lot and it shows a sign of poor leadership.

see, I've found that a true conservative generally believes the same things are nuts that I do. we would just disagree on what an appropriate response to issues is.

I find looks who start threads blaming all of the world's ills on this president, or on blacks or on muslims or jews or liberals or whatever are generally pretty uneducated and hate people who are, all the while telling those same educated people that they're somehow stupid.

I saw a poster on another board refuse to go on his parents health coverage even though he was sick and couldn't afford treatment and had to walk miles to work.... why? not because he was getting anything for free, but because rightwingnuttalk radio told him it was somehow a bad thing. I think that's insane. i'm sorry. this kid was sick and needed a doctor. it wasn't like his family hadn't paid for the insurance (and was probably being overcharged by the insurance company).

to me that's insane.

having a difference of opinion on issues is nothing new. the founding fathers didn't agree on very much. and, as aaron burr and alexander Hamilton proved, it could get heated.

so it's not like anything changed.

that doesn't make sarah palin any less unhinged.

or make bigotry any less unacceptable to normal people.

Ok a poster on another board another talker. Best get me his name because I listen to all the talkers. Some rightwingnuttalker. Give me his name. I'll look up the transcript.

If I missed a show. You are linking Palin to some one that was a poster on another board over health care. HELLO?

I'm defending Obama's girls and you're insulting me? I thought he made the worst mistake of a lifetime. :) They will never ever forgive him for this one.

Oh those poor girls. Oh please daddy no. In the years of being cool your dad THE PRESIDENT wants you there with the turkey. I am a mother.

I saw their pain.


I really hope they gave him shit.

I'm defending Obama's girls and you're insulting me? I thought he made the worst mistake of a lifetime. :) They will never ever forgive him for this one.

Oh those poor girls. Oh please daddy no. In the years of being cool your dad THE PRESIDENT wants you there with the turkey. I am a mother.

I saw their pain.


I really hope they gave him shit.
Holy Cow...what are you drinking? :eek-52:
So did Lewnisky. Is it blow-job love?

well, she was an adult who went to D.C. to get her "presidential knee pads" (her words). she never complained. linda tripp the cow did.

is there a point in there somewhere? or are you truly a meathead -- dead from the neck up?
Maybe, but is the Oval Office a sanction? His wife and daughter were in the next room, or at least on the same floor.

The left really doesn't get it. Affairs happen. Always have. But this wasn't an affair.

This was a guy called President Clinton getting a cheapie while his daughter was upstairs. His wife and his daughter were upstairs.

I've toured the WH. My dad was big into taking tours of historical places Other kids got to go to Disneyland my pop thought I should witness the battlefields of Gettysburg.

I don't want to sound over dramatic here. And it's not the politics in question.

The White House is the peoples house. He desecrated it for a blow job.

Maybe you're suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Sarah Delusions)

No dear heart.

I'm pointing out that it is wrong to go for anyone outside the radar screen. But if you want to do it I'm loaded for bear. Because over the past few years as promised if the media wants to pull this shit again I'm ready. You would not believe what I have found.

Here we go again....blah blah blah "I know things" blah blah blah "you would not believe what I've found" blah blah blah

I'm defending Obama's girls and you're insulting me? I thought he made the worst mistake of a lifetime. :) They will never ever forgive him for this one.

Oh those poor girls. Oh please daddy no. In the years of being cool your dad THE PRESIDENT wants you there with the turkey. I am a mother.

I saw their pain.


I really hope they gave him shit.

Someone needs to hook a breathalyzer up to your keyboard.
I suppose that's true in rightwingnuthackwowrld. the rest of us love him.
So did Lewnisky. Is it blow-job love?

well, she was an adult who went to D.C. to get her "presidential knee pads" (her words). she never complained. linda tripp the cow did.

is there a point in there somewhere? or are you truly a meathead -- dead from the neck up?
Maybe, but is the Oval Office a sanction? His wife and daughter were in the next room, or at least on the same floor.

no one ever said they were in the "next room".

and lots of presidents cheated in the oval office. would you like a list. we can start going back to pre-civil war and work our way down to Eisenhower etc.

I don't really care about who the president bonks.

you probably shouldn't either.

Maybe you wanted Bill to cigar you.
Now that's some classy RW stuff right there.
well, she was an adult who went to D.C. to get her "presidential knee pads" (her words). she never complained. linda tripp the cow did.

is there a point in there somewhere? or are you truly a meathead -- dead from the neck up?
Maybe, but is the Oval Office a sanction? His wife and daughter were in the next room, or at least on the same floor.

The left really doesn't get it. Affairs happen. Always have. But this wasn't an affair.

This was a guy called President Clinton getting a cheapie while his daughter was upstairs. His wife and his daughter were upstairs.

I've toured the WH. My dad was big into taking tours of historical places Other kids got to go to Disneyland my pop thought I should witness the battlefields of Gettysburg.

I don't want to sound over dramatic here. And it's not the politics in question.

The White House is the peoples house. He desecrated it for a blow job.

Maybe you're suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Sarah Delusions)

No dear heart.

I'm pointing out that it is wrong to go for anyone outside the radar screen. But if you want to do it I'm loaded for bear. Because over the past few years as promised if the media wants to pull this shit again I'm ready. You would not believe what I have found.

Here we go again....blah blah blah "I know things" blah blah blah "you would not believe what I've found" blah blah blah

Hey now, she's had 10 months of winter, off grid and on dial-up, to find it. lol

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