Papa Legba and the Democrat Bizango


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. I have puzzled over the fact that the Liberals/Democrats have been wrong about just about everything...." on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."(Coulter)...

The results of Democrat rule is clear to all: take the ten most impoverished and broken-down cities in the nation....and they have been under Democrat rule for half a century.

And even after Republicans defeated the Confederacy and passed the anti-slavery amendments, Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action....

...yet, have quite a following!

2. Papa Legba was re-elected with a victory margin of some seven million votes.....even though he had a domestic and foreign policy record replete with one failure and gaffe after another.

How the heck are they getting folks to vote for 'em??

I think I figured it out.

3. OK....a major factor is that both the schools and the media are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'....and most folks have more pressing personal requirements than being political wonks: they just don't have time to study the big picture. to explain the huge disconnect between reality and Democrat ascendency??

In study of the nexus of slavery and religion, I happened on an interesting relationship that explains why so many have gone so far wrong


It's voodoo.

4. African descendants in the New World brought with them their indigenous West African religions, most prominent, voodoo. It not only survived, but thrived in Haiti and the slave states of the American South. The religion is not monotheist, but has incorporated elements of a way.

Like Liberalism, it has both the ability to perform good, and to perform evil. The former uses drugs and potions, and, and is the 'doctor' part of 'witch doctor'...the latter uses poison and murder and mass hypnosis.

Of course, only rarely does Liberalism require, murder.... indoctrination and control of careers and status works just fine.

In any case, both voodoo and Liberalism function via a sort of mass hypnosis, and neither stand up to careful inspection or explanation.
Voodoo? That's the explanation for Obama's re-election? What are they going to say when Hillary beats their sorry butts? :cuckoo:
Democrats are wrong for not wanting to put women to death for having abortions?

What century are you living in?
Voodoo? That's the explanation for Obama's re-election? What are they going to say when Hillary beats their sorry butts? :cuckoo:

Some background on voodoo....

5. The slave owners in the West Indies feared the houngans, voodoo priests, and manbos, priestesses, not just for their influence over the other slaves, but because they could administer poisons. So....attempts were made to stamp out the voodoo religion.

Instead, it went underground, simply by pretending that they were Christian: they made Christian figures or saints for each of the voodoo spirit gods, and used the Christian names for the loa, the voodoo gods.

Just as Liberalism/Progressivism pretended that it represented American values, i.e., individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, when, in reality it represented the collective, the state, big government.

a. Papa Legba, " In Haitian Vodou, Papa Legba is the loa (a god in the voodoo cult) who serves as the intermediary between the loa and humanity. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and gives (or denies) permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee, and is believed to speak all human languages.

In Haiti, he is the great elocutioner. Legba facilitates communication, speech, and understanding."
Papa Legba - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Legba became syncretized, disguised as St. it appeared as though the cultists were praying to St. Peter, when it was Legba in their prayers.

Legba...... facilitates communication, speech, and understanding....through the use of a teleprompter?

Has Papa Legba given you your cell phone, your share of Wall Street's wealth, and paid your mortgage yet?

Pray harder.
Voodoo? That's the explanation for Obama's re-election? What are they going to say when Hillary beats their sorry butts? :cuckoo:

PC has a hilarious explanation for every Democratic success. I think she's a RW talk show host wannabee, because that's their schtick.
Democrats are wrong for not wanting to put women to death for having abortions?

What century are you living in?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:
"Democrats are wrong for not wanting to put women to death for having abortions?"

No throwing tomatoes!!!
1. I have puzzled over the fact that the Liberals/Democrats have been wrong about just about everything...." on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."(Coulter)...

The results of Democrat rule is clear to all: take the ten most impoverished and broken-down cities in the nation....and they have been under Democrat rule for half a century.

And even after Republicans defeated the Confederacy and passed the anti-slavery amendments, Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action....

...yet, have quite a following!

2. Papa Legba was re-elected with a victory margin of some seven million votes.....even though he had a domestic and foreign policy record replete with one failure and gaffe after another.

How the heck are they getting folks to vote for 'em??

I think I figured it out.

3. OK....a major factor is that both the schools and the media are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'....and most folks have more pressing personal requirements than being political wonks: they just don't have time to study the big picture. to explain the huge disconnect between reality and Democrat ascendency??

In study of the nexus of slavery and religion, I happened on an interesting relationship that explains why so many have gone so far wrong


It's voodoo.

4. African descendants in the New World brought with them their indigenous West African religions, most prominent, voodoo. It not only survived, but thrived in Haiti and the slave states of the American South. The religion is not monotheist, but has incorporated elements of a way.

Like Liberalism, it has both the ability to perform good, and to perform evil. The former uses drugs and potions, and, and is the 'doctor' part of 'witch doctor'...the latter uses poison and murder and mass hypnosis.

Of course, only rarely does Liberalism require, murder.... indoctrination and control of careers and status works just fine.

In any case, both voodoo and Liberalism function via a sort of mass hypnosis, and neither stand up to careful inspection or explanation.

:lmao: Well done Political Chic. That actually would explain many things.
1. I have puzzled over the fact that the Liberals/Democrats have been wrong about just about everything...." on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."(Coulter)...

The results of Democrat rule is clear to all: take the ten most impoverished and broken-down cities in the nation....and they have been under Democrat rule for half a century.

And even after Republicans defeated the Confederacy and passed the anti-slavery amendments, Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action....

...yet, have quite a following!

2. Papa Legba was re-elected with a victory margin of some seven million votes.....even though he had a domestic and foreign policy record replete with one failure and gaffe after another.

How the heck are they getting folks to vote for 'em??

I think I figured it out.

3. OK....a major factor is that both the schools and the media are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'....and most folks have more pressing personal requirements than being political wonks: they just don't have time to study the big picture. to explain the huge disconnect between reality and Democrat ascendency??

In study of the nexus of slavery and religion, I happened on an interesting relationship that explains why so many have gone so far wrong


It's voodoo.

4. African descendants in the New World brought with them their indigenous West African religions, most prominent, voodoo. It not only survived, but thrived in Haiti and the slave states of the American South. The religion is not monotheist, but has incorporated elements of a way.

Like Liberalism, it has both the ability to perform good, and to perform evil. The former uses drugs and potions, and, and is the 'doctor' part of 'witch doctor'...the latter uses poison and murder and mass hypnosis.

Of course, only rarely does Liberalism require, murder.... indoctrination and control of careers and status works just fine.

In any case, both voodoo and Liberalism function via a sort of mass hypnosis, and neither stand up to careful inspection or explanation.

:lmao: Well done Political Chic. That actually would explain many things.

Thanks, tiny!

You're gonna like the rest of the thread.
1. I have puzzled over the fact that the Liberals/Democrats have been wrong about just about everything...." on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."(Coulter)...

The results of Democrat rule is clear to all: take the ten most impoverished and broken-down cities in the nation....and they have been under Democrat rule for half a century.

And even after Republicans defeated the Confederacy and passed the anti-slavery amendments, Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action....

...yet, have quite a following!

2. Papa Legba was re-elected with a victory margin of some seven million votes.....even though he had a domestic and foreign policy record replete with one failure and gaffe after another.

How the heck are they getting folks to vote for 'em??

I think I figured it out.

3. OK....a major factor is that both the schools and the media are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'....and most folks have more pressing personal requirements than being political wonks: they just don't have time to study the big picture. to explain the huge disconnect between reality and Democrat ascendency??

In study of the nexus of slavery and religion, I happened on an interesting relationship that explains why so many have gone so far wrong


It's voodoo.

4. African descendants in the New World brought with them their indigenous West African religions, most prominent, voodoo. It not only survived, but thrived in Haiti and the slave states of the American South. The religion is not monotheist, but has incorporated elements of a way.

Like Liberalism, it has both the ability to perform good, and to perform evil. The former uses drugs and potions, and, and is the 'doctor' part of 'witch doctor'...the latter uses poison and murder and mass hypnosis.

Of course, only rarely does Liberalism require, murder.... indoctrination and control of careers and status works just fine.

In any case, both voodoo and Liberalism function via a sort of mass hypnosis, and neither stand up to careful inspection or explanation.

:lmao: Well done Political Chic. That actually would explain many things.

Thanks, tiny!

You're gonna like the rest of the thread.

I believe in voodoo. Born again now and trying to be good but in the past I've been to the crossroads.Never traded my soul though. I know a priestess down in New Orleans who practices white but she's few and far between.

And considering I am from the land of one of the largest population of Haitians outside of Haiti you bet I know the power of the craft.

It's really not a stretch to think that Washington is dominated by Scratch and a million Jack Butlers cuttin' heads.

Wait.....did somebody mention Hillary??

6. Voodoo houngans, and manbos, the elites, were good at hiding what they were doing and who they were....

a. The Virgin Mary became the camouflage for "Ezili Dantor or Erzulie D'en Tort(also spelled Erzulie with Dantoor Danthor) is the Petro nation aspect of the Erzulie family of lwa, or spirits in Haitian Vodou. Ezili Dantor is considered to be the lwa of motherhood,single motherhood in particular. She is most commonly represented by the image of Black Madonna..." Ezili Dantor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"...She is most commonly represented by the image of Black Madonna..."
If Hillary could have pulled this off, she would have beaten Obama for the nomination!
You betcha'!


"...single motherhood in particular...."

Now, here's a coincidence:

" [Hillary] Clinton asked the audience to imagine a single mother trapped by her circumstances.... “She has dreams. She certainly has dreams for her kids. But she doesn’t just face ceilings on her aspirations and opportunities. Sometimes it feels like the floor has collapsed beneath her,” Clinton said." Hillary Clinton What 8217 s happening to the American Dream - The Washington Post

The power behind the Democrat Bizango.......voodoo!
I agree that Liberal Democrats are the problem but the solution doesn't appear to be Republicans.

OP have you done a thread on Albert Pike? If not maybe it's time for one.
1. I have puzzled over the fact that the Liberals/Democrats have been wrong about just about everything...." on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."(Coulter)...

The results of Democrat rule is clear to all: take the ten most impoverished and broken-down cities in the nation....and they have been under Democrat rule for half a century.

And even after Republicans defeated the Confederacy and passed the anti-slavery amendments, Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action....

...yet, have quite a following!

2. Papa Legba was re-elected with a victory margin of some seven million votes.....even though he had a domestic and foreign policy record replete with one failure and gaffe after another.

How the heck are they getting folks to vote for 'em??

I think I figured it out.

3. OK....a major factor is that both the schools and the media are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'....and most folks have more pressing personal requirements than being political wonks: they just don't have time to study the big picture. to explain the huge disconnect between reality and Democrat ascendency??

In study of the nexus of slavery and religion, I happened on an interesting relationship that explains why so many have gone so far wrong


It's voodoo.

4. African descendants in the New World brought with them their indigenous West African religions, most prominent, voodoo. It not only survived, but thrived in Haiti and the slave states of the American South. The religion is not monotheist, but has incorporated elements of a way.

Like Liberalism, it has both the ability to perform good, and to perform evil. The former uses drugs and potions, and, and is the 'doctor' part of 'witch doctor'...the latter uses poison and murder and mass hypnosis.

Of course, only rarely does Liberalism require, murder.... indoctrination and control of careers and status works just fine.

In any case, both voodoo and Liberalism function via a sort of mass hypnosis, and neither stand up to careful inspection or explanation.

:lmao: Well done Political Chic. That actually would explain many things.

Thanks, tiny!

You're gonna like the rest of the thread.

I believe in voodoo. Born again now and trying to be good but in the past I've been to the crossroads.Never traded my soul though. I know a priestess down in New Orleans who practices white but she's few and far between.

And considering I am from the land of one of the largest population of Haitians outside of Haiti you bet I know the power of the craft.

It's really not a stretch to think that Washington is dominated by Scratch and a million Jack Butlers cuttin' heads.


Bet you got ya' mojo, juju, and veve goin'!!!!

Papa Doc good mon!
I agree that Liberal Democrats are the problem but the solution doesn't appear to be Republicans.

OP have you done a thread on Albert Pike? If not maybe it's time for one.

That's "Odd."

Not Albert....but I have posted about the Otis Pike (Democrat) Committee that destroyed the intelligence gathering ability of our intelligence apparatus.
Many believe it led to 9/11
1. I have puzzled over the fact that the Liberals/Democrats have been wrong about just about everything...." on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."(Coulter)...

The results of Democrat rule is clear to all: take the ten most impoverished and broken-down cities in the nation....and they have been under Democrat rule for half a century.

And even after Republicans defeated the Confederacy and passed the anti-slavery amendments, Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action....

...yet, have quite a following!

2. Papa Legba was re-elected with a victory margin of some seven million votes.....even though he had a domestic and foreign policy record replete with one failure and gaffe after another.

How the heck are they getting folks to vote for 'em??

I think I figured it out.

3. OK....a major factor is that both the schools and the media are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'....and most folks have more pressing personal requirements than being political wonks: they just don't have time to study the big picture. to explain the huge disconnect between reality and Democrat ascendency??

In study of the nexus of slavery and religion, I happened on an interesting relationship that explains why so many have gone so far wrong


It's voodoo.

4. African descendants in the New World brought with them their indigenous West African religions, most prominent, voodoo. It not only survived, but thrived in Haiti and the slave states of the American South. The religion is not monotheist, but has incorporated elements of a way.

Like Liberalism, it has both the ability to perform good, and to perform evil. The former uses drugs and potions, and, and is the 'doctor' part of 'witch doctor'...the latter uses poison and murder and mass hypnosis.

Of course, only rarely does Liberalism require, murder.... indoctrination and control of careers and status works just fine.

In any case, both voodoo and Liberalism function via a sort of mass hypnosis, and neither stand up to careful inspection or explanation.

:lmao: Well done Political Chic. That actually would explain many things.

Thanks, tiny!

You're gonna like the rest of the thread.

I believe in voodoo. Born again now and trying to be good but in the past I've been to the crossroads.Never traded my soul though. I know a priestess down in New Orleans who practices white but she's few and far between.

And considering I am from the land of one of the largest population of Haitians outside of Haiti you bet I know the power of the craft.

It's really not a stretch to think that Washington is dominated by Scratch and a million Jack Butlers cuttin' heads.


Bet you got ya' mojo, juju, and veve goin'!!!!

Papa Doc good mon!

Oh no not the Docs! True evil. Did you you know that Chicago was founded by a famous Haitian? du Sable? Jean is actually recognized by a declaration as the founder of Chicago.

Really makes sense on how and why the Dems are so warped.


I'll check back in later. Time to go to town.
1. I have puzzled over the fact that the Liberals/Democrats have been wrong about just about everything...." on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."(Coulter)...

The results of Democrat rule is clear to all: take the ten most impoverished and broken-down cities in the nation....and they have been under Democrat rule for half a century.

And even after Republicans defeated the Confederacy and passed the anti-slavery amendments, Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action....

...yet, have quite a following!

2. Papa Legba was re-elected with a victory margin of some seven million votes.....even though he had a domestic and foreign policy record replete with one failure and gaffe after another.

How the heck are they getting folks to vote for 'em??

I think I figured it out.

3. OK....a major factor is that both the schools and the media are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'....and most folks have more pressing personal requirements than being political wonks: they just don't have time to study the big picture. to explain the huge disconnect between reality and Democrat ascendency??

In study of the nexus of slavery and religion, I happened on an interesting relationship that explains why so many have gone so far wrong


It's voodoo.

4. African descendants in the New World brought with them their indigenous West African religions, most prominent, voodoo. It not only survived, but thrived in Haiti and the slave states of the American South. The religion is not monotheist, but has incorporated elements of a way.

Like Liberalism, it has both the ability to perform good, and to perform evil. The former uses drugs and potions, and, and is the 'doctor' part of 'witch doctor'...the latter uses poison and murder and mass hypnosis.

Of course, only rarely does Liberalism require, murder.... indoctrination and control of careers and status works just fine.

In any case, both voodoo and Liberalism function via a sort of mass hypnosis, and neither stand up to careful inspection or explanation.

:lmao: Well done Political Chic. That actually would explain many things.

Thanks, tiny!

You're gonna like the rest of the thread.

I believe in voodoo. Born again now and trying to be good but in the past I've been to the crossroads.Never traded my soul though. I know a priestess down in New Orleans who practices white but she's few and far between.

And considering I am from the land of one of the largest population of Haitians outside of Haiti you bet I know the power of the craft.

It's really not a stretch to think that Washington is dominated by Scratch and a million Jack Butlers cuttin' heads.


Bet you got ya' mojo, juju, and veve goin'!!!!

Papa Doc good mon!

Oh no not the Docs! True evil. Did you you know that Chicago was founded by a famous Haitian? du Sable? Jean is actually recognized by a declaration as the founder of Chicago.

Really makes sense on how and why the Dems are so warped.


I'll check back in later. Time to go to town.


The Democrats boast of a 'big tent'....lots of Democrat loa!

7. "Osun: orOsain- is the Orisha that always accompanies Elegguá and is associated with St. John the Baptist. Osun warns santeros when danger arises and is seen as the embodiment of joy."

Hmmmmm......" embodiment of joy" ...does this sound to you like an endorsement of a personal morality, 'if it feels good, do it'?

Kinda fits the direction of society since the Liberal secularists have taken control:

"One change in societal attitude has been the“ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental. As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class."
Charles Murray

What the heck....they have the protection of Osun!
Would that be Krugman or Kristof?
8. One more of the syncretizations, where they pretend to be something they're not:

"Damballa or Damballah is one of the most important of all the Loa. Damballa is the Sky Father and the primordial creator of all life. He rules the mind, intellect, and cosmic equilibrium. Damballa, as the serpent spirit and "The Great Master", created the cosmos by using his 7,000 coils to form the stars and the planets in the heavens and to shape the hills and valleys on earth. By shedding the serpent skin, Damballa created all the waters on the earth.[1] Damballa is syncretized with either Saint Patrick, Christ the Redeemer,Our Lady of Mercy, o rMoses."
Damballa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Damballah.....the Sky Father and the primordial creator of all life."

That sure isn't Obama/Legba.....he favored infancticide.

Syncretization.....pretty good way to hide, huh?

Sort of like the way Democrats are religious and patriotic when they are running for office.

I can't wait for folks to catch know, like that Republican guy said:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
9. Now, lest one believe that the association between voodoo and politics is too far off the mark.....

a. "It is nothing new to claim that Voodoo played a key role in the [Haitian] revolutionary period. What makes Laguerre's book especially interesting is the rest of the book in which he claims that Voodoo since 1804 has been a primary political tool for protecting the property rights and other interests of Haitian peasants.

Laguerre claims that secret Voodoo societies exist beneath the government of Port-au-Prince and that these societies are sources of civil government and political power vis a vis the country's government." Haiti Voodoo and Politics

b. "In the course of his research on zombies, Wade Davis himself was initiated into the Bizango in a lurid midnight ceremony. He has drawn on Laguerre's work and his own observations to draw two important – and somewhat terrifying – conclusions.

Davis argues that these secret societies have been intensely involved in the governance of Haiti. During the reign of the Duvaliers, when Davis conducted his research, the president of a local secret society was very often the Chef de Section of the same community, in addition to serving as the priest of a large and powerful voodoo temple. The president of Haiti no longer appoints the Chefs de Section, but important elected officials are still, today, often well-placed members of secret societies. These societies control large swaths of rural Haiti.

Second, Davis argues that these societies enforce their power through zombification."
Page 10 of Into the Zombie Underworld -

Starting to get it?

What are zombies? They are non-thinking automatons that follow orders!

A perfect description of Democrat voters!

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