Zone1 Pastor Daniel W. Merrick, jailed on over 880 felony counts of child porn

What are those ratios?
Well the southern baptists released a massive list of pedophiles they spent decades protecting over the last several decades pretty recently. Do you know of anybody that has combined that data with the massive list of catholic pedophiles, muslim pedophiles, and other denominations and religions around the world? I'll try to look too and then see how it compares to the 1 or 2 drag queen pedophiles that conservatives have managed to find in their obsessive searching.
only the big business ones. My church is doing good to meet basic needs. The mortgage..which i wish they hadn't seen fit to do, missions, salaries, utilities, maintenance.
Innumerable businesses across the country do the same and get along just fine paying taxes.
Did you know that Hunter Biden calls his Dad "Pedo Pete" and Ashley Biden wrote about inappropriate showers with Daddy (Pedo Pete) in her diary?

Leaving behind the Diary and the Laptop were calls for help
Not sure why you insist on making a religious thread political, but anyway...where can I see documentation on this diary you speak about?
Gotta say "numerous photos of Merrick on the account" appears to be tacked on to imply that he was with and/or taking the pictures of children himself, which does seem to be the case.. as of yet.
On Jan. 9, Trooper Robert Whyel with the state police computer crimes unit served a search warrant for the content on the Verizon Cloud account for that phone number. The results included 178 additional images of child pornography involving indecent contact and 139 involving nudity. The images were saved on a Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G; there were numerous photos of Merrick on the account as well, the complaint stated.
My church doesn't take money from the gov't or their privileges. We do our own thing. Churches can opt out. INDEPENDENT Baptist.

Pastors PAY Taxes on their salaries..and they pay ss and other salary deductions as if they were self employed...meaning quarterly.
Maybe we should take a look at the 'charitable foundations', campaign funds, trusts and off shore accounts set up by our illustrious, patriotic, america loving politicians.
Well the southern baptists released a massive list of pedophiles they spent decades protecting over the last several decades pretty recently. Do you know of anybody that has combined that data with the massive list of catholic pedophiles, muslim pedophiles, and other denominations and religions around the world? I'll try to look too and then see how it compares to the 1 or 2 drag queen pedophiles that conservatives have managed to find in their obsessive searching.
Again... what are those ratios?
Churches make insane amounts of profit. They can choose to become non-profits if they ever start being taxed.
No you are not listening

You cant single out churches just because you are a godless lib

Tax all non profits or none
And I will say, fuck you, make them pay taxes
Nope. Most churches need that exemption to meet their already tight, and I do mean TIGHT budgets. Besides if your wet dream came true, #1 it would get slapped down by the SCOTUS real hard and #2, all bets would be off concerning politics from the pulpit, but then again if a Democrat does it in an inner city church, then it's A-OK.
Nope. Most churches need that exemption to meet their already tight, and I do mean TIGHT budgets.
Not my problem. If the business can't survive then it can't survive.
Besides if your wet dream came true, #1 it would get slapped down by the SCOTUS real hard and #2, all bets would be off concerning politics from the pulpit, but then again if a Democrat does it in an inner city church, then it's A-OK.
Lol why do you I would exempt an inner city church? It's going to be a long road but we'll get there. Religion can only thrive in an environment where they control access to information. It's why you see religious conservatives trying to censor and ban so many books and teachings of history, while teaching their flock that only conservative opinion programming is ok to consume.

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