Zone1 Pastor Daniel W. Merrick, jailed on over 880 felony counts of child porn

Do you not know what "rich" means?

The newest church around me cost double digit millions to build. Statues imported from Europe line the tops of all the walls. It's a truly incredible building. The priest during construction was arrested for embezzling millions of dollars from the project. Quite the drama.
Who where??

So a cad and bounder rips off his church and the Church is to blame??

Blame the thieving SCUM you dolt!!!

This is why I tell people to be very, very wary of "non-denominational" so-called churches led by loons like this one. As we see in the epistles, denominations are great for accountability and oversight. If you attach yourself to what is basically a "lone-wolf" church, you throw yourself at the mercy of someone like this, potentially.

Be careful out there.

A lot of Christians are too tolerant of faggots and deviants, mainly because they like having a positive and welcoming community in many cases, and this makes them vulnerable to predators and faggots infiltrating their churches to get at kids. I don't know if they are emotionally equipped to weed out the vermin, so they will probably remain targets for the OP's heroes.
Who where??

So a cad and bounder rips off his church and the Church is to blame??

Blame the thieving SCUM you dolt!!!


They promote grooming and deviancy, then they suddenly claim their pets and heroes are 'Christians' when they infiltrate groups that accept nearly everybody into their communities without discrimination. They're sick little vermin.
The antiquated rules of the Catholic church holds that their priests have to live an unnatural life of celibacy and that is impossible for most of them.

As a result they are the occupation that are the worst offenders. And that's even with allowing them to be dealt with in private by the church.

Suffer the little children who live a life of turmoil and guilt resulting from this evil!

And then, it becomes sickening when devout Catholics try to make excuses for the behaviour!
What percentage of priests can't be celibate?
If I donate to my church for whatever purpose it is money on which I have already paid taxes. So sod off!!!

Communists like Augustine and Donald H won't be happy until you give the government all your money so they can dole it out as they see fit.
This is why I tell people to be very, very wary of "non-denominational" so-called churches led by loons like this one. As we see in the epistles, denominations are great for accountability and oversight. If you attach yourself to what is basically a "lone-wolf" church, you throw yourself at the mercy of someone like this, potentially.

Be careful out there.
Better safe than sorry. Best to forget churches altogether.

They're just like insurance companies. Taking a portion of your income supposedly to fend off financial ruin then automatically denying you coverage should you dare to submit a claim.. unless you don't need it!

No school for your shitty kids! Did no one tell you that's what the public schools are for?
Halt there! No Heaven for you! .. Ah, a Rolls Royce! Right this way. ..Some cheeses Sir, while you wait for the Gate to swing fully open? Grey Poupon?
Better safe than sorry. Best to forget churches altogether.

They're just like insurance companies. Taking a portion of your income supposedly to fend off financial ruin then automatically denying you coverage should you dare to submit a claim.. unless you don't need it!

No school for your shitty kids! Did no one tell you that's what the public schools are for?
Halt there! No Heaven for you! .. Ah, a Rolls Royce! Right this way. ..Some cheeses Sir, while you wait for the Gate to swing fully open? Grey Poupon?

What on earth are you rambling on about?

This, and other similar reasons, is why Christianity in America has been suffering for decades.

Too many of these perverted deviants have been allowed to rise to prominence in their own little religious communities w/little to no pushback until the law has no choice but to get involved.

Just look at all of that hatred. Fry him. So many white men, so little time.
Better safe than sorry. Best to forget churches altogether.

They're just like insurance companies. Taking a portion of your income supposedly to fend off financial ruin then automatically denying you coverage should you dare to submit a claim.. unless you don't need it!
Equating the churches to insurance companies is a new and intuitive twist to add to the discussion! To ward off *financial ruin?

All claims must be submitted at the time of confessions and will expire in 30 days from the date of the sin. (accident)

*moral ruin.

Pastor Daniel W. Merrick, jailed on over 880 felony counts of child porn​

I'm so sorry that he was your pastor as a kid, Marc.

Too many of these perverted deviants have been allowed to rise to prominence
We are doing our very best to stamp out perverted deviancy. But it is a daunting task.


well your side IS. And your side with their perversion infiltrate INTENTIONALLY christians organizations. Satan loves getting his own into these places to smear all christians. We don't want these pervs...but the difference is...YOU want these pervs to dance naked in venues with children, You want porn in grade schools cause...freedom and you are willing to allow perv crazed doctors to maim and amputate body parts from these kids. See the difference?

i knew you couldn't.
well said.

I think the perverts know this, that churches are infiltrated by scum perverts like themselves, but since they are like themselves, they act like it doesn't happen.
You can tax the churches as long as you tax every other non profit
I don't think churches in general should have to Pay taxes. But the IR rash should audit every church in America To ensure that the church leaders are not using that money for personal interests. The vast majority of television evangelicals Use their churches for personal game. Is mansions, Private jets, etc.
This, and other similar reasons, is why Christianity in America has been suffering for decades.

Too many of these perverted deviants have been allowed to rise to prominence in their own little religious communities w/little to no pushback until the law has no choice but to get involved.

Being a priest or pastor is a very authoritarian position. Most pedophiles realize that and attempt to reap it for all it's worth. No priest, minister, rabbi, etc. should be given that authority to begin with, they're just god's servants. Treat them like anyone else and we could end this abuse of power.
I don't think churches in general should have to Pay taxes. But the IR rash should audit every church in America To ensure that the church leaders are not using that money for personal interests. The vast majority of television evangelicals Use their churches for personal game. Is mansions, Private jets, etc.
If you want to audit all the churches biden and the godless libs can happily accommodate you - as long as they dont have to do the same for the left’s own non profit organizations

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