Zone1 Pastor Daniel W. Merrick, jailed on over 880 felony counts of child porn

How is a church "rich"?
Do you not know what "rich" means?

The newest church around me cost double digit millions to build. Statues imported from Europe line the tops of all the walls. It's a truly incredible building. The priest during construction was arrested for embezzling millions of dollars from the project. Quite the drama.
The antiquated rules of the Catholic church holds that their priests have to live an unnatural life of celibacy and that is impossible for most of them.

As a result they are the occupation that are the worst offenders. And that's even with allowing them to be dealt with in private by the church.

Suffer the little children who live a life of turmoil and guilt resulting from this evil!

And then, it becomes sickening when devout Catholics try to make excuses for the behaviour!
But teachers.........they will scream.

See ^^^^^^^^
well isn't it true.

If teachers aren't actively getting into children's pants they are talking them into maiming and mutilating themselves with trans surgeries which are forever. and merely cosmetic, not functional. NOT AT ALL functional.
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Do you not know what "rich" means?

Obviously not. That's why I asked you. You made the claim but you can't seem to explain it.

The newest church around me cost double digit millions to build. Statues imported from Europe line the tops of all the walls. It's a truly incredible building. The priest during construction was arrested for embezzling millions of dollars from the project. Quite the drama.

And? Sadly there are some of all ventures that are willing to do stupid things. This means what?
well isn't it true.

If teachers aren't actively getting into children's pants they are talking them into maiming and mutilating themselves with trans surgeries which are forever. and merely cosmetic, not functional. NOT AT ALL functional.
NOT ....Fake news. All of it legitimate, validated, true,
Not my problem. If the business can't survive then it can't survive.

Lol why do you I would exempt an inner city church? It's going to be a long road but we'll get there. Religion can only thrive in an environment where they control access to information. It's why you see religious conservatives trying to censor and ban so many books and teachings of history, while teaching their flock that only conservative opinion programming is ok to consume.
LOLOL a church is NOT a business. it is the people that make up the flock. Now, your hostility towards G-d and His people is very telling.
If teachers aren't actively getting into children's pants they are talking them into maiming and mutilating themselves with trans surgeries which are forever.
Ha...... not even remotely true.
Sure some wackos, but every sector, public or private, has wackos.

But keep pretending it is otherwise.

Ask Ray From Cleveland about gay truckers.
Those truck stops are loaded with Gays, doesn't bother me, but will Ray deny the 'activity' in the truck stop parking lots, with ALL those Sleeper Units.
Do you not know what "rich" means?

The newest church around me cost double digit millions to build. Statues imported from Europe line the tops of all the walls. It's a truly incredible building. The priest during construction was arrested for embezzling millions of dollars from the project. Quite the drama.
Did you know that Hunter Biden calls his Dad "Pedo Pete" and Ashley Biden wrote about inappropriate showers with Daddy (Pedo Pete) in her diary?

Leaving behind the Diary and the Laptop were calls for help
It sometimes amazes me how Joe Biden is so protected and can get away with so many things. Of course that seems true of many high level Democrats and even some Republicans.

It does seem the D.C. Swamp is corrupt beyond belief and if so this county has peaked and is on its way down. I seriously doubt if anyone can stop the downfall.

It’s sad that our great experiment in a constitutional republic is about to fail as it had so much potential. As usual power hungry, corrupt and evil people managed to ruin everything.
This, and other similar reasons, is why Christianity in America has been suffering for decades.

Too many of these perverted deviants have been allowed to rise to prominence in their own little religious communities w/little to no pushback until the law has no choice but to get involved.

We know this cuz he was always telling his congregation he was into kiddie porn and they let him stay on as a pastor, right?

So what is your reason why you support a movement openly founded by NAMBLA members and supported by the Democratic Neither the GOP nor Christians support kiddie porn and kiddie groomers, but your Party loves them no end, and proves it every day, so your cheap lie is pathetic, like your PArty is.
This, and other similar reasons, is why Christianity in America has been suffering for decades.

Too many of these perverted deviants have been allowed to rise to prominence in their own little religious communities w/little to no pushback until the law has no choice but to get involved.

This is why I tell people to be very, very wary of "non-denominational" so-called churches led by loons like this one. As we see in the epistles, denominations are great for accountability and oversight. If you attach yourself to what is basically a "lone-wolf" church, you throw yourself at the mercy of someone like this, potentially.

Be careful out there.
Innumerable businesses across the country do the same and get along just fine paying taxes.
If I donate to my church for whatever purpose it is money on which I have already paid taxes. So sod off!!!


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