Patience, Then Vindication: Trump's Immigration Order Will Stand...

I still think a 90 day suspension is perfectly reasonable. It gives some time to review the process and implement changes if necessary. It's not a 'Muslim Ban.' The Democrats have made it about sabotaging Trump at all cost. They're choosing their Party over their Country again. It's pretty shameful.
Its not a Muslim ban, but only Muslims are banned,

How is trump going to win this in the end. You are not an attorney, nor do you understand why it came down the way it did.
Just one more indication that Trump and his administration are trying to learn on the fly
We understand perfectly what it cam down the way it did: Leftwing judges are political hacks who don't give a damn about what the law actually says.

I will answer you Brummel, although you probably won't want to hear it----------->

1. Without a cabinet, Trump is on his own, thank you Dems.

2. I think they might have screwed the pooch on the order. That doesn't mean changing the wording so it passes, changes the outcome requested.

3. The 9th court is the most, or 2nd most over turned court in the United States. Once the 9th SCJ is put in, the left will be in deep trouble. Personally, I think Trump is going to get to name one more, and I hope it is Pryor. He is a flame thrower, and if you are going to be accosted when attempting to be nice, may as well not be nice!

4. Unless we are attacked while this order was to be in place, or someone got in..................this is just frosting on the illegal immigration cake coming very soon. Through this whole administration, the left and right are going to be at each others throats, because Trump is going to turn back lefty orthodoxy, and bureaucratic bullshit! The left can NOT have this happen, which is the biggest reason they are fighting Trump's cabinet picks.

5. Will Trump and America win? I hope so, but I doubt it! (I know, now you are pissed at me) Conservatives will have a hard time staying engaged throughout the fight, lefties will not. Reason is that lefties have Republicans supporting them with their tax dollars. Conservatives are getting their asses handed to them at work for the money to support themselves, their families, and the leftist lazy's. The leftist lazy's just show up, demand more wherever needed, then go have a latte!

6. The smart thing for conservatives would be FIND DEMOCRATS! No, not far leftists, but Democrats. We have all been able to work together for the country, and Democrats are NOT represented by far leftists. Recruit DEMOCRATS like Trump did, and the far left and right are done! And honestly, if you kick those people out, don't most of us reside in the middle? Make it all about regular Americans! Do not let either party push us towards specialty groups like LGBT, or far right wing mantras. Keep it as close to the middle as possible.

Personally Brummel, I think your side is eventually going to win. Doesn't mean it is correct, or right, just that it will have the votes to win eventually, everywhere, or almost everywhere. For us to maintain status quo, or possibly gain leverage, I believe the actions needed are a bridge to far for the American electorate. It is not I agree, or want, but I am a realist. You will get your socialism! The cost will astound you when it comes due, but by that time, it will be far to late if it is not already.

I am older and enjoyed the freedom America gave me. By the time you SOCIALISTS close the deal, I will be dead, or almost there. I fear for those who come after me......including those I love. There will be no saving the United States once people who have no assets, can control assets of people who do! While it will surely fall upon deaf ears, those that think this is a wonderful idea, need to read about the Roman Empire. See any similarities there!

I implore all to think-----------> The greatest country the earth has ever seen, bar none. The most powerful country the world has ever seen also, bar none! And yet, they want to change it. And since they have tried to change it, look at the country now! Are we growing stronger, or weaker! Are the economics better, or worse!

Answer those questions, and you will flee from those who try to convince you we need to transform America societally. What we need is MORE America here, not more MEHHHHHIIIIICOOOOO, or Cuba!

Don't get too down. Virtually no one was predicting a Trump Presidency. So, don't let the daily Democrat Fake News propaganda get you down. There is a 'Silent Majority' out there who decides Elections. They're quiet but very powerful.

And i truly believe they see the Democrats choosing their Party over their Country on this one. This Order is logical and reasonable. It's a 90 day temporary pause for God's sake. Don't lose faith that Trump can win this. Because he can. And i believe he will.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats

Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it
Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.

Without a doubt. This 9th circus clown show has been overturned 80% of the time. The law is the law, and it's been the law since the 1950's.
There is nothing wrong with the way he did. The fact that douche bag snowflakes like you don't like it doesn't prove it was done wrong.
The courts told us it was wrong. Thats all we need to know
You are such a gullible servile troll.
well son, its our system. If you don't like it, move somewhere else

That's really not our system. The courts usurped this authority. Nothing in the Constitution grants it to them.
It amazing how much of a legal expert you are without spending a single day in law school. Your personal opinion is just that nothing more. Don't pretend that you have a clue

The opinions of the 9th Circus are nothing more than their opinions. You don't need a law degree to understand plain English. The law gives the President authority to bar immigrants for any reason he chooses. That fact is irrefutable.
Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.

Without a doubt. This 9th circus clown show has been overturned 80% of the time. The law is the law, and it's been the law since the 1950's.
Who is going to overturn them?????
Its not a Muslim ban, but only Muslims are banned,

We understand perfectly what it cam down the way it did: Leftwing judges are political hacks who don't give a damn about what the law actually says.

I will answer you Brummel, although you probably won't want to hear it----------->

1. Without a cabinet, Trump is on his own, thank you Dems.

2. I think they might have screwed the pooch on the order. That doesn't mean changing the wording so it passes, changes the outcome requested.

3. The 9th court is the most, or 2nd most over turned court in the United States. Once the 9th SCJ is put in, the left will be in deep trouble. Personally, I think Trump is going to get to name one more, and I hope it is Pryor. He is a flame thrower, and if you are going to be accosted when attempting to be nice, may as well not be nice!

4. Unless we are attacked while this order was to be in place, or someone got in..................this is just frosting on the illegal immigration cake coming very soon. Through this whole administration, the left and right are going to be at each others throats, because Trump is going to turn back lefty orthodoxy, and bureaucratic bullshit! The left can NOT have this happen, which is the biggest reason they are fighting Trump's cabinet picks.

5. Will Trump and America win? I hope so, but I doubt it! (I know, now you are pissed at me) Conservatives will have a hard time staying engaged throughout the fight, lefties will not. Reason is that lefties have Republicans supporting them with their tax dollars. Conservatives are getting their asses handed to them at work for the money to support themselves, their families, and the leftist lazy's. The leftist lazy's just show up, demand more wherever needed, then go have a latte!

6. The smart thing for conservatives would be FIND DEMOCRATS! No, not far leftists, but Democrats. We have all been able to work together for the country, and Democrats are NOT represented by far leftists. Recruit DEMOCRATS like Trump did, and the far left and right are done! And honestly, if you kick those people out, don't most of us reside in the middle? Make it all about regular Americans! Do not let either party push us towards specialty groups like LGBT, or far right wing mantras. Keep it as close to the middle as possible.

Personally Brummel, I think your side is eventually going to win. Doesn't mean it is correct, or right, just that it will have the votes to win eventually, everywhere, or almost everywhere. For us to maintain status quo, or possibly gain leverage, I believe the actions needed are a bridge to far for the American electorate. It is not I agree, or want, but I am a realist. You will get your socialism! The cost will astound you when it comes due, but by that time, it will be far to late if it is not already.

I am older and enjoyed the freedom America gave me. By the time you SOCIALISTS close the deal, I will be dead, or almost there. I fear for those who come after me......including those I love. There will be no saving the United States once people who have no assets, can control assets of people who do! While it will surely fall upon deaf ears, those that think this is a wonderful idea, need to read about the Roman Empire. See any similarities there!

I implore all to think-----------> The greatest country the earth has ever seen, bar none. The most powerful country the world has ever seen also, bar none! And yet, they want to change it. And since they have tried to change it, look at the country now! Are we growing stronger, or weaker! Are the economics better, or worse!

Answer those questions, and you will flee from those who try to convince you we need to transform America societally. What we need is MORE America here, not more MEHHHHHIIIIICOOOOO, or Cuba!

Don't get too down. Virtually no one was predicting a Trump Presidency. So, don't let the daily Democrat Fake News propaganda get you down. There is a 'Silent Majority' out there who decides Elections. They're quiet but very powerful.

And i truly believe they see the Democrats choosing their Party over their Country on this one. This Order is logical and reasonable. It's a 90 day temporary pause for God's sake. Don't lose faith that Trump can win this. Because he can. And i believe he will.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats

Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it

Oh it's cool, i'm gonna remember your undying loyalty to the Courts. When or if Trump wins, i'll be sure to hold you to that.
The courts told us it was wrong. Thats all we need to know
You are such a gullible servile troll.
well son, its our system. If you don't like it, move somewhere else

That's really not our system. The courts usurped this authority. Nothing in the Constitution grants it to them.
It amazing how much of a legal expert you are without spending a single day in law school. Your personal opinion is just that nothing more. Don't pretend that you have a clue

The opinions of the 9th Circus are nothing more than their opinions. You don't need a law degree to understand plain English. The law gives the President authority to bar immigrants for any reason he chooses. That fact is irrefutable.
The courts tell us that you don't know what you are talking about
I will answer you Brummel, although you probably won't want to hear it----------->

1. Without a cabinet, Trump is on his own, thank you Dems.

2. I think they might have screwed the pooch on the order. That doesn't mean changing the wording so it passes, changes the outcome requested.

3. The 9th court is the most, or 2nd most over turned court in the United States. Once the 9th SCJ is put in, the left will be in deep trouble. Personally, I think Trump is going to get to name one more, and I hope it is Pryor. He is a flame thrower, and if you are going to be accosted when attempting to be nice, may as well not be nice!

4. Unless we are attacked while this order was to be in place, or someone got in..................this is just frosting on the illegal immigration cake coming very soon. Through this whole administration, the left and right are going to be at each others throats, because Trump is going to turn back lefty orthodoxy, and bureaucratic bullshit! The left can NOT have this happen, which is the biggest reason they are fighting Trump's cabinet picks.

5. Will Trump and America win? I hope so, but I doubt it! (I know, now you are pissed at me) Conservatives will have a hard time staying engaged throughout the fight, lefties will not. Reason is that lefties have Republicans supporting them with their tax dollars. Conservatives are getting their asses handed to them at work for the money to support themselves, their families, and the leftist lazy's. The leftist lazy's just show up, demand more wherever needed, then go have a latte!

6. The smart thing for conservatives would be FIND DEMOCRATS! No, not far leftists, but Democrats. We have all been able to work together for the country, and Democrats are NOT represented by far leftists. Recruit DEMOCRATS like Trump did, and the far left and right are done! And honestly, if you kick those people out, don't most of us reside in the middle? Make it all about regular Americans! Do not let either party push us towards specialty groups like LGBT, or far right wing mantras. Keep it as close to the middle as possible.

Personally Brummel, I think your side is eventually going to win. Doesn't mean it is correct, or right, just that it will have the votes to win eventually, everywhere, or almost everywhere. For us to maintain status quo, or possibly gain leverage, I believe the actions needed are a bridge to far for the American electorate. It is not I agree, or want, but I am a realist. You will get your socialism! The cost will astound you when it comes due, but by that time, it will be far to late if it is not already.

I am older and enjoyed the freedom America gave me. By the time you SOCIALISTS close the deal, I will be dead, or almost there. I fear for those who come after me......including those I love. There will be no saving the United States once people who have no assets, can control assets of people who do! While it will surely fall upon deaf ears, those that think this is a wonderful idea, need to read about the Roman Empire. See any similarities there!

I implore all to think-----------> The greatest country the earth has ever seen, bar none. The most powerful country the world has ever seen also, bar none! And yet, they want to change it. And since they have tried to change it, look at the country now! Are we growing stronger, or weaker! Are the economics better, or worse!

Answer those questions, and you will flee from those who try to convince you we need to transform America societally. What we need is MORE America here, not more MEHHHHHIIIIICOOOOO, or Cuba!

Don't get too down. Virtually no one was predicting a Trump Presidency. So, don't let the daily Democrat Fake News propaganda get you down. There is a 'Silent Majority' out there who decides Elections. They're quiet but very powerful.

And i truly believe they see the Democrats choosing their Party over their Country on this one. This Order is logical and reasonable. It's a 90 day temporary pause for God's sake. Don't lose faith that Trump can win this. Because he can. And i believe he will.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats

Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it

Oh it's cool, i'm gonna remember your undying loyalty to the Courts. When or if Trump wins, i'll be sure to hold you to that.
If trump wins, it just means that he did something properly for a change. The man don't know what he is doing. Hows that executive experience working out
Its not a Muslim ban, but only Muslims are banned,

We understand perfectly what it cam down the way it did: Leftwing judges are political hacks who don't give a damn about what the law actually says.

I will answer you Brummel, although you probably won't want to hear it----------->

1. Without a cabinet, Trump is on his own, thank you Dems.

2. I think they might have screwed the pooch on the order. That doesn't mean changing the wording so it passes, changes the outcome requested.

3. The 9th court is the most, or 2nd most over turned court in the United States. Once the 9th SCJ is put in, the left will be in deep trouble. Personally, I think Trump is going to get to name one more, and I hope it is Pryor. He is a flame thrower, and if you are going to be accosted when attempting to be nice, may as well not be nice!

4. Unless we are attacked while this order was to be in place, or someone got in..................this is just frosting on the illegal immigration cake coming very soon. Through this whole administration, the left and right are going to be at each others throats, because Trump is going to turn back lefty orthodoxy, and bureaucratic bullshit! The left can NOT have this happen, which is the biggest reason they are fighting Trump's cabinet picks.

5. Will Trump and America win? I hope so, but I doubt it! (I know, now you are pissed at me) Conservatives will have a hard time staying engaged throughout the fight, lefties will not. Reason is that lefties have Republicans supporting them with their tax dollars. Conservatives are getting their asses handed to them at work for the money to support themselves, their families, and the leftist lazy's. The leftist lazy's just show up, demand more wherever needed, then go have a latte!

6. The smart thing for conservatives would be FIND DEMOCRATS! No, not far leftists, but Democrats. We have all been able to work together for the country, and Democrats are NOT represented by far leftists. Recruit DEMOCRATS like Trump did, and the far left and right are done! And honestly, if you kick those people out, don't most of us reside in the middle? Make it all about regular Americans! Do not let either party push us towards specialty groups like LGBT, or far right wing mantras. Keep it as close to the middle as possible.

Personally Brummel, I think your side is eventually going to win. Doesn't mean it is correct, or right, just that it will have the votes to win eventually, everywhere, or almost everywhere. For us to maintain status quo, or possibly gain leverage, I believe the actions needed are a bridge to far for the American electorate. It is not I agree, or want, but I am a realist. You will get your socialism! The cost will astound you when it comes due, but by that time, it will be far to late if it is not already.

I am older and enjoyed the freedom America gave me. By the time you SOCIALISTS close the deal, I will be dead, or almost there. I fear for those who come after me......including those I love. There will be no saving the United States once people who have no assets, can control assets of people who do! While it will surely fall upon deaf ears, those that think this is a wonderful idea, need to read about the Roman Empire. See any similarities there!

I implore all to think-----------> The greatest country the earth has ever seen, bar none. The most powerful country the world has ever seen also, bar none! And yet, they want to change it. And since they have tried to change it, look at the country now! Are we growing stronger, or weaker! Are the economics better, or worse!

Answer those questions, and you will flee from those who try to convince you we need to transform America societally. What we need is MORE America here, not more MEHHHHHIIIIICOOOOO, or Cuba!

Don't get too down. Virtually no one was predicting a Trump Presidency. So, don't let the daily Democrat Fake News propaganda get you down. There is a 'Silent Majority' out there who decides Elections. They're quiet but very powerful.

And i truly believe they see the Democrats choosing their Party over their Country on this one. This Order is logical and reasonable. It's a 90 day temporary pause for God's sake. Don't lose faith that Trump can win this. Because he can. And i believe he will.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats

Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it
wrong, clown. Their decision is merely the first shot.
I will answer you Brummel, although you probably won't want to hear it----------->

1. Without a cabinet, Trump is on his own, thank you Dems.

2. I think they might have screwed the pooch on the order. That doesn't mean changing the wording so it passes, changes the outcome requested.

3. The 9th court is the most, or 2nd most over turned court in the United States. Once the 9th SCJ is put in, the left will be in deep trouble. Personally, I think Trump is going to get to name one more, and I hope it is Pryor. He is a flame thrower, and if you are going to be accosted when attempting to be nice, may as well not be nice!

4. Unless we are attacked while this order was to be in place, or someone got in..................this is just frosting on the illegal immigration cake coming very soon. Through this whole administration, the left and right are going to be at each others throats, because Trump is going to turn back lefty orthodoxy, and bureaucratic bullshit! The left can NOT have this happen, which is the biggest reason they are fighting Trump's cabinet picks.

5. Will Trump and America win? I hope so, but I doubt it! (I know, now you are pissed at me) Conservatives will have a hard time staying engaged throughout the fight, lefties will not. Reason is that lefties have Republicans supporting them with their tax dollars. Conservatives are getting their asses handed to them at work for the money to support themselves, their families, and the leftist lazy's. The leftist lazy's just show up, demand more wherever needed, then go have a latte!

6. The smart thing for conservatives would be FIND DEMOCRATS! No, not far leftists, but Democrats. We have all been able to work together for the country, and Democrats are NOT represented by far leftists. Recruit DEMOCRATS like Trump did, and the far left and right are done! And honestly, if you kick those people out, don't most of us reside in the middle? Make it all about regular Americans! Do not let either party push us towards specialty groups like LGBT, or far right wing mantras. Keep it as close to the middle as possible.

Personally Brummel, I think your side is eventually going to win. Doesn't mean it is correct, or right, just that it will have the votes to win eventually, everywhere, or almost everywhere. For us to maintain status quo, or possibly gain leverage, I believe the actions needed are a bridge to far for the American electorate. It is not I agree, or want, but I am a realist. You will get your socialism! The cost will astound you when it comes due, but by that time, it will be far to late if it is not already.

I am older and enjoyed the freedom America gave me. By the time you SOCIALISTS close the deal, I will be dead, or almost there. I fear for those who come after me......including those I love. There will be no saving the United States once people who have no assets, can control assets of people who do! While it will surely fall upon deaf ears, those that think this is a wonderful idea, need to read about the Roman Empire. See any similarities there!

I implore all to think-----------> The greatest country the earth has ever seen, bar none. The most powerful country the world has ever seen also, bar none! And yet, they want to change it. And since they have tried to change it, look at the country now! Are we growing stronger, or weaker! Are the economics better, or worse!

Answer those questions, and you will flee from those who try to convince you we need to transform America societally. What we need is MORE America here, not more MEHHHHHIIIIICOOOOO, or Cuba!

Don't get too down. Virtually no one was predicting a Trump Presidency. So, don't let the daily Democrat Fake News propaganda get you down. There is a 'Silent Majority' out there who decides Elections. They're quiet but very powerful.

And i truly believe they see the Democrats choosing their Party over their Country on this one. This Order is logical and reasonable. It's a 90 day temporary pause for God's sake. Don't lose faith that Trump can win this. Because he can. And i believe he will.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats

Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it
wrong, clown. Their decision is merely the first shot.
what comes next, liar?
Don't get too down. Virtually no one was predicting a Trump Presidency. So, don't let the daily Democrat Fake News propaganda get you down. There is a 'Silent Majority' out there who decides Elections. They're quiet but very powerful.

And i truly believe they see the Democrats choosing their Party over their Country on this one. This Order is logical and reasonable. It's a 90 day temporary pause for God's sake. Don't lose faith that Trump can win this. Because he can. And i believe he will.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats

Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it

Oh it's cool, i'm gonna remember your undying loyalty to the Courts. When or if Trump wins, i'll be sure to hold you to that.
If trump wins, it just means that he did something properly for a change. The man don't know what he is doing. Hows that executive experience working out

Trump almost always wins. He beat Hillary, despite what every one of your fellow douche bags said.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats

Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it

Oh it's cool, i'm gonna remember your undying loyalty to the Courts. When or if Trump wins, i'll be sure to hold you to that.
If trump wins, it just means that he did something properly for a change. The man don't know what he is doing. Hows that executive experience working out

Trump almost always wins. He beat Hillary, despite what every one of your fellow douche bags said.
No he did not beat hillary, she won the election by 3 million votes- remember
You are such a gullible servile troll.
well son, its our system. If you don't like it, move somewhere else

That's really not our system. The courts usurped this authority. Nothing in the Constitution grants it to them.
It amazing how much of a legal expert you are without spending a single day in law school. Your personal opinion is just that nothing more. Don't pretend that you have a clue

The opinions of the 9th Circus are nothing more than their opinions. You don't need a law degree to understand plain English. The law gives the President authority to bar immigrants for any reason he chooses. That fact is irrefutable.
The courts tell us that you don't know what you are talking about
Only the truly servile believe whatever the court says.
Boy, you really have drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This has everything to do with Democrats. These are corrupt Democrat-dominated Courts who decided this. They chose their Party over their Country. And that's shameful. But i i believe it will be corrected. This isn't over yet.
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it

Oh it's cool, i'm gonna remember your undying loyalty to the Courts. When or if Trump wins, i'll be sure to hold you to that.
If trump wins, it just means that he did something properly for a change. The man don't know what he is doing. Hows that executive experience working out

Trump almost always wins. He beat Hillary, despite what every one of your fellow douche bags said.
No he did not beat hillary, she won the election by 3 million votes- remember

Who's sleeping in the White House, moron?
well son, its our system. If you don't like it, move somewhere else

That's really not our system. The courts usurped this authority. Nothing in the Constitution grants it to them.
It amazing how much of a legal expert you are without spending a single day in law school. Your personal opinion is just that nothing more. Don't pretend that you have a clue

The opinions of the 9th Circus are nothing more than their opinions. You don't need a law degree to understand plain English. The law gives the President authority to bar immigrants for any reason he chooses. That fact is irrefutable.
The courts tell us that you don't know what you are talking about
Only the truly servile believe whatever the court says.
You sure did when ever Obama was over ruled. Forget already? Your kind loves the courts so long as they rule your way
The courts have ruled and you lost. It won't be the last time, so deal with it

Oh it's cool, i'm gonna remember your undying loyalty to the Courts. When or if Trump wins, i'll be sure to hold you to that.
If trump wins, it just means that he did something properly for a change. The man don't know what he is doing. Hows that executive experience working out

Trump almost always wins. He beat Hillary, despite what every one of your fellow douche bags said.
No he did not beat hillary, she won the election by 3 million votes- remember

Who's sleeping in the White House, moron?
The guy who grabs womens pusseys. That didn't seem to bother your kind, but Bill Clinton was a different story
We already have extreme vetting. Ask the folks who actually do it.

I still think a 90 day suspension is perfectly reasonable. It gives some time to review the process and implement changes if necessary. It's not a 'Muslim Ban.' The Democrats have made it about sabotaging Trump at all cost. They're choosing their Party over their Country again. It's pretty shameful.
Its not a Muslim ban, but only Muslims are banned,

Be calm Trump supporters. Don't allow the Democrat gloating over this court ruling to get you down. It's a minor setback. The 9th is a notoriously far Left-leaning Court. So this ruling really shouldn't surprise anyone.

Just be patient. The fight isn't over. Trump's Order is completely reasonable and just. The Democrats once again chose their Party over their Country. And i think most Americans see that. Trump will win this in the end. He will be vindicated. Stay tuned.
How is trump going to win this in the end. You are not an attorney, nor do you understand why it came down the way it did.
Just one more indication that Trump and his administration are trying to learn on the fly
We understand perfectly what it cam down the way it did: Leftwing judges are political hacks who don't give a damn about what the law actually says.

I will answer you Brummel, although you probably won't want to hear it----------->

1. Without a cabinet, Trump is on his own, thank you Dems.

2. I think they might have screwed the pooch on the order. That doesn't mean changing the wording so it passes, changes the outcome requested.

3. The 9th court is the most, or 2nd most over turned court in the United States. Once the 9th SCJ is put in, the left will be in deep trouble. Personally, I think Trump is going to get to name one more, and I hope it is Pryor. He is a flame thrower, and if you are going to be accosted when attempting to be nice, may as well not be nice!

4. Unless we are attacked while this order was to be in place, or someone got in..................this is just frosting on the illegal immigration cake coming very soon. Through this whole administration, the left and right are going to be at each others throats, because Trump is going to turn back lefty orthodoxy, and bureaucratic bullshit! The left can NOT have this happen, which is the biggest reason they are fighting Trump's cabinet picks.

5. Will Trump and America win? I hope so, but I doubt it! (I know, now you are pissed at me) Conservatives will have a hard time staying engaged throughout the fight, lefties will not. Reason is that lefties have Republicans supporting them with their tax dollars. Conservatives are getting their asses handed to them at work for the money to support themselves, their families, and the leftist lazy's. The leftist lazy's just show up, demand more wherever needed, then go have a latte!

6. The smart thing for conservatives would be FIND DEMOCRATS! No, not far leftists, but Democrats. We have all been able to work together for the country, and Democrats are NOT represented by far leftists. Recruit DEMOCRATS like Trump did, and the far left and right are done! And honestly, if you kick those people out, don't most of us reside in the middle? Make it all about regular Americans! Do not let either party push us towards specialty groups like LGBT, or far right wing mantras. Keep it as close to the middle as possible.

Personally Brummel, I think your side is eventually going to win. Doesn't mean it is correct, or right, just that it will have the votes to win eventually, everywhere, or almost everywhere. For us to maintain status quo, or possibly gain leverage, I believe the actions needed are a bridge to far for the American electorate. It is not I agree, or want, but I am a realist. You will get your socialism! The cost will astound you when it comes due, but by that time, it will be far to late if it is not already.

I am older and enjoyed the freedom America gave me. By the time you SOCIALISTS close the deal, I will be dead, or almost there. I fear for those who come after me......including those I love. There will be no saving the United States once people who have no assets, can control assets of people who do! While it will surely fall upon deaf ears, those that think this is a wonderful idea, need to read about the Roman Empire. See any similarities there!

I implore all to think-----------> The greatest country the earth has ever seen, bar none. The most powerful country the world has ever seen also, bar none! And yet, they want to change it. And since they have tried to change it, look at the country now! Are we growing stronger, or weaker! Are the economics better, or worse!

Answer those questions, and you will flee from those who try to convince you we need to transform America societally. What we need is MORE America here, not more MEHHHHHIIIIICOOOOO, or Cuba!

Don't get too down. Virtually no one was predicting a Trump Presidency. So, don't let the daily Democrat Fake News propaganda get you down. There is a 'Silent Majority' out there who decides Elections. They're quiet but very powerful.

And i truly believe they see the Democrats choosing their Party over their Country on this one. This Order is logical and reasonable. It's a 90 day temporary pause for God's sake. Don't lose faith that Trump can win this. Because he can. And i believe he will.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats
It has everything to do with DemoRATs, moron.
Trump supporters need to be careful not to behave like Democrats. Don't throw childish temper tantrums over this. They need to be calm and patient. The fight isn't over yet.

I'm confident Trump will win in the end. His Order is logical and reasonable. So Trump supporters shouldn't freak out like Democrats do. Just chill out and prepare for another victory over the Democrats. Don't stoop to Democrat lows.
Oh it's cool, i'm gonna remember your undying loyalty to the Courts. When or if Trump wins, i'll be sure to hold you to that.
If trump wins, it just means that he did something properly for a change. The man don't know what he is doing. Hows that executive experience working out

Trump almost always wins. He beat Hillary, despite what every one of your fellow douche bags said.
No he did not beat hillary, she won the election by 3 million votes- remember

Who's sleeping in the White House, moron?
The guy who grabs womens pusseys. That didn't seem to bother your kind, but Bill Clinton was a different story
Trying to change the subject?
I still think a 90 day suspension is perfectly reasonable. It gives some time to review the process and implement changes if necessary. It's not a 'Muslim Ban.' The Democrats have made it about sabotaging Trump at all cost. They're choosing their Party over their Country again. It's pretty shameful.
Its not a Muslim ban, but only Muslims are banned,

How is trump going to win this in the end. You are not an attorney, nor do you understand why it came down the way it did.
Just one more indication that Trump and his administration are trying to learn on the fly
We understand perfectly what it cam down the way it did: Leftwing judges are political hacks who don't give a damn about what the law actually says.

I will answer you Brummel, although you probably won't want to hear it----------->

1. Without a cabinet, Trump is on his own, thank you Dems.

2. I think they might have screwed the pooch on the order. That doesn't mean changing the wording so it passes, changes the outcome requested.

3. The 9th court is the most, or 2nd most over turned court in the United States. Once the 9th SCJ is put in, the left will be in deep trouble. Personally, I think Trump is going to get to name one more, and I hope it is Pryor. He is a flame thrower, and if you are going to be accosted when attempting to be nice, may as well not be nice!

4. Unless we are attacked while this order was to be in place, or someone got in..................this is just frosting on the illegal immigration cake coming very soon. Through this whole administration, the left and right are going to be at each others throats, because Trump is going to turn back lefty orthodoxy, and bureaucratic bullshit! The left can NOT have this happen, which is the biggest reason they are fighting Trump's cabinet picks.

5. Will Trump and America win? I hope so, but I doubt it! (I know, now you are pissed at me) Conservatives will have a hard time staying engaged throughout the fight, lefties will not. Reason is that lefties have Republicans supporting them with their tax dollars. Conservatives are getting their asses handed to them at work for the money to support themselves, their families, and the leftist lazy's. The leftist lazy's just show up, demand more wherever needed, then go have a latte!

6. The smart thing for conservatives would be FIND DEMOCRATS! No, not far leftists, but Democrats. We have all been able to work together for the country, and Democrats are NOT represented by far leftists. Recruit DEMOCRATS like Trump did, and the far left and right are done! And honestly, if you kick those people out, don't most of us reside in the middle? Make it all about regular Americans! Do not let either party push us towards specialty groups like LGBT, or far right wing mantras. Keep it as close to the middle as possible.

Personally Brummel, I think your side is eventually going to win. Doesn't mean it is correct, or right, just that it will have the votes to win eventually, everywhere, or almost everywhere. For us to maintain status quo, or possibly gain leverage, I believe the actions needed are a bridge to far for the American electorate. It is not I agree, or want, but I am a realist. You will get your socialism! The cost will astound you when it comes due, but by that time, it will be far to late if it is not already.

I am older and enjoyed the freedom America gave me. By the time you SOCIALISTS close the deal, I will be dead, or almost there. I fear for those who come after me......including those I love. There will be no saving the United States once people who have no assets, can control assets of people who do! While it will surely fall upon deaf ears, those that think this is a wonderful idea, need to read about the Roman Empire. See any similarities there!

I implore all to think-----------> The greatest country the earth has ever seen, bar none. The most powerful country the world has ever seen also, bar none! And yet, they want to change it. And since they have tried to change it, look at the country now! Are we growing stronger, or weaker! Are the economics better, or worse!

Answer those questions, and you will flee from those who try to convince you we need to transform America societally. What we need is MORE America here, not more MEHHHHHIIIIICOOOOO, or Cuba!

Don't get too down. Virtually no one was predicting a Trump Presidency. So, don't let the daily Democrat Fake News propaganda get you down. There is a 'Silent Majority' out there who decides Elections. They're quiet but very powerful.

And i truly believe they see the Democrats choosing their Party over their Country on this one. This Order is logical and reasonable. It's a 90 day temporary pause for God's sake. Don't lose faith that Trump can win this. Because he can. And i believe he will.
The appellate court ruled, it has nothing to do with Democrats
It has everything to do with DemoRATs, moron.
you lost son, grow a pair
That's really not our system. The courts usurped this authority. Nothing in the Constitution grants it to them.
It amazing how much of a legal expert you are without spending a single day in law school. Your personal opinion is just that nothing more. Don't pretend that you have a clue

The opinions of the 9th Circus are nothing more than their opinions. You don't need a law degree to understand plain English. The law gives the President authority to bar immigrants for any reason he chooses. That fact is irrefutable.
The courts tell us that you don't know what you are talking about
Only the truly servile believe whatever the court says.
You sure did when ever Obama was over ruled. Forget already? Your kind loves the courts so long as they rule your way

Wrong. I have never said any ruling is correct simply because the court says so.

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