Paul Gosar is Censured

I am thinking of pretty much all our elected officials for my whole adult life, that you think it is only one side is why they are able to get live above the law
Of course, a lot of elected officials down through American history have gotten away with crimes. Do you really think someone is going to disagree with you on that?

But what has that gotten to do with the fact that Gosar should be held to account for what he did?

But, at least you do agree that Rump has gotten away with a lot of crimes and should be punished? That's a good starting point. There is hope for you, yet. :itsok:
Of course, a lot of elected officials down through American history have gotten away with crimes. Do you really think someone is going to disagree with you on that?

But what has that gotten to do with the fact that Gosar should be held to account for what he did?

But, at least you do agree that Rump has gotten away with a lot of crimes and should be punished? That's a good starting point. There is hope for you, yet. :itsok:

This is why I love the forums, in the same thread the sheep from either side will accuse me of being on the other side since I do not march in goose step with either.

If an original thought popped into your head it would die of loneliness
"AOC is a vapid and empty-skulled imbecile. ... She doesn’t speak truth."
Actually, the two times I've really paid attention to Representative Cortez she.....done good!
I admired here excoriating take-down of that Florida " I'm a father of daughters, a husband..." Representative Ted Yoho who called Cortez a "f*****g bitch" on the steps of the Capitol in front of a journalist and at least one other legislator.
AOC done good in sending a signal that misogynistic men who call women ugly names in public may have to pay a price. So good on AOC for that.

Which brings us to Gosar. Who didn't call here a "f*****g bitch" in public......but sent to millions an animated picture of him killing her. Well, like she did with Yoho, Cortez gut & skinned Gosar...with earnestness, measure, and subtlety .... on the House floor yesterday.

AOC done good in sending a signal that misogynistic men don't always get to hint at violence to women without a price to pay. So good on AOC for that.

AOC showed class and an appreciation of Congressional standards

Gosar showed his lack of class by retweeting the video as soon as the censure was issues
This is why I love the forums, in the same thread the sheep from either side will accuse me of being on the other side since I do not march in goose step with either.

If an original thought popped into your head it would die of loneliness
You didn't answer my question. One more time: But what has that gotten to do with the fact that Gosar should be held to account for what he did?

And..." you do agree that Rump has gotten away with a lot of crimes and should be punished? "
Actually, the two times I've really paid attention to Representative Cortez she.....done good!
I admired here excoriating take-down of that Florida " I'm a father of daughters, a husband..." Representative Ted Yoho who called Cortez a "f*****g bitch" on the steps of the Capitol in front of a journalist and at least one other legislator.
AOC done good in sending a signal that misogynistic men who call women ugly names in public may have to pay a price. So good on AOC for that.

Which brings us to Gosar. Who didn't call here a "f*****g bitch" in public......but sent to millions an animated picture of him killing her. Well, like she did with Yoho, Cortez gut & skinned Gosar...with earnestness, measure, and subtlety .... on the House floor yesterday.

AOC done good in sending a signal that misogynistic men don't always get to hint at violence to women without a price to pay. So good on AOC for that.



Hm. While I don’t support a Congressperson publicly referring to a woman as a “fucking bitch” (even if — in private conversations — lots of people, including liberals and female feminists, use similar language about those with whom they disagree), I am fine with your claim that she responded in a mild way. Good for her.

She is still spectacularly stupid just the same. I mean, seriously, have you ever heard her attempt to discuss substantive issues like the consequences of not having money to pay for her liberal wish list programs? Ask her “how” will the government pay for it, she says babbling nonsense like “just pay for it.”

She is pretty stupid.
AOC OWNS Paul Gosar

His obsession cost him his committee assignments
In her response, AOC did not make it about her. There was no….He said mean things about me

Instead, she made it an assault on the values of Congress and challenged her colleagues to stand up for them
GO GET 'EM GOSAR (I don't endorse his AOC video though)

What you support as leaders are a danger to others lives for a new government of tyranny that is partially here now. You are to blinded to see it as you are at the top of the totem pole now. Tyranny trickles up when the failures mount.
You support a lawless and corrupt party and in your delusion you think you're saving America when you're actually working to destroy it.
Paul Gosar has been cesured. He has been removed from his committee.

He should be removed. He could not do that on any job in the country.

View attachment 565398

For tweeting a video?

It's hard to believe you people are serious.
If Kathy Griffin should be criminally prosecuted, wouldn't that have come out when the Secret Service interviewed her (and they did)? I know they look at the likelyhood that one can carry out such a threat. What is the likelyhood that Griffin could have harmed then-President trump compared to Gosar's ability to harm AOC? What do you think that is? Huh?

Next to zero for both of them. You're trying to equivocate in order to justify your personal bias and transparent hypocrisy. All of you claiming Gosar needs to be prosecuted for retweeting a crass joke on the Internet are behaving like the Stasi. You want political persecution. The fact is had AOC or any Democrat retweeted this exact video with Trump replacing AOC you'd have had a big laugh over it and gave them a pat on the back, just like you all defended Griffin for photographing herself with a severed head of the former president.

Censuring Gosar is fine by me. Humiliate him and others for acting like a bunch of children if that's what needs to be done to bring civility back to the body. If his constituents are embarrassed by his behavior then they'll vote him out next year. That's where it should end.
So every democrat in office from 2016 to 2020 should be censured then.
No, because Hillary Clinton got the most popular votes. Had she lost by 7 million and tried pressuring states to cheat then foment an insurrectipn, any democrat supporting that should have been censured. You guys need to stop using false equivalences.
You support a lawless and corrupt party and in your delusion you think you're saving America when you're actually working to destroy it.

In other words, you two are exactly alike. Look at that. Two sides of the same coin.
Expelling him is up to the House. Stricter vote.

I simply oppose prosecuting someone for an offensive doctored cartoon clip. I don't believe any reasonable person would take that as an incitement to violence. Stupid yes. Criminal no.
But I could see a few unreasonable people on here, for example, take it as a call to violence.
Next to zero for both of them. You're trying to equivocate in order to justify your personal bias and transparent hypocrisy. All of you claiming Gosar needs to be prosecuted for retweeting a crass joke on the Internet are behaving like the Stasi. You want political persecution. The fact is had AOC or any Democrat retweeted this exact video with Trump replacing AOC you'd have had a big laugh over it and gave them a pat on the back, just like you all defended Griffin for photographing herself with a severed head of the former president.

Censuring Gosar is fine by me. Humiliate him and others for acting like a bunch of children if that's what needs to be done to bring civility back to the body. If his constituents are embarrassed by his behavior then they'll vote him out next year. That's where it should end.
No, the fact is Griffin was not an elected official Griffin has basically been blackballed because of what she did and Gosar still has a job. Lastly, trumpl was a tyrant who attacked anyone that opposed his insanity and supported the use of violence if need be. So he got back what he dished out. AOC has done noothing but epresent her district and ask for changes in the way some things are done. She has done nothing to warrant the type of hadte she gets, while trump did. Again you guys use a false equivalence in this situation and that really needs to stop.
In other words, you two are exactly alike. Look at that. Two sides of the same coin.
Wrong again. You really need to quit reading and listening to right wing propaganda.

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