Paul Gosar is Censured

Paul Gosar has been cesured. He has been removed from his committee.

He should be removed. He could not do that on any job in the country.

View attachment 565398


I wish AOC and her Gang of Four would fall off a cliff.

I'd laugh.

But a sitting member of Congress broadcasting suggestions of (lethal) violence against a fellow member of Congress is absolutely unacceptable.

To the devil with him... he got what he deserved.

And we all had a chance to see what a gutless nutless bunch the present-day GOP membership has become, in this context.
While prune face Maxine gets nothing for urging people to hassle Trumpsters.

If you fascist assholes didn't have double standards.....
Blowbert managed to make a total ass out of herself as usual today. Now she can fund raise off her stupid rant. She's a good example of what the GOP of today is. Along with McCarthy, a bunch of spineless, cowardly orange Trump asseating lackeys.

You fit right in.
You haven't provided an answer. You're just dancing around it. It's a simple yes or no question. Should Kathy Griffin be criminally prosecuted, being held to the same standard you said Gosar should be?
If Kathy Griffin should be criminally prosecuted, wouldn't that have come out when the Secret Service interviewed her (and they did)? I know they look at the likelyhood that one can carry out such a threat. What is the likelyhood that Griffin could have harmed then-President trump compared to Gosar's ability to harm AOC? What do you think that is? Huh?

I wish AOC and her Gang of Four would fall off a cliff.

I'd laugh.

But a sitting member of Congress broadcasting suggestions of (lethal) violence against a fellow member of Congress is absolutely unacceptable.

To the devil with him... he got what he deserved.

And we all had a chance to see what a gutless nutless bunch the present-day GOP membership has become, in this context.
Like a pouty little boy, he's retweeted the video again.

I wish AOC and her Gang of Four would fall off a cliff.

I'd laugh.

But a sitting member of Congress broadcasting suggestions of (lethal) violence against a fellow member of Congress is absolutely unacceptable.

To the devil with him... he got what he deserved.

And we all had a chance to see what a gutless nutless bunch the present-day GOP membership has become, in this context.
Have them all chased by Wile E Coyote, off a cliff.
Censured by the democrat majority and stripped of meaningless committee membership. Boo hoo. When are the investigators going to get around to investigating the president's money laundering scheme through his son who is selling amateur art junk for more than Picasso originals?
Censured by the democrat majority and stripped of meaningless committee membership. Boo hoo. When are the investigators going to get around to investigating the president's money laundering scheme through his son who is selling amateur art junk for more than Picasso originals?
So, Gosar gets to jerk off for the next year and a half
When are the investigators going to get around to investigating the president's money laundering scheme through his son who is selling amateur art junk for more than Picasso originals?
They've been going through Joe's tax records for the last decade. His financial statements, and so far they can't find anything past or present that would substantiate any illegal money transfers.
Paul Gosar has been cesured. He has been removed from his committee.

He should be removed. He could not do that on any job in the country.

View attachment 565398

LOL, I’m sure everyone feels safer now.

Poor snowflakes.
Paul Gosar has been cesured. He has been removed from his committee.

He should be removed. He could not do that on any job in the country.

View attachment 565398

And typical of most on the reprehensible right, Gosar attempts to ‘justify’ this advocacy of violence against women and Americans of color.
Censured by the democrat majority and stripped of meaningless committee membership. Boo hoo. When are the investigators going to get around to investigating the president's money laundering scheme through his son who is selling amateur art junk for more than Picasso originals?
He's probably happy. Now he doesn't even have to pretend to work anymore.

He can spend all his time trying to instigate insurrection
What is embarrassing is that what has become of the Republican Party

Gosar, Greene, Matz
are defended

Those who supported Infrastructure are driven from the party
And typical of most on the reprehensible right, Gosar attempts to ‘justify’ this advocacy of violence against women and Americans of color.
I was just joking and I took down the video after only TWO days
Fair enough

When Dems start joking about killing their fellow congressmen, you can censure them
We will use it for better reasons than retaliation for hurt feelings over a joke. Like stripping committees from dems fucking Chinese spies. Dems calling for anti- semitism. Dems bailing out antifa from jail, dems calling for getting in peoples faces.

real reasons.
We will use it for better reasons than retaliation for hurt feelings over a joke. Like stripping committees from dems fucking Chinese spies. Dems calling for anti- semitism. Dems bailing out antifa from jail, dems calling for getting in peoples faces.

real reasons.
I can just see it

Republicans censuring for just being Democrats
We will use it for better reasons than retaliation for hurt feelings over a joke.

Dems bailing out antifa from jail, dems calling for getting in peoples faces.

real reasons.
Firstly the "joke" is about killing another human being. And put forth by a member of the government that could easily push a constituent to take the joke seriously. We saw this with Bill O'Reilly and the death of Doctor Tiller.

Bill O'Reilly's Dangerous War Against Dr. Tiller - Rolling Stone

He repeatedly referred to him as “Tiller the Baby Killer” and hurled all sorts of other epithets in Tiller's direction

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