Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Great choice for Romney. Ryan won something like 65% of the vote last election in a blue state. Can't wait for the debates. Party at my house!
BO stinks.
Oh, Congressman Ryan is not just another pretty face: He told Obama in front of God and everybody that "Hiding spending doesn't reduce spending." :muahaha:

Neither does slashing taxes on the wealthy

We fought a bloody Revolutionary War to prevent government from stealing the people's money through high taxes.

I'll fight anyone who tries to change what my ancestors fought to bestow on their posterity, including their freedom and right to make money if they wanted to.

So, put up yer dukes.

We fought a bloody Revolutionary War to prevent the King of England from taxing us, keeping the money, and not representing us by redistributing our wealth back in the form of things that the colonies needed as a whole.

The young revolutionaries were okay with taxation, just not taxation without representation.

Fuck, I hate it when the morons come out and pretend like they know history!!!

Paul Revere.....he was ringing them bells!!!
Great choice for Romney. Ryan won something like 65% of the vote last election in a blue state. Can't wait for the debates. Party at my house!
BO stinks.

Does Paul Ryan live in a district that has an actual city in it?
Neither does slashing taxes on the wealthy

We fought a bloody Revolutionary War to prevent government from stealing the people's money through high taxes.

I'll fight anyone who tries to change what my ancestors fought to bestow on their posterity, including their freedom and right to make money if they wanted to.

So, put up yer dukes.

We fought a bloody Revolutionary War to prevent the King of England from taxing us, keeping the money, and not representing us by redistributing our wealth back in the form of things that the colonies needed as a whole.

The young revolutionaries were okay with taxation, just not taxation without representation.

Fuck, I hate it when the morons come out and pretend like they know history!!!

Paul Revere.....he was ringing them bells!!!

And you bitch about Becki's version????

Remember 2010?
We're tired of our money going where it doesn't need to be going.
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We fought a bloody Revolutionary War to prevent government from stealing the people's money through high taxes.

I'll fight anyone who tries to change what my ancestors fought to bestow on their posterity, including their freedom and right to make money if they wanted to.

So, put up yer dukes.

We fought a bloody Revolutionary War to prevent the King of England from taxing us, keeping the money, and not representing us by redistributing our wealth back in the form of things that the colonies needed as a whole.

The young revolutionaries were okay with taxation, just not taxation without representation.

Fuck, I hate it when the morons come out and pretend like they know history!!!

Paul Revere.....he was ringing them bells!!!

And you bitch about Becki's version????

Remember 2010?
We're tired of our money going where it doesn't need to be going.

Ooops.......comprehension fail. Read again.
Romney hasn't even jumped in yet, after the convention it will get VERY ugly...if Bammy stays with Bain and Taxes and Ryan pushing granny off the cliff in her wheelchair...he will get creamed.

You know what, dude, the "Romney is going to come out swinging" song has been sung since he won the primaries.

I remember how June was going to be the month he put Obama away. Walker would win the recall and SCOTUS would strike down Obamacare and Romney would roll over him.

But, um, it didn't happen that way. SCOTUS upheld Obamacare, Romney got entangled over questions about when he really left Bain and why won't you release your taxes and then completely botched his foreign trip.

And in a moment of weakness, he let himself get rolled by weasally ass Bill Kyrstol at the Weekly Standard.
^ bookmarked...

You need to read up on how well Ryan does in a heavily democratic district every time he runs....

He's liked in his home state by both sides of the isle....

You got it...

Hey have you actually supported anyone yet? Or are you still a spineless leach?
Is that the only reply you have?

I don't support the spineless leach known as 0bama...

The point is you lack the backbone to support anyone or anything. It's is easier for you to jump in, attack the views of others and run away when you never actually say who or what you support

Are you backing Romney or not? Do you support Ryans tax plan?
We fought a bloody Revolutionary War to prevent the King of England from taxing us, keeping the money, and not representing us by redistributing our wealth back in the form of things that the colonies needed as a whole.

The young revolutionaries were okay with taxation, just not taxation without representation.

Fuck, I hate it when the morons come out and pretend like they know history!!!

Paul Revere.....he was ringing them bells!!!

And you bitch about Becki's version????

Remember 2010?
We're tired of our money going where it doesn't need to be going.

Ooops.......comprehension fail. Read again.
What a dumb ass.
Romney hasn't even jumped in yet, after the convention it will get VERY ugly...if Bammy stays with Bain and Taxes and Ryan pushing granny off the cliff in her wheelchair...he will get creamed.

You know what, dude, the "Romney is going to come out swinging" song has been sung since he won the primaries.

I remember how June was going to be the month he put Obama away. Walker would win the recall and SCOTUS would strike down Obamacare and Romney would roll over him.

But, um, it didn't happen that way. SCOTUS upheld Obamacare, Romney got entangled over questions about when he really left Bain and why won't you release your taxes and then completely botched his foreign trip.

And in a moment of weakness, he let himself get rolled by weasally ass Bill Kyrstol at the Weekly Standard.

(smile) We'll see young'n.
Great choice for Romney. Ryan won something like 65% of the vote last election in a blue state. Can't wait for the debates. Party at my house!
BO stinks.

Does Paul Ryan live in a district that has an actual city in it?
His district is practically a Chicago suburb.
File:WI 1st Congressional District.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That close to the Illinois border, you ain't kidding.

(smile) We'll see young'n.

Yeah, duly noted you couldn't answer the point.

Now Romney stuck with a "Push Granny from the train" running-mate in Ryan...

He's done in Florida and Iowa, and there simply isn't a scenario where he can win without those two states.

Oh sweetie, everything you typed was declarative...not inviting any comment....if you think that you can win with the pushing granny shit go for it....

Florida 47.0 45.6 Obama +1.4

Iowa 45.3 44.3 Obama +1.0

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Take your emotions out of kid....they make you type stupid things.
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(smile) We'll see young'n.

Yeah, duly noted you couldn't answer the point.

Now Romney stuck with a "Push Granny from the train" running-mate in Ryan...

He's done in Florida and Iowa, and there simply isn't a scenario where he can win without those two states.

Oh sweetie, everything you typed was declarative...not inviting any comment....if you think that you can win with the pushing granny shit go for it....

Florida 47.0 45.6 Obama +1.4

Iowa 45.3 44.3 Obama +1.0

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Take your emotions out of kid....they make you type stupid things.

Again, these polls (which show ROmney already losign both states) were taken before Ryan was added to the ticket.

Just wait until they start showing the Oldsters the scary "Ryan wants to take away your medicare" commercials...

This is exciting news, because it will force both campaigns to talk about the future.

Paul Ryan's budget is not a theory; it's real and he proposed it, and the House passed it.

But the Paul Ryan budget will now be front and center, and if you read it and you're going to play "debate club" with a friend and you're gonna play the Democrat arguing against the Republican, the Ryan budget is like red meat.

What they passed in the House was a Tea Party wet dream:...
....And, what? got so excited you forgot to post the Ryan Plan, right?

Yeah....that's quite the sales-job you're doing! You're almost as good, at it, as Mitt Palin.​
Apparently Romney's internals are showing the same thing Reuters, CNN, and FOX news were this week: the race might be starting to slip away from him. There's no other reason for the risky "game change" approach.
I'm thinkin' Ryan was the Neocons' selection (to keep-an-eye on Romney; a la Cheney managing Bush).

[ame=]Bill Kristol says Iraq War will last 2 months - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Kristol: Bush might bomb Iran if he thinks Obama will win - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Countdown: GOPer Bill Kristol Say's Americans Don't Deserve Good Health Care 7-28-09 - YouTube[/ame]​

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