Paul Ryan Quivers as Bernie Sanders Outs Dirty Secret Behind His Poverty Propaganda

Bernie Sanders is a fucking dirty commie shitbag now playing the same class warfare game as the administration. All of his facts are wrong, half truths or distortions.
and the OP is a lying simp.
And you, loudmouth dummy windbag that your are, provide not on bit of proof for your comment. It is basically name calling pretending to be debate. And you stated I did not know how to debate! Perhaps instead of whining like the shitbag you are you could provide some proof for your asinine comments or at the very least, STFU!
Bernie Sanders is a fucking dirty commie shitbag now playing the same class warfare game as the administration. All of his facts are wrong, half truths or distortions.
and the OP is a lying simp.
And you, loudmouth dummy windbag that your are, provide not on bit of proof for your comment. It is basically name calling pretending to be debate. And you stated I did not know how to debate! Perhaps instead of whining like the shitbag you are you could provide some proof for your asinine comments or at the very least, STFU!

Ron, don't take this personally but you're not the sharpest poster on here. In fact, I'd say you're pretty much on the low end of intelligence for the liberals. And that's pretty bad.
But just for entertainment, I'll take this apart.
Let's start with the thread title. The video is Bernie being interviewed by a lying cheating faker,now exposed as an FBI informant. Paul Ryan is nowhere there. Paul Ryan probably didnt even watch the video. So Paul Ryan did not quiver as Bernie Sanders did anything. First lie.

Second, Bernie talks about how there are more people in poverty than ever before. Ihaven't fact checked it but let's say he's right. Now, who has been in power for the last 5years? Who has controlled Congress since '07? If more people are in poverty then obviously the Democrat program isn't working. Bernie needs to be slamming Obama and his fellow Democrats, not Paul Ryan. Second lie.

Third, Bernie ripped Republicans for saying the problem is children getting too much help. Please link to any Republicans saying children are getting too much help. We have way too many programs that duplicate each other and deliver lousy value for the money invested. But that is not the same thing. Third lie.

Bernie talks about cutting food stamps for families who are hungry. There is no such proposal. It is a complete lie. Poor people suffer from obesity, not hunger, in this country. If there are hungry people it is a failure of the system, not a result of any cuts. Because there haven't been any cuts. Fourth lie.

I honestly can't stand to listen to that Marxist pinko **** and his lies so I won't go through the rest of it. But you get the idea. When you can answer all the points I made, come back and we'll talk.
The only thing keeping people in poverty is the green energy scam. All energy cost increases transmit through all consumer goods costs and that keeps people poorer. All energy costs are higher because of the left's green energy scam and the stifling of domestic fossil fuel production and extraction. Period. Democrats keep people poor which is where they want them. They can then be convinced they're victims of repubs and dependent upon democrats the way this dishonest political whore Sanders is demonstrating.
If you want to get serious about keeping people in poverty consider the right's refusal to work for an increase in the minimum wage. Or better, take a moment to read the right's jobs bill. Recall, they have previously run on "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!" Oh ........... that's right ............. they have never tried to push a jobs bill through Congress. For that matter, they have never even written one. The right in Congress has wasted countless days voting to repeal ACA over, and over, and over, however. If I recall, they have voted to repeal ACA about 50 times since it passed. I am sure you are very proud of there having done virtually nothing these last five years.
The only thing keeping people in poverty is the green energy scam. All energy cost increases transmit through all consumer goods costs and that keeps people poorer. All energy costs are higher because of the left's green energy scam and the stifling of domestic fossil fuel production and extraction. Period. Democrats keep people poor which is where they want them. They can then be convinced they're victims of repubs and dependent upon democrats the way this dishonest political whore Sanders is demonstrating.
If you want to get serious about keeping people in poverty consider the right's refusal to work for an increase in the minimum wage. Or better, take a moment to read the right's jobs bill. Recall, they have previously run on "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!" Oh ........... that's right ............. they have never tried to push a jobs bill through Congress. For that matter, they have never even written one. The right in Congress has wasted countless days voting to repeal ACA over, and over, and over, however. If I recall, they have voted to repeal ACA about 50 times since it passed. I am sure you are very proud of there having done virtually nothing these last five years.

Ron, baby. I know this is tough but if you want people to get better paying jobs, they have to start somewhere and get experience and skills. If you price unskilled labor out of the market, which is what icnreasing the min wage does, then people have fewer opportunities to get those skills and experience. And they end up permanently on welfare. Or in jail. Which is what Democrats want.

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