Paul Ryan Quivers as Bernie Sanders Outs Dirty Secret Behind His Poverty Propaganda

That is an interpretation, not fact. To say that Ryan hates the poor is YOU and YOUR ilk attributing an emotion that cannot be proven. That makes anything you say a lie.

You speak as if the current programs to help the poor is the best one going. I can assure you, it is not. Reform of poor policy and law cannot happen if the bad law remains in place.

If you don't think that government programs cause dependency, then you are lying to yourself. They create the most insidious kind of dependency and work toward enslaving people to the state.

So, provide the proof that Ryan hates the poor...Provide a statement that he detests the poor and wants them to suffer. No conversation goes forward until everyone drops the lies of attributing emotion to the other side.

We ween our children off of our dependency (the same kind of dependency that government policies have for the poor) so that they can move forward in life with dignity and pride.

Prove the above.
Will you accept any proof offered?

One has only to compare addiction of drug addicts and those who receive government aid. The answers are right in front of your face, if you bother to go look for them.

Why is it that none of you lefts ever.....I MEAN EVER....advocate to help people get off of government aid and stand on their own with dignity?

So, we base policy on gut instinct now. That's rather interesting. We have this guy on video and we have his voting record. That is fact.

You know, it takes me a good hour to realize that the individual that I am interacting with is mentally ill. It doesn't take me very long to realize that an individual that I am interacting with is intellectually disabled. Then there is the location of services that would be appropriate that are actually nonexistent due to folks like you that want to see lots of people stand on their own with dignity. Doesn't matter if these folks are a danger to themselves or others. It's all about shoving it under the carpet so that you don't have to think about it.

Oh, wait...maybe you were busy demanding that places like Wal-Mart pay their employees enough so that they don't need to rely on state aid?

Or maybe you were on the front lines demanding that they drop the charade to the shortage of qualified STEM folks? Or stopping the outsourcing of American jobs? Or destroying the middle class teaching jobs or post office workers or privatizing this that and the other? No? You weren't there? Then what the hell do you know about liberals and this "advocate to help people get off of government aid and stand on their own with dignity"?

For all others, here is the Paul Ryan interview that he gave the line "Rape is just another ‘method of conception’":
Ryan on abortion exceptions: Rape is just another ?method of conception? | The Raw Story
Prove the above.
Will you accept any proof offered?

One has only to compare addiction of drug addicts and those who receive government aid. The answers are right in front of your face, if you bother to go look for them.

Why is it that none of you lefts ever.....I MEAN EVER....advocate to help people get off of government aid and stand on their own with dignity?

So, we base policy on gut instinct now. That's rather interesting. We have this guy on video and we have his voting record. That is fact.

You know, it takes me a good hour to realize that the individual that I am interacting with is mentally ill. It doesn't take me very long to realize that an individual that I am interacting with is intellectually disabled. Then there is the location of services that would be appropriate that are actually nonexistent due to folks like you that want to see lots of people stand on their own with dignity. Doesn't matter if these folks are a danger to themselves or others. It's all about shoving it under the carpet so that you don't have to think about it.

Oh, wait...maybe you were busy demanding that places like Wal-Mart pay their employees enough so that they don't need to rely on state aid?

Or maybe you were on the front lines demanding that they drop the charade to the shortage of qualified STEM folks? Or stopping the outsourcing of American jobs? Or destroying the middle class teaching jobs or post office workers or privatizing this that and the other? No? You weren't there? Then what the hell do you know about liberals and this "advocate to help people get off of government aid and stand on their own with dignity"?

For all others, here is the Paul Ryan interview that he gave the line "Rape is just another ‘method of conception’":
Ryan on abortion exceptions: Rape is just another ?method of conception? | The Raw Story

You understand Ryan did not say that, right?
Specifically where you stand when it comes to rape, and when it comes to the issue of should it be legal for a woman to be able to get an abortion if she’s raped?”

“I’m very proud of my pro-life record, and I’ve always adopted the idea that, the position that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life,”

Specifically where you stand when it comes to rape, and when it comes to the issue of should it be legal for a woman to be able to get an abortion if she’s raped?”

“I’m very proud of my pro-life record, and I’ve always adopted the idea that, the position that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life,”


You see that is different from what was alleged, right?
Even Lyin' Ryan's church called him out for having a budget that coddled the rich & punished those evil poor people.
Even Lyin' Ryan's church called him out for having a budget that coddled the rich & punished those evil poor people.

You understand that's a lie, right? Or can you even recognize the difference between truth and untruth anymore?
Specifically where you stand when it comes to rape, and when it comes to the issue of should it be legal for a woman to be able to get an abortion if she’s raped?”

“I’m very proud of my pro-life record, and I’ve always adopted the idea that, the position that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life,”

Wow what? You have to be a bonafide dingbat to think the manner of conception defines what is life and what isn't. WTF is wrong with you people?!
And they wonder why they lost ??????

"it's the media"

Some of these guys have had a complete break with reality
The man doesn't support abortion in cases of rape. Pretty simple.
The man doesn't support abortion in cases of rape. Pretty simple.

Yeah, and I'm anti-abortion myself. Because I believe that a fetus is a human being who is entitled to protection under our law. But our law also allows deadly force to protect your health. And I imagine that having to carry a baby that has been conceived by rape to term could pose a serious health concern.

I've heard the stories of women who endangered their own health to carry high risk babies and babies conceived by rape to term. They are truly inspiring women ... heroes imho.

But I have a hard time requiring that under our law.

Just MHO.
The man doesn't support abortion in cases of rape. Pretty simple.

That is correct. His position is that abortion is murder. It doesnt matter whether the abortion came after a rape or some other incident. It doesn't matter because the fetus had no hand in it. We don't excuse murder because the murdered man was unemployed or even totally handicapped.
The man doesn't support abortion in cases of rape. Pretty simple.

Yeah, and I'm anti-abortion myself. Because I believe that a fetus is a human being who is entitled to protection under our law. But our law also allows deadly force to protect your health. And I imagine that having to carry a baby that has been conceived by rape to term could pose a serious health concern.

I've heard the stories of women who endangered their own health to carry high risk babies and babies conceived by rape to term. They are truly inspiring women ... heroes imho.

But I have a hard time requiring that under our law.

Just MHO.

I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. What has been imposed legally has become a witch hunt. We can see this with the number of women that have been imprisoned for miscarriages and still births. An abortion is a private decision. It isn't going to end so safety is key. Ryan is insane.

He knows that the women that are more financially well off will leave the country and have an abortion.

I am sure that there are women that would be willing to carry high risk babies but that is a personal and private choice.
The man doesn't support abortion in cases of rape. Pretty simple.

Yeah, and I'm anti-abortion myself. Because I believe that a fetus is a human being who is entitled to protection under our law. But our law also allows deadly force to protect your health. And I imagine that having to carry a baby that has been conceived by rape to term could pose a serious health concern.

I've heard the stories of women who endangered their own health to carry high risk babies and babies conceived by rape to term. They are truly inspiring women ... heroes imho.

But I have a hard time requiring that under our law.

Just MHO.

I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. What has been imposed legally has become a witch hunt. We can see this with the number of women that have been imprisoned for miscarriages and still births. An abortion is a private decision. It isn't going to end so safety is key. Ryan is insane.

He knows that the women that are more financially well off will leave the country and have an abortion.

I am sure that there are women that would be willing to carry high risk babies but that is a personal and private choice.

If you believe - as I do - that a fetus is a human being, then abortion isn't just a private decision. Because in those deliberations, who is speaking for the child?

One of the main purposes of laws (imho) is to protect those who are not powerful enough to protect themselves. The fetus is a prime example of someone who cannot speak for himself nor defend herself. IMHO - That is a legitimate cause for legal protection. And as for safety - if you believe the fetus is a human being (as I do) then why would you worry about the safety of someone who is intent on killing that human being?

But I agree with everything else you posted.
The man doesn't support abortion in cases of rape. Pretty simple.

Yeah, and I'm anti-abortion myself. Because I believe that a fetus is a human being who is entitled to protection under our law. But our law also allows deadly force to protect your health. And I imagine that having to carry a baby that has been conceived by rape to term could pose a serious health concern.

I've heard the stories of women who endangered their own health to carry high risk babies and babies conceived by rape to term. They are truly inspiring women ... heroes imho.

But I have a hard time requiring that under our law.

Just MHO.

I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. What has been imposed legally has become a witch hunt. We can see this with the number of women that have been imprisoned for miscarriages and still births. An abortion is a private decision. It isn't going to end so safety is key. Ryan is insane.

He knows that the women that are more financially well off will leave the country and have an abortion.

I am sure that there are women that would be willing to carry high risk babies but that is a personal and private choice.
How many women have been imprisoned for having a miscarriage? That is nonsense.
The fact that something is private does not make it ipso facto legal or moral.
I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. What has been imposed legally has become a witch hunt. We can see this with the number of women that have been imprisoned for miscarriages and still births.

I was not aware of this happening - can't you point me to some more information on this?
I - obviously - don't support anything like that.
Yeah, and I'm anti-abortion myself. Because I believe that a fetus is a human being who is entitled to protection under our law. But our law also allows deadly force to protect your health. And I imagine that having to carry a baby that has been conceived by rape to term could pose a serious health concern.

I've heard the stories of women who endangered their own health to carry high risk babies and babies conceived by rape to term. They are truly inspiring women ... heroes imho.

But I have a hard time requiring that under our law.

Just MHO.

I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. What has been imposed legally has become a witch hunt. We can see this with the number of women that have been imprisoned for miscarriages and still births. An abortion is a private decision. It isn't going to end so safety is key. Ryan is insane.

He knows that the women that are more financially well off will leave the country and have an abortion.

I am sure that there are women that would be willing to carry high risk babies but that is a personal and private choice.

If you believe - as I do - that a fetus is a human being, then abortion isn't just a private decision. Because in those deliberations, who is speaking for the child?

One of the main purposes of laws (imho) is to protect those who are not powerful enough to protect themselves. The fetus is a prime example of someone who cannot speak for himself nor defend herself. IMHO - That is a legitimate cause for legal protection. And as for safety - if you believe the fetus is a human being (as I do) then why would you worry about the safety of someone who is intent on killing that human being?

But I agree with everything else you posted.

I do not believe the same. The most indisputable fact is that the woman is a live human being. A fetus is not.

These are indisputable facts:
Women's Interest in Adopting Increased by 38 Percent between 1995 and 2002
Based on estimates from the National Survey of Family Growth, 18 million women reported being interested in adopting in 2002. This represents a 38 percent increase since 1995 when 13 million women reported interest. The 18 million women interested in 2002 represents a third (33 percent) of the population of women ages 18 to 44, up from about a quarter (24 percent) of women (13 million) in 1995.

Women Interested In Adoption Were Less Likely to Take Steps to Adopt in 2002 than in 1995
In 2002, 10 percent (1.9 million) of the women who reported an interest in adopting took steps toward this end. This portion represents a decline since 1995, when 16 percent (2.1 million) of the women who reported interest took steps. Declines in the portion of interested women taking steps occurred for many demographic groups. For some groups of interested women, the percentage that took steps remained fairly steady: 30- to 34-yearolds, black women, Hispanic women, unmarried women, and lower-income women.

Year Published: 2011 - 6 pages
Most Americans favor adoption, and many have at some point considered adoption. However, relatively few have taken concrete steps toward adopting a child, and fewer still have actually adopted a child. This factsheet examines some of the more recent statistics and trends regarding American adults who seek to adopt an infant or child.
All of that is located in the link with other links.
Foster Care Adoption in the United States: An Analysis of Interest in Adoption and a Review of State Recruitment Strategies

^^^ need a voice to do more than speak for them. They need action.

Thus, the only qualified individual to have a voice in an abortion is the pregnant woman and is the only legitimate cause for protection legally.

I still think your pretty cool but I ........vehemently disagree.

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