Paul Ryan Quivers as Bernie Sanders Outs Dirty Secret Behind His Poverty Propaganda

The cons on this thread, only confirm Bernie's revealing of the cons heartless desire to take food from children, and throw millions of people out in the street. These cons do more for Bernie's cause than Ryan's.
This is like the cons trying to convince others that the Iraq war was a good idea. It's like the cons trying to tell us that destroying Social Security and Medicare, and throwing old people out in the street is a good idea too.
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.
Find someone who will provide an honest telling of the Ryan position. The OP posted a Senator who has an agenda and is willing to lie about another person to further that agenda.

So, you post (Without the "Ryan hates children and small dogs" bullshit) positions of Ryan and someone may take the time to give a reasoned response.

Right now, to try and answer the haters is like trying to explain why you never beat your wife when asked when did you stop.....

No debate can happen in a list of lies, and the OP has done nothing but.

What lies?

Ryan has been actively legislating to cut funding for services to the poor.

That's public record.

And he comes up with the absurd notion that it creates "dependency".

But he doesn't seem to think all the tax cuts, breaks, subsidies, grants and government contracts create dependency for the wealthy.

Now why is that?
Bernie "Class Warfare" Sanders, too Moderate to be a serious Candidate for Democrat Presidential Nomination
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.
Find someone who will provide an honest telling of the Ryan position. The OP posted a Senator who has an agenda and is willing to lie about another person to further that agenda.

So, you post (Without the "Ryan hates children and small dogs" bullshit) positions of Ryan and someone may take the time to give a reasoned response.

Right now, to try and answer the haters is like trying to explain why you never beat your wife when asked when did you stop.....

No debate can happen in a list of lies, and the OP has done nothing but.

What lies?

Ryan has been actively legislating to cut funding for services to the poor.

That's public record.

And he comes up with the absurd notion that it creates "dependency".

But he doesn't seem to think all the tax cuts, breaks, subsidies, grants and government contracts create dependency for the wealthy.

Now why is that?

omg, the poor the poor the poor the poor
none of you care about "THE POOR" the same as you don't "black people"
except to USE THEM for your class warfare
you and the people you support (like Sanders) are shameless in dividing us as a country ALL FOR POLITICS
it's sick and you all make me sick
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we are in deep trouble in this country when the people fall for this kind of hate propaganda being put out by a party...

wake up folks

they don't run on idea, they run on, smears, dirt, and slander

It's all they've got. The Left is unable to govern. spoke the purveyors of more smears, dirt and slander than almost anyone else on this thread... Rabbi and Steph...Please attend to the logs in ur own eyes before picking on the speck in ur neighbors' eyes...miles away.

Sent from my iPhone using
Bernie Sanders is a fucking dirty commie shitbag now playing the same class warfare game as the administration. All of his facts are wrong, half truths or distortions.
and the OP is a lying simp.

Except neither Saunders or the OP are lying.

The Koch Brothers have a net worth of over 40 billion dollars.

That's really insane.

How much is George Soros worth? The real lie is of course, that the Koch Brothers are republicans. They aren't and never have been. They are pro gay, pro choice, pro legalization of marijuana, libertarians and have always been libertarians. David Koch ran for vice president as a libertarian in 1980 on the Ed Clark ticket. If they donate to republican causes, it's because democrats are flirting with tyranny.

The Billionaire Koch Brothers’ War Against Obama : The New Yorker
David H. Koch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.
Find someone who will provide an honest telling of the Ryan position. The OP posted a Senator who has an agenda and is willing to lie about another person to further that agenda.

So, you post (Without the "Ryan hates children and small dogs" bullshit) positions of Ryan and someone may take the time to give a reasoned response.

Right now, to try and answer the haters is like trying to explain why you never beat your wife when asked when did you stop.....

No debate can happen in a list of lies, and the OP has done nothing but.

What lies?

Ryan has been actively legislating to cut funding for services to the poor.

That's public record.

And he comes up with the absurd notion that it creates "dependency".

But he doesn't seem to think all the tax cuts, breaks, subsidies, grants and government contracts create dependency for the wealthy.

Now why is that?
That is an interpretation, not fact. To say that Ryan hates the poor is YOU and YOUR ilk attributing an emotion that cannot be proven. That makes anything you say a lie.

You speak as if the current programs to help the poor is the best one going. I can assure you, it is not. Reform of poor policy and law cannot happen if the bad law remains in place.

If you don't think that government programs cause dependency, then you are lying to yourself. They create the most insidious kind of dependency and work toward enslaving people to the state.

So, provide the proof that Ryan hates the poor...Provide a statement that he detests the poor and wants them to suffer. No conversation goes forward until everyone drops the lies of attributing emotion to the other side.

We ween our children off of our dependency (the same kind of dependency that government policies have for the poor) so that they can move forward in life with dignity and pride.
Find someone who will provide an honest telling of the Ryan position. The OP posted a Senator who has an agenda and is willing to lie about another person to further that agenda.

So, you post (Without the "Ryan hates children and small dogs" bullshit) positions of Ryan and someone may take the time to give a reasoned response.

Right now, to try and answer the haters is like trying to explain why you never beat your wife when asked when did you stop.....

No debate can happen in a list of lies, and the OP has done nothing but.

What lies?

Ryan has been actively legislating to cut funding for services to the poor.

That's public record.

And he comes up with the absurd notion that it creates "dependency".

But he doesn't seem to think all the tax cuts, breaks, subsidies, grants and government contracts create dependency for the wealthy.

Now why is that?
That is an interpretation, not fact. To say that Ryan hates the poor is YOU and YOUR ilk attributing an emotion that cannot be proven. That makes anything you say a lie.

You speak as if the current programs to help the poor is the best one going. I can assure you, it is not. Reform of poor policy and law cannot happen if the bad law remains in place.

If you don't think that government programs cause dependency, then you are lying to yourself. They create the most insidious kind of dependency and work toward enslaving people to the state.

So, provide the proof that Ryan hates the poor...Provide a statement that he detests the poor and wants them to suffer. No conversation goes forward until everyone drops the lies of attributing emotion to the other side.

We ween our children off of our dependency (the same kind of dependency that government policies have for the poor) so that they can move forward in life with dignity and pride.

Prove the above.
Sanders is a registered socialist. Maybe he has changed to independent but he is still a socialist. Nowhere in his diatribe is the suggestion that people might be better off with low energy prices and freaking jobs. The democrat party seems to be entirely focused on the redistribution of wealth since Obama's domestic agenda has failed.
Sanders is a registered socialist. Maybe he has changed to independent but he is still a socialist. Nowhere in his diatribe is the suggestion that people might be better off with low energy prices and freaking jobs. The democrat party seems to be entirely focused on the redistribution of wealth since Obama's domestic agenda has failed.

Sanders is Independent. He has always been all over the jobs.
Ending poverty in America?

Stop sending billions of dollars to other countries. You have that bitch Nuland now over in Moldavia giving them more cash because of the bullshit "Ukraine crisis".

Disclaimer: bi partisan rant. I'm flipping out over a lousy 200 million dollars to the illegal government in Kiev. I'm sick of supporting the rest of the world.
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And who in hell wrote that stupid headline Paul Ryan quivers.?

That's like a line out of a stupid romance novel. This is what we mistake for journalism these days?

wow - we've got some real informed apologists here

LOL! When you give the every chance to present their side you find out...they dont have a position. They are only against whatever anyone says thats not republican.

They dont even know why. Steph and Katz just windmill their way through a fight
The cons on this thread, only confirm Bernie's revealing of the cons heartless desire to take food from children, and throw millions of people out in the street. These cons do more for Bernie's cause than Ryan's.
This is like the cons trying to convince others that the Iraq war was a good idea. It's like the cons trying to tell us that destroying Social Security and Medicare, and throwing old people out in the street is a good idea too.

Its like pushing the idea that poor children should work as janitors is a good idea.

Its like telling women that their bodies reject rape sperm so theres no need for abortion

add on
wow - we've got some real informed apologists here

LOL! When you give the every chance to present their side you find out...they dont have a position. They are only against whatever anyone says thats not republican.

They dont even know why. Steph and Katz just windmill their way through a fight

Notice there are never threads about What Repubs do?

Its because they don't actually DO anything - except lie about Obama.
The cons on this thread, only confirm Bernie's revealing of the cons heartless desire to take food from children, and throw millions of people out in the street. These cons do more for Bernie's cause than Ryan's.
This is like the cons trying to convince others that the Iraq war was a good idea. It's like the cons trying to tell us that destroying Social Security and Medicare, and throwing old people out in the street is a good idea too.

Its like pushing the idea that poor children should work as janitors is a good idea.

Its like telling women that their bodies reject rape sperm so theres no need for abortion

add on

They call that their Big Tent.

And, their efforts to stop being the Party of Stupid.

No wonder they're gerryingmandering and stealing votes. Its their last best hope. That, and crazy ole Adelson buying votes.

But none of that worked for the last general election.
Sen. Sanders said, “You have folks out there now who have virtually no income coming in. They have families. They have kids. How are they going to eat? We have veterans out there trying to get into the food stamp program. To me, what you’re looking at is an ugly kind of class warfare where the people on top want more and more and more, and they’re pushing down in an incredibly terrible way the most vulnerable people in our country.”

Later Sen. Sanders ripped Republicans for claiming that the problem is that children get too much help from the federal government, “These are the same people who want to eliminate the estate tax, which applies to only the top three tenths of one percent of all Americans, which is the richest of the rich, then they are going after kids. The politics of this, Al, is what they are trying to do is deflect attention away from income and wealth inequality. Attention away from the fact that the rich are doing extraordinarily well, and tell their supporters that the real problem in America is that children are getting too much help from the federal government, and that’s the kind of mentality that we have got to fight back against.”

Sen. Sanders nailed it. This is a classic case of Republicans trying to blame the victims of their policies. Republicans crashed the economy, threw millions out of work, then blamed the unemployed, and their children for needing assistance. While the GOP tries to take the food out of the mouths of those who are struggling, the rich continue to get richer.

The Koch brothers won’t have less money if children continue to get free school lunches. The issue is that the people at the very top continue to see their wealth grow while nearly everyone else is struggling to survive.

That’s the dirty little secret that Bernie Sanders exposed.

Republicans refuse to limit themselves to encouraging the wealthy. They are on a mission to take everything away from everyone else, and give it to the rich. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has been leading this new smokescreen with a war against the poor that has been disguised as budget cuts and poverty studies.

Ryan and his millionaire Republican brothers are running a shell game. They are trying to convince the American people that the income inequality that is obvious to everyone isn’t a problem. Instead, they want the country to focus on the fact that poor people need to eat.

Video is in link
Paul Ryan Quivers as Bernie Sanders Outs the Dirty Secret Behind His Poverty Propaganda

“Poverty is an anomaly to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell.” –Walter BagehotEnglish economist (1826-1877) - See more at: Inequality Quotes |
What lies?

Ryan has been actively legislating to cut funding for services to the poor.

That's public record.

And he comes up with the absurd notion that it creates "dependency".

But he doesn't seem to think all the tax cuts, breaks, subsidies, grants and government contracts create dependency for the wealthy.

Now why is that?
That is an interpretation, not fact. To say that Ryan hates the poor is YOU and YOUR ilk attributing an emotion that cannot be proven. That makes anything you say a lie.

You speak as if the current programs to help the poor is the best one going. I can assure you, it is not. Reform of poor policy and law cannot happen if the bad law remains in place.

If you don't think that government programs cause dependency, then you are lying to yourself. They create the most insidious kind of dependency and work toward enslaving people to the state.

So, provide the proof that Ryan hates the poor...Provide a statement that he detests the poor and wants them to suffer. No conversation goes forward until everyone drops the lies of attributing emotion to the other side.

We ween our children off of our dependency (the same kind of dependency that government policies have for the poor) so that they can move forward in life with dignity and pride.

Prove the above.

Predicted response: Homina homina homina
Find someone who will provide an honest telling of the Ryan position. The OP posted a Senator who has an agenda and is willing to lie about another person to further that agenda.

So, you post (Without the "Ryan hates children and small dogs" bullshit) positions of Ryan and someone may take the time to give a reasoned response.

Right now, to try and answer the haters is like trying to explain why you never beat your wife when asked when did you stop.....

No debate can happen in a list of lies, and the OP has done nothing but.

What lies?

Ryan has been actively legislating to cut funding for services to the poor.

That's public record.

And he comes up with the absurd notion that it creates "dependency".

But he doesn't seem to think all the tax cuts, breaks, subsidies, grants and government contracts create dependency for the wealthy.

Now why is that?
That is an interpretation, not fact. To say that Ryan hates the poor is YOU and YOUR ilk attributing an emotion that cannot be proven. That makes anything you say a lie.

You speak as if the current programs to help the poor is the best one going. I can assure you, it is not. Reform of poor policy and law cannot happen if the bad law remains in place.

If you don't think that government programs cause dependency, then you are lying to yourself. They create the most insidious kind of dependency and work toward enslaving people to the state.

So, provide the proof that Ryan hates the poor...Provide a statement that he detests the poor and wants them to suffer. No conversation goes forward until everyone drops the lies of attributing emotion to the other side.

We ween our children off of our dependency (the same kind of dependency that government policies have for the poor) so that they can move forward in life with dignity and pride.

Wait what?

It's not an "interpretation", its a fact.

These weasel words you guys use aren't going to change that.

Ryan goes after programs, like Food stamps, that are geared to help the poor.

There's no "interpreting" what that will do.

If poor people get less food stamps, then they eat less or buy more junk food type items.

You can "assure" me all you want. When I was a kid and after my father died at the age of 36, my mother was left with no income and basically in poverty. We had to go on those programs for a couple of years.

Now? The taxes collected from me in 3 months paid for all the time we were receiving the pittance we got from the government in aid. I've been working in the financial industry for close to 16 years.

I am sure you can see how that "government dependency" paid off..for the government.

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