Paul Ryan Quivers as Bernie Sanders Outs Dirty Secret Behind His Poverty Propaganda

Have some sympathy for the right wing apologists.

They have to convince people who are growing poorer while they see a very small group growing stupidly wealthy, that somehow that is good for this nation.

And its even worse than that, really.

The more the MASTERS control the government and get richer, the harder it becomes to convince the little people who are slowly going down that everything is okay.

That's the problem. They are running out of people to lie to.

your problem is you are nothing more but a parrot and sheep for a party
and you see no shame in it...damn sad
Taking food outta the mouths of children who would starve otherwise?

How did that turn out for the wealthy French aristocracy in the 1790's?

The über wealthy right wing is playing a very dangerous game.

Let them continue on amassing a stupid amount of wealth at the expense of the 99% and heads will roll.

Regards from Rosie

I don't think so.

There's nothing new about great power being in the hands of a very few who rule the rest of us with iron fists. LyinRyan and most other Rs are in office because of gerrymandering and vote theft and that's not going to change any time soon.

As long as there are ignorant anti-Americans who will vote against their own best self-interests, the 1-2% will stay in power and children will be hungry - just as they want.

Funny though that Ryan benefited from the very program he wants to take from others.

Remind me who controls the political power in this country right now?
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.

go research it...none of us here are his useful tool
and stop fibbing about thinking of voting for him..If you don't KNOW his positions by NOW you aren't serious anyway
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I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.

What is the Ryan position?
Taking food outta the mouths of children who would starve otherwise?

How did that turn out for the wealthy French aristocracy in the 1790's?

The über wealthy right wing is playing a very dangerous game.

Let them continue on amassing a stupid amount of wealth at the expense of the 99% and heads will roll.

Regards from Rosie

It didn't work out so well for the French peasants either. Nor did it work out well for the Jacobins.
Taking food outta the mouths of children who would starve otherwise?

How did that turn out for the wealthy French aristocracy in the 1790's?

The über wealthy right wing is playing a very dangerous game.

Let them continue on amassing a stupid amount of wealth at the expense of the 99% and heads will roll.

Regards from Rosie

I don't think so.

There's nothing new about great power being in the hands of a very few who rule the rest of us with iron fists. LyinRyan and most other Rs are in office because of gerrymandering and vote theft and that's not going to change any time soon.

As long as there are ignorant anti-Americans who will vote against their own best self-interests, the 1-2% will stay in power and children will be hungry - just as they want.

Funny though that Ryan benefited from the very program he wants to take from others.

There is a fair amount of truth in that message. I don't think that it will be in the flavor of organization that we are accustomed to seeing. I don't think that it will impact those at the top because they hide behind gates. It will be uncontrollable. For example, bread riots.
Paul Ryan supports illegal aliens coming to this country. I don't agree with him. We have enough criminals of our own.
LOL, liberals are always the voice of DOOM AND GLOOM if we don't bow to their genius agendas
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.

For what office? You're in Georgia, he's in Wisconsin.

If you want to know about him, check out his lies he got caught in during his laughable run for veep.
Ole Bernier can play them like a fiddle

He's got them all worked into a lather foaming at the mouth how we will now see riots, looting and burning of rich people's homes...

I GUESS that's why Democrats live in gated
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.
Find someone who will provide an honest telling of the Ryan position. The OP posted a Senator who has an agenda and is willing to lie about another person to further that agenda.

So, you post (Without the "Ryan hates children and small dogs" bullshit) positions of Ryan and someone may take the time to give a reasoned response.

Right now, to try and answer the haters is like trying to explain why you never beat your wife when asked when did you stop.....

No debate can happen in a list of lies, and the OP has done nothing but.
Taking food outta the mouths of children who would starve otherwise?

How did that turn out for the wealthy French aristocracy in the 1790's?

The über wealthy right wing is playing a very dangerous game.

Let them continue on amassing a stupid amount of wealth at the expense of the 99% and heads will roll.

Regards from Rosie
The uber left is playing a stupid game. They lie repeatedly and state that the wealthy are all Republicans. Most people know it's a lie and their credibility suffers. Which pleases me, btw.
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.
Find someone who will provide an honest telling of the Ryan position. The OP posted a Senator who has an agenda and is willing to lie about another person to further that agenda.

So, you post (Without the "Ryan hates children and small dogs" bullshit) positions of Ryan and someone may take the time to give a reasoned response.

Right now, to try and answer the haters is like trying to explain why you never beat your wife when asked when did you stop.....

No debate can happen in a list of lies, and the OP has done nothing but.

Which lies were those again?
I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.
Find someone who will provide an honest telling of the Ryan position. The OP posted a Senator who has an agenda and is willing to lie about another person to further that agenda.

So, you post (Without the "Ryan hates children and small dogs" bullshit) positions of Ryan and someone may take the time to give a reasoned response.

Right now, to try and answer the haters is like trying to explain why you never beat your wife when asked when did you stop.....

No debate can happen in a list of lies, and the OP has done nothing but.

Children, blacks, women, gays, Hispanics and now, DOGS too???

I would like to hear some intelligent defense of the Ryan position - rather than just hysterical name calling.
I am considering him very seriously ... but if there is no intellectual foundation for his positions, it's going to be difficult for me to cast a vote for him.

For what office? You're in Georgia, he's in Wisconsin.

If you want to know about him, check out his lies he got caught in during his laughable run for veep.

For president
Bernie Sanders is a fucking dirty commie shitbag now playing the same class warfare game as the administration. All of his facts are wrong, half truths or distortions.
and the OP is a lying simp.

Except neither Saunders or the OP are lying.

The Koch Brothers have a net worth of over 40 billion dollars.

That's really insane.
Bernie Sanders is a fucking dirty commie shitbag now playing the same class warfare game as the administration. All of his facts are wrong, half truths or distortions.
and the OP is a lying simp.

Except neither Saunders or the OP are lying.

The Koch Brothers have a net worth of over 40 billion dollars.

That's really insane.

I don't begrudge the wealthy getting insanely rich. That's the American Dream.

Just don't try to tell me they are over-taxed.

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